Sunday, December 20, 2009

some people

MiltonE.Miles The Sino-American Cooperative Organization (SACO)
Henry Morgenthau, Jr. US Secretary of the Treasury during FDR (Morgenthau Diaries)
lauchlin currie,
harry dexter white,
w. langhorn bond, head of china national aviation corp
dr. harry baker, former head of the us red cross in china
W. Averell Harriman, US ambassador for Russia from 1943 to 1946
John Birch (missionary), US intelligent officer
Michael Lindsay
Herbert O. Yardley
Bodo von Stein & Erich Stoelzner German military adviser in china
Cordell Hull, US secretary of state under Roosevelt for 11 years from 1933 to 1944
William Henry Donald, an australian news correspondent.
蕭信如(勃) 中美合作所
arthur N. young (books: China and the Helping Hand, China's Nation-Building Effort 1927-1937,China's
Wartime Finance and Inflation 1937-1945)
John Leighton Stuart(司徒雷登)
Donald Nelson China War Production Board Eddie [Edwin A., Jr.] Locke
Bretton Woods system(monetary system, something aout foreign exchange rate)
William Slim, 1st Viscount Slim (first burma campaign english army)
Harold Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis(first burma campaign, english army)
cyril roger (抗戰中幫中國搞金融的英國人
Clarence E. Gauss: USA diplomat
Nelson T. Johnson: USA diplomat
archibald clark kerr, 1st baron inverchapel

Sir Hughe Montgomery Knatchbull-Hugessen
horace james seymour
patrick J. hurley
joseph stilwell
claire chennault
Alexander Ernst Alfred Hermann von Falkenhausen german military adviser

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