Thursday, September 15, 2011

secret in their eyes

I watched this movie a few days back. It's an Argentinian film. The movie was part a crime drama, part romantic story. The two story was integrated really well.

The tone of the movie was calm with a little bit of melancholy undertone. The whole started with a gory crime scene 20 years ago. The crime part of the movie was the catalyst for the whole movie. It pushed the romance forward until the last moment.

The romantic part of the movie was very subtle. It was handled with elegance. It was immediately hinted at the beginning of the story. But it was repressed through out the most of the film. It was a great way to understand the society of Argentina at the time. The social situation was very much displayed in the romantic part.

It was great to see a movie with little emotional outbursted to a sensational conclusion. What a great movie!

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