Monday, November 22, 2021

is it an accident?

 I wonder if they went to the court for this, what would the defense attorney say about LeBJ?  And what about IS?  

I think it's LebJ was meant to swing his arm at IS.  Because he's frustrated with the kids.  I knew the type.  Powerful and strong, play with a heart.  But for the veteran like LebJ, after 19 years, this kind of push and tug started to wear both physically and psychologically.  The free threw went in, the kid still fighting like a puppy felling off the sky and he wanted to rescue it.  The frustration of being pushed so forcefully for nothing.  The passion only felt like inexperience.  LebJ reacted.  Out of frustration and impatient.  

The kid?   Being hit by LebJ was a shock.  The way LebJ acted afterwards, walking towards the kid, and said something.  Not sure what he said, but I think the body language showed intent to defuse the situation.  Though sometimes, no matter what you said, it's really a matter of who's listening.  But when blood pouring, something just sparked.  

Is it an accident?  Was there intention?  What's the intention?  Did the results match the intention?   The strike of hand was intention, but the result was not.  It started with emotion.  The kid making a scene, was the not the intention, but emotion is the intention.  It's a freak accident.  

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