Wednesday, June 29, 2011


是的. 我想知道, 這條路會是怎樣的. 如果這是照著我的夢想, 我的狂想, 我的白日夢. 我沒有力量在現實飛, 難道連在腦袋裡飛的勇氣也沒有嗎?


今天是六月廿一日. 民國八十五年. 距我爸爸逝世一年八個月三個星期. 這六月廿一日有一點奇特. 因為我過了兩次. 或許也可以說, 是一個特別長的六月廿一日. 在臺灣過了一次, 在美國又過了一次. 我們在這一天來到了美國. 到波士頓好像是晚上八九點吧. 我們從來沒來過美國, 一下飛機, 似乎連空氣都特別新鮮. 媽媽的弟弟, 我的舅舅還有舅媽來接我們. 我們一家三口, 媽媽, 我妹, 我. 那時候, 波士頓的國際機場, 落根(Logan), 還在翻修. 舅舅帶著我們三個左拐右拐走過長長的甬道到停車場, 我們都是有點緊張, 又有點興奮. 舅舅是有車的耶! 舅舅笑著說他的車子很好玩哦. 舅媽說, 嘻嘻, 你們看就知道了. 我們都不了解他的意思. 當我們看到他的車時, 又哇了一下, 他的車子好大, 一個長方形的大盒子, 看起來舊舊的, 分三排有七個座位. 舅舅把後車門打開, 叫我扶著. 然侯從座位旁邊抽出一條木頭欄杆, 用它撐起後車門. 他笑著說, 這車門壞掉了, 得要這樣車門才能開著. 我們都笑得嘻嘻哈哈, 覺得很有趣.

即使在停車場裡, 每一樣事物都是那麼新奇. 出了停車場, 似乎連路燈都和臺灣不一樣. 我妹很興奮, 問東問西的. 舅舅似乎心情也還不錯, 跟我們解釋著. 原來他不是住在波士頓城裡, 他住的地方離城滿遠的. 我妹就說, 媽媽說你們住在 And Over. 舅舅說, 什麼是 And Over? 我說, 就是你們住的那個鎮啊. A-n-d O-v-e-r. And Over. 舅媽似乎覺得很好玩, 他說, 是 A-n-d-o-v-e-r, 念 Andover. 是一個字, 不是兩個字. 我們聽了都覺得好好玩. 多年後, 我回憶這件事情, And Over 真的是很好玩. 這兩個字根本就是就完蛋了! 英文是不能隨便分開來唸的! lol

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I called verizon a month ago. Because my uncle got his deal of 79.99 triple play deal for home that is already installed with Fio. I do not have Fio installed, but I think there would no harm in asking. I was wrong, big time.

I called verizon, and the service man picked up told me that this 79.99 deal was for the home stated above. After a bit chitchat, the verizon service man suddenly said I can get the deal. I was surprised! I asked again. The reply I got was affirmative. I was jumping. Then he started to give me all the confirmation number and all the details...blah, blah, blah. Oh, his name was Steve.

A month later, which is now. I got my bill. The tiple play deal on that thing is 99.99. But the total bill is even more bizarre. It is 149.99. It is outrageous! I called verizon last Friday. After hearing my problem, the service lady told me to wait for Steve to call me. I waited until today. No one called. So I called verizon at 3 today. Then the service man, Jack, told me that he and his manager cannot give me that deal. Then he said that he could give me a reduced price for 84.99. Plus free HBO HD channel for 3 months. I did think straight, I said yes. Whenever was I in this kind of situation, I could never make right decision! My gosh! I absolutely hate myself!

Sunday, June 26, 2011



The Affliction of Margaret

The Affliction of Margaret

William Wordsworth (1770-1850)

Where art thou, my beloved Son,
Where art thou, worse to me than dead?
Oh find me, prosperous or undone!
Or, if the grave be now thy bed,
Why am I ignorant of the same
That I may rest; and neither blame
Nor sorrow may attend thy name?

Seven years, alas! to have received
No tidings of an only child;
To have despaired, have hoped, believed,
And been for evermore beguiled, -
Sometimes with thoughts of very bliss!
I catch at them, and then I miss;
Was ever darkness like to this?

He was among the prime in worth,
An object beauteous to behold;
Well born, well bred; I sent him forth
Ingenuous, innocent, and bold:
If things ensued that wanted grace,
As hath been said, they were not base;
And never blush was on my face.

Ah! little doth the young one dream,
When full of play and childish cares,
What power is in his wildest scream,
Heard by his mother unawares!
He knows it not, he cannot guess:
Years to a mother bring distress;
But do not make her love the less.

Neglect me! no, I suffered long
From that ill thought; and, being blind,
Said "Pride shall help me in my wrong:
Kind mother have I been, as kind
As ever breathed:" and that is true;
I've wet my path with tears like dew,
Weeping for him when no one knew.

My Son, if thou be humbled, poor,
Hopeless of honour and of gain,
Oh! do not dread thy mother's door;
Think not of me with grief and pain:
I now can see with better eyes;
And worldly grandeur I despise,
And fortune with her gifts and lies.

Alas! the fowls of heaven have wings,
And blasts of heaven will aid their flight;
They mount -how short a voyage brings
The wanderers back to their delight!
Chains tie us down by land and sea;
And wishes, vain as mine, may be
All that is left to comfort thee.

Perhaps some dungeon hears thee groan,
Maimed, mangled by inhuman men;
Or thou upon a desert thrown
Inheritest the lion's den;
Or hast been summoned to the deep,
Thou, thou, and all thy mates, to keep
An incommunicable sleep.

I look for ghosts; but none will force
Their way to me: 'tis falsely said
That there was ever intercourse
Between the living and the dead;
For, surely, then I should have sight
Of him I wait for day and night,
With love and longings infinite.

My apprehensions come in crowds;
I dread the rustling of the grass;
The very shadows of the clouds
Have power to shake me as they pass:
I question things, and do not find
One that will answer to my mind;
And all the world appears unkind.

Beyond participation lie
My troubles, and beyond relief:
If any chance to heave a sigh,
They pity me, and not my grief.
Then come to me, my Son, or send
Some tidings that my woes may end;
I have no other earthly friend!

Bliss: great joy
Ensued: happen, or occur afterwards,or as a result
Thou: you
Thee: you 的受辭
Maim: wounded so the part is permanently damaged
Mangle: injured with deep disfiguring wound
Woe: great sorrow, or things that caused sorrow

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Why I don't like batman and superman.

I don't like batman and superman. Because their so called justice is fake. They don't execute the criminals in their world. They always give those criminals back to the legal system. And apparently, the legal system failed again and again and again. So those criminals come out and kill, again and again and again. It is like a big, boring, ugly, disgusting Soap Opera. If no one brought Days of our lives onto big screen, then why the hell would anyone put batman and superman on big screen???

I recently watched a video review on X-man the First Class. There was a comment in the video saying that one of the two main actors was expected to be boring. For a simple reason, his character was a good guy. Yes, it is very sad. Just like Batman and Superman, a good guy failed again and again and again.

This kind of justice is extremely peculiar. People who keep watching this and loving it, is also unbelievable. What justice has all these so called "good guys" done? It is a fool's errand. They seemed to respect the legal system. But they are all operating outside the law already. Repeated failures make all of them pale and gloomy. It also marked down the justice system.

I feel the producers are just here making money. As long as their fake heroes failed to produce any justice, they are making good money.

This is a thought after I watched The Dark Knight tonight the second time since 2008. I hate the batman. Kill the Joker already! The stupid nonsense of valuing human lives this way. As long as he values Joker's life, the Batman doesn't value anyone else's life. It is another kind of perversion. It is like Doctor tells his patient that he has the cancer. But the Doctor cannot kill cancer cells since the Doc value all lives, including cancer cell's life! Same thing to Superman. Kill Luthor already!

Batman and Superman are Soap Operas. That is why I don't like them.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Source for Jay Taylor's Chiang Kai-Shek biography

何應欽 interview with Central News Agency(中央日報社) reports, Chunking, September 20, 1944, in "News of the Central Agency", October 7, 1944, in 秦孝儀, ed Chungkuo Minkuo Chungyao Shiliao Chupian Tui erh Kangchang Shihch'i(Preliminary Compilation of Important Historical Material of the R.O.C-Resist Japan Period), part 3 : Chianshih Waichiao(Wartime Dilplomacy)(Taipei: KMT Historical Archives, 1981), Vol. 1, pp.512-514, Lend-Lease that China Received from May 1941-April 1942 before Burma Road was cut off, provided supplies that the War Ministry distributed or stored, including:

Airplanes: 1657 tons;
Arsenals(equipment and material for Arms Manufacture): 2,4000 tons;
Vehicles: 2,9000 tons;
Ordnance(presumably bombs and shells): 1,1000 tons;
Weapons: 1300 tons
Ammunition: 8700 tons;
Road Building Equipment: 1900 tons.

See Charles Romanus & Riley Sunderland, Stilwell's Mission to China(1952); Washington, D.C. : U.S. Army center of Military History, 2002) p49.

---Jay Taylor: The generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek & the struggle of modern China. p646, 118th note for p271.

The Chinese had small arsenals of China made weapons & ammunition. According to a latter study by Wedemeyer's headquarters, from March 1941 through June 1945, Chinese arsenals--apparently with the assistance of U.S.A. supplied non ferrous metals--were able to produce a total of

26,5000 rifles;
4,4000 machine guns;
1,000 mortars;
16 million hand grenades;
610 million rounds of various calibur ammunition.

Except for the hand grenades, this is a relatively small supply of replacement weapon and ammunition for four years given the size of the Chinese army and the combat and other losses that they suffered.

Even so, Chiang probably had sufficient reserve supplies of this China-produced material that he could have provided 長沙 and 衡陽 with the supplies they needed, but Chennault required Stilwell's approval to fly airdrop operation. On June 7, Chiang's team in Washington reported that the U.S.A. Joint Chiefs had approved use use of the Tenth Air Force Heavy Bombers in India to drop 2000 to 2500 tons of material in the China theater, but neither Chiang, nor Stilwell ever pick up on this offer. Message from General Shang Zhen in Washington, June 7, 1944 in 秦孝儀, Zong Tong, Vol. 5, p2374 Ibid 113th Note

According to the Chinese War Ministry, since the fall of Rangoon(仰光), from May 1942-September 1944, 98% of U.S. military aid over the hump had gone to the 14th Air Force--and, the Ministry could have added, to the B-29 operation and the upkeep of the large and increasing number of U.S.A. military personel in China. The U.S.A. had provided 2 millions or so men who were in the Chinese army but not in the X and Y forces a total 351 machine guns, 96 mountain canons, 618 antitank rifles, 28 anti-tank guns, and 50 million rounds of the rifle ammunition. Of all these items, only 60 canons, 50 antitank rifles, and 30 million rounds of ammunition were provided before June 1944, battle of 長沙; the rest afterward. (108)
Further, the War department had decreed that the new Z Force + Chinese divisions to be retrained and armed by the U.S.A. (as the second group of the ninety total divisions that Roosevelt had promised to support) would receive only 10% of the total Land-Lease allotment for China. The American team assigned to this project calculated that if divided between 30 new divisions, these supplies of arms and ammunition would in each case amount to "practically zero".


I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Visage: the face of a person or an animal


The coached said: "Okay, I'll tell you what you need to get into varsity. But before I even begin, I need to remind you that you are really too short. Although you do have excellent ability to jump, this actually is a risk for you."

Jack said: "Huh? Why?"

The coached said: "Very simple, jumping always involved a risk of landing."

Jack said: "Ah, I see."

The coached said: "Yes. But I will still give you the things that might get you into varsity."

Jack said: "Thank, coach."

The coached said: "First, you are too skinny. You need a bit more muscle so nobody could push you around easily. Second, it is a high school game. When we are in transition, I don't see much problem with you. But when we are in a zone, consistent outside shot is the most valuable thing."

Jack said: "Really? But I thought getting inside, being aggressive is all you teach us."

The coach said: "Yes. That is the most important thing in the game. However, without outside shot, it is going to be a grind inside the paint. Three pointers creates hole in the zone defense, in transitions, and in man to man as well. Outside jumpers did the same thing. However, three pointers have the advantage of stretching zones."

Jack said: "I see. That is my weakest game."

The coached said: "Yes, it maybe so. But practice can make it perfect."

Jack said: "How about dribbling and passing?"

The coached said: "As for you, dribbling and passing is basic since you are short. But as for a high school game. I think your present ability is good enough. It is hardly seeing a guy who could penetrate with awesome dribbling in a zone defense. Sometimes it does happen. But rare."

Jack said: "I see. what else?"

The coached said: "Since you are short, you will be the pg. You will need to run a lot. Let's just said, you need to have the best stamina and endurance on the team."

Jack said: "My gosh, this is a long list."

The coached said: "Yes, and even if you improve all these things. It is not guarantee that you will be picked for the varsity. The composition of the team is a good factor when choosing similar players."

Jack: "Thanks, coach. I will try to improve all the things you said. And hopefully, I will grow an inch or two next year..."

Monday, June 20, 2011

A review about Hanna

I watched Hanna last night. I was looking forward to watch it since it had a very pretty young actress, plus actors like Eric Bana, Cate Blanchett, and a mysterious setting. At the end, I did not think it was a great movie. It is ok. There was only one scene that impressed me. It was towards the end, when Eric Bana's character trying to distract attention from Hanna, he killed the bad guys and got himself killed too.

But I was wondering why this was not an attractive experience to me. Sure, I could read through the very thin plotline. The action sequence were weak to my taste until the last Eric Bana scene. I did not understand each character's goal. I think the most important is the last reason. I did not know each characters' goal and I blamed that on the plot. The plot was very thin, and the background info was very lacking. I had to look up online to understand how come Blanchett's character wanted to kill Eric Bana's party at the first place.

The movie did not specify a destination for Hanna after her first attempt on the kill. And the lack of emotion on her part created another confusion as well. Hanna's character development was very thin too. Besides this mysterious goal of assassination, what else did she actually do to develop her character? While escaping from the US Moroccan base, Hanna experienced all the modern technology, courted a friendship. But I did not see a connection between her and all before mentioned. And as it went on, it seemed that she knew there's a danger. So does the audience. But since I know there won't be any real danger for her. I did not feel the urgency of the chase. To make matter worse was that, Hanna was not really emotional outwardly towards the friendship. At the end, those who took care of her, all got slain. The movie only passed over these and then focused on Hanna again. But there was no sign on Hanna's reflection on all those things. At least, I did not notice it. I think I had the most problem with a unemotional character... lol

This is one of those that trailer is good, but movie is not so good. The plot was thinly developed. It seemed to me that the script jotted down a sentence, "a girl trained in dead art in a remote area, sent to kill an CIA agent for vengeance." Okay, let's make a movie! After that sentence, I feelt it was all improv...



有一個我覺的有趣的地方就是 新倩女的燕赤霞和夏雪風雷的名稱.  在舊版, 他們被稱為道士.  新版裡, 他們有了一個新名詞, 獵妖師.  我記得之前大陸拍的新版畫皮裡, 對於道士也有新名詞, 降魔者.  這看似一個很小的不同處.  但是, 我覺得實際上卻是很巨大的不同處!  尤其反應在語言的發展上.  獵妖師, 降魔者之類的名詞, 我之前都只在日本漫畫上看到.  我也曾在古龍的小說上, 香港武俠和漫畫上看過.  這應該是一系列的發展.  而不再只是俠客, 道士這些名詞所能夠取代的. 這種對於名詞的發明, 我覺得很有趣.  這讓外國人對中國文化的認識說不定會有點貢獻.  

關於新戲的特效, 我其實不覺得怎麼樣.  我反而更喜歡徐克的某些特效.  我印象最深的就是, 倩女三裡的小道士和人賭賽.  結果好多銅板居然站起來.  新版的特效, 除了電腦聲光以外, 實在很不怎麼樣.  唯一讓我覺得還有點看頭的反而是那個差點結果小倩的陣.  但是, 那可不是電腦聲光.  在我感覺那更是如何剪輯影片, 和演員的表現.  至於說, 徐克版的那些好笑的怪物偶像, 實在可以原諒.  

我覺得還有一個有趣的一個地方是啥哩. 那就是有關道士的部分. 再以前, 六字真言是唵嘛呢叭咪吽. 結果現在是臨兵鬥者皆陣列在前. 這之前我只在日本忍者的地方看到過. 這也是很有趣的地方. 徐克版的倩女二和三, 有很多唐朝傳奇劍客的描寫. 但是, 現在則沒有劍光了.


我最近看了一部新電影, 新倩女幽魂.  是一部懷念重拍片.  為啥我叫他懷念重拍片呢?  因為, 這一部片子裡, 幾乎和徐克拍的一樣.  我感覺從中也看到徐克拍的三部倩女幽魂中的很多元素.  例如, 新戲裡的殺人犯們讓我想到倩女三裡的一群壞人.  

這部片子裡, 寧采臣的角色被推到一邊, 變的很不重要.  在電影裡多出的三角戀愛中, 三個角分別是, 寧采臣, 小倩, 燕赤霞.  燕赤霞變成了真正的戀愛主角.  這一個做法, 讓我感覺葉赤霞更像倩女幽魂二裡的小道士一葉知秋.  讓我覺得這部戲還可以的地方, 也是因為扮演燕赤霞的古天樂.  他讓我有點感覺的一段就是燕赤霞眼睜睜的看著小倩被困在一個陣法裡的時候.  

此戲其他的地方我覺得都普普通通.  因為很少新意.  拿新戲裡的老百姓來說, 他們的角色實際上很枯燥.  徐克版的老百姓們則很有戲劇性.  乍看之下, 徐克版的老百姓有點作做, 但是, 但是他們製造了電影的氣份, 給整部戲一個很好的襯托.  例如當大家聽到張國榮的寧采臣要去住蘭若寺時的反應, 不僅僅是給出了笑點, 而且更增加蘭若寺的特殊性.  在新版裡, 這樣的安排卻很弱.  

新戲在角色上的介紹也很不完整.  我覺得原因就是故事太複雜.  複雜的原因其實來自於角色太多而且互相的分界不夠清楚.  徐克的版本則較為簡單.  也因為簡單, 角色的發揮和深度就更為增加.  以燕赤霞而言, 午馬的燕赤霞個性很清楚, 豪邁灑脫, 正義感十足.  張國榮的寧采臣天真單純並且執著.  而新戲裡的燕赤霞為情所困, 感覺拘束放不開, 包袱拿不下來.  他和寧采臣的角色實際上是一個.  新的寧采臣則是一個龍套.  這個分不開的問題不僅僅是在新的燕赤霞和寧采臣之間, 其實, 新的燕赤霞和新出來的角色, 夏雪風雷也是混在一起搞不清楚.  夏雪風雷實際上擔起了午馬的角色.  但是, 問題是, 他又沒有午馬悲天憫人的性格.  這種個性上沒有出路的角色, 一點都不可愛.  另外, 夏雪風雷和新燕赤霞打架的時候好像很厲害, 可是一和老妖戰鬥的時候, 又變的不行了.  直到新燕赤霞出來才戰成了平手.  這種安排也讓我看的很不過癮.  還要加上, 夏雪風雷還有一個弟弟...  角色實在太多...

我對新版的小倩沒啥意見.  雖說, 借網路上我看到的一個評論, 新小倩有點太清純, 有點不像女鬼.  因為小倩這個角色的標準應該是能嫵媚能癡情. 不過, 反正只要他漂亮, 我沒意見.  能象王祖賢那樣的, 畢竟很少.  新戲裡的三角關係呢, 對這個角色也無幫助.  複雜, 實在並不一定增加深度...  

整體來說, 這一次的倩女幽魂還是可以的.  至少, 作為一部懷念重拍, 我覺得算是及格.  當然, 我覺得這次葉導演其實是把三部戲綜合在一起拍成一部戲, 也難怪會有不少地方交代不清楚.  電影裡最後面打出懷念張國榮先生的字幕.  我覺得還滿感動的.  當年的電影實際上, 還有很多舞台性.  在編劇的手法上和角色的發展上都有.  這種舞台性對於神怪戲其實還是有很多可以借鏡的地方.  這種舞台性, 更讓戲裡的角色們活化了他們給觀眾的印象.  


Whenever I want to do something, my mind went blank.  That is weird. It is worst when I want to write something. When I was in a bath, or in the bed, I felt I could create great plots for stories, I could think argue with myself on certain topic. It all seemed worth some salt at the time. But when I sat down in front a blank paper, or a computer, all the fleeing thought! I think those thought may not really worth any salt after all...

But I am stubborn. They must be worth something! The problem is how to catch up with them. How to trap them. Then release them into visible signs. Even if they were not that valuable, I could fix them, abandon them, then admitted to the result. Rather than keep wondering what is there, or could be there.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Video games I feel I thought of first...

It is kind funny to see some recent games. I feel like they are reading my mind... For example, L. A. Noir. It is a game combined with exploration elements like GTA, along with Adventure game of puzzle solving. Then I saw another called testament of sherlocke... I don't fully know the game's structure yet, but the trailor I saw was a classic adventure game in third person perpective. You could run, walk, looking in detail of things and chat with people.

I still feel they are lacking though. But as time goes on, I believe some of my ideas would eventually happen.

What I thought of:

Third person perspective action adventure game.
Three different camera controls: 1) something like sacrifice; 2) something like Oni with soft lock; 3) something like Oni with option of hard lock.
Sacrifice camera control is for classic adventure game mainly, it should be good with magic game play, if any.
Oni with soft lock on camera control is for platfomer mainly.
Oni with hard lock on camera control is mainly for hard enemy, ie. boss. It also good for online competitive fighting as well.
The concept of right/left brain: Right brain means more AI control; Left brain means more player control.
A fighting engine that combined features from Bushido blade, Oni, Soul calibur, and blade of darkness, overgrowth, and mount and blade.
The fighting engine is combined with platformer.
Platform mechanic should be between prince of persia sot, assassin creed, and mario 64.
3 Characters to choose from.
Online fighting games and competitive platformer.
Magic maybe involved. If it did happen, it should be lethal with large area effect but slow with all the rituals and chantings.
Difficulty level should be come with option on different game options, like one shot kill, ie. Bushido blade; defense mechanics could be set to something like mount and blade or soul calibur, or something else.
Platform design is an opportunity where in a same stage, different characters would face different challenges.

Thursday, June 09, 2011


我妹結婚已經一年多了. 目前他們似乎還不錯. 有一次我和媽媽坐在他們的車上, 我妹在電話上和姜鬧不愉快. 這時候, PQ 說了一句讓我印象很深的話, 他勸解道, ...姜是你的密友啊. 他還說了其他的, 但是, 這句話讓我印象深刻. 我一直都知道我妹會因為姜的一些言語而不快. 但是, 每次我聽完了後, 我能做的都只是聽. 最多加幾句嗯, 嗯, 來表示我在聽而且了解他的心情. 我其他的都無法說啥. 我覺得, 像 PQ 這樣勸解是很正面的. 一方面提醒他, 姜是你的密友, 另一方面也表示了解我妹當時的情緒.

PQ 很多時候都是不善於言詞. 但是, 能夠這樣, 我覺得實在很不錯. 能夠解套, 並且引導. 即使我妹情緒暫時不能完全回復, 不至於往更壞的地方去. 像我, 只能夠聽, 卻無法消氣, 更別說引導了...

我感覺我可以了解別人的情緒, 但是, 我卻感覺愛莫能助. 或許是因為自己的情緒也是愛莫能助吧.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011


我還是覺得論語是最值得讀的經典. 因為它有很多和孔子很不一樣的人事物. 而孔子在面對這些人事物時, 並不能都給出完美答案. 這就是這本書和四書裡其他還有五經, 任何諸子最不一樣的地方! 這也就是他價值最高的地方. 拿他和柏拉圖的共和國相比, 共和國論理之精細, 繁複, 遠非論語所能比擬. 但是同樣是學生描述老師, 孔子在論語裡的模樣, 要比共和國裡的蘇格拉底可愛真實. 其道理雖不是那麼清楚, 但是, 予人更多發揮的空間. 或許方塊字和拼音符號在這裡也有所影響.


古文觀止是本很棒的書. 我實在是喜歡透頂了. 每篇都是那麼好的文章. 這編輯實在太了不起了. 我發現一個有趣的地方. 那就是, 古文觀止一開始選的文章, 從周開始, 故事很多. 因為都是左傳來的. 讀起來像是讀歷史逸聞. 到後來, 講理的文章愈多. 講理多半是直接談道理, 借事批評並且引出結論. 這個轉變, 可能是選文的偏好. 或許也可以見證到說, 或許周朝並不是沒有類似的論文, 但是, 到了後來, 論文都失散了, 或者被後人拋棄了. 反而是有趣味性的傳奇都留下來了. 到了明清兩朝, 當時的論文卻都還有, 而且對當時的價值觀也都仍有其地位, 所以也就選的更多.

我是喜歡故事更甚於論文. 但是, 論文對我而言, 其價值並不下於那些傳奇. 因為這些論文對於我們是可以看到許多實際政務的現象. 拿這些現象和我們當前的現象相比較, 應該是一個有趣的專題.


單純的描述現象和透過信仰或者學說來描述現象. 有沒有什麼不一樣? 我在想, 單純的描述現象, 這個單純是如何定義? 如果現在要我來定義, 我會以在信仰之前或者學術之前的狀況為單純的定義. 也就是說, 這個人只是模模糊糊的有一個概念, 但是還沒能用言詞來表達他所信仰或者他所學到的學說.


Monday, June 06, 2011

What did I give back?

What did I give back? I read books, watched TV & Movies, and played video games. But all these are things that I absorbed. What did I put out there?

Sunday, June 05, 2011

The difference between kobe and Michael

I watched a clip, where Phil Jackson talked about the difference between Michael and Kobe. The difference is the size of the hands! Michael have a bigger hands than Kobe. There, that is the difference... lol

Saturday, June 04, 2011



作詞:余光中 作曲:羅大佑 編曲:羅大佑


















(來源是 奇摩亞虎的知識)



余光中 詩,楊弦 曲

D G D A7
G A7 G D
D G D A7
G A7 G D
D G D A7
D G D A7
G A7 G D

D G D A7
G A7 G D
D G D A7
G A7 G D
D G D A7
D G D A7
G A7 G D

D G D A7
G A7 G D
D G D A7
G A7 G D
D A7
D G D A7
G A7 G D

D G D A7
G A7 G D
G A7








這些都是在我在龍應台的演講裡看到的. 楊弦用閩南語唱這首枋寮實在是味道極了! 羅大佑的也是沒話說的不得了. 把這些分別錄下來. 實在很喜歡.

Friday, June 03, 2011

O Captain! My Captain!--Walt Whitman

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:

But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills;
For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;

Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head;
It is some dream that on the deck,

You’ve fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The ship is anchored safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;

Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,

Fallen cold and dead.


我租了緬甸的豎琴來看. 媽媽也看了. 本來他要去睡了, 而且他說這是二戰的, 又是日本拍的. 他不想看. 但是, 我說這是很好看的, 又是日本反戰的片子. 他終於被我勸來看了. 看完之後, 他很喜歡. 我也很欣賞. 但是, 我個人感覺有點不舒服. 也說不上是哪裡不舒服. 不知道是因為這部片子沒有提到中國, 還是覺得日本似乎得到一種昇華, 而中國至今仍無. 我睡覺都沒睡好...

媽媽是真的很喜歡這片子. 他趁他去給舅媽剪頭髮的時候拿去給他們. 大力推薦. 後來, 那個星期六的時候, 舅媽和我說他不喜歡這不影片. 他覺得這部片子根本看不到日本人的懺悔. 那種超然的, 反戰的態度, 令他感覺很不對. 舅媽說這影片裡到處都是日本人的屍體, 好像日本人才是受害人. 我看舅舅也是這個意思.

(後來和胡熒阿姨談論的時候, 我說我看了這電影後的感覺就是, 感覺中國仍無從抗戰中走出來. 因為中國仍無法拍出這樣的電影來. 後來談論到說舅媽覺得這電影裡看不到日本的懺悔. 之後又提到靖國神社. 胡熒阿姨說, 他覺得日本人去拜靖國神社不怎麼樣. 人家是拜他們自己死去的人. 我倒是有點同意這種說法. 後來不知道怎麼又說到大陸, 胡熒阿姨好像很不喜歡大陸人現在趾高氣昂的樣子. 最後, 我又問問他有關二二八的事情, 他說他母親是臺灣本省人. 曾在延平南路上看到一個全身帶血的大陸產婦挺著大肚子逃命, 後面追著一群臺灣人.)

緬甸的豎琴裡日本人和 downfall 裡的希特勒相比, 似乎電影裡都呈現侵略者可憐的時候. 我就有看過人家批評 downfall 說好像要同情希特勒一樣. 這和舅媽說的很像. 但是, 媽媽的感覺似乎是只看到一群軍人他們在戰爭之後的感覺. 這群軍人, 尤其是主角, 看到戰後的情況, 看到本國軍人的屍體到處都是. 他的心情, 他的困惑, 他的決心, 給予觀眾, 至少是媽媽, 一種正面的演變. 電影裡的確沒有講到他們的侵略, 電影裡的那一群日本兵也和一般中國人印象裡的大不一樣, 熱愛唱歌, 不固執的執行死亡任務. 但是, 電影裡也描述另外一群堅不投降, 戰鬥至全體被殺的日本隊伍.

我要說的是啥呢? 我很喜歡這部電影. 他的音樂讓我感覺親切. 因為我知道每一首歌的旋律. 裡面的日本軍人一點都不固執, 有禮貌, 又有充沛的情感. 但是, 這電影讓我覺得巨大無比的遺憾. 這感覺非常之巨大. 亞洲國家的二戰經驗基本上就是從中日兩國發生. 而中國, 管你是臺港大陸, 我沒有看到一部這樣的的影片. 我多希望可以看到中國人也有這樣的一部電影. 我希望的是昇華. 昇華的意思就是, 從咬牙切齒的情緒, 從只會叫日本人倭寇的暴力, 轉變成理智的面對, 從這痛苦裡成長茁壯. 能夠生出一種正面的力量. 希望有這麼一天.

So blah

So blah. So blah.
As time goes on, nothing was fulfilled
Sitting here like a duck on eggs.
But there's no egg.

Until now realized.
It seemed all too late.
The sun is up.
But the wind is colder.
Winter may have come.

What should I do?
All I want to do was play.
The example was basketball.
It was simple. But yet.
A basket and A ball were required.
A bunch of people needed to be assembled.

Let's play.

The court was big. For I am small.
I once lost my way there.
Now it is mine again.
I will be the one who handled the ball.
Decision needed to be made
When to shoot, who to pass, where to dribble.

I needed to know my place on that square.
I hated to make a mistake.
But blamed not
For the game was on
play was on the stake.

So blah so blah
I need to choose.
Cannot escape.
Everything is moving
there is no time to delay.

movie quote: gladiator

Maximus: Five thousand of my men are out there in the freezing mud. Three thousand of them are bloodied and cleaved. Two thousand will never leave this place. I will not believe that they fought and died for nothing.
Marcus Aurelius: And what would you believe?
Maximus: They fought for you and for Rome.
Marcus Aurelius: And what is Rome, Maximus?
Maximus: I've seen much of the rest of the world. It is brutal and cruel and dark, Rome is the light.
Marcus Aurelius: Yet you have never been there. You have not seen what it has become. I am dying, Maximus. When a man sees his end... he wants to know there was some purpose to his life. How will the world speak my name in years to come? Will I be known as the philosopher? The warrior? The tyrant...? Or will I be the emperor who gave Rome back her true self? There was once a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish... it was so fragile. And I fear that it will not survive the winter.


I got Hulk installed. It was a terrible game for PC. The control is without mouse and the camera was not centered on the back of Hulk. It just horrible.


I cleaned my computer room in the hope that I could clear a space to do something I always want. Drawing, Reading, Writing. Instead, I messed up the room quickly surfed the net all day long, just like before. I have a problem.


I need to do lawns.


I keep making articles in my head. Yet when I tried to write it down on paper. There is nothing left except few phrases. This must an illusion.




Wednesday, June 01, 2011




























詩》曰:「老夫灌灌,小子蹻蹻。」 言老夫欲盡其謀,而少者驕而不受也。秦穆公所以敗其師,殷紂所以亡天下也。
故書曰:「黃髮之言,則無所愆。”《詩》曰:“壽胥與試。」 美用老人之言以安國也。


七十歲的窮老頭, 楚丘先生想要去做齊國孟嘗君的門客.
孟嘗君接見了這個老頭, 心裡有點不以為然, 說:
先生那麼老了, 年紀這麼大, 恐怕有很多事情都記不住了吧, 不知道有何見教?

咦, 我真的老了嗎? 你是要我去賽車嗎? 還是要我去參加奧林匹克? 再不然, 難道要我去非洲參加 safari? 那我早就玩完了. 哪還有心情感覺自己老?! 不過話又說回來, 如果你是要我到聯合國去和外國脣槍舌劍一番, 或著是幫你做些重大的決定, 那我不過正當壯年哩! 怎麼會老?!

孟嘗君聽了, 臉紅心跳, 推開桌子出來, 向楚丘先生說:
唉, 先生, 我真是錯了, 我真是錯了啊!

侯文詠--歐遊雜記 :p


我記得,我和我 先生第一次出國,就參加去歐洲的旅行團。
有一個早上,旅行團沒有安排行 程,我告訴我先生說:好不容易到了歐洲,

沒退休前,我先生 在家裡,每天都收聽空中英文教學,
我以為他的程度多厲害,沒想到,一到櫃檯,根本一竅 不通。

我記得櫃檯 的人,一邊收錢,一邊呼嚕呼嚕地跟我先生在比手畫腳些什麼,我先
生根本聽不懂,就只好猛點 頭,還回頭自信滿滿地告訴我: 「管他的,去了再說。」

一下車,只看見一座 覆蓋著白雪的山頭,還有纜車來來去去,跟簡介上的照片都不一樣。

想起來就很氣,我根本不應該聽他的話的。 等我們搭纜車到了山頭,才發現山上
根本沒有廁所,這裡是給人滑雪的地方, 大部分的人都是直接滑下山去的。

一看到這個情 況,我再也憋不住了,開始 和我 先生大吵,特吵。
我先生終於 受不了了,帶我到一個較偏僻的角落, 讓我背向山坡,他就站在前
我拉下褲 子開始方便,忽然一陣刺骨的冷風吹過來, 我正要大叫時,人已經往

好幾次,我幾乎撞到滑雪的人,可是我的速度愈來愈快,一 點都無法控制。
等我醒來時,我先生還在山頭上,直昇機已經來了。 我想我的屁股大概凍壞了,
醫生幫我塗藥,包紮好之後,把我送到急診室趴在病床上等候。 我愈等愈擔心,

幸好這時隔壁床送來一個病人。 我一聽他哎喲哎喲的叫,就知道他會說中文。
「說了你一定不信,剛剛滑雪,看到有人光著屁股,還是倒退著滑雪, 一不小心
他問我:「妳呢?怎麼會躺在這裡?」 我?就在我啞口無言時,我先生終於
趕到了。 看到我先生時,我真是百感交集,眼淚都快流出來了。
