Tuesday, March 24, 2009

let the right one in

i watched a movie two days ago. it's called, let the right on in, from sweden. it's one of the best vampire movie i've ever seen. vampire movies are many, but few are really watchable.

when i really liked a movie, i always have a feeling of hard to get out of the movie. i mean, while a movie i love lured me into its story, its world, i have hard time to come out of that world. there are strong feelings lingering in my heart. and it's a terrible experience. it's a very contradicting sensation, on the one hand, i want to get out that place; but on the other hand, i don't want to let it go.

i am in that situation right now... i don't want to let it go, at the same time, i want to get on with my daily routines... something heart wrenching was provoked inside of me by that movie. and somehow, i don't want to let that heart wrenching feeling go. if there's anything that i consistently have in my mind, was the imaging of pulling my heart out of my chest. the reason i mention this, i don't know. maybe one day, i will dare to say what i don't know.

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