Wednesday, December 29, 2021


 I did a video 10 years ago.  But then it got removed from my channel for the copy right infringement.  I wasn't even aware of the removal at the time.  I was not happy about it, of course.  I had a lot of fun doing the video.  But then I don't know when, I found my video hosted by somebody else.  I felt humorous about the situation though I was happy that the video is still on the web.  

The video was totally inspired by one picture that shows up through out the video.  A kitty and a cub sitting side by side.  That picture immediately reminded of the old tales from my youth.  It's good that at the time, I had collected so many pictures from online which I used to make the video.  The convenience and variety of my collection really helped the process.  The whole video was rough of course.  But one of the most memorable aspects of making this video was that some of my cat's photos were used to make the video.  

My cats were gone now.  But his pictures were alive on web in a way.  I am really happy.  Because I could watch the video from anywhere. 

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