Monday, May 11, 2020

A Recipe from Fb.


chicken thighs (drum stick or other part) deboned, hammered, 2 lb.
Greek yogurt, 2 C.
Paprika, 1 tsp.
Cinnamon, 1 tsp.
Cayenne, 1/2 tsp.
Cumin, 2 tsp.
Coriander, 1 tsp.
Garlic, 2 Tbs.
Salt, 1 Tbs.
Black pepper to taste
Lemon, 1
Olive oil, 1/4 C.
(Marinate those together for at least 1 hour)

Then cut pineapple and roast for 60-90 min, in 400 degree F/200 degree C.  


Let's see how it!  

BTW, they say it called chicken doner?  or maybe it means chicken dinner in Bulgarian?  

It was supposed to eat with Tzatziki(teh-zi-ki), Greek yogurt with cucumber, dill, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper to taste, or other variance)  and Pita.  

Originated from Turkey, and similar to Arabic shawarma, Greek Gyro.  

I am however just going to try the chicken itself...  :) 



I used 3 heavy skewers and half onion as base, got the tip from my sister, worked quite well.  Although the tower fell down midway, I have to use a support skewer. 

My notes was wrong as in garlic and salt, they should be in Table Spoon, I mistook them as tea spoon.  So the result is a bit a lot less salt and more sour taste.  I corrected it! 

It is very exciting for me, for it's been quite some times since I started any cooking project.  

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