Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Cytokines, 中文名稱是 細胞激素,又名細胞因子、細胞活素、細胞介素、細胞素,一組蛋白質和多肽,生物中用做信號蛋白, 在細胞間傳遞訊息。  

Interleukin 中文名稱是 白血球介素,一組細胞因子。  

Cellular therapy, 中文名稱是 細胞治療

Physiology, 中文名稱是 生理學。是生物學的一門領域,研究生物體及其各組成部分,在活體系統中化學和物理的功能活動。  

I am reading a book, theSongOfTheCell.  So I intend to write down some notes here.  Don't ask me why I am reading the book.  I do not know why.  Though I regret that when I was reading this author's the other book, theEmperorOfAllMaladies, I did not thought of jot some notes down. 

So far only prelude, intro, and Part 1, 1.1the original cell, 1.2 the visible cell, 1.3 the univseral cell.  

Those parts are talking about the discovery of the cell fist through the technological innovation.  Then, by using technology, which helped human see far beyond our physical capability.  

Some significant people that appeared, Antonie van Leeuvwenhoek, Rober Hooke, Rudolf Virchow, Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, Andreas Vesalius, Francois-Vincent Raspail, 

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