Thursday, September 01, 2011


Came across a word: Soffritto.

It is an Italian word for the combination of carrot, onion, and celery.

For Italians used these three ingredients in lots of dishes, ie. stocks, soups, stews, and sauces.

The combination was used often enough to give a special name.

Similar combination of vegetables was known as "Holy Trinity" Creole* cooking, refogado in Portuguese, Mirepoix in French, sofrito in Spanish and Suppengrün (soup green(s)) in Germany.(from Wiki Mirepoix definition)

There are many variations among them, some with other vegetables, ie., red onions, shallots...etc., some with spices, like cumin, oregano...etc.

To be precise, it was just a name for the base vegetables used to prepare stocks, soups, stews, and sauces.

* It means languages combined from different origins, especially for those immigrants or old colony places.

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