Friday, June 03, 2011

So blah

So blah. So blah.
As time goes on, nothing was fulfilled
Sitting here like a duck on eggs.
But there's no egg.

Until now realized.
It seemed all too late.
The sun is up.
But the wind is colder.
Winter may have come.

What should I do?
All I want to do was play.
The example was basketball.
It was simple. But yet.
A basket and A ball were required.
A bunch of people needed to be assembled.

Let's play.

The court was big. For I am small.
I once lost my way there.
Now it is mine again.
I will be the one who handled the ball.
Decision needed to be made
When to shoot, who to pass, where to dribble.

I needed to know my place on that square.
I hated to make a mistake.
But blamed not
For the game was on
play was on the stake.

So blah so blah
I need to choose.
Cannot escape.
Everything is moving
there is no time to delay.

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