Monday, December 09, 2024



Backorder brainstorming

I feel that backorder tracking is one of the most important part of my job.

In fact, if you go and look at indeed, procurement is basically one of the hottest job there. Some job titles includes purchasing manager/coordinator, Material Planner, Logistic assistance – Procurement...etc.

A lot of time, it requires some planning, data analyzing, even some vendor negotiating. I am not saying that it’s an exciting job. I am simply saying that it’s an important job in any organization.

My company has made streamlined the process to a point that, nobody talks about it. Which is really perplexing to me.

I consider my main job as data collector for the company. The reason being that my team manages at least three google sheet everyone is relying upon. The first is Daily Summary, basically our record of shipment. The second is Product Sort, basically a receiving record of shipments from Vendor. The third one is Requested List for BJ, basically a Backorder record. There are other sheets we are collecting and use. But those three are the most essential. We cannot operate with them, especially for the Order team and Customer service. But as you can see, for the shipping and receiving, we should be able to get from QB. And for a lot of times, we’ll get S&R info from QB. But QB does not have lot numbers. QB does not really say why something was not shipped. We would note why something was not shipped in Daily Summary. There are notes from vendor about the product we received that were not noted in QB, especially when QB really does not have an effective way to receive products.

The Requested List for BJ, our third sheet is so vital to our operation that, if we forgot to put an out of stock item in the list, we would forgot about it for 3-4 weeks until customer inquired about ETA of their items. Then, we would sometimes made up excuses and let them wait another 2-3 weeks (hopefully), and put a rush order to vendor. The other thing is the RL is not linked to Product Sort, our receiving record. So we have no idea if the items we requested was fulfilled by the vendor. It was last week that David inquired about 2 items, which we requested, but vendor never sent to us. That order was almost 2 months ago.

I know that Chandara made a sheet to tracking some of the orders, at Kevin’s request. But it was a very tedious job to compare the receiving list and backorder list. And I feel it’s a highly ineffective way of doing things.

One of the hurdles is that those 2 so called “lists” are not really lists, at least not a “whole: list. Their setup reminded me of “Forms”. At Mascon, Annie used to give us those forms with receiving information on them, printed on papers. They usually contains shipment information, like tracking, how many boxes, how many items to receive. It also contains a date of shipping and a date of receiving. So in the google sheet, each shipment is a range of it’s own. They are visually separated, very easy to read which shipment contain which item. But it’s not a database, or a whole list. The RL is a very similar setup. But it separates mostly by date we put the request in.

I am wondering if we could setup a form in the first page, then setup a database in the second page by collecting the first page. This is the whole purpose of the whole writing. LOL.

I tried to compare the receiving list to the backorder for a while per Kevin’s request. I used countif function to compare. If the result is more than 0, then I know a backorder is fulfilled. If the value is 0, then we never requested the item. I do not know why vendor sent us then.

That seemed easy enough. However, I can not find a way to do it efficiently. It is dumb. There must be a way to streamlined the process. And I feel that it is so dumb. I stopped doing it. It’s dumb that throughout a whole year, we might request one items a few times, and I have to mark the item everything I did the comparison. Otherwise, I am not sure which requests get fulfilled. Sure, if I am persistent enough, this might work. But I am not. Because I keep thinking there must be a better way. A better way to compare, a better way to mark which item is fulfilled, a better way to track if vendor sent us something we did not requested, and a better way to find which item vendor forgot to ship.

The other thing about Request List is that I need to know the standard size or format for the item before I could request. There are couple times where, the item is in lyophilized form, and the size was a micron gram or mg, but I did not know. I simply used a standard requested size, 1ml, which implied a liquid format with buffer. But I think I can resolve it by extracting info from product information sheet.

The most important thing is how to link the Receiving list and Backorder. No, the most important thing is to make the two lists into 2 complete datasets. I do have a list of compiled Receiving list, I used for drop down menu for lots in my pick list, which I used for picking.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Movies afterthoughts

 我看了兩部電影, 一部是 Monkey Man, 另一部是 Civil War。

MonkeyMan, 是一部動作片。  但是電影前半段很慢。  到最後卅分鐘變得非常快,一系列的動作過程, 很熱鬧,利用了很多搖晃鏡頭,讓我想到 Borne 系列。  當然也有很多鏡頭讓很像 JohnWick。  有許多動作鏡頭滿暴力的。  雖說前半段讓我感覺很慢, 而且許多回憶的場景讓我感覺累贅, 但是我還是滿喜歡導演嘗試灌注更深的主題去豐富動作片的感情。  雖說我覺得不是很成功。  其實這部片子有點泛政治, 但現在很多電影都這樣。  其實, 我以前三個白癡, laagan, 也都帶有一些類似的題材。  但是,這次的政治題材卻感覺很貼近眼前的現實。  想是一部新一代印度人的一部份想法。  說到底這部電影的故事是一個復仇劇。  我覺得還可以, 只是可以再縮短一些。  

CivilWar,  是一部描寫如果現在美國內戰的話, 將是啥樣?  這是我還沒看的想法, 但是看完後,電影的收尾讓我稍稍不確定一些。  電影的過程其實都還滿讓我好奇的。  想知道最後會怎樣。  但是電影的收尾讓我感到電影的主題對媒體人的描寫也很血淋淋的。  電影呈現許多恐怖的場景, 這種警示令人怵目驚心。  但是到最後, 記者的冷酷也令我很難吞嚥。  

Sunday, August 04, 2024

讀書隨筆 the Songof theCell

 書: the song o the cell by suddharthaMukeherjee

The universalCell:

Schleiden and Schwann established the first 2 rules for the cellular theory:

  1. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.
  2. The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in organism.
Yet, both of them struggled to understand where the cells come from.  Because of vitalism, which is a believe that living organism cannot be arisen from solely physical materials.  Life must contain some outside source, either an energy, or some material that we can not perceive,  to spark life in living organisms.  

Here's a point where I am a little lost from author.  Because it seemed that vitalist believes that life must have a source, either magical, religion or something else.  Yet, later on, when the author refer to  vitalism, he used phrase like, vitalist believes that life come out of no where...    But of course, the author listed a lot of weird and different believes for different vitalists.  Some even thought there's a "tiny human" lived inside of men's sperm...    

Then comes Rudolf Virchow, who established 3 more rules for cellular biology:

  1. All cells come from other cells (Omnis cellula e cellula)
  2. Normal physiology is the function of cellular physiology
  3. Disease, the disruption of the physiology, is the result of the disrupted physiology of the cell.  
The above 5 principles formed the pillars of cell biology and cellular medicine.  

Virhow 君的一生是一個很有意思的故事。  他是普魯士軍醫大學畢業, 之後又參加了當時普魯士內政部治療斑疹傷寒的一個團隊,到當時正為此病肆虐的區域服務。  他目睹了當時落後的情況和政府的無知無能,寫了一系列文章批評當時的時政。  又在 1848 年一場遍及全歐洲的革命後,從首府柏林被驅逐到一個偏遠醫院。  到偏遠醫院讓他倒是可以專心從事醫學研究工作。  以上的三個總結也是在這一時期逐步得出的。  不過他也沒有忘記他對社會的理想, 我在此書裡可以看到他有一個領悟, 其實可以把一整個人或其他多細胞的生物想像成是全體細胞的生活環境。  他看到一個正常的生物就是體內細胞互相合作的結果。   幾乎所有病恙,都可以從細胞的病變找出根由。  他想的也是社會中每個人互相合作的關係。  1856 年,因為他的學術成就,他回到柏林工作。  甚至在後來的德國逐漸有雅利安人的優越這種想法出現後, 他還為了反證這種說法而做了研究證明金髮碧眼並不是雅利安人的專利。  


"It isn't sufficient to locate a disease in an organ; it's necessary to understand which cells of the organ are responsible.  An immune system dysfunction might arise from a B cell problem, a T cell malfunction, or a glitch in any of the dozens of cell types that  comprise the immune system.  For example, patients with AIDS are immunocompromised because the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) kills a particular subset of cells -- CD4 T cells -- that help coordinate an immune response."

"Or, as Virchow reminds me daily: "Every pathological disturbance, every therapeutic effect, finds its ultimate explanation only when it's possible to designate the specific living cellular elements involved."  


Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Cytokines, 中文名稱是 細胞激素,又名細胞因子、細胞活素、細胞介素、細胞素,一組蛋白質和多肽,生物中用做信號蛋白, 在細胞間傳遞訊息。  

Interleukin 中文名稱是 白血球介素,一組細胞因子。  

Cellular therapy, 中文名稱是 細胞治療

Physiology, 中文名稱是 生理學。是生物學的一門領域,研究生物體及其各組成部分,在活體系統中化學和物理的功能活動。  

I am reading a book, theSongOfTheCell.  So I intend to write down some notes here.  Don't ask me why I am reading the book.  I do not know why.  Though I regret that when I was reading this author's the other book, theEmperorOfAllMaladies, I did not thought of jot some notes down. 

So far only prelude, intro, and Part 1, 1.1the original cell, 1.2 the visible cell, 1.3 the univseral cell.  

Those parts are talking about the discovery of the cell fist through the technological innovation.  Then, by using technology, which helped human see far beyond our physical capability.  

Some significant people that appeared, Antonie van Leeuvwenhoek, Rober Hooke, Rudolf Virchow, Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, Andreas Vesalius, Francois-Vincent Raspail, 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Some thoughts on the work

 工作愈來愈少。  當然因為這是暑假, 但是,這麼少似乎沒有過。  如果在辦公室上班的話, 要挑的貨少, 再加上關鍵的資料輸入和影印標籤的過程被簡化, 而造成工作減少,那就算了。  但是現在連在家工作的日子都沒有啥工作。  我覺得太誇張!  

我覺得我跟的同事完全沒有交集。  我本來在簡化了一些工作過程後, 想秀給他們看,他們也可以給點意見或者說他們也可以這樣做。  但是, 沒有, 他們表現得就是這些和他們無關。  我滿懊惱的, 因為說和他們無關, 就讓我感覺我和他們不是同一組的。  不過我後來想到之前在增加盒子的時候, C 有一本簿子本來是要記錄所有盒子的內容, 但是當時, 他倆一組,我一個在一邊也沒有加入他們的行列。  另外, Nara 總是說我對他們愛理不理的。  這種種的跡象顯示問題真的在我這裡。  

不過我現在對自己的問題不是以上這個, 而是當我在家工作, 卻沒有工作, 我做啥?  這是一個堆積了很久的問題。  

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Books afterthough

 I really went after other AllenEskens' books.  And again, in a quick succession, I finished 

The deep dark descending

The heaven may fall

The forsaken Country

It feels amazing.  I think I finished the last one about 2 weeks ago, or maybe a week ago.  

Those dark descending and forsaken country is not a mystery, they are more like a thriller, where, you know who bad guys are.  Heaven may fall has more mystery to it.  But its ending gives me such a thrilling pulsation!    The ending chapters of forsake are wonderful as well.  

The dark descending is probably the weakest one for me.  I guess I am impatient of the inevitable result.  But I do like the detective work in finding out who the killer is.  I feel the relationship between nikki and max was pretty interesting.  I feel I see reacher in max's shadow, albeit a bit tamer.  However, when the forsaken country comes along, I feel Nikki and max relationship became the weak spot in the book.  I don't feel the romance between a man and a woman, but a genuine emotion between colleagues, or even a different brother and sister relationship.  So when the FC came along, it feels awkward to me.  

I always feel that too many explanations is a waste of time.  Though I am at fault so often nowadays.  But I feel I was very wrong after I read the endings of both heaven may fall and FC.  I feel the thrills come from that readers knowing the relationship between each characters so well.  Though the authors keeps telling reader, which is moi, the relationship between each characters again and again, to the point I feel redundant.  But when the ending shows up, the weight of the situation it created is tremendous.  

I wonder if there's a chinese version of the book, or the series.  I wonder how it would come about?  

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A poem I saw today



Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thoughts about song and music

 I heard a song couple days ago, I really liked it.  But for some reason, I said to myself, it's not a song though there's singing and lyrics.  This is a piece of music even the singing is it's back ground music, almost the same as guitar, drum or other instrument.  

I keep listening to the song these days, and keep thinking about that thought.  My reasoning is that if you turned off the singing, I'd be happy with just the instrument part.  I think lyrics does helped emphasizing certain point of the music, but not necessary.  That's why I think the singing became secondary.  And plus I thought if you pull the instrument, can they still sing?  Maybe they can, but I think it will create a huge hole.  

Of course, an artist will make it  work though.   This thought does not really define the song.  But shows what I know about music which is not a lot.  lol  

Saturday, June 15, 2024


 今天突然有個感覺, 我上網的時候都是看別人過日子。  最近是 NBA 季後賽, 我看了不少評論。  但是,很少有評論值得看。  我只是在看那些評論員過日子,當他們回首看到這些影片時, 他們的感覺應該是很真實的。  但是我呢? 我想幾乎沒有啥感覺?  我相信也會勾起些許回憶, 但是那恐怕遠遠不能和我花下去的時間成正比。  

那看電影, 瀏覽圖片,閱讀小說或散文呢?  我覺得也是在看別人過日子。  我的第一份全時工作是在馬斯康。  那時我上班的感覺就是別人在下班後都在過著他們自己的生活。  我看到最多的就是 Vic, 他是我倉庫同工,後來是上司, 雖說那時倉庫也只有兩個人。  他以前是一個黑手。  下班回家後, 就修改自己的車子。  我在馬斯康工作的時期,他車子的顏色就變了三四次。  我滿佩服的。  其他人也是, 從家裡來上班, 有時候也說說自己做了甚麼。  我都有點忌妒了。  當我回到家的時候, 我甚麼也沒有做。  直到現在, 就更少了。  

似乎我也想做甚麼。  但是, 總是沒有一個確切的形象出現在腦子裡。  但有時有形象的時候, 我常常忽略他們,沒有記下來, 一會兒就忘了。  不過很顯然, 在潛意識裡會造成不少的壓力。  其實說白了就是拖。  拖的時候, 或者是忘的期間, 怎麼過這個日子呢?  那就是看別人過日子。  

我在想, 如果我不看他人過日子, 我就只坐在窗前聽鳥叫。  這算不算是我也在過日子?  至少, 我過我自己的日子。  就好像貓咪一樣, 他們有時候蒲伏在在窗前,看著窗外來往的事物。  

這也是我為什麼昨晚在接到毛的短訊後, 就花了四十分鐘的車程, 跑到 Watertown 想去幫他們刷點油漆。  其實我心裡知道, 我只能做一個小時, 畢竟他們晚上八點十五分才開始, 我這個人睡覺習慣早的,我只能幫一個小時。  我也知道他們的朋友會來幫忙,結果有六七八的人過來幫忙。  還真不錯。  

我本來滿猶豫要不要去的。  上星期天我和舅舅舅媽還有胡熒阿姨去端午幫忙 GBCCA  ,舅媽見到我就問,最近有了什麼 Exciting 的事啊?  我哪有哩?   所以這是促使我昨晚去油漆的一個原因。  

Thursday, June 13, 2024

When was the last time I did...

 When was the last time I cooked from a recipe that I want to eat...?

I can't remember...  The last time I really did cook from a recipe that I want to cook, was a recipe for my cat 寶寶.  I cooked chicken liver paste.  He was very sick at his twilight.  My mind flashed another recipe for cheddar cheese jalapeno Cornbread.  But I think that was 2019 after my cousin came back from retreat center training.  So yeah, the last time I really cooked anything meaningful was for my cat.  After that, I don't remember much.  Oh, after talking to my mom about this question, there's a lamb recipe came to mind.  Sadly, I don't remember the recipe...

When was the last time I went to theater to watch a movie alone?

The last time I went to a theater was to watch Godzilla minus one.  But that was with my sister and brother in law.  The second recollection was John Wick 3 or 4.  Not a very good film, I watched with with George and another guy from Mascon.  I was going to  watch Alien 1979 a month ago but decided against it.    However it is not like I go to theater a lot.   

When was the last time I talk to somebody, while I do most of the talking?  

I don't remember.  Maybe sometimes I talked to my mom about history, books I read, movies I saw.  

Monday, June 03, 2024


 I keep losing in TableTennis recently.  There are of course technical side of it.  But I really think a lot have to do with mental and physical deterioration.  I played 3 rounds today.  By the third round, my service errors caused 5 points.   I feel I was out of breath and a bit light headed too.  My opponent was a 65+ old gentleman.  For the mental part, I feel like I rushed in many places.  Felt in hurry and a bit winded.  I know I still enjoy the game, but there are places in my heart that I just wish the ball won't come back no more...  Which is a sad thought really.  Because only when the ball came back, the game will continue.  

I view tabletennis a game to outsmart the opponents.  But when the other side is slightly better in skill, tougher in mental, and stronger physically.  Then there's out smart to say.  Now there's only out last.  I think my opponents started to use chop as a safety net.  It is very effective, with a mixed of forehand attack.  The best way now really is to expect the ball always going to come back, always prepare for the next movements.  This is more mental I think.  For if I consider outsmarting an opponent is to put the ball in a location he can not reach.  But he actually returned most of my returns.  Then I will get upset.  One thing I fell FZD's problem is a lot of time, he just did not expect the ball to return.  

For physical side of things, I feel my cardio hits a wall, and for some reason, I lacked a snappy movements.  I played very little tennis, and it's the same problem with the swing.  I feel like I need to accelerate only right before I hit the ball, or serve the ball.  But for some reason, I lacked that explosiveness.  But it's been missing for a while now.  


Sunday, June 02, 2024


 當我在想, 明天要幹甚麼。  我想到明天要上班, 但是 Chandara 請假不在。  所以我想一大早起就先做掉 TF 的訂單。  如果有一兩個簡單的, 或許也可以先做。  我可不想很晚回家。  回來後, 我想做的就是先把我想念的文章先錄了, 然後晚上製作好放到 YT 上。  

這兩天我的手痛,所以我也沒有做運動。  希望休息這兩天,明天繼續。  

賽爾客人和小牛隊要爭奪 NBA 冠軍。  我覺得真不可預測。  我覺得小牛隊的贏面大。  但是我是滿希望賽爾克會贏。  我不怎麼喜歡賽爾克的打法。  尤其是進攻的時刻, 非常單調。  雖然賽爾克的防守很好, 但是,路咖實在很強。  實際就要看德瑞克懷特,主蒿了得和其他球員的表現了。  

Saw a comment today and really liked it.  

Was listening to MaxRichter's SheWentAway.  There's a comment below:

She was my book, but I was only her chapter.  

Man...  I love the phrase!  

Monday, May 27, 2024


 我在想,如果我現在去打網球。  我會想我要怎麼打這顆球。  我的球拍要和球要一定的距離。  我擊中球的時間可能早了可能晚了。  我希望球的高度是甚麼。  我希望揮拍的動作可以更完整。  這是打球。  

我在想, 我現在還可以學甚麼讓我的工作更容易,更不容易犯錯。  這三年來, 我花了至少兩年多的時間來規劃我的 pick list ,最後還是請 PQ 幫我寫了一段程式, 才算是完成。  我最近又加了一個 Lot table, 然後加了一個 Filter 在我的 Picklist 裡。  這樣一方面希望可以減少 Pick 的時間, 另一方面可以 減少錯誤。  這幾年我也在想如何可以把影印試管標籤的工作簡化。  我也因此請一個同事, Emily 給我一個載有貨物信息的 Table.  我把那份資料拿來製造一份表格, 這樣我可以一次找到我需要的資料, 把貨物基本資要和我挑到並記錄下來的 有關貨物的資料和在一起, 資料只需要一次性的輸入,就可以全部印下來。  但是, 這些都無法去讓我的同事來做。  他們既不顯得有興趣, 我也欠缺能力告訴他們怎麼做。  因為在執行上, 我無法讓過程流水線化。  我雖然知道是可以流水線化,但不知道要怎麼做。  連我要怎麼問這個問題, 我都不會。  

今天是烏森的陣亡將士紀念日。  我有點懶, 甚麼也沒有做。  但是我應該是有很多要做的。  

Movies afterthoughts

 最近看了兩部電影, 第一部是 Waitress, the musical, 第二部是 Perfect Sense.  

我第一次聽到 Waitress 是 It only takes a taste, 由 SaraBareilles 和 JasonMraz 在公園裡合唱的版本。  第一次聽就讓我的耳朵一亮!  後來才知道這是一本小說, 先是改編電影, 再改編成音樂劇。  音樂劇的編曲和歌曲都是 SaraBareillies 一手製作。  當我看到圖書館有 2023 年他們把音樂劇錄製成 DVD 時, 我就說我一定要去借來看。  

我看了兩遍, 和我媽一起看的。  總共是兩個小時半, 聽說如果是現場看大概要三小時。  因為還有中場休息。  實在是很好看。  我沒去戲院看過舞台劇, 對於場景的變換, 景觀的布置, 人員的調動,我看的很目瞪口呆。  而他們的選角, 由 SaraBareille 領銜,到其他的演員每一個都有精彩的表演。  唱作俱佳實在不足以形容我的感受。  除了性交的一些場景, 我都非常喜歡。  是的, 性交的場景讓我大吃一驚, 我沒想到竟然可以在舞台上表演,雖然沒有裸露, 但還是嚇一跳。  

這部戲的結束確實也令我很高興。  這部戲的人情味十足,而他的音樂和歌詞又是如此動聽。  很值得一看。  


第二部電影是 Perfect Sense, 一部英國片吧。  我只是在 YT 看到一段過場,裡面有 EvaGreen 和 EwanMcgregor,我有點好奇,就去借來看了。  我得說這是一個很大膽的作品。  這算是一部災難片吧。  電影裡,所有世界的人都逐漸失去他們五官的感覺, 首先是嗅覺, 在來是味覺,然後是聽覺,最後電影結束時是視覺的消失。  在聲與色消失後, 電影自然也無法繼續拍了。。。  到了聽覺結束時, 電影還真的有一段時間就變成了無聲劇!  電影裡也有些場景讓我幾乎看不下去。  我還以為從那噁心的一段後會出現 Zombie。  幸好沒有。  

我很喜歡這部電影, 這部電影讓我奇怪的感覺到 愛。  這個愛是一種與人毫無距離,貼心的愛。  真是一部大膽的電影。  

Books afterthorught

 I just watched 3 books in quick succession, all by the same author, AllenEskens.  The writing is really what attracts me to it.  It's been a while now that I found some author's sentence structure is much easier for me to read.  The chapters of the books is short, which makes the rhythm of the whole story quicker than usual.  I find it interesting that people called it character driven mystery.  I feel character driven is a very good description.  But I feel it more of a thriller, especially the third book in the series.  

The three books are:

The life we bury

The shadow we hide

The  stolen hours

These were called JoeTalbert series.  But the third book's main character is LilaNash, who is JT's girl friend.  

What so remarkable is that I finished these 3 books in 3 weeks.  Hard to put it down.  After I finished the books, I even searched online to read reviews and trying to find TY videos.  I was surprised to find very few YT videos about these books.   I watched some of them, and the author showed interest in character building and it showed in the books.  The character in those books are very memorable.  You can feel the depth of each characters, like they all really come from somewhere.  Nothing shines mroe than with those 2 conversations with different mothers in those 3 books, and each was crafted with intricacy.  If there's a fourth book, I'd love to see more of the relationship between Joe and Lila, and I really wish to see love between them.  

The mystery part of the series was good enough to pull me into the story as well.  I think it's interesting enough to keep me guessing.  I rarely guess it correctly in those kind of story though.  I think I am very willing to try his other series.  It's just the style of writing is easy to pull me in.  But maybe I will wait a little bit.  

Tuesday, April 02, 2024

MOM'S eye filled with blood

I did not notice in the morning.  But her left eye were filled with blood.  She called Tallman's, but they suggested her to go to urgent care or emergency.  We went to ConvenientMD urgentcare first, which we never have been to.  They need our CC, or DC info before we could see a doctor so we left.  We tried AFC, I think we've been there a couple times.  We saw a nurse practitioner there.  She said it's a high chance what my mom has is ubconjunctival hemorrhage.  It should recover quickly.  

Saturday, March 02, 2024


 Mom got sciatica.  It was caused by an episode I had in late January.  I got up a bit late in the morning and I said don't prepare food for me.  She was not happy and showed it.  I did not understand why and stepped towards anger, and became an episode shortly after.  

When I had episode, I just yelled I just wanted to die.  and scream and throw...

Anyway, she started having hard time sleep, then probably a week after, she started to have sciatica.  


Sunday, February 25, 2024


 I am always a late adopter.  I remember when I first came to the email, I thought to myself, why?  What's the use of this?  I also remember my sister talked to people online to the deep night during high school era(maybe after high school... not sure).  She learned to type Chinese really fast using ㄅㄆㄇ back then.   Me, I am always ambitious, I said I want to learn 倉頡, which I did and was okay in speed.  But it's been such a long time, I've already forgot how to use it.  

At high school, a lot of people were already crazed about technology, programming.  I remember some people even used their Texas Instrument Calculator to code and write their own games.  But I only heard it and never saw it  My friend Eric was a computer nut.  His idol then was Sony's CEO.  He's the first one I saw putting computer together from ground up.  He made one for us too.  But for all these, I don't seemed to be interested in technology much.  Except video games.  

I've always want to play video games, seeing other people having fun with it all around me.  We played Mario at 小寶外婆家, watching him play 光榮三國志 at his place.  I seldom play games in middle school, because my mom disapproved it, and so was many of my classmates' parents.  Then when we came here, I saw Roger played streetfighters.  I was impressed, and so was my mom.  Roger was such a good kid.  My mom got a Super Nintendo from Taiwan when she came back.  Sadly, I did not play a lot of nintendo games, that's sort of a trend for me, interested in something then forget about it.  Then there's Sky who showed me the most popular computer RPG game from Taiwan at the time, 仙劍奇俠傳.  But that did not stick either.  Weirdly, what sticks was the PC typing game and civil war games I played at my uncle's house.  I also saw Final Fantasy VIII at Tony's place, where Sky was friend with for a time.  Oh, I almost forgot, there was my cousin's play station.  We had a good memory of Metal Gear Solid and Bushido Blade.  And don't forget the other cousin at Texas, he had a nintendo64, I played Zelda Ocarina of time.  But weird enough, I did not join the computer games during my high school era, because the craze among my high school mates were starcraft, which was played by Henry, Dan, and others.  I guess at the time, the only thing I was really interested was basketball.  

Later when I went to the college.  I was alone.  The technology was still not anything to me, excepts downloads.  There are a lot of stuff to download for free.  That period of time was the first time I was totally left alone.  I could not help but attracted to the pc games.  I do not know why.  I think the magazine I got from Henry somehow made me obsessed.  Especially after I played a couple demos, Oni, Shogun Total War, Outcast, Sacrifice, King's quest 8, Prince of Persia Sands of Time...etc.  Almost all the games I mentioned was from that Magazine!  That Magainzine was in Chinese.  

After I quit college, movies and video games, mainly Total War, filled my time.  It was a strange time, because in my memory, only video game, movies, and cats.  All the others are a blurr.  I did not have friends in the physical world, only online.  There are very good communities in form of forum.  I especially remembered a forum called avant or something like it.  I participated in it, because it was a small circle of players.  Then there's the total war community, I played a lot of medieval total war.  A lot of them are European players.  I learned some European history there.  

Besides video games, I did not have much technology experience.  I don't really have a cell phone, until later, which was not a smart phone.  I did however built a pc from ground up with the help of my brother in law.  Then I build another one for my cousin.  The spec for both of those pc were mediocre at best.  But it was a fun experience.  

My sister on the other hand is always an early adopter.  She and I bought our first digital camera, it was a canon elph with 5x lens zoom.  I think we bought it after we got our cats.  I did not have a digital camera, so the first group of pictures of my cat were taken by my cousin Mimi.  Then after that my sister and I decided we need one too.  But just like before, I did not use it much.  The evidence of me wasting a camera is the amount of cat pictures I took which is not much.  Such a regret, but now my regret is even bigger, because after I got my first cell phone, I started to shoot a lot.  I thought I don't need that camera anymore and ebayed.  I regret a lot, because I kind want to learn to shoot using camera now.  I am not able to find similar one with viewfinder...  


 當我還小的時候, 我的母親還算年輕。  他有力量帶著我和妹妹到東到西。  他自己不會騎腳踏車, 所以他帶我們去學。  無論自己多累, 腰都快斷了,我們還是學不會。  還好,林慧珠阿姨告訴了他一個祕訣, 我們才學會了。  以後大街小巷到處騎,蔣阿姨次寧聽到了大吃一驚。  那會不會太危險了?  我們一學會腳踏車, 等我們把林慧珠阿姨給我們學習的車讓給別人後, 媽媽很大方的給我們一人買了一台捷安特的腳踏車。  當時,這是一筆很大的消費。  小瑋那車我的印象裡是非常好的。  一台粉紅的, 踩踏起來非常順溜。  我是一台藍色的越野車, 一看就是當時流行的款式。  可是我印象裡, 小瑋那一台放在一樓, 沒多久就給偷走了。  我的有一次騎去時報書店,結果也被順手牽羊了。 

我的母親是喜歡健康的。  可是在他印象裡, 我們兄妹倆都滿病弱的。  小瑋小時候有一次不知怎地,誤服了媽媽擺在抽屜裡, 用衛生紙包著的乾燥劑。  台灣潮濕, 媽媽就利用一些買來的貨物,包裝裡剩下來的乾燥劑。  可是不知道小瑋是肚子餓還是怎的,以為是糖果, 結果造成了嚴重的影響。  我呢, 根據媽媽的說法, 我一出生, 外婆就出了意外, 結果他把我放到大嫂家; 大嫂說我難帶的很。  回家後依然是大吵大鬧, 讓爸爸很不能睡覺。  之後, 我又有不能大便的情形。  我兩歲的時候, 小瑋出來沒多久, 爸爸住院, 於是乎我們又交給別人帶。  這些事情讓他很難過, 他覺得那些時期是小孩成長的重要時間。  結果他都因為這些原因使他沒能好好帶我們。  稍微長大後, 我們又都有氣喘的毛病。  我還記得在景美的時候去看小兒科, 就在羅斯福路上, 離我們家不遠。  打了針,手臂還會腫起一塊。  後來我們氣喘都是給爸爸看, 嚴重的時候要在嘴下巴上扎四針。  

這些都加強了媽媽要使我們健康強壯。  讓我們去學游泳, 常去爬山,學籃球,  學乒乓球。  希望可以藉此讓我們強壯起來。  一開始因為爸爸糖尿病, 他開始看了很多有關健康的書。  他也常常耳提面命的說要糙米飯, 多吃蔬菜, 不要在外面吃攤子零食。  我印象裡最深的就是我們在外面買最多的食物是饅頭。  當時金山南路附近有很好的饅頭店。  除了饅頭和偶爾的老張豆漿店, 我們很少外食。  當然也是因為家裡有阿媽,算是我們的保母。  他一直做到了我們五年級。  當時阿媽做過餐館, 他在炒某些青菜時會勾芡。  但是媽媽就跟他說不要勾芡, 因為勾芡是澱粉, 對爸爸的糖尿病不好。  另外, 我也不怎麼喜歡,吃起來黏黏滑滑的。  媽媽長久以來都希望可以吃健康。  所以他也曾試著種植小麥草。  結果小蟲一堆, 菜汁打出來爸爸也不怎麼喜歡喝。  後來就不種了。  他也試了好幾種健康食品, 和他的朋友一起做過直銷。  我印象最深的就是先尼雷德的產品,他們號稱是中藥提煉。  有食品也有肌膚保養品。  媽媽在我國中長青春痘的時候,就常常幫我擦臉。  還滿有用的。  


Friday, January 05, 2024

some thoughtsonWarriors

Some thoughts after watching highlights of w vs n last night:

  • I feel clay cannot play efficiently for 30 minutes.  He's still a deadly shooter.  But need to insert him at right times.  I wish he will remember shawnLivingston.  Starter or bench is merely an illusion.  
  • W's loss was not because ofJokic's shot.  If they can trade basket, 1:1, then they win.  If they can trade basket 1:2, they still won.  I even think if they trade the basket 1:3, they might hold the winning ticket.  But as it turns out, they cannot score.  
  • The turnover at the last second was a mystery to me.  Because Cp was much closer to SC, why did he did a cross court pass?  Without that turnover, the worst scenario was overtime.  I do not understand...   Even if Cp cannot shoot 3, the pass was shorter and safer.