Wednesday, December 30, 2009
中庸 我殆已
這是中庸第一章. 我對一般的解釋都不很滿意. 胡思亂想之下, 竟然也有一些想法. 不過孔子說的, 思而不學則殆. 我想想, 現在寫下來, 如果將來有機會, 自己或有長進. 那時再回來看看自己這時的思想, 也頗有意思.
天命之謂性, 率性之謂道, 修道之謂教. 我覺得, 這三句話先把三個字, 性, 道, 教, 他們之間的關係和定義講明了. 在這裡, 所謂性, 即是天命. 道, 就是率性. 教, 就是修道. 如果像數學公式, 我就可以把他寫成, 天命之謂性, 率天命(性)之謂道, 修率天命(道)之為教. 這樣看起來, 念起來都好奇怪. 我稍微解釋一下我的想法.
天命, 就是天賦予人的一切東西. 這東西就是你所有的一切, 包括可見到的或不可見到的; 可見到的是你的身體髮膚, 甚至可以說你的器官; 不能見到的包括你的基因, 你的個性.
率性之謂道. 率性在我看就是人用上天賦予他的身體和個性做事. 這個率字就是用, 或領導, 甚至可以是遵循的意思. 所以在這裡, 道沒啥高深的解釋. 道在這裡就是說, 人用他的稟賦做事. 作啥事? 這不是這裡的討論. 這純粹只是個定義. 文章一開始就決定, 道在這裡的意思就是人用他的稟賦做事. 人用他的稟賦做事就是道.
修道之謂教. 教在我看來只有一個意思, 他可以是改變人用他自己稟賦做事的任何原因. 這個原因可以是母親的棍子, 父親嚴厲的眼神, 鄰居高壯男孩的拳頭, 或者是飢寒富貴. 因為這些東西都可能改變人的行為. 教, 當然或許更可以是一種信仰, 或者是宗教, 或者是一種學術. 只要是對人的行為有所影響的都可以謂之教. 因為他改變了人的行為, 意即修道(人用他的稟賦做事就是道), 這就是我對這一句話的解釋.
如果上我三句話一起解釋, 我說:
上天賦與人的一切秉性叫做性, 人順著自己的個性, 想法, 身體的強弱等等而行動就叫做道, 最後, 我們把對我們的意識行動有所影響的事情, 譬如學術, 信仰, 宗教, 都定義為教.
這就是我對這三句話的解釋. 再來, 我試著用沿著上面的想法來解釋下面幾句.
這個道, 是否還是指人依秉性行動呢? 我認為是的. 所以整句話的意思就是說, 人必然得依著上天所賦予的本性, 包括思想, 個性, 身體的強弱來做事. 沒有一個人可以例外. 如果說, 某些行動是可以只有嘴巴上講講, 但是卻做不到, 甚至是做到了卻有害於自身, 那麼那個道就不是我們所定義的道.
以上是想了很久很久才想到的. 甚至可以說是今天, 12/30/2009, 才想到的! 長久以來, 我始終都不了解為啥這文章裡只講道, 而不談教. 因為似乎, 儒教應該要談教. 而不是道. 但是今天如果說, 教是任何可以改變行為的因素, 那麼這文章裡的確是不需要談到教. 但是更困難的地方是後面的:
是故君子戒慎乎其所不睹,恐懼乎其所不聞。莫見乎隱,莫顯乎微。故君子慎其獨 也。
我不了解說, 這文章是如何突然從定義性道教後, 轉到說君子都是戒慎恐懼, 要小心他自己獨處的時候... 但是, 他並不是在定義性道教後真的突然轉到戒慎恐懼的. 他是再一次強調行為的定義之後才提到慎獨. 在我看, 文章裡對教是很小心對待的. 不是所要的教都好. 意思是, 不是所有修道的教都是可行的, 我感覺這裡更可以衍生出並不是同一個教對每一個人都適合的意思. 所以我目前對於戒慎恐懼的幾句話解釋為:
因此, 君子對於教, 我在想就是各種, 想法, 信仰, 甚至宗教, 學術都要小心謹慎的對待之. 這些都會對人的行為有所影響, 而這些影響又是如此不容易為人所察覺. 因此一個君子要很真心的面對他自己才是.
再深一曾講, 對於體察自己的行為和心理是需要一番功夫的. 這就是莫見乎隱, 莫顯乎微. 自己內心的感覺, 往往在最微小的行為中顯現. 自己對自己的觀察是得要真心, 也就是慎.
這裡我還沒想到哩... 哈哈. 如果要我現在說, 那我就會說, 這一段, 還是先定義了中和. 沒有喜怒哀樂謂之中; 喜怒哀樂發出來和外界的情況沒有相差太遠, 就叫做和. 中也就是沒有喜努哀樂的狀態是自然的本來面貌; 和呢, 就是所有生物個體的表現. 達致中和的狀態, 就好像天地一樣的恆久不變, 但是卻又如萬物孕育其中而生生不息.
現在, 我把所有的解釋放在一起看看會如何:
上天賦與人的一切東西叫做性, 人順著這個上天所賦予的稟賦, 包括自己的個性, 想法, 身體的強弱等等而行動就叫做道, 最後, 我們把對我們的意識行動有所影響的事情, 譬如學術, 信仰, 宗教等等, 都定義為教.
人必然得依著上天所賦予的本性, 包括思想, 個性, 身體的強弱來做事. 沒有一個人可以例外. 如果說, 某些靠著教的行動, 根本做不到, (甚至是做到了卻有害於自身,) 那麼那個道就不是我們所定義的道.
因此, 君子對於教, 也就是各種, 想法, 信仰, 甚至宗教, 學術都要小心謹慎的對待之. 這些都是會對人的行為有所影響, 而這些影響又是如此不易為人所察覺. 所以一個君子要很真心的面對他自己才是.
再深一層講, 對於體察自己的行為和心理是需要一番功夫的. 這就是莫見乎隱, 莫顯乎微. 自己內心的感覺, 往往在最微小的行為中顯現. 自己對自己的觀察是得要真心, 也就是慎.
沒有喜怒哀樂的狀態謂之中; 喜怒哀樂發出來和外界的情況沒有相差太遠, 就叫做和. 中也就是沒有喜努哀樂的狀態是自然的本來面貌; 和呢, 就是所有生物個體的表現. 達致中和的狀態, 就好像天地一樣的恆久不變, 但是卻又如萬物孕育其中而生生不息.
我覺得其他段都勉強可以, 但是最後一段和倒數第二段卻很有些距離. 似乎本來是在說教的影響, 但是在末段突然轉到喜怒哀樂去. 怪怪的. 我或許可以自圓其說: 因為末二段最後在說要真心體察自己, 所以末段講的喜怒哀樂也就是仔細的體察自己的本性. 但是終究有不通處. 實際上, 我覺得末段是和首段相呼應. 中和性呼應, 和與道呼應. 這應該是不可疑的. 但是末二段和末段的連接處實在得要再用力思考或應證...
Sunday, December 27, 2009
乳母費 氏,先祖母蔡太孺人之侍婢也。燮四歲喪母,育於費氏。時值歲饑,費自食於外,服勞於內。每晨起,負燮入市中,以一錢市一餅置燮手,然後治他事。間有魚飧瓜 果,必先食燮,然後夫妻子母可得食也。數年,費益不支,其夫謀去,乳母不敢言,然長帶淚痕。日取太孺人舊衣濺洗補綴,汲水盈缸滿甕;又買薪數十束積灶下, 不數日竟去矣!燮晨入其室,空空然,見破床敗几縱橫;視其灶猶溫,有飯一盞,菜一盅,藏釜內,即常所飼燮者也。燮痛哭,竟亦不能食矣!後三年,來歸侍太孺 人,撫育倍摯。又三十四年而卒,壽七十有六。方來歸之明年,其子俊得操江提塘官,屢迎養之,卒不去,以太孺人及燮故。燮成進士,乃喜曰:「吾撫幼主成名, 兒子得八品官,復何恨!」遂以無疾終。
Saturday, December 26, 2009
english chinese translation of SPICE...
cumin: 孜然.
fennel: 小茴香.
star anise: 八角(北方稱大茴, 或大料; 南方稱八角 {李梅仙先生說的}, 似乎也有人稱茴香).
bay leave: 月桂葉.
i hope this time, they are all correct terms....
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
memorable moments playing video games
2. i love total war series. i like history. i think it's natural for those history lovers feeling overwhelmed when they found a game, where players could control army against another army on the battlefield. there are so many precious moments i spent in total war series. one of the most memorable was when i was doing Shogun total war warlord edition's tutorial. the voice directed me in the tutorial was a very good! he gave me a feeling of japanese speaking english. when i followed his direction. he praised me. but the first time i wasn't doing his bidding, he immediately lashed out! and suddenly, it felt like i was really in a training session in japan at that period of time! it was both hilarious and memorable!
3. one of the memorable moment in playing video game was when i was playing MDK. i think it was a very early level in the game. i was blocked by a huge wall. there's no way to go forward. i used my sniper scope to observe what should i do. then i saw it... i was almost laughing on the ground! the enemies was mooning me in a tower behind the wall! they were up there doing all the crazy gestures, laughing at me!
4. there's another very memorable moment in MDK. i think it's either right in the middle of the game, or right pass the mid point of the game. i felt through a shaft, or a hole. then i was trapped! i could not go forward much and neither were the other 3 directions feasible. the place looked great! with green pature and blue sky all around and above me. but i just could not go anywhere! i was so mad! i forgot now how did i come to the solution of that puzzle now. but it doesn't matter. because the solution was so outrageously funny! i just need to shoot! then, all the pastures around me was just pieces of cardboard, which enemies put there to confuse me!! that's the most funniest moment in games i've ever experienced!!
5. king's quest mask of eternity was a very memorable game to me! because it's the first game i've ever bought for PC, one of those decisions made solely by myself without regret! in terms of gameplay mechanic, it's a bit clunky. but there were few things i wish it could make to the other games, ie., the freedom of camera control. one the most memorable video game memories was from that game as well! it's a swamp level. i love the music in there. the music really made the atmosphere in the game! and somehow, the creatures in there were fun to hunt as well! the whole affair felt really like a swamp hunting to me! with a background music that was beautiful!
6. prince of persia sands of time was a very special game! when i first played it, i liked it. but the combat was kind hard to figure it out with mouse and keyboard. there's an important moment in the that suddenly put this game on my favorite list! the moment was in the sultan's bird cage. that where prince first conversed to himself about the feeling towards the princess! immediately, a light dawned on me! and i was thinking...i know...the princess was really something, wasn't she!!! that's almost felt like the first time i saw girls that i treasured in my memories of them!
7. tenchu 1. the moment was in the tutorial. the game's music was very very good. but the memory was when i first used stealth kills. before the first stealthy kills, i had to fight face to face with a few samurais. and those were horrible moments. so i tried to sneak without being noticed. after i got used to the control. i stuck to a wall around a corner. a guard came up without noticing me. i have no idea what should i do next. then, i pressed a button... the rest was history, oh, wait, the guard was history! the awesome animation and pixel blood was just fantastic.... the stealth kill animation of both ninja and guard really gave a tremendous satisfaction!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
some people
Henry Morgenthau, Jr. US Secretary of the Treasury during FDR (Morgenthau Diaries)
lauchlin currie,
harry dexter white,
w. langhorn bond, head of china national aviation corp
dr. harry baker, former head of the us red cross in china
W. Averell Harriman, US ambassador for Russia from 1943 to 1946
John Birch (missionary), US intelligent officer
Michael Lindsay
Herbert O. Yardley
Bodo von Stein & Erich Stoelzner German military adviser in china
Cordell Hull, US secretary of state under Roosevelt for 11 years from 1933 to 1944
William Henry Donald, an australian news correspondent.
蕭信如(勃) 中美合作所
arthur N. young (books: China and the Helping Hand, China's Nation-Building Effort 1927-1937,China's
Wartime Finance and Inflation 1937-1945)
John Leighton Stuart(司徒雷登)
Donald Nelson China War Production Board Eddie [Edwin A., Jr.] Locke
Bretton Woods system(monetary system, something aout foreign exchange rate)
William Slim, 1st Viscount Slim (first burma campaign english army)
Harold Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis(first burma campaign, english army)
cyril roger (抗戰中幫中國搞金融的英國人
Clarence E. Gauss: USA diplomat
Nelson T. Johnson: USA diplomat
archibald clark kerr, 1st baron inverchapel
Sir Hughe Montgomery Knatchbull-Hugessen
horace james seymour
patrick J. hurley
joseph stilwell
claire chennault
Alexander Ernst Alfred Hermann von Falkenhausen german military adviser
Thursday, December 17, 2009
其實, 這一道湯在整個東歐中歐都很盛行. 各個叫法, 拼法也有不同: Czech: boršč, Estonian: borš, Lithuanian: barščiai, Polish: barszcz, Romanian: borș, Russian: борщ, borshch, Ukrainian: борщ, borshch, Yiddish: בארשט, borscht. 各地方的做法也有出入. 例如, 雖說大部分的羅宋湯都用甜菜, 但是好像波蘭的就不用. 可能各人的湯底或許也有所不同, 但似乎從中也可以找到一些規律. 譬如說我在 youtube 上面看到幾個影片, 雞豬牛都可以作湯底. 但是他們都用一個剝了皮的整個洋蔥, 兩片月桂葉, 和一些胡椒來熬那些肉.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
對於華人來說, 其實學習中文最好的方法還是背書. 無論是死背, 編成歌謠, 至少要可以念的滾瓜爛熟. 這樣會加深對這個語言的認識! 背書的人不見得是可以說出這樣做的好處在哪兒, 但是我現在突然感覺一定會有巨大的好處!!
我以短淺的認知猜中文對於腦袋有很大的好處. 但是因為太著重在視覺的效果, 對於語音的敏感度有時候會降低. 所以古人對於朗讀非常重視. 因為這又助於聽覺上的接收. 背書的效果是把間接的視覺效果轉而變成比較直接的聽覺. 這樣對於語言和文字的融合有很大的助力!
對於中文而言, 現在的標點符號的改進和推廣是一個巨大的進步! 恐怕遠比白話文的推廣還重要!
Saturday, December 05, 2009
random thoughts
first: design a basic PC fighting game. it's game with two fighters on a single flat platform. the gameplay is purely fighting game. but with camera behind character's back. online is essential.
second: design a PC fighting game. it still has two fighters on a single flat platform. but now, players could choose to go hand to hand, cold weapon to cold weapon, or hand to cold weapon combat. camera still stuck behind character's back. online is essential.
third: design a PC fighting game. it's time to give players different play options. the difficulty could be scaled, between total arcade like experience, something similar to the soul calibur, or more towards the realistic gameplay, similar to bushido blade, weapon or hand. it's also time to introduce basic platforming into the fighting game. it means two characters fighting on a single flat platforms no more. hard lock on and soft lock on system should be introduced with basic playforming. camera still stuck behind character's back. online is essential.
fourth: design a PC fighting game. it's time to make fighting mechanics recognize different heights. designers should start to integrate fighting mechanics with platforming gameplay. camera still stuck behind character's back. online is essential.
fifth: design a PC fighting game. if it's popular enough, i'll assume there're modders out there modding the games. either they are tweaking the fighting mechanic, or designing new stages. it's time to refine fighting and platforming gameplay into a much higher level. by which i meant that player's option to adjust games towards more arcadish or realistic. realistic, means that players might have more controls, the fight will be more brutal, like one slash kill. arcadish means, that players have more options for mistakes. the control will be more relaxed. finally, introduce different modes of gameplay involving both fighting mechanics and platforming mechanics.
sixth: design a PC fighting/action/adventure game. the game should be story driven, so designers could facilitate what gameplay or level designs they want their players to experience. make free level design kit to everyone who bought the game. game character fight with hard lock on, soft lock on. he could also enter a state of mind where game characters could not fight but could have a cursor outside of their body to point at other details, something like Sacrifice.
seventh: design a PC fighting/action/adventure/strategy game/RPG game. most importantly, i want designers to add features to the sixth games. the game became a platforms for modders, non modders. it could also be a add on, in which designers hope to accommodate community with ability to use the same engine, fighting mechanics, platformers, to create a game they want to create. designers should think of a way to integrate the already existed with new gameplay mechanics. for example, the players could use the level design kit to design fantasy game. but the original game may not include fireball in it's free level design kit, it's time to add on.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
old man
wearily looked into boss' eyes, old man came up with a light chuckle. tell me, what's the hot potato? then we can talk.
boss' face seemed relieved somewhat. ah, it's a new agent. this girl just got into FBI about half year. i tried to partnered her another experienced field agents. but it seemed to me nobody could really put rules in her head! boss was almost angry. the face was red. the bold head seemed to be shinier. he stood up and started to walk about. i need somebody who could lead her into field without causing mayhem. somebody who had the experience, the temperament, and the wisdom. ha, and nobody but you fit that description better! boss turned towards the old man, seemed happy again.
he was still the same, old man thought. smile came up a bit. why don't you just fire her then? what's so special about her?
well, the boss sighed a bit, she's senator billman' in law's daughter. old man let a smirk signed on his face. look, i know what you are thinking. but she's very competent. she wast the best sharpshooter in the marine. and even though she broke so many rules in the field during this half year, the cases she involved were all solved. boss exclaimed, red color seemed returned. boss strode back to the leather chair and slumped in there. both the agents i assigned to mentor her said she's very competent. however, besides the disregarding of the rules, she is also overly competitive! it seemed that she has to be on top of everything and everyone. it's okay for her to be that way when she's out there alone sharpshooting in the war. but it's not okay here! that's why i need somebody who's a living legend in the bureau, and that's you. smiled boss looked at the old man.
the old man said, no, jake, this is not my problem. you could just fire her. plus i think i will only slow her down. it's you who pulled me from the field to sit at the table. that certainly made me realize how old i must have been...
boss looked at the old man with a sad look. com' on, john. it's bureau's policy that anyone who's over 65 should be pulled from the field work. and you know we need people with most experience to sit at the meetings! anyway, if you don't like to sit at the table, now it's your chance!
can i go over her files? old man sighed.
yes, of course. boss raided the file on his table. here, take a look at it. you'll know she's competent though needed guidance. this will be easy for you.
looking through her file, old man did not show any signs. the boss sat there with elbows on the table and mouth in the hands. wow, she's very beautiful... old man murmured. he was smiling bigger and bigger while reading the two ex-mentors' report on her. it's comical...
1 year. old man raised his head from the file.
1 year what? john?
i will be her mentor for one year in the field, then you have to let me go. no matter if i banged the rules in her head or not!
ah! great! john, i will definitely hold my end of bargain! you have no idea what much weight you saved me from!
weight? the old man looked at him.
i was too happy, don't mind me! boss laughed out loud.
中國版的 the river of no return.
作詞: 司徒明
作曲: Lionel Newman / Ken Darby
看流水悠悠 看那大江一去不回頭
有時浪濤濤 她有時靜悄悄
愛情像流水 像那大江東去不回頭
永遠向東流 流到蒼海不停留
為了你 我為大江在呼喚
為了你 我為愛情在呼號 在呼號
走遍那海角和天涯 意中人兒何處尋找
看流水悠悠 看那大江東去不回頭
(為了你 我為大江在呼喚)
(為了你 我為愛情在呼號 在呼號)
走遍那海角和天涯 意中人兒何處尋找
看流水悠悠 看那大江東去不回頭
看流水悠悠 看那大江東去不回頭
為了你 為了你 那大江東去不回頭
The River of No Return
Marilyn Monroe
There is a river called THE RIVER OF NO RETURN
Sometimes it's peaceful and sometimes wild and free!
Love is a trav'ler on THE RIVER OF NO RETURN
Swept on for ever to be lost in the stormy sea
Wail-a-ree I can hear the river call [ no return, no return ]
Where the roarin' waters fall wail-a-ree
I can hear my lover call come to me [ no return, no return ]
I lost my love on the river and for ever my heart will yearn
Gone gone for ever down THE RIVER OF NO RETURN
Wail-a-ree wail-a-re-e-ee
She'll/He'll never return to me! [ no return, no return, no return]
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
life is brief
i loved the movie.
the protagonist was fantastic. one of staggering moment in the movie for me was when the protagonist asking the young lady how was she looked so alive, stayed energetic.
he's asking the question for me...
i like soundtracks in movies sing by the actual actors. the voice doesn't need to be professional, but with good emotional vibe is more important than skills. this goes with a lot of disney's soundtracks.
here it is the song, life is brief. it was sung by the protagonist, i just love it!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
generation kill (殺戮世代)
在講述進入伊拉克的先頭部隊裡面的一組 marines 的故事. 故事經過是伊拉克戰爭的最前面的四十天.
美國軍部有鑒於越戰, 伊拉克戰爭的時候特別為了討好媒體, 美軍會同意甚至邀請記者和部隊一起進出. 這個影集就是根據一個和進攻伊拉克先鋒隊一起進出四十天的記者所寫的書來拍的. 影集的製作小組還特別邀請那一組 marines 裡的兩人來當指導.
影集為了求真, 髒話滿天飛, 無辜的伊拉克人民到處死, 所有戰爭的醜惡全部出現. 一些軍官的無能, 前線士兵的無奈, 伊拉克人民的心聲也通通可以看的到. 一個戰爭片, 最重要的是心理表現, 而不是視覺特效. 這是最佳範例.
經過戰爭的人, 對人生會有更深層的感觸. 這對於沒有接觸過戰爭的人們很不容易瞭解. 某個領導日本在日俄戰爭勝利的將軍在死前說: "喜歡戰爭的人都是沒有經過戰爭的人, 真正經歷過戰爭的, 沒有人會真的喜歡戰爭." 對於大多數沒有經過戰爭的人, 看看這一類的影片/影集, 或許會幫助我們瞭解真相, 而努力朝著更聰明的方向前進.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
上個星期六晚上, 他竟然又坐在 youtube 前面, 而且一坐就坐到他上樓睡覺. 這一次是因為我本來借了一個很老的中國電影, 叫做小城之春. 一部 1948 年的片子. 但是光碟盒子上卻寫的是夜半歌聲. 媽媽那時看到了很興奮! 說, 那不就是在大陸的時候, 外婆和大姨常常看了回來說好棒的片子嗎? 結果根本不是他說的... 因為電影實際上是小城之春. 他看了大感失望. 小城之春又很慢很軟, 不是他喜歡的那一種故事. 他喜歡的是主題明顯, 人物正派的那種. 小城之春剛好是又曖昧, 又隱誨.
既然他提到夜半歌聲, 我就上網查了一查. 我只知道張國榮的夜半歌聲, 原來, 1937 年中國就有一個夜半歌聲! 剛好星期六晚上我查的時候, 他也很有興趣看一看. 雖說 1937 年的夜半歌聲 在 youtube 上後來沒看成. 但是我還是給他聽了一聽張國榮的夜半歌聲電影原聲. 他滿喜歡的. 之後他看到我 favorite 名單上有一個葛蘭的歌, 他一聽就勾起很多回憶. 所以, 我就在 youtube 上找了很多葛蘭的短片. 又從那兒找到了很多他喜歡的明星, 像是尤敏, 林黛. 一邊看, 就一邊說, 小時後, 他們剛到臺灣, 外公就常常帶外婆, 媽媽, 佩蘭阿姨 還有老舅去台北西門町看電影. 那是民國四十九年前後, 所以那時的電影他記得不少. 他還說, 那時的電影多從香港來. 他那時候覺得香港真好, 拍了那麼多好電影! 他說葛蘭活潑大方, 尤敏是他見過最漂亮的女星之一, 林黛也漂亮只可惜早死. 他一邊看, 還一邊指著一些旁邊的配角, 說他們的名字!! 這真是令我大吃一驚! 我們看的一些電影片段, 像是藍與黑, 星星月亮太陽等等. 說一句實在話, 我也覺得好棒! 有人講解這些電影, 真是一種享受!
這真是一個難得的時光! 難得媽媽有閑情可以坐下來觀賞電影片段. 難得 youtube 有這些老片. 難得我也可以享受老電影的風采! 就算以後沒有這樣的機會, 那個星期六晚上的回憶也足以令人高興了!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
a star is born
比一比, 我感覺我在很多方面更喜歡 1937 年的片子. 54 年的這一部有 Judy Garland 又唱又跳, 堪稱唱作俱佳! 但是故事和原本的那一部幾乎是一模一樣. 有時候 1954 年的這一部因為加上了唱歌和跳舞反而變的不那麼乾淨俐落. 這和我看過第一部片子可能也有很大的關係就是了. 其實還有另外一個很大的原因, 我覺得 1937 年的那一女主角更讓我同情. 我在想這應該不是 judy garland 的演技問題. 而是長相問題... 1937 年的那個女主角在我看來個性上比較不那麼剛強, 但是 judy garland 常常讓我感覺到一股堅強的氣質. 另外, 在劇本上某些地方可以讓我感覺到時代的不同. 1937 年的原版, 在對話上比 1954 年的含蓄. 同樣的, 雖說 1954 年版在對話上有一點太白了, 但也因此可以讓觀眾看到人物內心上更細膩的描述. 不過, 我覺得 1937 的劇本裡, 人物之間的安排比較細密.
這是一部歌舞片. 但是這部影片裡的音樂卻沒有給我很強的回響. 不像 sound of music, 或者是Dancing in the rain, lion king 等等. 雖說 judy garland 實在很能唱, 也滿會舞的. 說不定我下一次聽到的時候會有不同的感受. 這種事常常發生, 有時候是因為聽熟了, 有時候是因為有新的體悟.
這也是一部愛情悲劇. 我通常會比較喜歡愛情悲劇. 不過這種偏好在我感覺有點像是成人版的迪士尼結局. 所不同的是迪士尼的結局通常是 happily ever after, 愛情悲劇則是 Dead ever after... 我很重視電影的結尾. 這一部電影, 就像 1937 年的那一部一樣, 很棒.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
forum again?
what i do almost every night is going through certain forums again and again. i am looking for some topics that i could participate in. something i could get into. it almost feel like a conversation. i go to 4 or 5 forums around and around. i am disappointed almost every night. i am so tired. but i could not get myself out of this circle. it seemed that i wish to have conversations. it seemed that i wish to have somebody to talk to. but of course, i should be defeated by trying to go around forums every night. it's not the right way to go. i don't have much to share. i might think i know something. but i don't.
however, even after realizing this, i still wish for a meaningful communication. i need one desperately. it feel like a thunder in my lungs, or a crock pot rumbling with steam. this is a dead end. and i've banging my head on the wall for such a long time. i can't bear with it. i can't bear it.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, October 04, 2009
my sister visited tonight
we saw her pictures taken from their honeymoon trip to Greece.
the pictures were so nice, it's like you could randomly take a picture, and it would be like from a postcard!
my sister and her husband seemed working smoothly.
it's nice.
we did not prepare dinner well though. mom seemed to be a bit down about it.
because i was a bit lazy... :p
ah, well, maybe next time.
movies viewed recently.
i just watched two movies today. one was "The Visitors", the other one was "a clockwork orange". both were ok to watch. clockwork orange was a quite interesting. the visitors was a bit moody. none of them gave me an interesting enough incentive to really dig deep about the story.
wish i could find a movie to watch that's interesting enough to engage to it...
Thursday, October 01, 2009
葛蘭 人生何處不相逢
很耐聽的一首歌. 看看這些老東西, 我感覺很可惜. 對於老電影, 舊音樂, 我都非常不熟悉.
這一個現象, 我覺得很值得研究! 當 imdb 網站上排前五十部最好的動作片時, 1938 年的 The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) ( 都還可以上榜. 這當然是需要研究的課題!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
action movie stars, why so many failed?
jason statham was another one. i watched him in transporter 1 and 2, cellular, war. he too has great unique voice and apparently very able to perform martial art action. the best of all the movie mentioned above was cellular. however, cellular was not an action movie. it was a thriller. i watched transporter 1 and 2, i thought i was poor. both story and choreographer.
Mark Wahlberg was an actor appeared in few action movies i thought could be awesome. but many of them fell flat.
tony jaa, a thailand actor. he has real martial art skill, his movements are incredible to look at, and he has a unique look. all of these should guarantee his movies as legendary, right? No! i am sorry to say, his choreography in the movies were great to look at, but the movies fell short. they are good but not classic.
so why do they fail? it is not because the explosive not big enough. if it was solely relied on the huge explosion, then any USA actors could be super action stars. it's not because actors could kick so fast or punch so powerful. if it's so, then so many martial artists could be making so many classic action movies. it's not because of the unique voice or strong physique either. so what is it then? what are we, as audience looking for in an action movie?
looking at the recent action movie i loved the most, taken. i realized that there're two kinds of actors. the first kind was a very skilled actors, who can actually perform on stage. the second kind of actors are the ones that will need to find a great character for themselves. I think Jet Li is one of them as well. liam neeson was a great actor. so even if the scrip was sub par, he could still perform well. if the director was pretty good, then Taken appeared. vin diesel, as i heard came from the 'hood. i guess tha's why he could excel in the fast and furious. what i really want to say is that liam neeson is very skilled actor. his art in the movie business was solely on acting. but the other guy i mentioned above, in cluding jet li, was not the kind of actor liam neeson is. they are specialist actors. it's not to say that they can't act. what i am saying here is that they have to know their limit so either they could be choosing their own scripts wisely, or they should work very hard. and other producers and directors need to be very smart at casting them in movies that suits them.
to me personally, one the best acts jet li ever performed was in lethal weapon 4, as a bad guy. and this goes the same for jason statham in cellular. to me personally, putting these actors according to their acting skills is more important than putting them in a movie just because they could kick high, or elbow fast. this includes finding good script writers to write a good role that suits the actor.
Monday, September 28, 2009
struggle for a feeling of existence
i don't talk much of the day. i have a lot of inner conversation. the only one i talked to was myself. i can go anywhere i wanted to. i can do whatever i wanted to. i can eat whatever i wanted to. but i felt so confined. i don't seemed to be able to take initiative talking to people. but when people engaged me voluntarily, i sometimes could not stop, or have a feeling of poured out a river.
i now questioned my own existence. it is true. i can hear, i can see, i can smell, and i can feel physically. but something is amiss. something huge. a huge hole maybe. some say friends are windows. maybe i need to get some. but no, i don't want to. i hope this hole i am talking about is not created by the lack of outside contact, but rather paychecks. generally speaking, just financial security. once i worked, i might be able to fill that hole.
this talk about filling the hole with work and paycheck makes me sick. so sick, that i am in rage. i don't want to have friends, because i don't feel like i could hold my own against them. but they are not enemies! no, they are not. but we compete, compare, and contrast each other, don't we? how can i stand toe to toe, shoulder to shoulder to them? no matter what, i need to have paycheck! now! that hole might not be filled entirely with paycheck, it might still cover some portions. talking about it makes me hot! boiling!
i am always in rage, frustration, timidity, disappointment, and numb. i read and read. i watched and watched. i think and think. something is stopping me to take actions. the only one that could do that to me is myself. i see everybody fakes. i see myself fakes. i need to find a way to sustain myself. not just by money, but by something else! i need to exist. i am existing right now. i don't understand why i even questioned that?! i talked to myself, shouldn't that be enough sign to show that i exist?!
really? why then do you crumble before everyone? maybe i really should buy a tofu and bang my head on that till i die...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
action games: fighting adventure
1. first kind of actions are performed by specified key or combination of keys. and it is one command, one action. this is the most basic design. from the beginning of video games, when the first few pixels jumped over a pit made of a few pixels, like in Pitfall. that jump command is a simple forward and jump combination. player has total control of when will that action happen. the command won't change with different situation. if the command was to ask a left punch animation to show up, the left punch animation will show up. it won't change to right punch. the height and timing won't change. the actions would also be the movements of mouse, like in mount and blade.
2. second kind of actions is more like a contextual action. it will react differently as situation changes. this kind of actions usually uses very limited key combinations. the good example is street fighter's throw. forward + punch could be just punch, or it could be a throw. what players have to judge was the distance. if the distance was too close, you can't decide if you want to punch or not. the decision is made by the program, to throw. however, the commands are still predictable. usually, the criteria of different contexts are understood easily. players could actually have the control over the situation to trigger the desired alternative commands with the same key or key combination. in the assassin's creed, the criteria of alternative commands seemed to be timing, sometimes with distance as well, i guess.
3. third kind of actions are reactions. this usually requires minimal button. and ironically, there's not much actions people could par take. what people could do was to wait for game characters or online human opponents to act, then players pressed the reaction button in timely manner. it could simply, and most likely be a key, or in some cases a combination of keys. good example of multi-buttons reaction is the deflect actions in soul calibur series. this is a reaction, however, the participation on the players' part was so great. i will have to include this here!
4. fourth kind of actions are called quicktime events. the prime example is God of War. this kind of action is totally contextual. the original command of keys are usually meaningless in the face of special events. players watched carefully the "new" commands on the screen, or monitor, trying to time every button right. if the players timed it correctly, the whole new set of "actions" sprung up. it is usually one "new" command followed with one "new" epic animation. the whole event will need to perform a sequence of commands, which means if one chain was missed, the grand finale won't show. designers have a total freedom in adding whatever they want. players usually have eye candies and awesome painful screaming as rewards.
these are the 4 basic kinds of actions. when the video games keep evolving, game designers wanted to put more actions in it. however, the more stuff they wished to put in, the complicated control inhibited this wish, or even they could not find enough input to accommodate their ambitions. so contextual input appeared, then quicktime event was born as well. with reaction button born during the whole messy thing.
i love direct control, the first kind of actions. it actually put you in touch with the actions. contextual actions and reaction, the second and third type of actions if implemented correctly, would be awesome as well. i, personally hated quicktime event. because it put me out of actions. the new animations was grand, but i did not feel like i am performing them. however, i believe if it's designed correctly, it could give some satisfactions out of it. the only thing that came even close to satisfaction was from Prince of Persia Warrior within. there were huge giant gorillas you need to fight. when you beat him in certain degree, he'd kneel down. that's the queue for you to climb him to his head. this may qualify as a contextual action, however, it's not a situation player could constantly create. it's more like when Krato beating hydra to certain degree, then he started his quicktime event. cataloging it is just a personal feeling...
when i looked at assassin's creed, i could see contextual and reaction actions everywhere. the direct action was kept at minimal. and you could see it from its fighting mechanics. there's not much you could do to attack, however, you beat most of the enemies with reactions. the team that made contextual action in terms of platforming so grand in prince of persia sands of time, proved themselves with assassin's creed again with contextual fighting and reactions. it goes the same with Batman Asylum.
i could see during the future that we will lose most of direct actions in Third Person Action games. instead, people favored eye candies, which is not just measured by pixels now, but also by animations. the main reason behind this trend is because complicated control is not preferred. it's sad, considering shooting games both in FPS and TPS are actually direct actions...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
為啥我要先把他的經歷寫下來呢? 因為這可以看出他在全面抗戰的八年裡佔了啥角色. 如果拿我現在對抗佔極為有限的認識來看, 這一本書算是一本滿實在的書. 他毫不保留的描述當時的情況. 無論是國軍好與壞, 國府的敵後作戰, 當時中美人民的互相看法, 都非常值得一看!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Monday, September 07, 2009
之後我和媽媽又到舅媽家吃晚飯, 他說有紅燒肉. 我是不會錯過紅燒肉的. 就在吃飯的時候, 我問了一個問題. 我前幾天在車上聽到舅媽說他老爸, 蕭公公, 說理東西就是要理到晚上摸黑都可以知道每一個東西在哪兒. 今天我又問一次. 於是, 舅媽就打開話匣子, 好像潘朵拉的盒子. 東西是一件又一件的出來. 非常精采. 記一點下來, 以資記憶.
1, 我媽媽聽到蕭公公說理東西的事就猜他是當過兵的, 但是沒想到他才當過十個月的受訓兵. 蕭公公一生最驕傲的事之一就是應了十萬青年十萬軍的號招而去從軍. 訓練了十個月抗戰就勝利了. 雖然沒打到仗, 但這還是這一輩子值得驕傲的事.
2. 蕭公公的爸爸兄弟三人, 都是留日的. 回來後到當地開學校. 在當地和日本人也處的很好. 蕭公公的爸爸是老大在蕭公公還年輕的時候就先過世了. 在抗戰開始的時候, 他們家鄉的人因為他們在戰前和日本人處的很好, 認為他們是漢奸. 有一批人竟然燒了蕭公公三叔的家還把三叔給殺了. 蕭公公的大哥一氣之下, 離家投黃浦去了. 八年抗日完又投入剿共. 結果在延安附近失去聯絡. 從此音訊皆無.
3. 舅媽的姨媽, 也就是蕭婆婆的堂姐, 在武漢和姨夫結婚後逃難到台灣. 姨媽姨夫和他們的大學教授還有師母一起從武漢逃離共產黨的魔抓. 他們經過一個浮橋的時候, 姨媽的人力車一過, 浮橋就斷了. 姨夫在後面結果兩人就此分散了. 儘管姨媽和老師還有師母一路上每個鎮上都些著大字希冀可以因此聯絡上. 但是姨媽到台灣的時候還是沒有遇上姨夫. 而姨夫呢, 共產黨就在屁股後追著, 竟然也給他一路摸到香港的難民區. 他在香港的難民區好幾年, 竟然在那邊養起了雞. 但是運氣好給他碰上一個人. 這個人也是說來話長. 姨夫他家雖然有錢. 但是他聽信一個叔叔說的一句話, 技多不壓身. 於是他學會了打算盤. 在他學校畢業後, 他去一家銀行找事, 他所有的學歷派不上用場. 但是當那個面試他的人一看他的算盤打的滴答響, 馬上錄取. 抗戰時, 也是這面試的人給他幾個銀元到後方去的. 話說回來, 姨夫在香江難民區碰到的那一個人正是此人! 那人一見到姨夫問, 你怎麼在這裡? 你在這裡作啥? 姨夫說了說近況, 最後想必也提到他想去台灣的事. 那個人竟然提供船票把他送到台灣去了. 我媽媽說這生命中的貴人實在難得, 舅媽也同意. 又加上一句, 姨夫也很會做人. 姨夫到了台灣去上了台灣大學, 也就宿於附近. 有一天, 他突然在路上看到一個面熟的人坐在人力車上! 他大喊的追過去, 人力車夫看到有人追過來還出了一身冷汗. 原來, 車上的人是姨媽的某個親戚. 在問清了姨媽和師母一家的住所後, 姨夫和姨媽竟然又重圓了!
4, 舅媽提到他從台灣來美求學的時候, 坐最便宜的飛機, 結果晚上半夜從芝加哥坐飛機到他大學所在的鎮上. 舅媽提著兩個大箱子, 輪子雞呱雞呱的一路響, 在半夜用破破的英文到處問, 然後又照著那些九成聽不懂的英文指示找到公車站. 坐公車到了大學, 又在黑暗中摸了 international student center 的號碼出來打電話. 總算來了一個人把他帶到宿舍裡. 他到的那一天是星期五. 但是學校的飯堂子要到星期一才開. 他站在販賣機前面左看右看, 不知道要如何買東西吃, 又怕錢進去了啥都吃不到. 那鎮上大概也是鳥不拉屎狗不生蛋的地方, 我在猜又遇上 labor day, 他竟然從星期五餓到了星期一. 到了星期一的時候, 舅媽已經不需要眼睛了, 他的鼻子就拖著他身子往食堂走了...
5, 舅媽第一個學期有一堂課被當了... 舅媽大吃一驚! 更吃驚的是被當的理由! 他的老師宣稱他除了第一堂課外, 根本沒來上過課! 舅媽說, 這怎麼可能?! 我每一堂課必到, 甚至該考的該做的報告功課都做啦! 這是怎麼一回事?! 搞了好半天, 才發現, 第一堂課的時候, 老師宣布要到另外一間教室去上課. 舅媽大概是根本沒聽懂, 他就老去第一堂課去的教室. 從此他就待在那個教室裡, 那個教室裡上啥課, 舅媽想, 啊, 反正照著做準沒錯... 結果整個學期他上了一堂完全錯誤的課程! 還好, 在經過兩個老師的討論後, 我在想大概是看他上錯的那堂課成績仍然很好, 也就把成績調用了.
這些都是很好玩的事. 偶而記記. 聊以消遣.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
playing with cat?
a new light dawned on me recently. am i really entertaining them? or i used them to entertain myself? play with them can be seen as a way to distract myself. the beloved cats are like toys for me... and i need to entertain my toys with another toy... this reasoning might propel myself to buy toys for my cats, or disgusted myself. how could i see my cats as toys...?
but philosophy aside, i do need to find a way to entertain them, keep them stimulated... sleeping, napping, eating, sandboxing(toilet), will dull their minds, make them fat, and might even be dangerous to each other... the current situation just won't cut it. but it is as important that i find a way to keep myself regularly playing with them as playing with them... le sigh. i love cranberry season... cranberry is the best toy for my cats. they love to chase the berries, and the berries are safe to eat. plus, my cats enjoye eating them... i bought something i know they will be very excited about lately, a very furry toy. the only thing is they might be overly aggressive. it will be quickly destroyed. also...i still need to find a way to regularly play with them...
i'd like to build a castle for them with cardboard boxes. maybe that will stimulate myself while a great place for me to play with them as well...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
蔥和薑的用法在台灣和蘇州似乎有不同. 在蘇州, 也或許是蘇州附近的地方都這樣, 炒肉都是用蔥, 很少用到薑. 至少, 根據媽媽, 外婆是不用薑來炒肉的, 他只用蔥. 但是台灣人好像用的是薑. 這裡就產生一些滿有趣的故事. 其中一個就是以前在爸爸的診所裡有一位陳太太. 媽媽說他以前常常給我們家魚. 這位陳太太有時候在診所裡會提到他自己的姊姊嫁給了一個上海人. 以前有一陣子, 陳太太在他姊夫那邊工作. 有一次他和他姊姊在廚房裡炒菜. 他姊姊說要他炒個肉, 不要用薑, 說完就去做別的事了. 他一聽, 糊塗了. 因為他是台灣人, 自小吃到的肉類幾乎都和薑炒在一起. 他怕自己聽錯了, 但是又不願意再問. 於是他就把蔥薑一起放下去炒. 結果他姊姊回來的時候看到了, 把他大罵一頓... 原來姊夫是上海人, 炒肉也是習慣只用蔥不用薑.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Friday, August 07, 2009
這個東西通常可以在清炒青菜的時候加一點. 會有一點肉味. 很多菜都可以用, 我們用最多的有, 大小白菜, 清江菜等等. 也可以下個麵, 無論你是想吃湯麵, 還是拌麵, 加一點這個肉和清炒的青菜混在一起, 再灑上一些黑胡椒, 真是美味. 也可以炒個蛋!
媽媽說這個方法是來自外婆. 他們小的時候是不吃大塊肉的. 一方面大概是因為他們是蘇州人, 另一方面也是因為小時候肉比較貴. 當我想吃大塊肉的時候, 有時候媽媽就會提到這件事情. 這個方法有個好處就是, 吃的肉的確少了. 肉的肥在泡熟的過程裡也都出來了. 裝在罐子了, 和青菜一起炒或加在麵裡也就加了一些香味! :D 所以是肉吃少了, 但是味道沒減少! 麻煩的地方就是切絲. 但是, 味道是真的很好!
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
The Fox and the Little Prince
It was then that the fox appeared. "Good morning" said the fox."Good morning" the little prince responded politely
although when he turned around he saw nothing.
"I'm right here" the voice said, "under the apple tree."
"Who are you?" asked the little prince, and added,
"You're very pretty to look at."
"I'm a fox", the fox said.
"Come and play with me," proposed the little prince, "I'm so unhappy."
"I can't play with you," the fox said, "I'm not tamed."
"Ah! Please excuse me,"said the little prince.
But after some thought, he added: "What does that mean—'tame'?"
"You do not live here," said the fox, "What is it you're looking for?"
"I'm looking for men," said the little prince. "What does that mean—tame?"
"Men,"said the fox, "they've guns, and they hunt. It's very disturbing.
They also raise chickens. These are their only interests. Are you looking for chickens?"
"No," said the little prince. "I'm looking for friends. What does that mean—tame?"
"It's an act too often neglected," said the fox. "It means to establish ties."
"To establish ties?"
"Just that," said the fox. "to me, you're still nothing more than a little boy
who's just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you.
And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you I'm nothing more than a fox
like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other.
To me, you'll be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world …"
"I'm beginning to understand," said the little prince.
"There's a flower. . .I think she has tamed me…"
"It is possible," said the fox. "On earth one sees all sorts of things."
"Oh but this is not on the earth!" said the little prince.
The fox seemed perplexed, and very curious.
"On another planet?"
"Are there hunters on that planet?"
"Ah that's interesting! Are there chickens?"
"Nothing is perfect," sighed the fox.
But he came back to his idea.
"My life's very monotonous," he said. "I hunt chickens; men hunt me.
All chickens are just alike, and all the men are just alike.
And in consequence, I am a little bored.
But if you tame me, it'll be as if the sun came to shine on my life.
I shall know the sound of a step that'll be different from all the others.
Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground.
Yours will call me, like music out of my burrow.
And then look: you see the grain-fields down yonder?
I do not eat bread. Wheat is of no use to me.
The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad.
But you have hair that is the color of gold.
Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me!
The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you.
And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat…"
The fox gazed at the little prince, for a long time.
"Please—tame me!" he said.
"I want to, very much," the little prince replied. "But I've not much time.
I've friends to discover, and a great many things to understand."
"One only understands the things that one tames," said the fox.
"Men have no more time to understand anything.
They buy things all ready made at the shops.
But there's no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship,
and so men have no friends any more.
If you want a friend, tame me…"
"What must I do, to tame you? asked the little prince.
"You must be very patient," replied the fox.
First you'll sit down at a little distance from me – like that – in the grass.
I shall look at you out of the corner of my eye, and you will say nothing.
Words are the source of misunderstandings.
But you'll sit a little closer to me, every day…"
The next day the little prince came back.
"It would have been better to come back at the same hour," said the fox.
"If for example, you came at four o'clock in the afternoon, then at three o'clock
I shall begin to be happy. I shall feel happier and happier as the hour advances.
At four o'clock, I shall be worrying and jumping about. I shall show you how happy I am!
But if you come at just any time, I shall never know at what hour
my heart is ready to greet you… One must observe the proper rites…"
"What's a rite?" asked the little prince.
"Those also are actions too often neglected," said the fox.
"they're what make one day different from other days, one hour different from other hours.
There's a rite, for example, among my hunters. Every Thursday they danse with the village girls.
So Thursday's a wonderful day for me! I can take a walk as far as the vineyards.
But if the hunters danced at just any time, every day would be like every other day,
and I should never have any vacation at all."
So the little prince tamed the fox.
And when the hour of his departure drew near—
"Ah," said the fox, "I shall cry."
"It's your own fault," said the little prince.
"I never wished you any sort of harm; but you wanted me to tame you…"
"Yes that is so", said the fox.
"But now you're going to cry!" said the little prince.
"Yes that is so" said the fox.
"Then it has done you no good at all!"
"It has done me good," said the fox, "because of the color of the wheat fields."
And then he added: "go and look again at the roses.
You'll understand now that yours is unique in all the world.
Then come back to say goodbye to me, and I will make you a present of a secret."
The little prince went away, to look again at the roses.
"You're not at all like my rose," he said.
"As yet you are nothing. No one has tamed you, and you have tamed no one.
You're like my fox when I first knew him.
He was only a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes.
But I have made a friend, and now he's unique in all the world."
And the roses were very much embarrassed.
"You're beautiful, but you're empty," he went on. "One could not die for you.
To be sure, an ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you
–the rose that belongs to me. But in herself alone she's more important
than all the hundreds of you other roses:
because it is she that I have watered;
because it is she that I have put under the glass globe;
because it is for her that I've killed the caterpillars
(except the two or three we saved to become butterflies);
because it is she that I have listened to, when she grumbled,
or boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing.
Because she is MY rose."
And he went back to meet the fox.
"Goodbye" he said.
"Goodbye," said the fox.
"And now here's my secret, a very simple secret:
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye."
"What is essential is invisible to the eye,"
the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.
"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."
"It is the time I have wasted for my rose–"
said the little prince so he would be sure to remember.
"Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it.
You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.
You are responsible for your rose…"
"I am responsible for my rose,"
the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.
From "The Little Prince" by Antoine de St. Exupery. A most lovely chapter from a most lovely book.
Monday, August 03, 2009
two teens met at library. background was: the boy was really good at dancing; the girl was a foreigner from outer country. the boy's parents were ball room dancing instructors. the girl's parents worked high in some entertainment company. the girl was homeschooled. her parents were afraid of letting her out. they got familiar with each other and the girl got to know the boy's friends well. through four years of friendship, they separated after a night of awakening, through which they realized how much they were meant for each other. the girl disappeared. the boy gave up ballroom dancing. went into college to study stage drama. after graduated, he went to canada to visit one of his old pal. he went into a huge concert. the center star is the girl. he felt a huge urge and started to write a script. he sent out the script until he found a man willing to publish his script. the real story begins with the start of the movie production. the boy used all the girl's music as movie's soundtrack. the story was very basic, it basically his experience with that girl up until the separation. the real meat was when both the boy and the girl casted as the main characters.
a ghost story. an 20ish guy came to boston to look for a missing girl. both were chinese. the story of the girl was that as an ambicious girl, she came to harvard to study something. a very competitive nature made her lonely around the harvard campus. she got an american boyfriend. on a trip with the boyfriend, she was claimed missing. now the background was set, the chinese guy learned from 茅山. he's a sort of a chinese warlock. he's search for the girl led him to the girl's boyfriend's car. the car was transfered through two people. there's a huge rumor about the haunted car...
there you have it. i wish to develope those into some stories... lol in my dreams...
Saturday, August 01, 2009
who let the cat out...
today, one of my cat ran away... he knew i was watching his every movement. so he lurked behind bushes pretending he's chewing grasses. he went left and right. finally he saw an opportunity and grabbed it! he ran like a leopard trying to catch a prey... i really should tape it next time...
eventually he came back, with a mouse... like last year, he went outside without a leash. i caught him when the mouse slipped out of his teeth and went into a hole...
darn i have to give him a bath...
Monday, July 27, 2009
有時候想一想, 感覺很好笑. 因為那字母和中文比起來, 還不見得真能代表那個發音... 舉個例子, 英文的耶穌是拼 JESUS. 這和中文譯音大大不同, 殊不知, 當時在譯的時候, 這些羅馬字母不是用作英語的發音. 他比較可能是拉丁的發音. 也就可能比較接近義大利, 西班牙, 或者是法國的發音. 可是, 也不盡然... 因為即使是上述的三個國家, 他們怎麼稱呼這些字母上也稍微要不一樣... 當然, 華語的方言也很複雜. 但是用中文譯音, 因為現在國語的通行, 反而要比那些字母準確的多的多!
剛剛我在查一個詞, 我看到羅馬字母拼成, khoomei. 我查了老半天才查到中文是啥. 他是一個蒙古音, 這個詞是蒙古歌藝裡的一門技術. 中文的音譯是呼麥... 乖乖... 如果我看英文發音, 我一定不唸呼麥, 我大概會唸成哭麥... 當然這個譯詞一並不是英語翻譯, 但是, 英文如此的普及. 那些不大懂外國東西的人大概都以為這就是英文了... 還把他唸成哭麥. 不對, 我想想, 很多美國人, 在我看來很有可能也會唸成哭麥... 笑!
但是以羅馬字母之盛行, 中國人真的能夠認為呼麥可以成為這一項技術的專有名詞嗎? 還是他們在學校的時候, 他們也得學寫 khoomei, 然後認為, 啊 哈, 這才是這個詞的寫法呀!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
memorable movie quotes
Frodo: I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.
(kingdom of heaven)
Balian of Ibelin: What is Jerusalem worth?
Saladin: Nothing.
[walks away]
Saladin: Everything!
King Baldwin IV: Come forward. I am glad to meet Godfrey's son. He was one of my greatest teachers. He was there when, playing with the other boys, my arm was cut. It was he, not my father's physicians who noticed that I felt no pain. He wept when he gave my father the news, that I am a leper. The Saracens say that this disease is God's vengence against the vanity of our kingdom. As wretched as I am, these Arabs believe that the chastisement that awaits me in hell is far more severe and lasting. If that's true, I call it unfair. Come. Sit. When I was sixteen I won a great victory. I felt in that moment that I should live to be one hundred, now I know I shall not see thirty. You see, none of us chose our end really. A king may move a man, a father may claim a son. But remember that, even when those who move you be kings or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand before God you cannot say "but I was told by others to do thus" or that "virtue was not convinient at the time. This will not suffice. Remember that.
Balian of Ibelin: I will.
King Baldwin IV: Then go now to your father's house at Ibelin, and from there protect the pilgim road. Protect the helpless. And then perhaps one day when I am helpless you will come and protect me.
Godfrey of Ibelin: Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath.
Godfrey of Ibelin: [cuffs Balian with the back of his hand] And that's so you remember it.
Hospitaller: Arise a knight and Baron of Ibelin.
and many many other quotes from THIS MOVIE!! :D
(the 13th warrior)
"Lo there do I see my father.
Lo there do I see my mother.
Lo there do I see my brothers and my sisters.
Lo there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning.
Lo they do call to me;
they bid me take my place among them in the Halls of Valhalla,
where the brave may live forever."
(the passion of the Christ)
Jesus: See, mother, I make all things new.
(the matrix)
neal: wow...
Titus: He that wounded her hath hurt me more than had he killed me dead.
Commodus: Rise. Rise.
[Maximus stands up, clenching an arrow head in his right hand]
Commodus: Your fame is well deserved, Spaniard. I don't think there's ever been a gladiator to match you. As for this young man, he insists you are Hector reborn. Or was it Hercules? Why doesn't the hero reveal himself and tell us all your real name? You do have a name.
Maximus: My name is Gladiator.
[turns away from Commodus]
Commodus: How dare you show your back to me! Slave, you will remove your helmet and tell me your name.
Maximus: [removes helmet and turns around to face Commodus] My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
[Commodus trembles in disbelief]
Quintus: Arms!
[Praetorians point their spears at the gladiators while the Colosseum crowd chants for them to live. Commodus shakes his head and motions the crowd for silence. He then raises his fist and reluctantly gives the thumbs-up signal]
movie characters
Ripley from Alien and Aliens. I don't know why, but i really liked the character. to me, it's extremely unique. i guess she did not demonstrate some super human ability or character. but she was more closer to what a person could do gracefully under pressure! that's what very attractive. you can see her scare, you can see her care, you can even see her struggle inside. but eventually, you saw her overcame the fear inside at the end of Aliens and tried to rescue the girl. i guess that girl could be seen as herself but scared! hehe, psychology...
Don Vito Corleone from Godfather. i certainly know the real deal in mafia was horrible. but i can't say how much strength this character showed. i wished i could be as strong and cool as him. he had his own doctrine, which i don't think any of his kids understand much, espeically michael. Sunny know well, but i don't think he had the control of his old man, or even michael. Don Vito Corleone was the one with control, coolness, strength, and wisdom rolled in one. he had his own idea of mercy. it's ancient. but somehow i felt familiar.
Tom Hagen. i liked him. a very good staff character. loyal and smart. i liked him.
maria. i loved this character. in fact, i loved most of julie andrew's character. resiliant, joyful, and passion for life. plus, maria can sing. but the most important thing is she loved somebody, ran away, but she summed up courage to face it once again. she's true to herself which is not a easy thing, to me at least. i just loved this character!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
milton miles
but the more i contemplate about it, the more important i value his work. i can't really dig into his story about the weather intelligence and the pacific warfare in WWII. but i could just imagine how important his intelligent report really was for the fourteenth Air Troops. only with the service he provided, could Clair Chennault's air force be as effective as they were on the south china sea. and for fourteenth air troop to be effective at bombing enemy supply line, the intelligence in the front would be crucial as well. all this intelligence was milton miles' contribution. and yet, nobody mentioned about it anymore. For the USA people, there was only corruption, imcompetence, and revoltion. It's incredibly sad that there was man, who successeed in working with Chinese with an attitude that ALL Chinese should remember, celebrate, and cherish. And yet, none of them will be remembered.
I read three USA military memoirs in China during WWII. One was Clair Chennault, one i only finished half way was Joseph Stilwell, the last one was Milton Miles. What was so striking from reading Milton Miles memoir was the attitude he had towards Chinese.
Claire Chennault did not know Chinese before 1927. He brought what the Chinese most needed at the time. Chinese government treated him well, and he used his knowledge and ability to fight with Chinese. His attitude towards Chinese was that this was a people that i could help. they respected my work and knowledge. i will in term fight with them with all i got. so he fought hard with the chinese.
Joseph Stilwell on the other hand, was quite familiar with Chinese custom, language, and politics. many people who knew china like Joseph Stilwell was weary of the Chinese politics. The best among them kept a cold and calculated mind. The worst of them looked hard to see where he could profit. Joseph Stilwell was among the best of them, who were unsatisfied with current government. They laughed at the the government's every effort, they pitied that Chinese people was led by this pooly trained people. Joseph Stilwell was one of those with the thoughts.
Milton Miles, an USA navy served in China just like Joseph Stilwell was vastly different in attitude towards Chinese. Milton Miles could speak a few dialect, he traveled through mainland China with his family well into Burma once. He was assigned by Admiral King, then USA Pacific Navy Commander, to China to prepare for USA Navy landing in 3-4 years. He then end up working with Dai Li(戴笠). They signed a treaty to form an organization called Sino American Cooperative Organization. Trying to work with Chinese, Milton Miles decided that he wanted his staffs and soldiers to have no previous knowledge of China at all. His reason for this was if you want to work with Chinese, you have to have no prejudice against them. He thought many foreigners including USA people, who knew China too well, will ruined the cooperative mood he tried to built between Chinese field soldiers and guerrilla. USA OSS, CIA's daddy, thought it was an absurd comment. Many Old chinese hands, who knew chinese affair qutie well, was ridiculed by the comment as well. Milton's attitude towards working with Chinese was that he was a foreigner, who had the same goal as Chinese people. He viewed Chinese as in a turmoil time in desperate need for help. He wanted to fight Japanese, but he also very much in need of chinese cooperation for him to gather weather report for the pacific Navy operation. He strifed very hard to find a way to truly find a way to work with Chinese. In the end, He was the only two USA people succeeded doing just that.
He tried hard to describe why other people failed in getting cooperation out of Chinese in his memoir, a different kind of war. The genuine respect for chinese was shown between lines and words. He trained Chinese guerrilla with fresh USA soldiers, who knew little about China. Those young USA soldiers dined the same thing Chinese soldiers dined. They lived with Chinese on the battlefield, when most of foreigners were not allowed to go to the frontline. Milton Miles worked with Dai Li, who did not easily trust anyone. But Dai Li trusted Milton Miles and his men. That's a shocking news to many other foriegners.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
人之常情: it's only human.
媽媽他是非常喜歡英文的, 花了一大堆時間研究英文. 他常常為了一個字想了很久很久, 還到處問人. 有時候他如果有一個字無法譯成他認可的中文時, 他就要絞盡腦汁. 往往經過他用力思考出來的東西, 或著是努力尋找到令他滿意的時候, 他最終的答案都非常的棒! 就像 condone 這個字. 其他的字典翻譯時都是同意, 甚至有譯成贖罪. 但是同意是一個不完全的翻譯. condone 最常用的英文解釋是:
To overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without protest or censure.
和同意有一點類似. 但, 是在同意者實際上並不贊成的情況之下, 沒有反對的表現而產生的同意. 茍同精確的表達了這一個意思!
這實在說明了, 要真的翻譯別人的文字, 自己的文學底子真的要很好.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
阿杰:「不要叫我阿杰! 叫警官!」
英雄本色第一集! 中國影史上最好的影片之一!!
Monday, June 08, 2009
陳納德, 短文
文章的資料好像有一點過時. 尤其是數據上...
數據好像是引用陳的資料, 那多半誇大了...
另外, 俄國的志願隊在民國廿六年十二月就已經來了. 武漢空戰時, 他們貢獻卓越.
就算在往後, 陳納德和他們合作仍然是非常佩服他們.
根據陳納德的回憶錄, 他十四歲就當老師教十七八歲的人了. 是一個天才型的人物.
陳辭去美國空軍職務美國空軍職務是拿耳聾做藉口, 實際上他是很令美國軍部討厭的人物. 當然陳自己也是灰心的不得了.
一方面是因為空軍不被重視, 在當時(也就是一次和二次世界大戰之間), 很多人認為空軍只是配角. 因此, 美國的空軍很晚才真的成為獨立軍種...
另一方面是, 當時的經濟恐慌讓美軍軍費捉襟見肘, 海陸軍下的空軍部隊已經很少錢了. 空軍部隊把僅有的錢通通花在轟炸機上. 這令陳納德憤慨不已.
當時的空軍理論主流是一個義大利人(忘記名字了)主張的. 他認為轟炸機才是最有效的戰術. 這個理論和當時把空軍作為配角的想法一拍即合...
這個想法不僅僅是美國, 幾乎所以所有當時的軍事家們都認同.
這也是為啥在抗戰初期, 國軍可以在空戰上達到一定程度的勝利, 因為日本也是這個學術的支持者. 所以轟炸機在初期不怎麼設防.
陳納德本身是一個非常高超的飛機駕駛. 他為了證明戰鬥機的飛行能力, 他和其他兩個人組成了一個飛行特技團, 經年到處表演. 當經濟恐慌來到後, 他在空軍部隊裡和別人大起爭吵.
因為他認為, 轟炸機和戰鬥機是同等重要. 他完全不贊成把微薄的經費完全花在轟炸機上. 他還為此向轟炸機迷挑戰. 當時的轟炸機裝甲厚, 周身又有機關鎗.
再加上那時(1930年代初期), 美國還沒有雷達. 要戰鬥機在轟炸機來到之前升空到有效高度並不容易. 陳納德在提出挑戰後, 設計了一套防禦系統.
這個系統是他在夏威夷時, 把日本當假想敵的時候就有雛型了. 而這一套, 也就是後來在整個中國, 從重慶到延安都成功利用的那一套系統!
他的挑戰完全粉碎轟炸機支持者的迷夢. 但是, 那些轟炸機迷到最後竟然不准他用這一套防禦系統!
之後他仍然不斷宣傳他自己的想法, 甚至頂撞上司也在所不惜. 但是在不斷的爭吵中, 他煩透了!
就在這時, 他以前的一個學生從中國來找他, 於是他決定去中國.
我認為在提到陳納德的時候, 一定要把他的空軍理論提出來. 這是他畢生的心血, 也是他一輩子的戰場... 甚至他來到中國就是希望他可以施展他的抱負!
不提這個, 在我看, 陳納德只剩下半截陳納德...
美國的援華志願隊的確是費盡陳納德的心血. 不光是很多美國的年輕人想往歐洲跑, 更重要的是當時美國飛行員幾乎都沒有人會飛戰鬥機... 因為都他們都只學轟炸幾... lol! 並不是說沒有人會開戰都幾了. 但是在陳的眼裡, 那些會開戰鬥機的人, 他們的技術通通不合格... 他在民國卅年前半年, 才開始訓練他的隊員. 同年十二月, 日本轟炸珍珠港. 在這期間, 根據陳納德的回憶錄, 他是怎樣也無法睡好覺. 不僅僅是因為他為訓練飛行員而合不上眼, 更因為他在這個期間看到一架架的日本飛機進駐就在他隔壁的泰國. 這讓他冷汗直冒! 每天都在害怕日本飛機會隨時飛過來把他辛辛苦苦小群飛機給炸光... 當然, 他也很想要去炸就在隔壁駐咱泰國的那些日本飛機
陳納德和史迪威之間的爭吵有很多因素. 我還有看過其中把美國南方北方人性格教育的不同拿來做因素, 大意是說, 陳納德為了滿足他的空軍, 他甚至進口印度妓女. 當史迪威這個美國北方人(大多有清教徒的影響)知道了以後, 和陳納德大吵一架... 這個故事的真實與否我不知道, 只是滿特別的, 故此提出... 他們之間的爭吵, 在我看來遠因還是空軍陸軍之爭. 近因則是美援實在太少, 完全無法適當的分配; 另外就是史迪威和國府的關係. 美國給英國援助大約是 29 billion, 美給俄的援助大概是 9 billion, 美給中的援助不到一個 billion (來源好像是一寸河山一寸血). 美援那麼少, 再加上史迪威一心只想先打回緬甸, 完全無法和中國軍部的想法一致! 爭吵扯上陳納德, 因為陳納德想要在中國戰場作戰, 他對緬甸戰場反而沒有那麼在意. 這裡有可以講講空軍和陸軍不同的思路. 史迪威自己是很傳統的陸軍. 他認為空軍是用來支援陸軍的. 這個想法和陳納德相衝. 陳的想法是希望得到美援的支持, 然後, 陳納德的空軍可以在中國上空取得絕對制空權. 但是這個制空權不僅僅包含中國上空, 範圍甚至包含整個南海(我想也包括緬甸上空). 他的意思就是要癱瘓日本的海上運輸. 但是史迪威認為, 這樣會使日本盡全力搶奪中國國府控制下的所有空軍基地. 對於這一點, 陳納德認為中國的陸軍在他的空軍保護下儘可能守得住這些機場甚至如果美援充足, 甚至可以攻擊日軍. 史迪威認為那是笑話, 史迪威完全不想信國民革命軍的能力. 他認為他們是腐敗顢頇. 這個爭吵在 trident 會議上, 由羅斯福決定按照陳納德的腹案來進行. 但是根據陳納德的回憶錄, 他並沒有從史迪威那邊得史迪威承諾的美援... 但是在史迪威的傳記裡, 卻說, 史迪威一開始有按計畫行事... 這個...就得交給專家學者去鑑定了... 我還看過說, 根據魏德邁(也就是繼任史迪威將軍成為中國參謀的那一位)的調查, 一發美援來的子彈都沒有進入國民革命軍的手裡... 我是不知道情況... :p 不過, 就我現在的認為是, 不應該把史迪威就看成是個笨蛋, 或著說他就是高傲... 他的出發點, 和他之前在中國的經驗再加上美援如此的少, 有時還要被英國人偷, 他的任務注定失敗... 往往, 國府的人就說史迪威的壞話... 共黨的人就說史迪威的好話... 都有失偏頗...
陳納德的離華是被迫的. 不是自願的... 反正可以說, 美國馬歇爾的人都極端恨惡陳納德. 想盡辦法要把他弄走... 到現在, 美國軍史上對陳納德的評價不過普通. 甚至在提到對於空軍的貢獻時, 也很少提到. 去看看英文的維基講美國空軍的條目時, 陳納德是不會被提到的. 如果要提, 他們寧可提飛虎隊. 但是路易斯安納州的人都還是很喜歡陳納德, 那邊有陳納德紀念館, 還有陳納的的像...
陳納德對中國的貢獻是巨大的. 這個巨大的貢獻不僅僅是在數據上, 更是在心理上! 在抗戰時, 如果沒有他的防衛系統, 重慶可能早就得投降了. 中國無論是老百姓, 軍隊, 還是政府, 當他們仰起頭來看到日空軍的轟炸, 那種無力的感覺不是史迪威或者任何其他西方人是所能夠了解的. 陳納德在這一方面提共了中國當時無與倫比的強大保護! 這個貢獻在我看來要比長城更巨大!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
實在好聽... 張清芳實在好棒... 靳鐵章(詞家)實在好棒!
這首歌我聽過李建復, 黃大城, 和施孝榮唱過, 男的唱非常雄壯有力. 但是張清芳唱卻真的是高亢清脆, 又帶有一股柔美! 兩種我都很喜歡! 希望有一天我也可以唱! 哈哈!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
黃大城 -《漁唱》
黃大城 -《漁唱》
作詞:靳鐵章 作曲:靳鐵章
茫茫滄海中 有我一扁舟
啊 我隨輕舟航 航向海天會
我把網兒拋灑 像我飛揚的心
我將兒女情絲 忘懷於碧海藍天
滾滾江水東流 洗去塵勞憂傷
喜見魚蝦滿船 溫暖在我的心房
啊 晚霞紅魚帆 快樂歌聲揚
Thursday, May 07, 2009
但是現在完成了後, 卻感到極度的空虛. 我想要在繼續下去, 至少要察對大致上的日期都是正確的, 或糾正一些錯誤. 然後我想或許可以放到網上. 但是現在我卻覺得好累. 因為我知道裡面還有一大堆沒有完成的東西, 譬如說陳納德離華, 宋子文啥時到美國... 共產黨的活動也沒有太多的紀錄, 一方面我實在不大相信他們的紀錄. 可能的話, 我將用維基的資料來充數.
但是目前最讓我不爽的是有一個戰鬥的中文譯名我不找不到. 然後呢, 我有些書也不知道可以到哪兒去找來看... 像是張玉法和郭廷以的書... 當然, 我現在也只能將就了...
大概是我不會找資料, 尤其是中文的資料. 很多東西我都找不到... 英文的還好找一點. 但是我實在很想找以國民政府時代為出發點的資料... 中文的資料是很難找的. 一方面我覺得資料的數量不能和英文的比, 質量也不能和英文的比. 中文的網上資料我實在得持更大的保留態度. 一方面他們很少有列資料來源, 但是最大的地方往往是他們政治態度... 當然這並不是說我就可以客觀. 客觀是完全不可能的. 就算美國的資料, 也不可能, 絕對完全的不可能.
但是也正因為如此, 事件發生的時間地點和軍隊的動向, 加上多方資料的核對才才有可能呈現接近事實的可能性, 雖說百分之百是不可能達到的. 在我的認為裡, 時間地點和軍隊的動向是唯一可靠的客觀. 之後, 我們參考說, 軍隊為啥做這樣的動作, 事件在啥情況之下發生, 雙方發生戰鬥的動機, 他們戰鬥所想達到的目的則已經有更加遠離客觀很遠了.
在兩岸的比較上, 我覺得很有趣值得一提的東西是, 大部分討論中國抗戰的論題多半會變質為國共內戰的爭論. 在我現在的認為是這都是感情問題. 很抱歉, 共產黨在那時做的實在是少, 更糟的是不斷的宣傳國府不抗日最後造成兩面的傷害. 大部分大陸朋友上論壇的都無法承認這一點. 大部分的人就喜歡提, 國府的腐敗, 軍隊的無能, 再不然就是大刀... 至於台灣的朋友, 我只能說, 還是有不少人承認中國抗戰的歷史是自己的一部分, 當然另一部分是完全看成外國史的人, 為數稍微少一點. 但是在我看來, 最多的是中間那些模糊不清界線混淆的人. 這完全就是民進黨執政的結果嗎? 在我的認為不完全是, 這是一種自然的趨勢罷了. 雖說, 我對這個現象只想哭...
抗日戰爭, 可以說是最重要的課題. 我還是希望我可以繼續下去. 這場戰爭的戰線並不僅只在戰場上, 雙方軍人互相砍殺射擊. 這是一個內政外交經濟軍事的搏鬥. 我始終都覺得抗日戰爭在本質上和歐戰是不一樣的. 大大的不一樣. 但是我現在依然無法說出有啥不一樣. 希望有一天我可以說出我想說的.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
君子之學道, 尤病於近名. 人稟器於天地, 受形於父母, 苟官骸得職, 做事有倫, 雖一字不識, 闃寂無聞, 於我乎無損也; 雖著述萬卷, 譽滿天下, 於我乎無加. 世士不察, 乃捨此由, 急彼之騖; 校經則漢宋分門, 論文則奇偶異幟. 小學, 金石, 算術, 輿地之事, 名目既繁, 風尚日新, 窮年而殫日, 悴力敝身, 則足以熾其好名爭勝之私矣, 豈篤於為己者哉? 僕之往歲, 亦嘗馳逐眾說, 昏庸作輟, 百無一成, 窮而思返, 恍若有悟. 乃知德行未尊, 則學問適足以助長; 德行既尊, 然後吾之知識少焉而不足恥, 多焉而不足矜. 周公之才藝, 孔子之多能, 吾不如彼, 非吾咎也; 若其踐形盡性, 彼之所稟, 吾亦稟焉, 一息尚存, 不敢不勉. 是以邇日業術雖無寸進, 而心念大定, 寤寐安恬.
並不是說所有都懂. 只是自以為猜的到他的意思所在. 就我所能看到的意思, 我覺得很重要. 這是一種自我肯定, 是一種對人生的了解, 亦有自強不息的味道!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
<<一九三七年十一月二十日由中共所屬的抗戰出版社發行的《第八路軍》一書是這 樣報導的:“二十五號那天,敵人著名的板垣師團的第十和二十二聯隊,進入平型 關……戰畢,我軍俘獲敵人一千余人,敵傷亡在五千以上,我軍又奪得坦克車、裝 甲車及馬車共七十四輛。” >>
<<文革中或之前出版的資料記載是:“九月二十五日,天色微明,日軍進攻平型關 的兵力部屬已隱約可見。這時板垣第五師團第二十一旅團約四千人,一百余輛汽車 ,兩百余輛大車,走入我們的伏擊圈內,大約五時半光景,戰斗幵始了。……在這 次戰斗中,殲滅日軍三千多,毀汽車一百多輛,大車二百輛……我軍傷亡近千人。 >>
<<一九八七年十一月由上海社會科學院出版的《中國共產党抗日戰爭大事記》也沿 用了以上說法:“殲敵三千”云云。 >>
<<一九八三年由湖北人民出版社出版龔古今、唐培吉編的《中國抗日戰爭史 稿》卻是這樣記載的:“二十五日拂曉,日軍第五板垣師團二十一旅團第二十一聯 隊第三大隊和輜重部隊一部進入我軍伏擊圈…据統計,此次戰役,殲滅日軍一千多 人,毀敵汽車八十余輛,我軍傷亡六百余人。” >>
哪 裡管這個東西是誰寫的. 只管這個東西是不是對的. 文章裡提出的東西是否存在. 中共是否歷年來的說法是否是這樣? 在雜誌上的問題翻雲覆雨. 永遠不在主題上做出回應. 這文章就是顯示出, 中共如何利用文字做政治上的宣傳. 他不惜用隱瞞, 欺騙, 誇大, 扭曲事實,來作為他政治上的宣傳. 而你的神, 毛澤東就是這事的始作俑者.
对于八路军平型关作战力主从振奋人心的宣传角度加以夸大的是毛泽东。他在26日上午接得朱、彭捷报后,当即草拟了用于宣传的捷报并迅速发出,随即于11时 电告朱、彭说明:“已用八路军参谋处名义用有线电、无线电发出简单捷报,只说将敌万余击溃,击毙甚多,一部俘虏,车辆枪炮缴获甚多,正清查中等语。”毛并 提出:“关于缴获数目对国民党不可夸大,但对外宣传可略增数目字,是否可说俘虏千余人,汽车八十余辆,坦克五辆,炮三门,炮弹三千发,请酌定见告,以为统 一”。[45](《毛泽东致朱彭任并告林聂电》,1937年9月26日。)
由于这时朱、彭已依据早上给毛泽东等人的捷报,上报南京蒋介石和阎锡山,内容仍然是“缴获汽车六十余辆,小摩托车三辆,外炮一门,炮弹二千余发”,“俘虏 敌官兵三百余名,另有敌一部约四五百人,马数十匹被我完全包围,死不缴械,故全部打死”等,故对毛泽东把击敌数扩大到万余,且声称俘虏千余等,他们显然认 为不妥。接电后,朱、彭两人当晚即联名复电提出:“昨天的胜利对国民党、对外宣传,我们意见不必扩大,以我们本日致蒋阎电为好。”[46](《朱彭致毛泽 东并告林聂电》,1937年9月26日。)
但是,毛泽东以八路军参谋处名义拟发的捷报已经无法收回了。这就出现了延安和前总两个内容大相径庭的平型关战斗捷报,一个是前述朱、彭的战报,国民党有关 方面所得及其转述的也都是这个电报的内容。而各方报纸,特别是延安公开宣传的,自然毛泽东所拟八路军参谋处致南京军委会军政部、中央日报社的捷报了。该捷 报宣称:“九月廿五日,我八路军在晋北平型关与敌万余人激战,反复冲锋,我军奋勇无比,将进攻之敌全部击溃,所有平型关以北之辛庄、关沟、东跑池一带阵地 完全夺取,敌兵被击毙者尸横山野,一部被俘虏,并获汽车、坦克车、枪炮及其他军用品甚多,正清查中。现残敌溃至小寨村,被我四面包围中。”[47] (八路军参谋处致南京军委会军政部中央日报社捷报》,1937年9月26日。) 所谓平型关一战歼敌万余的说法,即由此而来。但是,考虑到此后整个抗战期间各方,包括国民党方面,由于军事上始终处于劣势,故其宣传上较多夸大,甚至许多 部队的战报中亦习惯于多报或谎报,故当年出现此种情况也并非完全不可理解。重要的只是,后人在研究这段历史时,应当有所甄别和考证,不能偏听偏 信。<< (
這是中華民國 五十五年出版的 ''''抗日戰史''''
五台山之神堂堡、雁門關、陽方口轉移陣地,我軍遂自動放棄平型關,本戰斗乃告結束。<< (
根據楊奎松寫的有關國軍和 115 軍之配合行動:
<< 其次,国民党正面守军当天是否不予配合,袖手旁观或不战而退了呢?既然此次作战是第二战区的具体部署的围歼日军进攻平型关主力的一次作战行动,平型关正面 守军自然有配合八路军的侧击,从正面出击的任务规定。那么,为什么国民党守军当天没有按照预定计划大规模出击呢?此时国民党在平型关的正面守军主要是高桂 滋的第八十四师,负责防守自1886.4高地、团城口、霸河口、上寺、讲堂村至1981.4高地防务。据高桂滋报称,22日,东跑池以南阵地即告失守。 23日战后,该师已告不支。至24日,“该师全线被敌攻破,各守据点。斯时下级干部伤亡十之六、七,无人指挥,代理艾团长之杜团副亦受重伤。职催送弹药将 到,已被敌人遮断。此时仍盼援军加入,或可挽回。力竭声嘶,终未到达,致各据点均被包围,大部官兵壮烈殉国。各部尚奋勇冲出,退回后防,逐渐收容。”3日 来部队伤官兵近千名,亡850余人。[98]25 日晨,依据战区部署,高桂滋部等计划凌晨出击。据二战区司令部所报平型关战役经过,当时“适敌亦向团城口高军阵地猛攻。而高军以出击不利,遂向后转移阵 地。东西跑池以北之险要为敌侵占,致出击之郭师及孟旅之一部,不得不先向敌迎头痛击,堵其内侵。激战至午,将敌左翼击溃。郭师连夺山头数个,并占领鹞子间 南方高地,续行攻击,血战竟日,恢复原阵地大部。”俟陈师吕、梁两旅陆续加入,乃连合大举反攻。陈师吕旅、郭师赵旅由公路两翼出击,将公路两侧之敌包围于 东西跑池之深沟内。同时林师由平型关东方山中,分三路向蔡家峪、小寨村,主力向老爷庙进袭击,刘师三九四团亦向敌左侧背挺进。九时许,林师分别攻占老爷 庙、蔡家峪、小寨村及1886.4高地,并将小寨村敌兵站守护队约步兵一营,悉数歼灭,将敌后路截断,敌机械化部队遂不能撤退。我夺获汽车五十余辆,焚毁 敌军品甚多。惟林师不惯持久战,已占各地旋又被敌攻占。次日因敌由灵邱来援,平型关前再成混战状。[99] 对于国民党军上述记载,亦可对照日方战史资料。25日凌晨4时,日军第二十一联队第三大队向平型关正面守军高桂滋部发动了夜袭,一举占领了团城口附近的靠 近东跑池的某高地。只是,根据日方战史资料,国民党军队至少当天上午并未能将此一阵地夺回。[100]但不论当天国民党军何时夺回此一阵地,以上资料显 示,由于高桂滋部不守,包括团城口在内的一线阵地均被日军夺取,正面出击计划实际上被打破。因“此地为晋北主阵地之要点,一被突破,则雁门关感受威胁,关 系重大。”故负责前线指挥的傅作义总司令当即改变原部署,“率生力军十余团到达平型关附近,准备反攻”。[101]可见,当天并未发生国民党军有意袖手旁 观或不战而退的情况。 再次,国民党军当天到底有没有出击?由上可知,按照大陆史书的记载,国民党军当天对八路军的伏击战毫无帮助。而按照 国民党军当年的电报和战报,国民党军第七十一师等当天在完成夺回高师所失阵地的任务后,曾一度向东西跑池两侧大举出击。奇怪的是,在日军的战史资料当中, 并未见到有类似情况的相关记载。但从林彪当天晚上的电报中,还是可以多少印证国民党方面的记录的。林电称:“打了一天战,至黄昏始见晋军之出击部队,所谓 二路出击,全是勉强!”“现战况已成对峙中,能否解决要看晋军能否出力。”[102]综合上述情况不难了解,因原定合击计划被日军打破,国民党军为“堵其 内侵”,不得不首先集中兵力防备日军从团城口方向突破,并设法夺回团城口及其附近阵地。故当天傅作义等几乎没有能够顾及与八路军合击日军之事。等到傍晚时 分,因先前夺取东跑池附近高地的日军第三大队主力调往增援被袭击的汽车队等部,国民党军确有部队开始组织侧击该阵地。故不论林彪报怨与否,国民党军傍晚时 分开始出击并参加平型关前之作战也是事实。根据日军战报,当天傍晚,国民党军已经大举插入团城口以东日军新夺取之高地与关沟日军第三大队之间,因此三浦敏 事不得不急令第三大队主力放弃增援被伏汽车队,掉头回防。可惜,一一五师并不了解这一情况,当晚即开始部署脱离战场,次日凌晨已撤出战斗,没有能利用第三 大队26日回防之际再袭关沟村卫生队,丧失了再度歼敌和与国民党军配合作战的一次重要机会。而因为日军增援部队很快运到,国民党守军遭到日军的大举围攻, 陷于苦战。几天后,平型关最终失守。>>
很 抱歉, 我得節錄那麼多... 因為我覺得文章很好. 我之前貼過這連結, 但是我好奇有多少人會去看... 另一方面, 有關其他國軍方面的紀錄實在真的很少. 至於完顏烈的東西, 我始終都得有點保留... 從這些節錄也可以看出, 老共和國府的東西哪一個比較可以信. 實際上, 共產黨得一改再改是因為她隱瞞不下去了. 就以戰報而言, 這也不是我第一次見到毛澤東信口開河, 然後變成歷史資料. 在塔斯社記者日記裡, 這是經常出現的事情. 更可笑的是, 這個記者甚至提到 theodore H. white 引用了一個毛的數字. 結果, 美國和其他國家的大報都引用這一數字! 但是, 不管如何, 中國二戰史實在是需要巨大的研究.
這個楊奎松並不是說他寫的東西都一定對. 但是至少人家不懶, 所用資料幾乎都可以有書名年份, 甚至作者. 不會像某某信徒, 大話一堆. 啥都沒做, 還要老王賣瓜.
信徒該不會是某某單位派來傳教的吧? 你看, 你的教友熱烈支持你啊! 但是要把你眼裡的異端, 彎彎 們變直之前. 連教導別人不要預設立場都出來了. 你的信徒立場就在你第一篇貼文就明明白白了. 還預設立場哩...你要不要先挑挑你眼睛裡的樑木?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
記下話來, 作為紀念.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
let the right one in
when i really liked a movie, i always have a feeling of hard to get out of the movie. i mean, while a movie i love lured me into its story, its world, i have hard time to come out of that world. there are strong feelings lingering in my heart. and it's a terrible experience. it's a very contradicting sensation, on the one hand, i want to get out that place; but on the other hand, i don't want to let it go.
i am in that situation right now... i don't want to let it go, at the same time, i want to get on with my daily routines... something heart wrenching was provoked inside of me by that movie. and somehow, i don't want to let that heart wrenching feeling go. if there's anything that i consistently have in my mind, was the imaging of pulling my heart out of my chest. the reason i mention this, i don't know. maybe one day, i will dare to say what i don't know.
Monday, March 16, 2009
中國抗戰史的研究, 費正清說
Friday, March 13, 2009
蔣始終都認為要在緬甸開戰, 英美必須要能在 bengal bay (我忘記中文是啥了...) 和緬甸上空完全掌握, 並且, 美國至少要三個陸戰隊, 還有英國的軍隊同時加入緬戰場, 他才願意開部隊入緬甸作戰. 而史呢, 他的看法是滇緬公路需要奪回來, 支援作戰的物資才能夠充足的進入中國. 事實上, 當時英美基本上不能達到海空的掌握權, 所以蔣斷然拒絕緬甸的作戰計畫. 蔣希望可以用陳納德的計畫. 陳納德是希望用近半租借法案物資來發動他的十四航空大隊取得中國上空的控制權. 然 後配合中國軍隊, 希望用空軍騷擾日本陸軍的補給線來幫助中國陸軍, 在中國本土和日軍開戰. 陳納德的計畫, 實際上還包含了整個東南亞和中國南海.
史迪威認為中國的軍隊訓練不夠, 軍官, 尤其是高級軍官顢頇貪污, 是不可能抵擋的了日本陸軍的. 他認為到時候, 陳納德惹的日本火大了, 日本就會試圖把陳納德的很多飛機場給拿下來. 史迪威總是認為, 在中國軍隊的素質很好, 但是要在強將的帶領下才能發揮... 基本上, 他認為中國沒啥強將, 國民革命軍裡, 只有一兩個, 其他的中國強將要在共產黨裡找了, 譬如說, 朱德. 我現在是覺得租借物資的來龍去脈具有舉足輕重的影響... 因為, 以上, 是我看到所有資料裡都一樣的地方, 包括一些回憶錄, 還有傳記... 但是之後就因為租借物資的分配, 產生了各方面互相指責.
美國相信史迪威一派的(現在美國史學界的主流)認為, 國民政府根本不願意和日本人打仗. 所有在雲南由史迪威分給國民政府的租借物資通通被國民政府不是貪掉了, 就是囤積起來準備和中國共產黨在未來做內戰的打算. 美國另有一派(在我看是非主流, 屬於陳納德十四航空隊一方還有魏德邁等, 堅決反共者))和國民政府官方的批平蠻類似的. 就像一寸山河一寸血上提到的, 蔣中正對於第一次的緬甸遠征軍那麼失敗是痛心疾首. 對於史迪威一再要求反攻緬甸是堅決反對, 對於史迪威用租借法案威脅蔣一定得支持緬甸之戰, 那是厭惡之級. 這一群人認為史迪威那麼想進攻緬甸完全是面子問題.
史迪威那麼看重的滇緬公路, 他估計每個月可以輸入物資六萬噸. 但是實際上, 直到二戰結束, 滇緬公路每個月的輸入物資不超過一萬噸. 而在那時, 空運到中國物資已經達到七萬噸一個月...我個人現在也是不怎麼喜歡史迪威. 但是, 說一具老實話, 我很希望知道國民政府數據資料有多少可信度... 因為就像我前面說的, 租借物資的來龍去脈具有舉足輕重的影響... 如果我們資料沒有他那一派所提供的準確, 那就提供別人 "討論" 的空間...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
這是非常簡單的食物. 只要一個蛋, 一點點鹽, 一小匙麵粉就可以了. 不過通常我都是要兩個蛋. 麵粉不要多, 不然就減少蛋的味道. 所有東西在碗裡攪拌後, 中火熱油, 下鍋煎. 兩面翻翻. 就好了! 全部過程不到十分鐘. 如果你喜歡, 也可以加一點蔥花啥的...
有趣的是, 外國人喜歡吃的 pancake, 也是類似的做法. 但是要加上牛油, 很多麵粉, 牛奶, 還有一些 小蘇打之類的東西. 比較起來, 爸爸的蛋餅味道簡單的多. 我喜歡簡單的味道. 不過, 再加上那個回憶, 或許這味道也不是那樣的單純了.
when she comes home at night, especially in the winter, she said that a hot soup was great for anyone just came in from the cold. i totally agree with her. a broth is the bases of all soup! so it's important to prepare it. once the soup was simmered slowly for 2 hours, or more, it's concentrated enough to use it portion by portion. and it can be used throughout whole week! very convenient. of course, you can buy can broth, but you can't guarantee what was used to cook the can broth.
my mom loved to use pork bones without or with very little meat for the broth. it's important to add some ginger and scallion, sometimes, garlic. adding a bit of rice alcohol would be even better as well. when simmering broth for concentrated form, the broth should looks like white, not clear broth. however, it should not confuse with dirty broth with blood-esque stuff... there are two ways to deal with the blood-esque thing.
1. put bones in a cold water pan, bring them to boil for few minutes. you have to put bones in while the water is still cold. then pouring out the blood-esque thing with boiled water and bones. after that, you can start to cook the broth with worrying.
2. you can directly proceed to cook the broth. however, before simmering, you need to constantly getting rid of the blood-esque thing, until the water is clear. then start to simmer.
soup is good. broth is an essential ingredient. it's awesome.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
two pillars of action games
1. Oni, it's a great hand to hand fighting games. the developers got inspiration from street fighters. there's no hard lock system, only a very cleverly designed soft lock system. the character can move smoothly through space, had amazing acrobatic ability. however, the platformer gameplay was not incorporated well at all. let's just say, it's randomly designed at best. most of the acrobatic ability was wasted in Oni, imo. in a fight, it would be fun to use acrobatics. however, it's not necessary most of the game. and the lack of the interactivity with the environment was frustrating, and a huge source of my complain about the wasted acrobatics in the game.
2. Blade of Darkness Severance. this game should be hailed as one of the best 3rd person action adventure melee game. the weapon based fighting though flawed, was and still is the best in any games, PC or console unmatched. the game had a hard lock system. but when not using hard system, there's no soft lock system to support the battle. although some claimed it worked better without the hard locks, i could not disagree more. one of the reason was that there's no strafes in the game. navigation without strafes through spaces was ok enough, not the case in fighting though. the platformer ability was kept at minimum in this game. besides few jumps and hanging on to ledges, there's nothing much. this is not much a hindrance to the whole experience though. since the fighting is heavy enough to carry the weight. however, if there's strafes and better designed platformer ability plus a plable level design. this game would be more appealing.
3. Bushido Blades series. this series was a real fighting games with one very special emphasize, which is it's a more fight simulation than an arcadish fighting games. there's no meters, there's only one realistic damage model. one well placed, or timed blow will instantly killed the opponent, or be killed. there are not many fancy combos. the fights usually slows and dull compared with other flashy arcadish fighting games. however, that's where the appeal lies, realitic fighting. as any fighting game, it's viewed from side, not like the ones mentioned before in which the camera was placed from behind a character. the frustrating part of the game was that the defense for the game was automated. so if you can't find a way to break down the defense, the game will be like constantly banging your head against your fryign pane. other frustation of the game was that it's not a action adventure game. i kept wondering what would happen if the camera of the game put behind the characters. the distance of the game character might become hard to perceive. the third frustration of the game that it's not very popular. the platformer ability was very awkward, although implemented. but it's quite adequate for a fighting game with limited stage space to explore.
4. Lugaru. i only have the demo of the game. It's an indie game. there's no lock on system whatsoever. what's very interesting about this game is one gameplay mechanics. It's called "Reflection". the game is basically, attack, defense, and reflection. attack and defense is self explanatory. reflection however, add a genuine new game experience! a well timed reflection will keep the opponent off the balance and throw him afar. if you are "reflected", you also have the ability to stay on your feet, if you timed the reflection well enough. which adds a new dynamics to the game. although it' nothing new, soul calibur already had something like it. it was not found in any other action adventure games. the platformer part of the game was interesting enough. although not very smooth in my opinion.
5. prince of persia sands of time series. This is truly a platformer series. this game incorprated platformer and fighting together. although the fight was not realistic in anyway, and i don't think it would fair well with online competition either. the infusion of platformer and fight however, was something i wish to created for Oni. one of the frustration of the PoP SoT series was it's camera and control for PC. most part of the game was alright, but in some spots was just down right frustrating.
6. Rune. This game was often compared with BoDS. It is much more popular than BoDS as well. there used to be a huge online competition enthusastic crowd. there's no soft or hard lock on system. from my experience, the fighting mechanics was really sad. there seemed to have some combos. but not enough for me to really get into it, except if i want to play online. the differences between Rune and BoDS, is that BoDS is really a fighting game, with detailed fighting mechanics. however, Rune does not. the platformer ability was poor. however, simple running around was more like Oni than BoDS.
7. god of war, devil may cry, ninja gaiden. ninja gaiden was in my opinion worth of mentioning though since it incorporated the platformer and fighting together better. navigation with it's platform ability was ok. not the best, because it's way too fancy even for a console analogue control.
8. Mount and Blade. this game is one that inspires me the most. its weapon fighting and mounted fighting was one reason. it's simple and fun. i loved its defense concept. i wish i could find a way to implemented such mechanic in my dream action adventure game in some ways. however, there's not much platformer ability. but with its design, this ability could be ignored somehow. and since it's a action RPG, this inability was forgivable anyway.
9. assassin's creed. i played the Xbox 360 verions, not the PC version. i am pretty sure that platformer on this game with M/K control would be alright. but i am not sure of the fighting mechanics. however, this game's fighting mechanics probably is not worth mentioning much. way too simple, not much initiation given to players. however, the platformer ability of the game was huge and grandeous. need to find a way to somehow infused within my game! HAHA