Wednesday, December 29, 2021


 I did a video 10 years ago.  But then it got removed from my channel for the copy right infringement.  I wasn't even aware of the removal at the time.  I was not happy about it, of course.  I had a lot of fun doing the video.  But then I don't know when, I found my video hosted by somebody else.  I felt humorous about the situation though I was happy that the video is still on the web.  

The video was totally inspired by one picture that shows up through out the video.  A kitty and a cub sitting side by side.  That picture immediately reminded of the old tales from my youth.  It's good that at the time, I had collected so many pictures from online which I used to make the video.  The convenience and variety of my collection really helped the process.  The whole video was rough of course.  But one of the most memorable aspects of making this video was that some of my cat's photos were used to make the video.  

My cats were gone now.  But his pictures were alive on web in a way.  I am really happy.  Because I could watch the video from anywhere. 

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Thoughts on Growing成長路uprecording

 I did a recording of a book I really liked when I was young.  這本書叫做, 成長路。  作者是一個烏森人。  我從小就很喜歡聽故事,小時候一套 HanShengTongHua was always on when I had lunch at home.  Now think back, I feel it's an important part of my education for the development of speech, thinking, and behavior as well.  From last year, when I first thought about how I loved audiobook and its role in my early development.  I thought there're so many good writings in Chinese that 應該要成為有聲書。  有聲書可以讓人一邊做菜,一邊聽。  這些文章裡的用詞也因為常常聽,發音和詞句的應用也可以自然而然的變成腦子的一部份。  

成長路這本書實在翻譯得很好。  我在這段錄音期間查了一下作者是誰,發現作者汪班(當時的筆名袁永),他目前好像在紐約從事崑曲教學。  我想他對於戲曲的研究和愛好,可以使他在翻譯時更傳神的表達原作者的語意。  

我一開始錄音的時候,還滿雄心壯志的。  一方面, 故事裡的作者出身非常基層,非常貧困。  我覺得他和我們一般認識的烏森人是不一樣的。  我們認識的外國人都是很有名的人,不是政治人物,科學家就是企業家,再不然就是藝術家。  當我想起這些人時,都是烏森最美好的畫面。  但是這本書的作者卻不是,因為他的出生是那麼貧困,他所看到的烏森也不是我們一般人在電影電視和各媒體所看到的。  他看到的社會其實才是真正的烏森大多數人所看到的。  有很多窮困,有暴力,有溫情,有閒言閒語,有瞧不起,也有努力工作。  這些都是小市民的生活。  我當時就很希望可以一邊撥放錄音, 一邊把一般烏森人日常照片幻燈片似的同時撥放。  應該還蠻有趣的,而且作者的文筆不諱不隱,而又帶著烏森舊時社會的幽默感。  但是,my goodness, it is not an easy task.  I tried on some videos, but the result wasn't very successful.  I did a similar video for a short story of HanShengTongHua 10 years ago.  I could put different images for different plot twists, that way I felt it would be more interesting to see the video for the images meanings.  But here, it seemed I could not duplicate the same thing.  Because plot twists and daily life pictures described in each chapter is not that easy to come by in one image.  It will take a lot of time and effort to search for a picture for these dual purposes.  So I forego the plan eventually.  Now I just hope my recording can  be understandable, I am not even sure that 懂國語的可以聽得懂,或者有興趣去聽。

我也不期望會有很多人來聽,一方面台灣好像對版權重視的不得了,象我做的第一個影片就被禁了。  另一方面,我的聲音實在很難聽,咬字不清楚,念的快慢不一,而且我自己一聽和我媽我妹說的一樣,就是不太自然。  但是我還是在做,一方面我媽很怕我又是半途而廢,一直問我做完了沒;雖說做得很爛,可是半途而廢更糟糕。  另一方面,我也很希望可以完成一樣東西。  雖說實在真的很不好。  


聽只是聽得懂,還要能用。  但是,你想,如果沒有一開始聽得懂,記得住,哪兒有後來的說和溝通呢?  聽只是一個開始,卻是一個重要的開始。  我自己和我妹妹比,我可以講話,溝通 利卻是差很遠。  我會不會講話是一回事,會不會溝通又是另一回事。  但是,稍微還可以聽得懂別人大致在說啥。  雖說我也愈來愈懷疑自己到底有無聽得懂。。。

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Judge Bao

 最近在 youtube 上發現可以看我小時候的連續劇,包青天。  真是高興,馬上就看了好幾個故事。  連媽媽都跟著一起看了,但是他發誓不看了。  

我覺得還真是不錯的影集。  一開始我有點害怕,因為有時候小時候的東西再回頭看時,沒有以前感覺得好。  這影集倒是沒有這個問題。  依然是很不錯。  我覺得寫這戲的劇組實在令我刮目相看。  詞語雖然帶著很重的文言,但是台詞在演員的口裡卻並不陳腐,反而好像把這些詞語表現得鮮活起來。  而且可以把故事和人物表現得很飽滿。  厲害。  更令我驚喜的是背景音樂,幾乎都是國劇的音樂,或是中國古典樂器。  我很希望他們可以出一個包青天背景音樂集。  

在看了幾個故事後,我覺得他們的手法滿像現在烏森國的警探故事。  難怪那時候那麼吸引我們。  但是,他也有一個可惜的問題,就是我感覺很多地方都在拖劇情。  很多沒有必要的橋段可以刪除。  真真可惜。  


 I watched greenKnight recently.   I wasn't sure what the movie was really about.  I find it long and boring.  But the ending was interesting.  

Some movies are easy to understand, those movie usually has conversations or monologues to guide audience by revealing characters' thoughts and feelings, or plot points.  There are other movies reveal very little through words, rather, they prefer to do it by invoking audience's imaginations or thoughts through images.  It required audiences to observe, and find out what is really going on in terms of plots, character development and feelings, and most importantly, movie creator's intent.  I feel greenKnight is such a  movie.  

I really like this movie's atmosphere and cinematography, absolutely awesome.  I almost feel like it's a ghost story.  I feel there's always a dark and melancholy mood, fogged around the whole set.  And yet, the image in the movie is not blurry.   I am listening to the soundtrack now, and thinking, the music complement the image as well, eerie and ominous.  It stirred my mind and made me unease.  Just for ears and eyes, it felt like a ghost story.  But why?  Is it director's intention to make it this way?  Or it's just my feeling?  They used a lot of images or ways to manipulate images, which to me does not have immediate realistic connection with the story.  I guess the intention is to invoke something inside.  I think the feelings caused by those imageries was very very hard for me to describe.  I just could not understand some of the images, but they still make me  feel uncomfortable.  

It truly is about a coming of age film.  I think I understand what the journey represents, the trials, to make Gawain to see what he really is inside.  The the flashing of his life as a coward towards the end really drove the director's intention home for me.  That make the last line of the movie meaningful.  

Do I like the movie?  I still think it's too long.  But it's a well crafted movie.  I think if I know more about the Arthurian tale, I'd enjoy more.  But for now, I feel it's only okay.  


Somehow the movie made me think of different cultures that has the same scorn for death.  The ending of the movie showed Gawain's growth by accepting the result of his own choices, even if it brought him death.  


I don't understand the intention of the green knight.  why the challenge?  and why does gawain's mother summoned him?  

Saturday, December 11, 2021


 我是不打電話給別人的。  並不是說我不想打電話給別人。  有時候也滿想的,可是總是感覺沒麼好講的。  如果只是因為突然想到了人,打個電話過去,不可能只是打招呼,就掛掉電話。  打過去總要有個目的。  如果我只打個招呼,也不掛電話,那對方可能覺得怪怪的,可能覺得等說些甚麼,如果有的說,或許還好。  但是這不是逼著人說話嗎?  那有這種奇怪的事情。  如果沒有話說,那也就掛了。  

昨晚我在走路,突然想打個電話給小瑋,於是我就撥了電話。  可實際上我哪有甚麼話題呢?  小瑋接了電話,我倆就寒暄幾句,然後我就不說話了。  之後的整個卅分鐘幾乎全是他找話題。  先說了說牙醫的重要性,看我沒啥反應,他就改說一個弟兄要找人領養他的柴犬。  我得感謝有這樣一個老妹!  

我現在越來越想通了,其實我一定是沒有話要說的。  不然我早說了。  你看,這一整個網誌,只是希望在我自己裡面找一找有沒有話要說。  真的沒有。  篇數是不少,但是,但是言之有物的極少。  如果看了甚麼書啊,電影啊,或經歷了甚麼事情啊,我也有所感。  可是當我要寫出來的時候,卻是一片荒涼,不著一物。  可能有感,卻不能說,這麼久了。  我覺得一定是沒有東西在我裡面。  

我妹妹就不是。  他以前也並不是這樣的。  他以前也很愛說,但是,現在是愈來愈有 「物」了。  這就是成長和歷練吧。  

Thursday, November 25, 2021

towerHeist movie afterthoughts

 I like the movie.  I watched it once when it first came out in DVD.  I did not remember much at that time.  I am not sure I would remember the movie too much after last night either.  But I will remember that I liked the movie this time around.  

There're some plot twists that I felt confusing.  But the characters are likeable enough, and some scenes are intense enough.  I think it's a fun movie.  Though I had hard time shaking off the impression of the whole story being an imagination from Walter Mitty.  lol  

I think it's better than the don'tBreath 2.  

Monday, November 22, 2021

is it an accident?

 I wonder if they went to the court for this, what would the defense attorney say about LeBJ?  And what about IS?  

I think it's LebJ was meant to swing his arm at IS.  Because he's frustrated with the kids.  I knew the type.  Powerful and strong, play with a heart.  But for the veteran like LebJ, after 19 years, this kind of push and tug started to wear both physically and psychologically.  The free threw went in, the kid still fighting like a puppy felling off the sky and he wanted to rescue it.  The frustration of being pushed so forcefully for nothing.  The passion only felt like inexperience.  LebJ reacted.  Out of frustration and impatient.  

The kid?   Being hit by LebJ was a shock.  The way LebJ acted afterwards, walking towards the kid, and said something.  Not sure what he said, but I think the body language showed intent to defuse the situation.  Though sometimes, no matter what you said, it's really a matter of who's listening.  But when blood pouring, something just sparked.  

Is it an accident?  Was there intention?  What's the intention?  Did the results match the intention?   The strike of hand was intention, but the result was not.  It started with emotion.  The kid making a scene, was the not the intention, but emotion is the intention.  It's a freak accident.  

Sunday, November 21, 2021

movie afterthought

 I watched a movie last night.  It's called Don'tBreath2.  I'd watched the first one and thought it was pretty good.  They created a good monster movie with a bit of twist.  But what drew me in in the movie really was the atmosphere it created.  So  I thought I'd watch the sequel.  

The whole thing was not as original as the first one.  The theme was quite unclear to me throughout the movie.  I understand the intention, but the plotline doesn't really have the emotional punch the director wished to create.  The twist at the end suffered because of the unclear theme.  But some the atmosphere was still there.  the main actor really is its main attraction.  I'd say it's merely okay if you really got nothing to do.  

And yet, I am writing this dumb piece for the movie.  

5h3 fefnt of kku cats

 i had my bcat arouldn 2004.  this say bwas a hppy say.  it was notp llanned or anything.  i just dropped off colege . 

Phoebe buffet smelly cat

Smelly cat, smelly cat,

What are they feeding you?

It's not your fault.   

They won't take you to the vet

you're obviously not their favorite  pet

you may not be a bed of roses

and you're no friend with those with noses

Smelly cat, smelly cat

what are they feeding you?

Smelly cat, smelly cat

it's not your fault

Penny Soft kitty 

Warm Kitty

Little ball of fur

Happy kitty

Sleepy kitty

Purr, purr, purr.  

Monday, November 08, 2021

Heard couple songs, jotted them down here

幼時的朋友現在的臉書網紅,常常帶著自己的兒子唱歌表演。  這些都是他們唱的。  爸爸帶著兒子。  自有一種幸福。   











給你我的手 像溫柔野獸

一起郊遊 今天別想太多
你是我的夢 像北方的風
今天加油 向昨天揮揮手




給你我的手 像溫柔野獸

一起郊遊 今天別想太多
你是我的夢 像北方的風
今天加油 向昨天揮揮手

給你我的手 像溫柔野獸

一起郊遊 今天別想太多
哇啦啦啦啦 像北方的風
今天加油 向昨天揮揮手

今天為我加油 捨不得揮揮手

Thursday, November 04, 2021

alsldfasodfiald k j j oaoao k

I just finished watching undisputedof shannonandskip talking about scot'sanger.  shannonandskip's chemistry really is incredible.  We all know where skipstands.  butshannon is the one medium who kept the balance and stay reasonable.  they talk like friends, with real opinions and contents.  sometimes, i'd feel talk show just so they could stir the motion of the audience.  But besides the topics and their acting.  the chemistry was so in harmony.  and when they look back, would they be as bitter as mikeandscot?  I don't think so.  because there's sincerity in both of shannonandskip.  

scotis really angry.  and likeshannon said, it's very understandable.  that doc recorded mike's last dance.  why does it show every embarrassing moment ofscott's career?  but the wayscott express this anger, at all direction, it's very bad for him and for history, which he is part of.  He's throwing poop at himself.  But who caused this in the end?  it is actuallymike.  

why are they doing the last dance now?  what motivates mike now?  it's lbj.  because lbj really moved mike a little bit in his heart.  and for that, mikeput out a documentary.  but i bet while he's making the doc, watching all the highlights and thinking back.  the many what if scenarios must have go through his mind.  

i watched the last dance very late, just 6 months ago, i think.  before watching it, i already watched and read many comments.  one of the most fascinating opinions was about bull's manager.  a lot of people say the doc trashed that manager.  but some say at the end, the documentary actually gave him back some credit.  But in the midst of scott'sanger.  shannonasked a very interesting question, why putting all the scott's embarrassing moment in the doc?  and here's what i believe the reason why.  In the process of making the doc, mike'sview on the manager started to shift.  What if Mike never left?  the coach left, scottleft, but with that general manager's vision, they could acquire tracymcgrady in place of scott, what would happen then?

mike has been managing a team of his own for quite a while now.  his vision has changed since his player year.  I think to include Scott's many embarrassing moments was in his psyche a regret, not letting the manager do his thing.  let the manager manager HR, I will lead whoever he acquired to victory.  And it was the manager, who always viewed scottwasa replaceable piece.  

shannonand many other people said scott's has misdirected his anger at mike.  but i think it's not.  because the value ofscott's inmike's mind should never be replaceable, at least in scott'sview.  but now it does.  if scott's fault is in how he expressed his anger now, mike'sffault is making a documentary and throw his most trusted team mate under the bus because he himself could not stop wondering the what ifs.  

it is truly sad,  because i was one of many who lived and amazed bymike and the chicagobull.  for 20 years, they are the team.  but now the doc brought something out, it felt llike the team was never really there.  and all the effort was fruitless.  the champion is the fruit?  or the team mates?  or the money they made?   it's just sad.  I still loved the game, but i played less and less each year.  I shall still treasure those years and think they are the greatest team andmike the greatest player.  but something is different.  

Sunday, October 31, 2021


 I feel I am deteriorating.  This condition pretty much mirrored my mom's condition.   

當我還小的時候, 我的母親是我的動力來源。  我會游泳,騎車,打球,都是母親一手促成。  我唸過一些書,會一點算數,有一點知識,能做善惡的分辨也是我母親。  但是人到了某一個時期就應該可以自己產生動能,如果是這樣,就會向外尋找其他的動力來源。  很多時候,都是因著自己的喜惡來決定下一步的走向。  這有點像是在母親肚子裡時,胎兒靠著母親的血液;出生了嬰孩時期,靠著母親的乳汁;孩童時期,有父母的供養。  這時身體和靈性都是還和父母牽連著。  但是到了某一時期,人開始靠著之前的供養,逐漸長成獨立的人。  他會考慮自己的身體健康和心靈的快樂。  我知道,我似乎完全沒有。  可是,在某一方面,我希望自己可以這個樣。  但是,卻完全沒有發生。  在以前,我藉著母親給我的教養來做待人接物。  人人都以為我雖然一事無成,但還是個有教養的人。  可是這三年來,我知道我是每況愈下。  而這種情況連帶拖累我的母親。  

幾年前,舅舅提出了一個具有前瞻的想法。  那就是應該要為母親想想他的下一階段。  我知道母親自己其實是想過的。  不像我,我是沒有想,真正是走一步算一步。  母親覺得自己就這樣平平淡淡的過日子。  可是因為新冠的關係,他和聚會所的真正接觸減少了許多。  而平日的生活又是那樣毫無進展可言。  我不覺得這樣對他的情況會有好處。  但是,這些他或許都可以忍受。  我的沒有進展已是一個精神上的重擔。  

當他跟小瑋在一起的時候,我相信他可以感受到一種人生推進的力量。  但是他平常大部分都和我在一起。  我平常連話都不說,也不知道要說甚麼,要怎麼說。  不僅僅是不說話,連做事情都完全沒個準。  家裡要修的事,我接二連三地說我會做。  沒有一件完成。  我目前除了工作上想要完成的小計畫以外,所有時間都是是看 YT。  我自己也很煩,但是卻是什麼也不做。  除了一直跟自己說全是自己的錯以外,甚麼也不做。  玩遊戲,看書,看電影,幾乎都沒有甚麼興趣了。  如果做了也只是希望修磨時間。  我離開馬斯康三年了,工作一直換。  真正連人際關係都沒有。  我一天講不到三句話。  如果講話,講的話味同嚼蠟,因為都是一樣的東西。  媽媽很輝想辦法要我說話,就問我一些他知道我比較熟習的話題,但是,真的,我又能講出啥新意來呢?!  


Friday, October 29, 2021

States of being

 When I was born, I knew nothing of this world.  my state of being is pretty much blank.  

When I start to perceive though, my state of being changed.  At the very beginning, it was wet and dark.  There might sound sound and vibration, but they are muffled.  But after being exposed to the outside word, the sound and vibration was intensifying, I am not sure how much light I could perceive, but it certainly astounded me.  I was silent, and in silence I hold my breath.  But suddenly, a violent vibration on my buttocks.  I did not know I have a behind, but the vibration sent a quick jolt from that area! I can no longer stay quiet.  I cannot hold out any longer, I need to react.  I cried.  And so came in my first breath of air.  My first state of being was then complete.  

Currently I am sitting and doing nothing.  How I come to be at this state was definitely not by sitting and waiting.  

Wednesday, October 20, 2021














Tuesday, October 19, 2021


 正在錄製成長路的聽書。  故事裡提到一首歌,作者翻譯成 皇天冥冥保佑人。  我很好奇地去看看原文,這首歌的英文是 【Rock of Age】。  很好奇聽起來是怎樣的。  就去 YT 找找,還滿好聽的。  有趣的是這題目並沒有明顯的聖經出處。  有一篇網路上的文章舉了幾個聖經章節。  雖然不是逐字逐句地從聖經上來,但是很明顯作者對聖經非常非常熟悉。  資錄歌詞如下:

Rock of Ages

Christian hymn written by Augustus M. Toplady, with music by Thomas Hastings in 1762

Rock of ages cleft for me

Let me hide myself in Thee
Let the water and the blood
be of sin the double cure
Save from wrath and make me pure

From thy riven side which flowed

Not the labors of my hands 
can fulfill Thy law's commands;
Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears forever flow, 
All for sin could not atone;
Thou must save, and Thou alone. 
Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to Thy cross I clin;
Naked, come to Thee for dress;
Helpless look to Thee for grace;
Foul, I to the fountain fly;
Wash me, Savior, or I die.
While I draw this fleeting breath,
When mine eyes shall close in death,
When I soar to worlds unknown,
See Thee on Thy judgment throne,
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee.  


Exodus 33: 20-23 But He said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live !" Then the LORD said, "Behold, there is a place by Me, and you shall stand there on the rock; and it will come about, while My glory is passing by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. Then I will take My hand away and you shall see My back, but My face shall not be seen."

Saturday, October 16, 2021

A discussion

 A couple weeks ago, I heard an interesting discussion about teaching.  My cousin and his girlfriend are traditional Chinese martial art teachers, so was the friend they had the discussion.  

I remember what lead to the discussion was about what they think they should be called  by their students.  The friend told her students to call her 師父.  When she first got the school, everyone called her 師姐, it's natural, because they were all students to the previous master.  But one day out of blue, she got a call from the old master, who told her, she should let other students start to call her 師父.

My cousin and his GF, started to asking each other what should their students call them?  They said they never thought about it.  Their students always refer to  them by their names.  And from there on, the discussion sometimes went to what this title meant.  And then it turned into another interesting direction.  It is about how should they teach their students.  The friend said she thought many students behave badly.  They need to be reminded.  My cousin and his GF said they are reluctant to do so.  But the friend said if it's adult class, she cannot do too much.  But if it's kids class, she said they are more like a clean slate, she should teach them.  My cousin and Michelle, said they rather have the kids realizes something by themselves.  

As I was listening, I find it interesting.  I was thinking it's a difference between USAn (the friend) and Chinese(my cousin and his GF, although they are USAns as well).  But then I thought of opposite examples from both sides as well.  If the thought was around American and Chinese, I think it's kind missing the point.  Like the previous Tiger Mom discussion.  I bet there are some scary USAn moms too.  And I feel my cousin's upbringing kind of reflect his current attitude.  So, again, it's still a individual family styles, don't matter where you are from.  

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Tree company ruined front yard

    My neighbor hired a company(East Coast Tree Remove company) to cut trees in his back yard.  They came yesterday with a huge cram and biggest wood chipper I've ever seen.  They occupied the whole street.  It was loud and dusty  When I came home, I saw them setup right in front of my house, they even blocked my drive way.  I had to park in four houses down.  Anyway, they made a huge mess.  My front yard was totally ruined by them.  Because when the cram brought those huge tree trunks to the streets they swung wildly in my yard.  It's not just once, or twice, they consistently hit my dahlia again and again, my sedum on one side was ruined as well.  And my lamp post was hit, the light fixture was completely knocked off, the post loosened.  And the trunks hit my wall so many times and left tree tunk's marks.  They came at 7 am in the morning and worked around 8.  I was at Mao's at 6, Mom called me saying that she cannot get online.  Then around 8, she called again saying that all the neighbors were outside, and she had not electricity so she stepped out to see what's going on.  Nick, my neighbor saw her and yelled don't come out!  There's live wire  in front of our house.  I heard from a neighbor saying when he came home last night, there're police cars, fire trucks, and national grid trucks everywhere.   Mom said she cannot get online either.  When I got home last night, the electricity was back, but no internet.  There's one cable lying on my drive way, which I guessed is the internet cable.  Mom said the neighbor who hired the company came by to say he will take care of the mess.  I called the internet company, they said they already had an appointment scheduled for tomorrow at 12-2pm.  

    I got up to take lots of pictures on the damage next morning.  And after talking to my sister on the phone, I went and tried to address my concern about the damages.  John was not in, her wife Denise told me John will give me a call, which he did.  And by noon time, the cable guy came and put up a new wire.  But frankly that cable guy sucks, because he did not even take the downed cable off my property!  The tree company had a guy came over trying to fix the light fixture, helped me to take the damaged internet cable off my property.  But the light fixture he bought was damaged, so he left to get a new one.  Then the other guy from the company showed up, I feel like I saw the guy before, he was in the tree cutting crew yesterday, but I am not sure.  Mom was adamant on seeing him fix the lamp and to make sure the lamp is not wobbly.  The road in front of us was ruined.  She made sure he fixed it.  But she is not satisfied with the repair job at all.  But most of all, our dahlia was so ruined.  She was mad, and wanted to ask for money.  The guy kept saying these are perennials, they will grow back.  And  I was so naïve and said I was going to save the bulbs anyway.  So the guy basically left without doing anything for the flowers.  Later, when I was accessing the damage, I truly regretted for what I said.  We should ask for dollar repayment.  There's no way that company should come and ruined a patch my yard and left not scathed!  And in the morning, my house was filled with spider webs.  I bet it's from the trees that got cut down.  They must have left us with lots of insets and bugs in my yard.    

    After the guy left, my mom and I went out for a walk.  We were checking the condition of the road surface and saw a lot of gouges on the road.  We talked to Nick for a while, his wife Sandy said she even called police when she saw the cram in the morning.  Nick also mentioned that the company got be able to handle these damages with their own insurance.  My mom thought it's absolutely crucial to show and talk to John.  So we immediately went and talk to him.  We showed him the gouges and ruined dahlias.  He said he will call the Andover Town about the road.  And he will tell his landscape company to take a look at our yard.  And he will talk to the company again.  But he is very focused on the trees in his backyard.  Because apparently the cop came last night to stop the operation.  John still got a big trunk half cut in his back yard.  And he is even more concerned about two dead trees behind his house though they are not in his property, one belonged to Emily, the other one is Ryan, another neighbor on the Howell drive.   

And I have to say, the attitude of the company was horrendous.  I called the company to lodge a complain, when I mentioned I was almost hit, in fact I was hit by the tree trunk twice while I was in my yard.  The first time I was a bit close to the road, about 6 feet.  The second time I was 5 feet in front of my front door, after they've already broke my lamp post.  The lady on the phone was laughing, saying I should not be there when the tree crew were working.  I feel the company was assholes from top to bottom.  I cannot stand 5 feet away from my front door?  How close was their chance to hit my house?  

Monday, September 20, 2021

Book afterthoughts

 我近幾個月從沒看完幾本書,這本是讀完的少數之一。  本書在講述乾複印機, Xerography 從發明家到真正成為一件產品的過程。  我看這本書的原因實在是因為我想在 YT 上放一些我喜歡的故事,我自己念,把他們錄製成說書。  我本來是拿著一本讀者文摘出的一本叫雋永集的精采文章編錄。  其中有一篇叫做乾複印,就在講述這個發明家。  雖說我讀了文章後,發現這只是一篇很簡單的文章。  我看了以後不知道為啥, 一直很著迷。  這是一件奇怪的事情。  後來在我家附近的圖書館找到一本相關的書。  於是就借出來看看。  

我以為這本書會放在圖書館傳記區,但是他竟然是放在有關工藝的地方。  這真是一件令人不解的事情。  這本書叫做, "Copies in Seconds"。  這位乾複印的發明家叫做 Chester Carlson。  作者一開頭從最古老的歷史講起。  從埃及的草紙,一直講到現代。  我想這樣講,是想讓大家對乾複印的與眾不同有個真正的認識。  我很佩服歐美人士對自己的歷史是多麼認真,從這麼一本不到三百頁的書裡,作者光是講歐美在複印史上的歷程就仔細的不得了。  各種過程裡,人名,時間,地點,社會背景,當時的科技程度,他都要閱讀和仔細的研究一翻才能寫得出來。  到了乾複印,也就是廿世紀初到中期的時候,書中所舉出的人物,和他們自己所寫的書,或對相關人士的採訪,經過作者的穿針引線,真正紅靈活現的把那時的這些人,他們所面對的遭遇,挫折,他們當時的感想,後來的回味,似乎也把我帶進那曾經走過的道路上,跟著一起經歷著。  

我看完了在想,這個故事到底為什麼讓我這麼著迷?  我想是當時這個團隊吧。  我們往往把一個發明的完成通通放在一個發明家身上。  這本書裡,每一個人都知道誰是乾複印的發明者。  可是,做為一個讀者,我可以很清楚的看到,如果沒有一個團隊,發明家本身永遠無法證明他的發明是可行的。  我想我對雋永集那篇文章有點感冒的原因就是,他只提發明家。  另外,這本書裡的團隊也並沒有掩蓋住發明家的光環。  這位發明家的出身微寒,憑藉著自己的努力,而發明了乾複印。  但是,這卻不是我最佩服的地方。  他的忍耐和他的信心更令我佩服。  他的忍耐從他一發明乾複印開始,到真正的產品出廠,總共廿五年。  期間沒有大廠要他的發明。  即使碰到了一家公司相信他的發明極有潛力。  但是,他依仍等待了十二年,產品才上市。  忍耐並不是純粹的坐在那兒等著天上掉水餃。  他依然籌畫借錢,並且參與改良,並且謙卑的敦促那公司的總經理。  謙卑的敦促實在是一個奇怪的講法,但是,我實在想不到用啥形容詞來描述這本書裡所展現的發明家。  

另外,這家公司, Haloid Xerox, 的總經理,或者總執行長,在銷售乾複印的手法實在很靈活。  因為一開始的乾複印機(941)實在太貴了,光是造價就要兩千元,那還是1960 年代的兩千元。  所以他們靈活的以租賃為賺錢的手段,招攬公司行號,公家機關,法人團體來租賃。  當時實際上已經有其他的複印機,只是這些複印機限制太多,操作不便。  但是,他們便宜。  當時 Haloid Xerox 公司想和 IBM 合作生產,結果 IBM 找了家投資風險顧問公司來做風險評估。  結果是風險太高, 因為市場已經充斥各種影印機,這台超貴的機器怎麼與之抗衡,而且他們認為一般的公司實在沒有必要用這樣的機器。  IBM 便放棄合作。  Haloid Xerox 後來自己也找了家公司來做評估,結果一樣。  但是,這位總經理,仍然奮勇向前,而且後來的策略成功。  Xerox 成為複印的代名詞。  


"Technology doesn't evolve steadily and continuously.  New ideas often arrived in clusters, having been generated by cumulative cultural forces whose origin and exact nature aren't always obvious at the time, or even later."  

"We ourselves are copies. 'And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.' A living organism, from its DNA up, is a copying machine.  the essence of life -- the difference between us and sand -- is replication." 

"Copying is the engine of civilization: culture is behavior duplicated." 

到這裡,也可以做一個結束了。  但是,我依然很好奇,似乎還想知道日本的複印機。  因為現在幾乎我所看到的複印機都是日本的或著是某大電腦公司的。  很少看到 Xerox。  而且聽說在 1980 年代, Xerox 和日本的複印公司也有過很強烈的競爭。  

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


     媽媽在圖書館借了這本書。  雖然是簡體字,但是我們都還是會看。  媽媽把這本書借回去後的兩三天甚麼書也不讀了,就讀這一本。  他那兩三天就一直說我應該看這本書。  我不怎麼想看,也沒啥原因,就不怎麼有興趣。  

    我後來還是看了。  這是一本很不錯的書。  書的內容主要是十九封龍應台寫給他母親的信。  中間穿插一些他母親一生中經歷的歷史事件或社會狀況。  這信是假設的信,因為龍的母親因為老人癡呆症,已經不能讀懂甚至認識龍這個女兒了。  

    能說出自己為什麼喜歡一本書,一部電影,或著任何東西其實都不是一件容易的事。  我現在要試試看。  這本書寫的很貼近作者本人,給我很真實的感覺。  裡面有一封信,作者提到他兒子的女朋友,竟然說這個女朋友像小三。  我媽說作者真是大膽。  我完全同意。  書裡提到的也幾乎都是親身經驗,親耳聽到的。  作者也有相應的文筆把這些經驗和聽到的事,用自己的感情描寫出來。 我最近在錄製成長路的有聲書。  我覺得兩本書有共通的地方。  但是寫作時兩位作者想像中的讀者不同。  成長路的寫作對象是一般大眾。  而這本書卻想像母親為寫作對象。  所以內心真實的呈現可以在這本書裡給受很深。  

    這本也是我看過以女性的角度所寫的一本書。  另外也有很強烈的中國人的感覺。  作者一方面是寫給母親, 所以可以看做是兩個女人的對話。  但是和一般父母一樣,作者沒兩三句話就會提到自己的小孩。  這一點,卻可以看出一個中國母親的樣子。  


  • 女朋友: 就像我說的,這是本和成長路有類似的主題的書。  成書都在母親不認識他們之後。  能和父母一起出吃飯聊聊天,那是多好呢?  我後來看到龍應台和她小孩之間的對話一開始感覺怎麼都是小孩說老媽糟糕。  但是,他自己雖然也有苦味,但是甘甜也在其中。  作者真的好像甚麼話都說,毫無忌諱似的。  但是,在他父母那一代,卻不是這樣。  只有行動而言語少。  我有時候覺得,如果他母親還在,這些信裡說的內容會不會改變一些。  因為那一代的人可能沒有那麼開放,至少在說話上。  這也讓我想到 Frasier 這部電視劇。  電視劇就是一個中年男子把老年父親帶回一自己的家後發生的事情。  裡面很多衝突就在於上一代的保守和下一代的開放。  但是那種,到最後象朋友的感覺,卻和本書一致。  
  • 出村: 這章裡提到女子上大學。  這章讓我想到我媽。  我媽那時大學聯考不理想,就重考。  還是不理想,最後還是回到第一次考到的大學上國文系。  我媽說是外婆的一句話讓他去了大學。  
  • 生死課: 這一點讓感覺滿強烈的。  尤其是來到美國。  這很奇怪,為什麼呢?  在台灣,我小時候都是和母親或是妹妹在一起。  到了學校就是和同學在一起。  我父母都是外省人,在台灣沒有那樣龐大的親戚網路。  但是因為和父母妹妹很親近,又有同學作伴,不感覺到有啥失落。  一直到了美國後, 碰到了不同的同學。  而且大概年歲也是大了一點,開始感覺到其他人的生活活動。  不知道為啥,在這裡碰到的同學,甚至是以後的同事,聊聊天幾乎都有堂兄弟姊妹或著表兄弟姊妹一堆。   這種經驗和我現在完全不習慣和人在一起的樣子完全不同。  但是,在台灣我真的沒有啥堂表之親,在美國我也有一些了。  
  • 卿佳否:  王羲之 【初月帖】 初月十二日, 山陰義之報。 近欲遣此書,濟行無人,不辨遣信。  昨至此, 且得去月十六日書, 雖遠為慰,過囑, 卿佳否?  
  • 二十六歲: "Art should comfort the disturbed and disturbed the comfortable."
  • 永遠的女生: 安琪拉和全家福。  作者母親的親身經歷, 在淳安城和憲兵隊溝通的故事很棒。  只是不知道當時這個憲兵隊是偽政府的憲兵還是國民政府的。  
  • 借愛勒索: 媽媽就這一張裡因為柏格曼的父親是牧師,就和我談了一下假宗教。  我倒是想到一篇古文,在講當時風氣都講孝,但其實慈應該更重要。  孝是子女對父母的愛,慈是父母對子女的愛。  令外,張愛玲也會打人。  
  • 時間是甚麼? : 愛因斯坦的信讓我想到佛陀和老莊。  而作者的假想信讓我想到 Frankeneenie 裡的一句話。  我只想到 Victor 的話來回答他。  
  • 1942 九條命: 楊景鍾的故事實在是很好的故事或著電影題材!  
  • 1950 親愛的溫暖的手: 我也很驚訝, 土耳其也參加了韓戰。。。  
  • 讓我喋喋不休: 說一句實在話, 看到丁肇中的話,感覺很可憐。  可憐因為我覺得他沒有看懂王陽明。  到底是王陽明沒說清楚,還是丁肇中看不懂。  我再回頭看看自己的話,也很可憐。 
  • 有時: 作者寫的姐姐那一段很好笑。 
  • 淡香紫羅蘭:  媽媽那一段我很喜歡。  他母親和作者那群女學生說話的時候,只是情緒吧?  只是利益的想法實在很難想像。  就連以前我表姊說表姊夫哪兒好,哪兒不好的時候我都覺得很奇怪。  我這種你的臭你的香我都喜歡的想法就知道還是個雛。。。  

我覺得這本書就是說了一些真話。  紀錄了一些真實的事情。  真的很不錯。  

Monday, August 23, 2021


I knew the film while I was searching reviews of theFather on youtube and came across kermode's review.  He mentioned Relic in that video.  So I went and find it.  

I liked it, especially the ending.  But I did feel that the movie was long.  And in mid of it, I kind lost the point of the movie.  The acting of those actresses were exceptional.  And I really love the script, where every question became a stagger.  But until the ending started, I was so much in horror mode.  I am not sure how I should feel about the mother in the movie.  I came in the movie knowing it's about dementia, but the horror part of the movie seemed to overwhelm that part of the movie until the end.  I guess it made sense that people around dementia patient to feel that way, horror and confused,  not sure what to feel.  

But I have to say, stories using symbols and indirect elements are harder to grasp, both rationally and emotionally.  Audiences who really understand and appreciate it will always be small crowd.  In comparison to theFather, I'd say the approach of theFather is more direct.  Relic needs a lot of time to think about it.  If I did not know it's about dementia, I'd say it's just an above average horror movie.   By knowing in advance of the subject matter, I noticed more details and appreciated it much better.  

The actresses in those movies were especially good.  The performance was subtle and yet effective.  I read a review in rottentomatoes that the character developments in the movie in such a short time was well done.  I totally agreed.  The difference feeling towards the gran in the beginning started to shift towards the end.  And then the ending brought all of them in to a linear timeline.  It is great movie making.  

But would I go back and watch it?  Probably not.  Like the babadook, which was compared with Relic by many reviewers, I think they are very good movie.  But because the dreadfulness it brought during the viewing.  I think viewing once is good enough.  

Sunday, August 22, 2021


 是的,我又看了一遍異形二。  因為亞馬遜上有他的導演版。  

有差那麼多嗎?  你三個月前才看過一次的!!

還是有差啦。  整個劇情要完整多了。  只是我不能否認,到了最後面的時候,我已經有點不想看了。  有些地方是可以再剪掉一點。  不過話又說回來,上映版的我看到最後的時候,我也有點不想看了。  這和第一集的地方不一樣。  我第一級從頭看到尾都不嫌煩。  

是嗎?  竟然還有你會嫌煩的時候?  

當然啦。  我正在思考為什麼第二集到最後總是讓我嫌煩。  一定是因為結局不夠吸引我吧。  

廢話!  一定是你覺得無聊才會不想看哪。  



不是耶。  第二集好看的地方實在是軍隊裡的角色很有趣。  和異形的戰鬥多樣有變化。  例外就是那個很壞的公司主管。  但是,到了尾聲的時候,這些幾乎都沒了。  而且到最後,異形還敵不過主角一個人。  我現在想想,會不會是這些因素使的電影的結尾部分不希引我。  

看來,你還想了一下。  可是那為什麼你說第一集從頭到尾都好看呢?

是呀,看了那麼多遍,我早已知道結局是啥了。  我也不知道。  有人說第一集的結局其實滿色情的,裡面精心設計的場景埋有很多可以喚起潛意識的圖案。  也許是這樣吧。  但是我現在想想實在是兩個導演在導兩部戲的時候,他們的風格不同。  其實,我昨天也有這樣的感覺。  第一集是英國導演,他想拍的是一部太空中的德州鏈鋸殺人事件、或是太空裡的大白鯊。  他整部片子都很寫實,又在這種寫實的場景中,設計了令人倒胃口的鏡頭。  而每個鏡頭都有另外的意義,你如果仔細去看,其實會發現很多和人類出生的圖案,像是子宮,男人的陰莖。  但是,第二集就沒有那麼細膩的設計。  這位美國導演是一位很能抓住市場的導演。  他的電影裡,就像很多美國大眾電影,有趣好笑,緊湊刺激。  所以這時候的主角雖然和第一集是同一人物,但是在人物情感的變化上是不一樣的。  第一集的主角你可以感到他的害怕,他到最後都是真正的害怕。  可是第二集到了最後,在我感覺她有點樣版化了。  我並不是說這位女優的演戲功力到最後就不行了。  實際上,第二集電影進行到結尾前,我是非常喜歡主角整部戲的變化,那時主角領導力自然而然的出現。  但是當他變成無敵的時候,這樣的結局反而沒有第一集的恐懼來的吸引人。  

所以你的意思是第二集到最後的感情不夠扎實了。  可是主角不是要去救一個小女孩嗎?  主角既然在第二集裡成長了,他做了英雄應該也很真實啊。  他去救人,甚至在最後跑到飛機亭時,飛機不見了,那感情豈不是也很沉重。  

是啊,所以我說女優的功力真的很棒。  但是他到最後反正是無堅不摧。  說另一句話,第二集的驚訝其實就是第一集的照鈔,可是鈔的很粗俗。  說到底,我覺得第二集還可以找到更好的結局。  


Saturday, August 21, 2021


 我去圖書館借來再看一次。  跟第二集比一比。  我感覺第二集因為有講話,還是比較容易懂。  但是第一集加上第二集,人物也更完整。  

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

AQuietPlace part 2 afterthought-spoiler alert

 It's very good.  It's very very good.  Those are my afterthought, after watched twice.  

Excellent movie, it grabbed my attention from the get-go all the way to the end.  I still remember the first movie, especially the ending.  It was very tense most of part 1.  But the buildup towards the end and the final action was specially awesome, at least that's what I remembered.  The part 2 started from day 1 of the event and cut straight into the part 1 ending, it somehow brought a continuation without going into too much of part 1.   I thought that was a clever way to move audience along.  I saw a lot of TV drama with 2nd part, which usually started with complete narration of what happened in the last episode.  This transition is refreshing and engaging.  

I saw a review saying the beginning of part 2 is Spielberg-esque, which is awesome!  I think so too.  

I felt the tension was again never let up.  There's no funny moment, there's no quirks.  It's fast paced, even in the middle section, which I read some reviewers felt it dragged in the middle.  But to me, the director cutting back and forth between family members and sometimes two panels side by side, using the same soundtrack, I felt the anticipation of something to happen on all sides kept me very busy.  I knew something might've happened but with three threads going at the same time, the tension was created by pulling from all sides.  That was excellent direction.  

The cast was awesome.  No one is wasted, they all filled their roles to the fullest.  And really have to give to millicentSimmonds.  She's awesome.  cillianMurphy too.  I mentioned these two, because they pushed the plot into new front.  The other cast created a supportive role, I felt.  The interaction between mS and cM was another source for uncertainty in the beginning.  I have to say, casting cM was awesome.  I always feel he has this quality of uncertainty on his face.  I can never tell if he's going to be evil, or good.  Casting done right...  

I wish there're more movies like this, I want to learn sign language from this movie.  

I saw a review talking about that diversity in this movie was not enough.  I dreaded to hear those words...  Why not mentioning gender equality was splendid in the movie...  Or...maybe it's not either?  When an artist started to think political correctness, something is always lost during the process, and became artificial, fake.  I believe future generation will created more racial diverse gender equal movie, not because we purposely put those in the movie.  But because we lived in such society.  Understand this, movie like literary, let it reflect reality.  I've seen political correctness ruined movies, or arts.  Just go watch communist movies, or patriotic propaganda movies.  They were so restricted, there're always things they cannot say, due to political correctness.  Or rather, don't use political correctness to criticize movies...  le sigh  

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

窗外觀後雜記 - 有據透

 找這一部影片已經很久了,終於找到了。  看了感覺還滿值得的。  

我很驚訝這是林的第一部片子。  雖然這一部片子主角的年紀和她相當, 可是實在有很多複雜人生經驗。  但是林都處理得滿恰當。  我覺得導演起用林是一個很好的決定。  

這部片子很多令我吃驚的地方,裡面居然有那麼多接吻的鏡頭,女孩談他們的感情問題,強姦,等等。  這些讓我感覺是很禁忌的話題。  但是,話說回來,小城故事裡也有強姦未遂的過場。  很好其觀眾當時的反映不知道會怎樣?

我稍微看了幾段原著的文字,電影其實靠原著靠的近。  這故事裡最後的一段過場實在很令人難過。  

林在演這戲時,不知道為什麼讓我想到瓊瑤。  當然電影的原作者是瓊瑤,故事本身也有點瓊瑤的自傳意味。   這樣的聯想或許不奇怪。  但是對我來說還是其奇怪的,因為 我從沒見過瓊瑤本人,連他說話的表情神態都沒見過。  

我覺得故事本身有很多真實的地方,導演並沒有過份渲染,如此使的電影娓娓道來,結局的最後見面,我有看過有人拿胭脂扣來比較,我覺得很是恰當。  但是,以電影來說,這一部電影就沒有胭脂扣在音樂和畫面上配合的熟練。  這有點璞玉的感覺。  

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Thoughts on GA's Champion

It was a incredible final this year.  Though I only watched highlights.  I thought that both teams had incredible run.  When GA express the excitement and talked about super team, I thought it was awesome.  He should be excited and the team should be quite proud.  It's not easy to build a team.  GA did have a awesome performance in the last game.  But as a team, they grow.  And like in the little prince, roses are only dear when you worked so hard for it day in and day out.  For Bucks, they've been on it since GA came, they tweaked and re-tweaked the roster.  And I believe that concept of wall was not meant just for GA, it's for the whole team.  So KM learned to assert himself when need too.  GA learned to rely on other his teammates rather than banging on the wall.  Their coach must have learn something too.  

I think they would want to prove themselves to be a a champion, like warriors in the second run.  And I think it's interesting to see how the team will play them.  But most of all, could the team still hold together like this year?  Because journalists can say anything.  Come play time, all the words were thin air.  Only by growing together, win or lose, will be the ultimate truth for the players themselves.  

I say win or lose, because there are forces outside of team's or players' control.  Learn to live with the result but never stop working on your own goal is the right way to do it.  

翻譯 羅勃 E. 佛勒:在達比森林偷食的狐狸其實只是為了他的仔



    這個月的一個下午,我本來想和家人在達比森林享受一個難得的空檔,但大家都被大雨淋(得一身濕)成了落湯雞。  這讓我想到兩年前一個潮濕的七月,當時我在同樣的森林裡露營,也遇到大雷雨,卻有機會丟狗餅乾給一隻狐狸吃,而且驚訝的發現他竟然可以象家養的狗一樣,在空中接住餅乾。  我是特別去找那隻狐狸的。  因為一個到我畫廊參觀的人告訴我在狄克森谷,有一隻很兇野的狐狸他經常跑在腳踏車手的左右討食物,好象古代騎馬的兇悍搶匪。  


    我一抓到一個星期六的空檔,就整裝出發。  為了確保可以看到狐狸,我還打算在那露營。  雖然那是那一整個夏天下雨最多的周末,整體來說仍是一個很棒的經驗。  為了不要太引人注目,我還帶上了我的腳踏車。  到了之後,我沿途問了好些人,希望有人看過這隻膽大的狐狸。  果然, 有人看過那隻狐狸把還在烤的香腸叼走;另一個說那隻狐狸跳進開著門的車子裡找食物;甚至有人說那狐狸從他手裡吃了一些橡皮糖。  每一個故事發生的地點都不同,所以我只好騎著車子到處逛。  騎到下午四點,我已經快要放棄了。  

    當我騎到達比森林的遊客中心停車場時,我注意到一群全身是泥的腳踏車手站在他們的麵包車旁。  離他們五公尺處,有隻狐狸炯炯注視著他們,希望可以得到一些食物。  我一邊走向那群車手,一邊拿出照相機,同時和他們打招呼說自己已經找了這隻狐狸一整天了。  這群人說這隻狐狸四點的時候總是在這兒等著他們呢,他們說得像是家常便飯似的。  那是隻母狐狸,正在哺乳期,我可以看見他那發脹的乳頭。  我猜他的孩子也在左近。  (最後一句重新翻譯: 我看見那狐狸發脹的乳頭,原來是一隻媽媽狐狸,正在哺乳期呢! 說不定他的孩子也在左近。)  


    我把一些我帶的狗餅乾丟給了母狐狸。我趁著狐狸去撿餅乾的時候開始拍攝他取食的一連串照片。  那群腳踏車手裡有人在離開之前也丟了一些香腸手卷給狐狸。  終於只剩我和那隻狐狸了。  我不停的丟我的餅乾,一邊嘗試的從不同角度去拍照。  在吃了一些餅乾後,我發現他開始把餅乾儲存在嘴巴裡,多半是要帶回去給他的狐狸仔。  我很希望可以找到他的孩子。 如果他們也像他一樣沒有攻擊性,我也可以多照一些難得的照片。  


     狐狸裝滿了一嘴的食物就回頭走進了濃密的灌木叢。  我的腳踏車無法越過灌木叢,只好找路繞過去,好在不久就發現他也走在離走道不遠的地方。  他穿越過許多障礙,跳上跳下的,好似一個體操選手走過好幾個平衡槓。  我正驚訝地注視他身手矯健的穿叢越林,他已經消失在森林的深處了。

    我不敢再跟下去了,不僅僅因為我這二十年的腳踏車,而且我一手拿著三角架,背包裡又全是照相機裝備,不能冒這個險。  我想最好的辦法就是回到剛剛的停車場等他。  我想他知道我在那兒發餅乾,可能還是會回到停車場的。  果不其然,五分鐘後他回來了。  再一次的,他嘴裡裝滿了餅乾又回頭去找他的仔仔。  我這次趕快到他上次消失的地點,這次我多跟了一些路,然後再回到停車場等著餵他。


    就這樣,每次狐狸回去找他的仔仔,我跟著他多走一會兒,就愈來愈靠近小狐狸。 當我跟丟了,我又回到停車場等著他回來。  終於,距離我第一次跟丟了母狐狸的地點,大約六百碼的地方,我找到了小狐狸。  一開始,只是聽到一些細細酥酥的聲音,然後我就看到兩隻小狐狸怯怯的在一叢蕨類植物探頭出來。  他們小心翼翼的樣子和他們的母親很不一樣。  

    這時候已經滿晚了,我決定先回到營地。  當我正要離開時,發現山谷下的一個山道旁的草被壓的平平的。  我瞭解到這就是小仔仔玩鬧的地方,我好高興知道這就是他們的巢穴。  


    當天晚上下了場很大的雨,我一個晚上沒睡,後悔選在此時露營。  早上的時候,整個地面浸滿了水,所有的的表面都是濕漉漉的,霧氣裡仍有絲絲小雨。  我回到的第一次見到狐狸的停車場,把車停在那。  然後帶著照相機騎著腳踏車上路了。  不久馬上在前頭的路上碰到了那隻狐狸媽媽。  我用我手上的狗餅乾逗著他,希望他走向我;但是現在離他的巢這麼近,母狐狸機警許多,不理我了。  他掉頭轉身朝著坡下前進。 

    就在這時,他的三隻小狐狸從草叢中突然跳到身旁。 他們的小尾巴熱烈的搖擺著,一邊在他們母親身旁打轉,一邊舔著他的鼻子。  我試圖悄悄貼近以便於照相,但是母狐狸馬上出聲示警,三隻小狐狸也立刻消失在林子裡。 狐狸媽媽再轉身向著坡上走,朝著阿德石公園去了。  我繞著路和他在一處孩子的公園相見,他正在那兒檢視著各處桌子和 BBQ 的爐子。  我又拿出我的狗餅乾,他這次拿了餅乾就往回走去找他的仔仔。  我沒有再試圖接近他的小孩了,他明顯不希望我出現在他的巢穴旁。 

    我整個早上斷斷續續的追著他的足跡。  我以一個旁觀者的角度,訝異的發現這隻野生動物就像一個隱形人,雖然穿梭在汽車,腳踏車手,甚至遛狗人的身旁,但是很少被發現。 他也利用這些機會來得到更多的食物。  來公園的人群開始搭烤肉架了。  我發現狐狸不要餅乾了。 他要牛肉漢堡和香腸。 


    到了傍晚,毛毛細雨轉成了滂沱。  就在一霎時,所有一日遊的遊客捲席而逃。  我又感覺我是這森林裡唯一的人類了。  這隻狐狸似乎也感覺到了。  因為他又開始撿拾我的狗餅乾了。 一陣子後,狐狸消失在森林裡。  我想今天也夠了,全身淋的濕透,於是我開始去找我的腳踏車,我把腳踏車放在小孩的公園裡。  當我走回孩子的公園時,發現母狐狸竟拖著我那裝滿了照相機裝備的背包,因為裡面有狗餅乾。  


    我給了他幾個餅乾,他咬在嘴裡又回頭走向森林。  我回到車旁,想到他可能還會回來,我從車後廂拿出一個爐子開始烤四根香腸,兩根我的,兩根他的。  在等香腸烤熟的時候,我開始撿拾地上的垃圾。  這時我才發現地上到處都是能量飲料的空瓶子。  在我裝滿了四袋的垃圾後,香腸烤好了。  而母狐狸呢,果然也回來了,我發現他時,他正找方法想要闖進我車子裡。  我先把他的香腸放一邊等涼,然後開始吃我的份,狐狸竟然坐下來看著我。  但一會兒,他就不耐煩了,又開始到處找食物。  他在一個樹叢裡找到一個包在塑膠袋裡的三明治。  我不希望他把塑膠袋去給他的仔仔,我就走過去想嚇阻他。  


    狐狸丟下塑膠袋後,我把它撿起來,為了要狐狸拿不到,就放在我的車頂上。 我轉身去拿他的香腸,心想要討好他一下,但是我還沒回頭,狐狸就已經跳上我車子的保險桿爬上我的備胎,想要撿那包三明治。  我趕快去把他趕下來,然後給他香腸吃。  大風起了,雲也愈來愈黑了,大雷雨就要來了。  

    反正我也濕透了,不理那斗大的雷雨在我身邊狂下,我就在折疊椅上拍照,那隻狐狸竟然就坐在我面前,幾乎跟我同一個高度。  他耐心地坐著,好像一隻溫馴的小狗,等著更多的餅乾。  這個情況實在太不真實了。  天愈來愈黑,閃電閃爍在厚厚的雲層裡,雷也打起來了,那狐狸往我走了幾步,兩個前爪趴到我膝蓋上,他直直地望入我的眼睛,邊聞邊找我口袋裡的餅乾。  

    他嗅到了餅乾,就開始拉扯我的口袋蓋子,幾乎把我拽下椅子。  這樣的距離讓我感覺危險,也不好照相,於是我丟了幾個餅乾到遠一點的地方。  我開始丟餅乾,狐狸竟也好整以暇地坐到我面前,用嘴來接這些餅乾。  大雨淋濕了我們倆。  這實在是一個不可思議的經驗。  我上星期又回到同一個地點,好奇我是否還可以再看到那隻母狐狸和他的仔仔,但是已經找不到他們了。  我很想知道他們後來怎樣了?  下面是我回去後, 為那隻母狐狸畫的象。  

(   ;  文章翻譯自這個網站,網站裡有作者的畫。  作者 ,Robert E. Fuller , 有自己的 youtube 頻道  ,他是個畫家,他的 youtube 頻道很值得一看。 )

(Really liked the article, and the experience is really unique and incredible.  Fox is such an elusive creature, it's not easy to even spot one, let alone with such an interaction.   )

(更新:  作者把 2016 年的文章重新寫了一遍。  改動了不少地方。  我本來想也重新翻譯。  但是我還是覺得第一版的文章雖然有點鬆散,但是有許多地方卻也更生動。  我也就不改了。)

Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 Nomadland afterthought

    Just watched it on Sunday.  It was what I expected, very artsy, the whole thing is shot for very small crowd.  I am not surprised it got a lot of award.  The award and the crowd are getting very far apart, the chasm is widening.  

    I thought it a very organic pictures.  It told many stories from different people still holds up as a whole.  Quite smart in directing.  In many parts, I thought the blend of cinematography and soundtrack is not intrusive.  It could a in your face political view movie, but it is not.  I appreciated this fact.  It's reminded me a a gentle wind under a sunny sky.  

    I think this movie ask question about if human had a purpose in this life on this earth.  Is it like King Solomon said, we are just bran under the wind.  For what it's worth, it presented a group of people that seemed to be outside the rat race.  I think it painted a gentle light on them.  

    I remember my aunt used to dream of this life style, with a camper going anywhere, reading books of her delight.  

Monday, July 19, 2021

Went to my uncle's

     最近去了舅舅家一趟。  已經一陣子沒和他們聯絡了。  

    大家許久沒見了,從十二點坐一坐到四點半。  還真不錯。  他們的經驗可多啦。  朋友往來多嘛。  舅媽準備了許多東西,又是越南春餅,烤地瓜,牛排,還有乾湯圓,可以自己拌糖或芝麻或花生粉。  舅媽很會想,媽說還好沒去 China Buffet ,不然就不能這樣自在。  

    他們談的很多,我在這邊卻只想記錄一下舅舅說的一些往事。  其實都是聽過的,但是現在真的發現如果不寫下來,會忘記的。  他們是藉著談論蘭阿姨給他兒子的信而引起的。  媽問舅舅,他對這封信的看法如何。  舅舅第一個說的就是蘭阿姨記錯了外婆到美國來的時間,不是七九年,是八零年。  外婆那一次來,蘭阿姨聽說不是很高興,因為不知道是甚麼原因,蘭阿姨竟然要從德州到加州去接外婆的飛機,然後還要再飛陪同飛到波士頓,接著自己坐飛機回德州,所以舅舅帶著外婆去紐約的時候,蘭阿姨沒有去。  這要是我也會不高興。。。  等於是出了力,還不能一起去玩。  之後,外婆坐飛機到德州去蘭阿姨家。  不知道她是否也要陪同去加州搭機回日本。  

    聽到這事,媽媽的本能就是說當時她一直寫信,幾乎是每週寫兩三次,叫回到東京的外婆不要再飛台灣,因為他已經跑了美國一定累壞了。  媽媽說,但是外婆不聽,執意回來見他的外孫,這裡說的是我。  結果我十一月廿日出生,外婆十二月廿日出事。  聽說在他在桃園下飛機時,還在飛機場摔了一跤。  媽說外婆看了一輩子的病,有時候早上看中心醫院,中午看宏恩醫院,下午又去另一家醫院。  為的是去看某一個專門的醫生,比較信任他。  這事媽媽最清楚。  他自從初中上了北一女,要到台北上學,陪媽媽看病變成他的任務之一。  舅舅這時候和媽媽說,媽媽出事了,你們都沒跟我說。 媽媽說,哪有,媽陷入昏迷當天晚上, 爸就打電話給你了。  舅舅說,是啊,可是他住院期間你們都 沒有說哪。  媽說,那是啊,當時你才剛拿到工作,每個人都不希望你在這時候回來哪。  舅舅說得滿臉遺憾。  後來在談話裏,我才知道他之後八二年和舅媽回來過。  蘭阿姨是外婆一過去,就回去了。  後來在台灣待了好兩三年。  舅舅說蘭阿姨之前也有過 Clayton 但是他自己還是沒甚麼印象。  

    舅說這封信也幾乎沒有提到外公。 就算提到他們自己的外公,好像也說錯了。  他們的外公主要是開好幾家綢緞莊,錢莊不是最主要的生意。  談到這裡,媽媽和舅舅都說還是大姨的記憶最好。  舅舅還說了一段事情,是大姨講的。  我外公有個弟弟,在文革的時候,把原籍遷到了江西。  當時的說 法,根據外公的弟媳婦,是因為他們家有海外關係,也就是說,都是外公的錯。  也因此,我聽說外公的弟弟對這事耿耿於懷。  但我也聽媽媽說,外公曾經請叔公到美國來住了一陣子。  外公待人的熱忱和他對弟弟的情意,很感動媽媽的叔叔。  這是題外話。  這位叔公後來想要搬回蘇州原籍。  但是當政府把他的檔案拿出來一看, 發現他去江西完全是自願的。  他的檔案上壓根沒有因為海外關係而下放的事情。  這樣一來,這位叔公回不去啦,因為那時有是為了要平反一些在文革裏的錯誤,原以為可以為自己翻案,結果, 他忘了,是自己要去的。  舅舅說根據大姨的說法,當時嬸嬸,也就是他們的叔叔的太太,看到他們家的情況,很不願意嫁過去。  當時他提出的條件就是,嫁過去了也不要和公婆住在一起。  於是,一看到有機會可以遠離這個家,就走了。  後來政府和他們的叔叔說你如果還是很想回原籍,那就把你工作轉給你兒子,放下工作,就讓你轉。  於是他退休,才回到蘇州。  

    舅舅後來提起他們來到麻州的經過。  那時他們也才剛結婚,也是八零年。  他們的當時從 Lubbock, Texas 開車到偉立家(舅媽么弟),把他們那輛兩門福特跑車給了偉立。  就帶著六千五百塊錢坐飛機到麻州了。  公司好像是一個跟空軍有關的的單位,先幫他們租了兩星期的公寓和車。 他們先看車,花了六千塊買了輛車,在到處找房子,先後看了 Framingham, 等地,都太貴。  於是看到 Marlboro 一個地下室,三百八。  他說那時外婆來的時候就在那兒下榻。  他說他們那棟房子還遭過竊。  你看,六千五百塊一張支票帶到麻州,車子住所就花掉了六千三百八。  他說本來他上司還說他可以預支薪水,但是他說不要了。  他的薪水還好及時接上了。  大致安頓好後,他說他們也得些找律師,第一個就是要申請工作許可證,他當時請了一個老中的律師。  律師要他們在報上登甚麼的。  我不確定了,但是好像要登一個工作證明說這工作只有他們可以做。  於是,舅舅和舅媽想了想,就登了營養師。  因為那時候很需要營養師。  結果舅媽真的去做了一陣子。  這和現在 George, Aaron,他們滿像的。  他們在這方面有想同的經驗。  舅舅也提到他們那次和外婆去紐約。  去之前,看到一個廣告說一家 Marriot 旅館有打折,很高興,算了下打折後,再加上吃吃玩玩,總共只要五百塊。  他們到了那家旅館後,旅館的人卻告訴他們,那個折扣是要打電話事先預訂的。  結果光是住宿他們就花了三百塊。  舅舅那時還想去向劉淵公公借錢,但是外婆不願意。  舅舅那天說還是應該去的,言下之意是至少可以見見面。  

    蘭阿姨信裏也提到他是多麼節省,所有的錢都省下來,甚至到最後,他從台灣帶去的錢竟然還有增加。  心裡好高興。  但是,舅舅說當時他在美國上大學時自己買了一客牛排,給蘭阿姨知道了,還給他罵了一頓。  想想,當時蘭阿姨自己只吃開水加糖,看到舅舅那麼奢侈,他當然要不高興了。  可是舅舅笑著說,他滿可憐文的。  因為文來到美國在德州,是由蘭阿姨來照顧的。  (笑)。  媽媽問舅舅說你覺得他信提到說他來美國的原因是媽媽要他來的,是這樣嗎? 我也問,那當時問甚麼我媽為什麼沒有來。  舅舅說,當時台灣的氣氛是大學畢業都希望到美國來。  外公外婆也有這個希望。  但是因為家裡的經濟狀況,你媽和蘭阿姨都覺得因該把錢留給這個弟弟,讓他到美國。  至於蘭為什麼來,舅舅和媽媽的印象都是因為蘭阿姨自己想來。  當時蘭阿姨在聯合國人口單位工作過,後來的工作同事也都是有出國資歷。  這就給了他一種雄心吧。  媽聽佩蘭阿姨說去美國留學的路上到東京去看外公。  當時,外公也帶著蘭阿姨到處玩。  臨去美國時,當時去美國留學,身上需要有八百美元,外公就給了蘭阿姨八百塊美金,那是外公給他的唯一一次錢。 我記得媽媽常跟我說的一個故事就是,劉淵公公為了給他兒子找個對象,曾經到德州看過文,當然也一定見過蘭阿姨。  從德州回來後曾見過外公,說你怎麼不管管你女兒,他住的地方家徒四壁,穿的衣服也是挺糟糕的。   媽媽說這個主要是說外公和外婆比較不會管兒女吃的或穿得好不好。  題外話。  

    昨天也聽到他們的爺爺原來也在一個工廠做過廠長,但是當工廠建立好了,董事會就吧他們的爺爺給炒了。  原因是爺爺很會做事情,但是甚麼都是要最好的。  結果大概是花了不少錢。  但是聽說工廠到西元兩千年才拆掉。  之後在解放的時候零零星星工作過,基本上,正如媽媽說的他們家沒人工作。  


Sunday, July 18, 2021


     最近弗羅里達州邁阿密海灘有一棟十幾層樓的公寓突然崩塌了一半。 前天,歐洲大雨,德國西部,比利時幾個城鎮被大水沖掉了一大半。 這些災情實在不得了,尤其是歐洲的大雨令人嘆息,死亡人數可能數百人不止。  但我這裡不是想說這些災情。  而是紀錄一下我所聽到的採訪。  不知道是為什麼,但是這兩個採訪讓我印象深刻。  兩個因為災情而接受採訪的人,一個說,「我以為這種事情只會發生在第三世界」; 第二個是德國的災民,他說:「我以為這種事只會發生在亞洲」。 

    多希望這些事也不要發生在任何地方。  但是,也是幾天前才看到蘇州的一個旅館也塌了。  唉,這建築物塌了真的是人禍,更不希望發生。  德國的災情是天災,全球暖化似乎正逐漸顯現出來。  

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Potential and development

 I am really enjoying this post season of NBA.  So many great games, the resilience of Clippers, KD's grand standing, Joker and Damn's performance.  Those are highlights.  But there're others that's interesting as well, like BenSimmon being called out, or Giannis's team good with him or better without him.  

I kind linked Ben and Giannis together.  Because they are both slashers, they are both not good at shooting.  There's fundamental difference though.  Ben is said to be unwilling to shoot, but not Giannis.  76ers could not give up Ben for good reasons.  He's a good distributor and defender.  But this unwillingness to shoot is shone in this post season glaringly.  Because the game is so competitive, any missed shots was analyzed to death.  While watching bEn, I was constantly reminded of Magic Johnson.  I remembered in '84, when they were beaten by Celtics, Magic took the blame.  But Magic is a player who'll find any way to win, which included improving his shots and learned to recognize the moment he needed to score for his team.  I hope Ben will follow the suit as well.  He's able to dribble the ball, he has the height advantage to shoot over people, and he's a distributor for his team.  Even Stockton knew when to shoot the ball.  He gotta be able to recognize and seize the moment.  Or otherwise, he'll be just that, a potential.  Ben kept mentioning his defense on Trae Young.  But TY averaged 29 points in the postseason against 76ers.  TY's regular season average is 25.3.  Where's the defense?  So, yeah, Ben either swims or sinks.  

Giannis on the other hand I think improved a little?  In terms of shooting?  At least he dared to shoot.  But the reason they were able to go to the Final this year is because the Bucks learn to play along side of him.  He's one of the greatest slashers of all time.  But he still lacks a go to moves when the teams put wall around him.  I keep imagining if he could do skyhook.  I know, it's kind a cliché, he's with Bucks, he's lanky, athletics, a bit like Jabar.  But seriously, I just saw him commit an offensive foul on Crowder, like he crashed into a wall.  What if he turned sideway, and hook?  Those hook shots are not even skyhook.  It's only 3 feet away from basket.  What if he's learned Olajuwon's turn, counter, turn, even more counter?  He has all the athletic ability, including explosiveness.  The slasher I remembered the most was Shawn Marion, when SM was playing with JKidd, it was an awesome sight.  I feel that Giannis needs to have someone like that.  Can you imagine if JKidd with Giannis?  Or CP3 with Giannis?  Or Steph Curry, or Nash??  It's like unleashed the titans!  But slasher's potential is only a side dish.  No pure Slasher can score this much like Giannis in a consistent base.  The Buck team needs to sacrifice a lot in order to put Giannis up as a main dish.  This is why Bucks suffered all these times.  But just to imagine, Giannis shoot skyhook and moved like Dream-shake??  But of course, I felt that Kris is coming up nicely, at least up until the Finals.  So yeah, as long as Kris Middleton and Jru Holiday can start to find way to dominate when needed, then Bucks may be okay.  Because, if Giannis still cannot score in a trench war, Kris and Jru will need to learn from Magic, which is to recognize the moment for themselves.  I don't think Giannis mind.  But I just can't stop imagine what would it be like for Giannis to shoot skyhook??  

Thursday, July 01, 2021


 我最近在讀一本書,作者在寫他養鴞的經驗。  說是讀,但是並沒有專心的看。  斷斷續續,拖拖拉拉的,書已經借了兩個星期多,還沒看到一半。  最近熱浪來襲,連老媽都受不了,我們就到圖書館走走坐坐。 我趁機看看這本書。  今天看到一段有趣的文字。 

作者是一個英國人,住在倫敦一個十二層樓的大廈裡。  他的哥哥是一個養鷹人,他常常去他哥哥家裡走走。  他哥哥住在鄉下,房子占地很大。  日子久了,他看哥哥玩鷹,滿羨慕的。  於是他透過哥哥那,養了一隻鴞。  今天看的一段有趣的文字是,他剛開始養鴞的時候,發生了第一個意外。  一次他去看電影,他把鴞放出籠子,在自己的公寓裡可以自由飛翔。  他回家時,發現鴞不見了。  他急得到處找,這隻鴞其實和貓有點像,到處喜歡找可以鑽的洞穴、縫隙。  最後,很不幸的,竟然發現有一個窗戶開的縫隙稍微大了點!  

他非常擔心,這不是他第一隻鴞。  前面一隻鴞,也是飛的不見了。  但是這種從小養的鴞,是不會在外面求生的。  他說自己遇到事情時,一定是幻想最糟最糟的情節,然後利用這種情節來訓練自己;所以任何比最糟糕的情節要好一點點的結果,他才不會頹喪。  當然在這時的幻想裡,他也希望自己的鴞到了外面可以找到一個公鴞,這樣公鴞就可以餵養他的母鴞。  但是離這裡最近的森林也要好幾英里!  他把家裡的燈都打開,希望鴞可以看到燈找到路回家。  可是想到,這棟大廈數十家的燈現在都開著,哪裡有甚麼用呢。  他有把所有的窗戶都打開,甚至把冰庫裡的凍雞拿出來綁在窗戶旁!  這本來只是想養養好玩。  現在等的時候竟讓他感到寂寞。  等到半夜十二點,他終於心不甘情不願的爬上床去睡。  心裡真是嘔極了!

可是在床上,翻來覆去,哪裡能成眠?  到了凌晨兩點, 他又起來了。  他想,這時該只有我家有燈光了吧。  果然,整棟樓幾乎只有他那棟有光。  他到陽台上往下望著,只聽到附近酒吧出來醉鬼,在街上吆喝。  他極目力望著樓下左右附近,他嘴上還吹的哨子,那是他餵貓頭鷹吃飯時慣用的曲調。  突然,他似乎看到一個影子,在附近飛翔!  這下,他拖著他的石膏,他前幾天受的傷,披著他的睡袍,拿著貓頭鷹的籠子和手電筒,另外還揣了一個凍雞在口袋裡,就衝到電梯裡。  他再下去時候禱告著上天,希望真是他的貓頭鷹。   他到了樓下一瞧,真是他的芒波!!  

接下來的一小時裡,貓頭鷹不斷飛翔,從東到西,總是在他搆不到的地方。  尤其是現在他斷了腿的時候,更是不用想了。  書裡不斷描述他這一小時是多荒謬。  我可以閉著眼睛想想,一個人穿著睡袍,一隻手拿著手電筒東照西照,另一隻手拿著凍雞在空中揮舞,同時嘴上還哼著曲子。  他後來把手電筒關了, 他好怕某個鄰居開燈出來在陽台上罵他。  也怕碰到警察,這副模樣,看來挺嚇人的。  他更怕附近的醉鬼,醉醺醺地看到他這個樣子,於是呼朋引伴的招來一夥醉鬼說,「你看,這人,半夜三更的在這裡捉貓頭鴞哩!  夥伴們,咱們來乓他!」  其實,他最怕的還是陌生人來了,他的鴞就更不肯靠近了。  還好,即使沒有手電筒的光,芒波胸前的白羽毛還是可以在黑暗中辨認出來。  有時候,貓頭鷹飛走了好一陣子,他就在那氣的大罵,可是一想到沒有了芒波的生活,心裡也很苦惱。  最後,奮戰到三點多,他累的坐在一個位置上,這時,貓頭鷹突然就出現在他的三公尺外。  他趕忙把口袋裡的凍雞拿出來, 另一隻手則拿著籠子。芒波這時鐵定是餓了,頭不斷朝那個凍雞伸過來。  作者慢慢一點一點地把他誘到抓得到的距離。  這時,他就讓貓頭鷹叼到凍雞,然後再慢慢用凍雞拖著芒波。  然後就趕緊把籠子蓋上去,然後把雞肉留在籠子裡,同時把手抽出來!  這時到不必擔心芒波要跑出來了。  這隻鳥在籠子裡只是大快朵頤!  

回到公寓,把所有的窗戶都關起來,然後放鴞出來。  這貓頭鷹,好像甚麼事都沒有發生過。  怡然自得地享受著凍雞,然後大個便,就跑到他晚上睡覺的籠子裡大呼酣睡。  作者呢,累得連衣服都沒脫就睡倒在床上了!

(類似的事也發生在我的身上,所以特別有感。  我的是貓就是了。)

Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 早晨,還在睡夢裡, 竟感覺好像抱著一隻很種很重的灰貓,胖胖的,全身懶洋洋的塌在我的懷裡,身體好大好大。  睡醒後回憶,似乎是 Ashby。  真是奇怪。  我上星期不高興之後的晚上,我夢到寶寶。  我實在很想我的貓,也很想 Ashby。  我上上星期和 Derby 玩,玩之際,突有一種悵惘的感覺。  本來我挺相信貓和狗就像康樂勞倫斯說的,這隻貓和下一隻我遇見的貓是有所不同,但是相似度還是很多。  可是那時的感覺,卻是 Derby 和寶寶是那麼不同。  和 Ashby 是那麼不同。  我的寶呦,我的東呦。  


昨天小瑋說想去 Newport, RI 玩。  我們今天就去了。  到 NP 時已經一點。  小瑋很會計劃,他早就選了餐廳  「CRU cafe」,評價相當高,物美價廉,  人潮不斷,而且全天的早餐中餐晚餐!  我們選了外賣,找了一個公園,食物真的不錯。  就是媽媽的義大利三明治有點鹹。  吃完後,我們的目標明顯,就是 Cliff Walk。  小瑋夫妻兩個已經走過兩次,全程七英哩,從沒走完過。  今天想再試試。  其實他叫我們今天來也是因為這幾天熱浪襲來,我們今天預定要到華氏一百度。  但是 Newport, RI 只有八十度。  這個 Cliff Walk 是在當地很有名的豪華大宅的後面。  就在大海和岩岸旁,走道的另一邊則是這些大宅的花園。  很是壯觀。  媽媽走得很高興,他說之前從沒來過,舅舅沒有帶我們來過。  他的印象都是大宅裡面的樣子。  他不是很感興趣。  我好像走過這個 Cliff Walk,可是實在不記得和誰,多半是舅舅他們,和他們的朋友或親戚。  太多的事沒記下來就忘了。  

今天的天氣是好,海邊幾乎沒有遮陰的地方,可是海風呼呼的吹著,倒也還可以。  今天星期二,不知怎的,怎麼這麼多遊客?!  我呢,在這個地方就猛照相。  似乎是希望把記憶多留下一點。  走過一個地方,平坦的路經然沒有了,都是海岸的岩石堆成的走道,到處都是縫隙,石頭也是凹凸不平。  我們讓了好幾群人過去後,我們還是牽著媽媽的手走過去了。  

不過我們帶著媽媽走是走不完這條路的。  而且時間也不允許,因為媽媽晚上還要聚會。  我們回去的路上還走了一段新路,離開大海邊,走在那大街小巷裡,這個區裡到處都是大房子,樹木也都高大成蔭。  穿梭其中,又有海風的加持,比在海邊更舒服。  我說可以在這裡騎個腳踏車。  可惜的是這裡真的離我們家太遠了。  除非在這裡待的時間可以相比路上的時間,會有點划不來的感覺。  

我們趕回小瑋住的地方已近七點。  媽媽一上車就把手機拿出來聚會,現在的科技真是厲害!  而媽媽對聚會如此的認真也令我敬佩!  我們回到家,進屋,他都不停地看著聽著手機的聚會、討論。  他是完全投入這個團體的。  


Monday, June 28, 2021


 I went to Cannon mountain with a friend yesterday.  I've been wanting to to there since 3 years ago after me and others friends went Mt. Lafayette.  I still remember that day, after a toiling effort, walking the loop of Mt. Lafayette, we finally reached parking lot.  It was twilight already, the sun shone bright on the rocky face of Cannon Mountain.  Didn't know what attracted me to it.  But attraction it was.   

We got to the mountain parking lot around 1230 pm.  It's a place for ski in the winter.  And there's a tram station to bring people up to the summit.  It's nice to have a clean bathroom.  And there's no entrance fee either.  We were surprised to see an old ranger guiding us to the trailhead.  I guess it's kind confusing for people to find their ways here.  Or maybe that youtube video prompts the management to it.  There's a youtube video showed a family climbing Cannon Mountain, it's very helpful all the way through, even told us the trailhead for kingsmen ridge trail has a distance from the ski center.  Anyway, a guide to the trailhead is a welcome gesture.  

We were not climbing from the rocky side I saw 3 three years ago, but from the back.  I am not sure I ever walked pass that rocky side.  The climb was steep right from the start.  The dirt road was filled with loose stones, really slippery.  the the woods were thick, sun light had difficulty penetrating, so more than half the road was wet.  And most of the path were rocky.  Wet rocky surface was perfect condition for sliding.  And the road was so rocky, I had to really watch my footing.  Even then, I stepped on the edges of rocks more often than I want to.  We rested quite often.  The bugs did not help at all.   I thought we already pass the season, so I forgot to prepare deet this time.  Though my mom remembered and put by my packs.  She even prepared my water with wlemon wedges.  I truly appreciated after I got on the trail.  Beat plain water 40%!  

I felt this was the least hikers I've seen since I started hiking Mt. Monadnock 20+ years ago.  Mt. Lafayette was filled with people.  There were vistas spots on the way up.  The view was quite amazing.  The weather was sun with clouds.  And as you climb up, you can start to appreciate Mt. Lafayette even more.  It was beyond the tree lines!  There was a spot just under the summit where it took you to a grand view of the valley under.  The 93 was zigzagging underneath, and it stretched far beyond.  My friend and I took turns to take picture on the spot.  And if you too a wide shot or a panorama, squeeze Mt. Lafayette and 93 into a frame, it is beautiful.  The all the other white mountains were in different shade of blue.  It was quite a few.  

We started to eat the sandwich we made ourselves early into the trail.  Because we both had breakfast quite early.  I even prepared 海苔 as a finger food.  I made sandwich with egg avocado spread, bacon and 海苔,smashed between two pieces of sandwich bread.  It was lovely.  If I say so myself.  My friend made tuna salad with some nuts and a sausage from whole food beef jerky section.  I have to say that sausage is pale in comparison Greenridge farm beef sticks.  We had our lunch at about 3 pm.  Because it's a ski area.  There is a lift and tram station and indoor sitting with food and beverage right below the summit.  I was expecting to see a 4 lb brownie.  But it's not being sold today.  There's a watch tower on the summit with 360 views.  Very windy.  Quite a few people there, a lot more than on the trail.  Somebody was joking that she will try coming up from trail next time.   Some people were serious though, they had 40 lb backpacks with camping gears and everything.  There're extension of trails around CM, I guess those people were doing a multi-days hiking.  Some people are doing one way hiking.  For example, we met a woman and a child, who claimed to be from Maryland, but the woman was from Russia.  We were looking for a path to the summit, they asked us if we were from the parking lot.  I was a bit confused at first, they explained they came up from the tram and wanted to go down hiking.  We told them the condition of the trail and some other pointers.  As we headed down, we met another couple, an older pair, they saw us and was joking, we met again, this time we are going up.  We met them on the way up, they were trying to climbed down then.  But must've found it difficult, so came backup for the tram.  

We were discussing briefly ourselves, should we use the tram to go down.  But just very briefly.  I know if I went down the tram, I'd kick myself.  But there were moments I said to myself, why on earth would I find this much trouble for myself!?  It was a lot harder on the knees on the way down.  And because of wet rocks, we need to slide with our feet and butt in some places, I was scared for my knees.  And this time, I was surprised to actually find people coming up!?  Maybe they are doing a multi-day hiking?  Don't know...  Anyway, we skid, squat, walked, ran, sliding, falling, until we finally reach the parking lot.  It's so weird that I can feel the parking lot just by the temperature!  It was hot yesterday!  But when I was in the mountain, I did not notice anything.  We spent 1 hr 45 min down climbing down.  Compared the the 3 hr climbing up.  

On the way back, we tried China Buffet, I haven't been there for 1 year and some months.  There were still quite some people there.  Food was alright, but the variety was cut.  It was a regret to China Buffet, because mom prepared much better food, 杏仁豆腐 和肉醬麵。。。  

I have to say, I really appreciate the challenge.  I wish to go do another one this year, after I recover a little.  

On a side note: I saw so many dead animals by the high way, including 2 deers and 1 black bears, which sat by the high way slumping like he's resting.  But I'm pretty sure, he's dead...  It's very sad that we created high way for our convenience but cut other animals out.  At this modern time, we really need to think a way to lessen the impact of high way around animals' habitat.  I read somewhere that people are building path under or over highways to so animals can safely cross them.  

Pei Lan 阿姨給他兒子的信


佩蘭阿姨的兒子在三年前就在問這個問題。  他似乎很想知道有關他母親的事情。  這個月佩蘭阿姨就寫了封信告訴她兒子,自己四十歲以前的歷程。  佩蘭阿姨娓娓道來,平舖直述,相信會給他兒子多一些瞭解。  


The 1st 40 years of my life


Dwight asked me to tell him about the 1st 40 years of my life, because he was born when I was 40 and he said he would like to know my life before he was born. 

40 years can not be briefly described in a few words, but I will write some what I think was important events, and hopefully these events can give Dwight some enlightenment.


Whenever I thought about my childhood, a picture will show up that all of us kids were asleep, but my mother was writing letter under a very dim light to my dad far away. 

My dad was a crewman for a national shipping company and left China for oversees just before the communist occupied the whole China and closed the door of the whole country. He can never return. At the time my oldest sister was 6, me and my twin sister was 3 and my younger brother was yet to be born.

I remembered my grandfather was always secretly listening to the radio trying to hear news from the other world to see if he can hear anything about his son. Almost everyday at lunch time there were local government officials come to visit and chatting with the adults, I think they were trying to find out  my dad’s where about.

At my family my older sister knows how to please my mother and also to share feelings with her, so my mother was emotionally very close to her.

My mother was raised in a pretty rich family. Her father owned several clothing store. After emancipation, the store was closed, but my mother’s suitcase was filled with clothing material.  At that time, people only wear black or gray, those colorful material was probably confiscated during cultural revolution.

During those years my grandparents were still young about 50+/- years. But my grandfather’s business had been failed and he has no income, when there is no information about my dad, we lost the income source. We can only pawn some house items and my mother worked on bookkeeping and knitting sweater to make money. I remembered that we had a very big table in the living room, on there laid many layers of bed sheets, and those bed sheets was cut into many shoe soles, everyone in the family sewed the shoe soles together for sale. My uncle often times contributes for our living expenses too. We later got connected with my dad through friends in Hong Kong, the happiest time comes when we received his letter and money.

While we were in the elementary school in China, we were told to pick up any kind of iron material in the streets, collected by school and turned to government to make iron tools. They also taught us to grow vegetables, and we had a practice garden. We also were trained to walk. I remembered the whole school slept in a big hall and get up real early to walk to a mountain nearby. Our school seems to emphasize the development of our physical and academic and practical learning. I was able to walking a lot since very young age. 

It was early 1958, mother, me and my twin sister and my brother are leaving Suzhow to meet my dad! I think the reason my sister left behind was that it was the government policy to leave one behind, my sister was in the junior high and through education she believed in communism, so she was willing to stay. My mother said “when we are settled down, I will come back to take you.” however my mother and my sister was apart forever, after China opened door to the world, my sister brought her two daughters to Japan only to see my mother’s picture at my dad’s house in Japan! It was 1981. My mother was passed in 1980. My sister broke into cry very loudly. 

When we left SuChou in 1958, it was Chinese New Year, our relatives and friends gave us a lot of candy and snacks for us to enjoy on the road. At that time everything has quota, my mother has to go to the market at dawn with her quota tickets in a big line to get every day needs. Only during Chinese New Year we have some extra, yet they gave their extra to us, what an unforgettable friendship. When we left China I remembered clearly that the boarder custom confiscated both mine and my twin sister’s gold ring on our fingers.

We left Suchow to Shanghai via train, we visited our uncle in Shanghai and continue to Guangzhou by train that was a three days and two night’s riding. Guangzhou looked very desolate at the time but we can see the other side of the river there are houses with bright lights, which was Kowloon or Hong Kong. Which gave me a deep impression.

We went to Macao via Steamship, I saw gentleman wearing suit and tie and they looked surprisingly handsome to me, in China, people wearing the gown or robe in same style and same color.

When we arrived Macao, we were received by Taiwan Salvation Association and treated as refugees. We lived in a Chinese family. My mother went to meet with association member often,(they need to make sure we are not spy) and we kids went to a refugee school.`That is indeed a refugee school, every classroom taught 2 grades, 1st & 2nd grades in one class, so was 3rd and 4th grades, and I was in the 5th & 6th grades classroom. 

And between classrooms, there is no wall, just separated by iron wires, so I can hear the teacher speak at 3rd & 4th grade. We were provided some cookies every morning, but I do not remember what I had learned. Only remember they teach Abacus and English, but I didn’t remember the 26 letters of English when we left that school. However my brother, my twin sister and I all enjoyed it’s playground at the school.

Macao is a very quite little city, belonged to Portugal, there I have many “1st time” life experiences. For example, I saw a black man ( I think was from Congo) his eyes is super bright and his teeth was super white.  I can still see him when I close my eyes. I was chasing by a dog; My grandmother raised cat but I have never seen a dog in China, once I saw a dog on the street, I was afraid and started to run and he was chasing, I was still trembling after I entered my house. I was afraid of dogs since then until I saw Clayton’s family, they all raise dogs and I learned to fond of dogs now. In Macao, there are lots of Papaya trees I have never seen before and the fruits of which tasted very strange to me to begin with, but I got to like papaya more and more, when we arrived Taiwan we are happy to find that papaya is abundant in Taiwan.

From Macao we passed by Hong Kong and arrived Keelung Port in Taiwan via steamboat, we met our dad. That was still 1958. I think my mother has to be the most emotional. I did not remember how I felt then, I believed when my dad saw his son at 9 years old the 1st time, he must felt overwhelmed!

After we arrived Taiwan, we learned that in Taiwan, the entrance examination is highly competitive, we started in the 5th grade, and study became our 1st priority. We finished elementary, middle school and high school and graduated from college. At the same time, at China, the other side of Taiwan Straits, people had lived through the 3-year famine, several political movement and most terribly The Cultural Revolution,  when my mother heard that my sister has to stop schooling a the age of 16, she felt really hurt, even affected her health. 

Our life in Taiwan was also under a tight budget, my dad at first was a manager of General Affairs on the steamship and back home every 6 month, later on he started to work in the office at Taipei, and then he was transferred to work in Tokyo Japan. My mother went to join him when my brother graduated from college and went to army training.

After I graduated from National Taiwan University, I worked as assistant for a professor for two years, then became demographic analyst in a project with United Nation in the Ministry of the Interior, when Taiwan withdrew from UN, I passed Taiwan High Examination and was appointed to work at highway department in the Ministry of the Interior. At that time, it was a trend for college graduates to study abroad, I followed the trend to pursuit a master’s degree in Agricultural Economics at University of Arizona actually to please my mother.  That was 1974, I was 28 years old.

University of Arizona was located at Tucson Arizona.   There the climate is like desert, it is very hot during the day and is very cold at night. I jointed Tuscon Chinese Bible Study Group and accepted Jesus into my life, it was there, the love and concern of brothers and sisters accompany me for the first two years of my studying in the foreign land.  It had also improved my shy and reticent personality.

When I first considering to go abroad, I had decided that I have to preserve the one year tuition and living expense into two years, I can not save tuition, so I was in a strict budget for my living expenses. Luckily, I tutored Chinese language to the America Born Chinese children, and was paid $28.00 per month. That was my monthly living expense besides dorm rental. I remember at times I felt hungry in the afternoon and went to the student center, looking around and see people drinking coffee and eating dessert, I just filled a cup of water and pull in 3 little package of sugar and drink it. That is free. After I passed my theses presentation, I finally went to student center ordered a piece of pie. That summer, I was lucky to spent 3 months with a professor to do research and when I left Tucson I found my bank account has more then $5000.00 which was more then the $4400.00 in which $3600 I brought from Taiwan and my dad gave me $800 in Japan.  I was very proud of myself.

I went to Lubbock to pursue PhD in Economics. I had Teaching assistant salary and so I was never worried about money thereafter. We had a round-table class in which our professor Dr. Taylor demand that every student participate in discussion and make comments in class, but I was too timid to join the discussion. An American student sitting beside the Professor told me after the class ” Polly, your round-table in class discussion grades are all zero” I finally realized that my personality is not suitable to become an Economist! I quickly changed my degree program and graduated as a master in economics. 

However as a foreign student, if I want to stay in the US, I must find

 a job and within 18 month I must get work permit and wait for green card (legal resident status). I found an accounting clerk job at a garage door shop,  that is not a professional position and so it is hard to apply as H1 status. My employer said they will help me. At that time, I also joined Houston Chinese Church and their young people group. 

In 1979 my mother came to visit my brother in Boston and me in Houston and back to TAIWAN to see my twin sister she just gave birth to her 1st son Jack. During that time, my mother had a fall and eventually had coma and passed away after a month stay in the hospital. She was only 60 years old. I quit my job before she passed and decided to go home to say bye to her. At the time I have no reluctant to give up my job, but according to the rule of green card application, I have to go back to the old job if I get my green card status. I called my attorney, he said he will transfer my application to American Institute in Taiwan.

I went back to Taiwan in 1980, after mother’s funeral I went to Tokyo to accompany with my dad and to organize my mother’s belongs. During the two months, I was feeling sad, but also very relaxed. Before leaving Taiwan I was referred to work for an economic research center by my professor in Taiwan University. My dad took me to see a lot of Japan’s attractions. After returned to Taipei, my work made me feel that I did not waste my degrees and as dignified as a professional now. However after more then a year, I received a letter from American Institute in Taiwan stating that I can interview for green card. But they said I must prove that I was not deported, I can turn in my airplane ticket as proof. But I did not keep my airplane ticket. I was not eager to return to the US, but I have to solve this problem. So first I called my former employer, they told me that I was welcome to go back to work at any time. The second, I called my attorney to tell him that I have to prove to the AIT  that I was not deported, surprisingly he  remembered my case, and I received a letter from him with a little note from US immigration in just two weeks! In the letter, he said “I went to immigration office and waited 3 hours to receive this little note, if it is useful to you and you come back to US, you can pay me the balance of $250, if you can not come back to US, you do not have to pay me.” I did own $250 from the total charge of $750 at the time. When I applied for the immigration status, the normal rate was $1800, he only charged 750, it was the lowest charge among all immigration attorneys. How lucky was I, I found the most responsible attorney. I passed the interview, by considering various reasons, I decided to return to the States.

I returned to my old job in 1982, and also returned to the Houston Chinese Church. I hoped to do some advanced accounting work, but I did not feel like to pursue another degree. I realized that I can just take 24 credits of accounting to sit in CPA exam. So I started to go to night classes to study accounting at University of Houston. At that time I was very busy working and studing. I met Clayton again in the Chinese Church, and we got married in 1984 and gave birth to Dwight in 1986. I was preparing exam while I was pregnant. I had a little bleeding, and required 3 days of bed resting, after 3 days, my employer asked me not to go back to work, I was laid off. When I am recollecting these memories, I felt the lay-off seems grief at the time but it was actually God’s blessing to me. I was laid off so that I have time to prepare for the exam, and finally I became a Certified Public Account in 1989. This certificate did not bring me wealth or fame, but afterwords, my employment was much smoother.


Dwight, my life was not always smooth, I hope your life is better than mine, I want to remind you that if you believe in God, He will always be your help!