Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Killers of the flower moon

Need a book to read, went through Libby and found this one.  

I jumped through the beginning chapters, but when I got to the middle chapter, it became quite interesting.  I think the narrative was engaging and the way the crime was portrayed was in good pace.  

But what stands out for me is the the last chapters of the book.  It was devoted to let the reader understood that the crime described in the previous chapters was only a small tip of the the iceberg.  The group memories of The Osage Americans got a chance to be told is a good thing.  And being told in such a book, is eve better.  

It was a disgusting tale of human greed, a system failure, and true capitalism.  And it's also a time when the federal started to strength their grip on the states.  And from this Covid 19, the boundary between federal and the states are being defined again.  

I am looking forward to the movie.  I'm curious how the director would do to the source material.  I think the main crime itself was a sweeping tale.  But the main focus should be how the Osage Americans were treated by the USA governments, federal or state.  

Monday, May 25, 2020


Today, I just searched jobs for an hour although I kept telling myself I need to go to school.  I am terrified for going back to school.  It's the learning part, but the after school stuff.  I feel like I have to sell myself after school which I am very bad at.

Birds I saw today:

American Goldfinch

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Ashby passed away

Hu Yin Ahyi's cat named Ashby passed away.  He was not my cat, but he'd been in my care for the past 2+ months, and I'd known him since he was adopted, 16 years ago.

I am very upset over his death.  I guess I always thought I am pretty good with taking care of cats, and yet, my cat went ill first, then Ashby.  It really grosses me out with myself.  I know a couple months before he came into my care, he was sick.  But when Hu Yin Ahyi brought him to me, he was alive and well.  She nursed him back to health.  I keep wondering if I mistreat the cat, maybe I was so stressed with my cat, I neglected Ashby in some way.

Ashby was such a gentle cat.  I remembered him being passed around during one of the morning salon at Hu Yin Ahyi's apartment.  Everyone of my uncle's friends get their turn to hold Ashby.  And he's patient with everybody.  I remembered 田艾倫阿姨, especially, for she loved Ashby very much.  Ashby was like a baby, melted in her arms, whilst she pet him and said, "he likes to be petted behind the ears." 

Hu Yin Ahyi would have a birthday party every year for Ashby, since he shared the same birthdate with Hu Yin Ahyi's sister.  Uncle's friends would gather around, pot lock style.  That became an event, almost every year, when May approaches, LKK would start chat among them, "when is Ashby's birthday this year?"  It's kind sad that I got my smart phone late, otherwise, I would have more pictures of this annual event.

For me, personally, I got my cat after my aunt and Hu Yin Ahyi, same year though.  One of the first thing I did after I got my cats was to bring them to Hu Yin Ahyi's old house, to meet Ashby.  That was one of the 2 of earliest collection of my cats.  Such an invaluable pictures.  Roger was there that day, he used his camera took those pictures.  My cats were busy exploring every corner of the house, and Ashby was like overwhelmed, did not know who to chase.  That was hilarious.  He was a little bigger physically.  My  cats were totally ignoring him, but he made his presence felt.  Their first encounter was just so cute!

I took care of Ashby occasionally when Hu Yin Ahyi's away for a weekend.  But by 2017, Hu Yin Ahyi started to make longer trips, to Taiwan, to her daughter's, and she let me stay at her apartment to take care for Ashby.  Then, after her daughter giving birth, Ashby started to stay at my house for longer period.  Ashby was such a smart cat, if you told him not to something, he will stop; though he did have his peeves.  If I called him by his name, he can discern the difference.  Baobao still not sure sometimes.  And it is absolutely heart melting when I hold Ashby.  I just felt such compete trust!  Sometimes, I cannot help but felt that Ashby's bloodline must be more domesticated than my cat.  I know Baobao complete trust me, but when I hold Baobao, he melts away for 10 seconds, then he started to move.  But not with Ashby!  I think it must be bloodline and culture by Hu Yin Ahyi, both nature and nurture!

This time when Baobao went into trouble, I immediately decide to let Ashby sleep in his own room at night.  Because I am not sure what happened to my cat, isolating Ashby was a precaution measure.  By doing it, I could prevent interactions without supervision.  I could reduce Ashby's exposure to my cat.  But I think it's all a moot point, for Ashby and Baobao trade their litter box right after I opened Ashby's room in the morning.   And by isolation, Ashby must feel ignored.

But now I think back, there were signs of trouble.  It took Ashby longer than previous time to break into my house.  He ate little until he's a week in.  I took a picture of Ashby and everyone was saying it's Baobao for the fur looked orange.  Then I find Ashby's gait was a bit different.  His elbow was a bit more out.  Then a week and half before he's heaving the ribs, I had difficulty holding him belly up.  He wanted to get out of that position.  Then, my mom started saying he's coat was not as shining as before.

After 1 day and half, I found out Ashby was heaving his ribs, I lined Hu Yin Ahyi asking if he's allergic to seafood.  No, he did not like seafood but not allergic.  I lined again next day, because I am not able to get Ashby to eat anything, and have difficulty administer medicine, and his breathing was labored.  I felt the situation was very serious, I even asked if I went to the vet and was asked about put Ashby down, what should I do?  Hu Yi Ahyi said can the doctor try to extend Ashby's life until she came back next Monday.  But when I tried to put Ashby in the carrier, he stunned me with his scream and the heaving chest was worse.  I decided not to go to the vet and told Hu Yin Ahyi.  After chatting with Roger in the afternoon, Hu Yin Ahyi decided to come home a week earlier.

After her arrival on Wednesday, we went to the vet right away.  After 5 minutes, Vet called us in the car(due to Covid-19), he suggested putting Ashby down.  When Hu Yin Ahyi asked if he could find someway to relax Ashby for few days.  The vet refused, saying there's fluid in the lung, even if he did get fluid out, it will be refilled after a few days.  Hu Yin Ahyi decided to bring Ashby home first.  I think it's a good choice, because Ashby could still enjoy a calm and familiar environment.  After I came home and told my mom, my mom said both her and I were under tremendous stress when Ashby's condition started to worsen.  She's very worried about Hu Yin Ahyi after 2 months of exhaustive caring of her grand daughter, how she's going to bear with the situation.  She thought Ashby should be put down.  Aunt called me and said the same thing, although she think if it's her, she would keep Ashby in the home as well.  I know first hand what it felt like to have a cat dying by my side.  When Baobao was suggested put down  by the vet, I brought him home thinking I don't want to shock Baobao and hopefully he could pass away in a familiar setting.  But before he came to be a little healthier, I was drunk in my tears and questions about my decisions.

The day before yesterday, Roger came by and picked up his gift for me, a cat tower, as a token for taking caring for Ashby in the past 2 months.  But I told him my cat is dying as well, thanks but no, thanks.  So he came by to pick the tower up.  He said they decided to put Ashby down at last.  I went to see Ashby the last time yesterday at noon.  Ashby was so thin, but when he hear me, he still came out to meet me.   I pet him lightly, he purred as a protest and went to lie down on the carpet under a desk.  Ashby never purred, until now.  Hu Yin Ahyi said that when Roger came yesterday and saw him crying.  She felt him really coming home.

Li Chung, wrote a long message to me, I do not know how to reply.  Now I can finally reply to her.

"Sorry, it took me sometimes to think of something to say. I went to see Ashby yesterday he's so thin and weak. He never really purred that much. But he purred a lot this time. I sometimes think he must come from a longer line of domestication. Because when I hold him, the way he melts into my arms, it's a trust that must be built for a long time. Of course, with your mom loving him, and you and Roger, I think nurture has it's effect as well. "

Thursday, May 21, 2020


媽媽今天早上突然提到一位他們以前在台灣認識的一位老太太,他們都叫他 "達嘎哩阿不"(蘇州話的意思是: 達家的好婆)。  這位老太太甚至是外婆婆的長輩。 

他們和他是在台灣認識的。  這位老太太曾和外婆說過一件事情。  這位老太的身世很好,娘家是有錢人,自己家的先生也是(好像是做紡織業)。  有錢人出軌似乎很多,原來這位老太太自己也親身經歷過。 這是他和外婆說的。 有一次這位老太太還年輕的時候,從外面回到家裡,竟然發現自己的先生竟和一個陌生女子在房間裡!  但是他當時一聲不吭,拿了回家要拿的東西就出去和自己的朋友交往。  但是之後他開始注意他先生的行動。而他先生也發現自己的太太注意到這件事了。 最後就不再和外面的女子來往。

我也不知道我為什麼紀錄了這麼一件事。。。媽媽的意思好像是這個老太太滿厲害的,可以拉住自己的老公。  媽媽也說他到了台灣後, 從小學一直到初中, 除了制服沒有別的衣服。雖說外婆自己是每年做一件衣服,他們小孩連內褲都是帆布袋由外婆親手做的,之後媽媽自己做。  這讓我想到,媽媽第一次去商店幫舅舅買內褲,發現男用內褲怎麼是破的。。。  我也記得他也提到在他結婚前,他自己正在縫棉被被套的時候,蔣次寧阿姨來看他,問他在做啥。 媽媽回答說, 我在縫被套。  蔣次寧阿姨不了解,為啥不去外面買?  媽媽說: 被套可以去外面買?! 

媽媽也提到,打嘎哩阿不在媽媽上高中後,常常給他們用過的 "新" 衣服。 

後來不知道為啥,媽媽又給我看外公在日本的帳本,裡面很多在請客吃飯的條目, 數字似乎驚人,甚至一餐兩萬日圓。媽說都是請女朋友的。  後來又提到外公去蘇州的時候,常常在廟裡看到每一個老太太都 給個一百元,把大姨和姨丈氣死了。也是後來為啥舅舅把錢控制得很緊。 

Messed up the chronology

我的乾爸得了泡疹,我妹妹 line 給我。  討論中, 我妹妹提到他也有得過。我說甚麼時候,我怎麼不記得?  他說是在他們房子成交之前,住在我們家六個月的時候。 我滿吃驚的。這不是我第一次忘記這些事情了。。。

上一次碰到這種情況是媽媽說我們去過哪一家餐廳吃飯,他說我也有去,我自己印象卻一點都沒有!  恐怖!  



Saturday, May 16, 2020


There's a word for audio lover, called audiophile, usually are people enthusiastic about audio reproduction.  But I usually think it's people who generally love music.  I wonder if there a word for the visual lover as well?  But no, I am not able to find it...

I wonder why, maybe it's kind of a hoarding situation.  But I love to look at pictures, just almost any pictures, photos, drawings, screen captures...etc.  It started in college, when I got a lot of times alone, I will just go through pictures for hours on end.  Yeah, sure, there were some nude pictures, but I just went back and took a look at what I collected, majority are not nudes.  Whatever peaked my interest, I'd like to "save the image" as.  Sports, pretty ladies, photography, drawings, paintings, concept arts, video game screen captures, historical pictures, animals...etc.

Even now, I know if I let myself go, I could still sit here for hours just to look at pictures from instagram.  Just by typing it makes my mind cleared now!?  I was having a headache!   Or maybe talking about some of my favorite things to do...  lol

The first huge collection of those electronic picture collection I ever saw was from Eric Lee, from high school.  He's a one of those computer wiz, so he must surf the net from early on.  Me, I was kind slow.  My sister was the one using computer in high school.  I remember I did not even get my first email until Nozomi showed me how.

When the smart phone was introduced, the pictures exploded.  Even now, the most obvious aspect of improvement for each iteration of new smart phones are the camera components of it.  I got my first smart phone very late though, not until 09/2016.  My sister and her husband got me an used LG flagship 2 or 3 years old.  It was amazing.  I could not contain myself to capture every moment and every little detail I found interesting.   From that moment on, I started to organize e-pictures like my sister used to organize her photo albums.  She has a stack of physical photo albums she used to collect after we immigrated to USA.  My mom and I never had a one for ourselves.  My mom used to be the one collecting photos back in Taiwan.  I love my sister's photo, but I never attempted to do anything about it.  I think I always had a longing to collect the album but never materialized the want.  I wonder why?

If I tried to collect photos, I don't think I will have enough photos to fill an album from these 20+ years in USA.  I looked at my sister's , the photos were collected into different events of her life.  I know I got nothing at all.  Not that I have zero photos, but very few and far between.  My sister is in action, I am MIA...  If I had a smart phone from the beginning, I think I will have more photos without events though...

Monday, May 11, 2020

A Recipe from Fb.


chicken thighs (drum stick or other part) deboned, hammered, 2 lb.
Greek yogurt, 2 C.
Paprika, 1 tsp.
Cinnamon, 1 tsp.
Cayenne, 1/2 tsp.
Cumin, 2 tsp.
Coriander, 1 tsp.
Garlic, 2 Tbs.
Salt, 1 Tbs.
Black pepper to taste
Lemon, 1
Olive oil, 1/4 C.
(Marinate those together for at least 1 hour)

Then cut pineapple and roast for 60-90 min, in 400 degree F/200 degree C.  


Let's see how it!  

BTW, they say it called chicken doner?  or maybe it means chicken dinner in Bulgarian?  

It was supposed to eat with Tzatziki(teh-zi-ki), Greek yogurt with cucumber, dill, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper to taste, or other variance)  and Pita.  

Originated from Turkey, and similar to Arabic shawarma, Greek Gyro.  

I am however just going to try the chicken itself...  :) 



I used 3 heavy skewers and half onion as base, got the tip from my sister, worked quite well.  Although the tower fell down midway, I have to use a support skewer. 

My notes was wrong as in garlic and salt, they should be in Table Spoon, I mistook them as tea spoon.  So the result is a bit a lot less salt and more sour taste.  I corrected it! 

It is very exciting for me, for it's been quite some times since I started any cooking project.  

Sunday, May 10, 2020

afterthought: the R of the J

finished watching return of the jaadi last night.  This is my second view.  I was deeply impressed with the original trilogy after the first view.  So naturally after viewing the last trilogy of the saga, I went back to  compare.

I find something very interesting.  The characters have a much closer relationship in the original than in the latest version.  Between Han, Leia, and Luke, the big three, I see so much smiles, positive attitude, and hugs, their relationship also is much deeper, siblings and lovers, and of course, friendship.  And with the evil duo, the relationship is strong as well.  it's father and son and daughter!  When Luke involuntarily spelled out the secret of Leia in front of DV and Emperor, the despair showed in Luke was tremendous!  He understand the burden and does not want to transfer it to his sister.

Compare that to the latest trilogy, it's clear that the connection between the big three, poe, finn, and rey was much weaker and rushed.  The connection between the three was only friendship, although i think they do want to make finn and rey into a thing,  but the process was halted.  The only relationships that carried a bit of weight are actually Mr. and Mrs. Solos and their son, plus luke and rey.  But the movie decided to kill it off immediately and with CF past away after the first movie, it was quite a marvel they continue to make the next two.  For luke and rey, he showed up at the end of the first movie, he was a force in the second one.  However, the relationship between him and rey was kind weak as well.  The movie kind want to make leia and rey into a strong bond I think, but with CF past away, it was a dream never achieved.

Now, talking about just one scene in the R of the J.  The last chapter where, luke was brought before the emperor.  That scene was absolutely awesome!  there's conflict on the outside, and there's conflict on the inside.  They used the oldest and easiest trick, almost theatrical, to have emperor like devil trying to lure the innocence into darkness with a narration.  And the other thing is, no characters at the scene was wasted.  Emperor and luke provide the polar of the the extreme, DV became a wildcard!  DV has mask on all the time, but with brilliant direction and timing, he became the anchor of the scene.  He provided a relieve that's been building up since the the end of empire strike b.  it's Shakespeare-ish, hitchcock-ish.    The last movie that reminded me of this kind of narration was in korean movie, Parasite (where the kim family partying at rich the employer's house).  The last trilogy really lacks such a scene.


I wish I could talk

Saturday, May 09, 2020


I tried to plan 2 trips last year.  I learned a lot along the way.  Both plan involved taking trips, one to Philadelphia, the other to lake region at NH. 

I called a friend at Philly to ask if I could stay at hers for a night.  She told me when, then I looked up the map and thought I'm all done.  On the night before the trip, I called another friend, who's the brother of the Philly friend, curious about the tolls along the way.  He asked a few questions, which immediately hit me that there're still a lot I did not prepare for.  For example, the internet, since I do not have data, he offered me his hot spot.  Then he asked if I have express toll sensor thing.  I said I do, but he asked if I have enough in the them.  I was not sure.  So I had to go back and check. 

The other things are the spot I need to stop and rest, where to refuel...etc.  If I did not have hot spot, this would be something highly recommend to plan ahead.   My friend also asked if I had triple As, which I did.  I was going to pump my spare tires, but I did not do it.  I went to Mike to check the car which he said it's okay for the trip. 

My mom was cooking 牛肉餡餅, I brought my bike...etc.  Food is important!  I thought I could just get some food on the way, but I think it's good to bring food on the way. 


I planned another trip to go to lake region at NH.  I went with 2 friends.  But sad thing was I started with a hike through Mt. Major.  I checked the road and thought, 3 miles, it's nothing.  For my 2 friends are avid walkers, I thought we could finished it within 2 hours, and then driving around the lake and hit some spots.  I was wrong.  Because a trail's distance does not translate into the terrain roughness.  There're certain spots with big rocks and boulders.  Not suitable for the 2 friends.  We spent 4 hours on the mountain.  Everyone was exhausted.  Don't understand why, manadnock was harder... 

Oh, well...  Next time, need to know more about the terrain, the height, the teammates, and something else... 

Friday, May 08, 2020


I really wish I could talk. 

R of the SkWr afterthought - spoilers


I finished watching SW IX last night.  I think I like the 8th better.  This one is really just a mesh. 

The graphic and music maybe good, I don't think I noticed much about the music.  The cinematography was really good, but I thought it's a given, with the grand landscaping and everything. 

I am not a SW fan, I knew some of it.  I did not even watch the prequel trilogy.  So the first of the second trilogy was setting up to be a grand opening, but I did not feel too much.  I do not understand the reason of murdering a father for.  I was not taken by KR at all, I find him naive at best, stupid at worst.  Then there's RP, I am so annoyed at the end of the SW VII, because the movie kept hinting that her origin is something special, but never truly revealed it.  I guessed it would be a palp.  But still I cannot connect with her emotional state either.  When LS found out about DV being his father, his shock strikes me a genuine.  And when LS stroke down by emperor, then DV throw emperor off, I can feel something too.  But not there... 

the SW IX was however even more confusing.  I don't love the sword fight.  RP seemed way too powerful, if she could shoot electricity out of her hand, she's already stronger than KR.  if KR is not a threat, what's the point of this movie?? 

But most importantly, the movie took an easy way out to end the story.  I agree that with 9 movies, how to keep it fresh, yet not soapy? 

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

two poems

Poem for today by Mary Oliver.
"Can You Imagine?"
For example, what the trees do
not only in lightning storms
or the watery dark of a summer’s night
or under the white nets of winter
but now, and now, and now – whenever
we’re not looking. Surely you can’t imagine
they don’t dance, from the root up, wishing
to travel a little, not cramped so much as wanting
a better view, or more sun, or just as avidly
more shade – surely you can’t imagine they just
stand there loving every
minute of it, the birds or the emptiness, the dark rings
of the years slowly and without a sound
thickening, and nothing different unless the wind,
and then only in its own mood, comes
to visit, surely you can’t imagine
patience, and happiness, like that.


Poem for today by Ada Limon.
"Dead Stars"
Out here, there’s a bowing even the trees are doing. Winter’s icy hand at the back of all of us.
Black bark, slick yellow leaves, a kind of stillness that feels
so mute it’s almost in another year.
I am a hearth of spiders these days: a nest of trying.
We point out the stars that make Orion as we take out
the trash, the rolling containers a song of suburban thunder.
It’s almost romantic as we adjust the waxy blue
recycling bin until you say, "Man, we should really learn
some new constellations."
And it’s true. We keep forgetting about Antlia, Centaurus,
Draco, Lacerta, Hydra, Lyra, Lynx.
But mostly we’re forgetting we’re dead stars too, my mouth is full of dust and I wish to reclaim the rising—
to lean in the spotlight of streetlight with you, toward what’s larger within us, toward how we were born.
Look, we are not unspectacular things.
We’ve come this far, survived this much.
What would happen if we decided to survive more?
To love harder?
What if we stood up with our synapses and flesh and said, No.
No, to the rising tides.
Stood for the many mute mouths of the sea, of the land?
What would happen if we used our bodies to bargain
for the safety of others, for earth, if we declared a clean night,
if we stopped being terrified,
if we launched our demands into the sky, made ourselves so big people could point to us with the arrows they make in their minds,
rolling their trash bins out, after all of this is over?

To end a story

I've been conjuring up this story for a long long time.  I want to end it.  So I write some down here.  As a gift for myself.  As a memorabilia.

In the beginning, I was thinking of a detective story.  I like story with a myth.  I always wonder the future of Chinese martial art movie, which direction should it take.  One of the direction I thought of was treating Martial Art as a Myth in the movie.  As a myth, it should not be shown easily as other martial art movie.  And it is very important when the art was shown, how the art was shown, and why the art was shown.

The first story started with an old man, an old fbi agent.  He was trying to get retired from the agency and was talking to the director.  But eventually, the old man was persuaded to team up with a young female agent as a final assignment.  That female agent was retired from us military special force and hard time working with a partner.  The old agent was supposed to bring her around.

I had all the background done.  The young agent was retired from US military special force, a russian descendant.  Father is a defect from Soviet to US.  She's highly competitive, smart and attractive, of course....

I am bad at creating detective storyline.  For me, it's easier to just thinking about how to make martial arts as a mystery.  So I spend most of my time elaborating on the background story of the old man.  I think I came up with many cool story elements.  I think...  lol

He's from taiwan.  His grandpa used to work in kuomingdang secret service under daili.  the grandpa was one of the 3 students of a mythic teacher.  But the teacher past away while the grandpa still in training.  He finished his study under the first disciple.  The first disciple was working in kuomin government, that's how the grandpa got to work under daili.  The second disciple however went to chinese communist party and lost contact afterwards.  The time was in the midst of struggling war against japan. 

After the war and after the fall of mainland, the first disciple went to usa, the grandpa went to taiwan.  he got married and had three sons.  the first son became teacher in taiwan's police institute, teaching chin na.  the second son went to Thailand and became a fearsome boxer, but was injured and came back to taiwan as a taxi driver.  the third son went to usa and became a computer engineer. 

the discipline they learned imposed great strain on sex.  the normal completion period is 20 years, no sexual contact.  the other aspect is everyday practice, none stop; and the approval of their trainers in terms of stability because the result would be tremendous, the trainer need to make sure students are fit to carry the art.   It will require great deal of focus and a near total isolation is the best tool.  that's why none of the grandpa's sons are able to learn the art.   If one of the criteria was not met, the training will not be successful.  the basic premises is through physical training, learn about oneself, know what it want, and strive to achieve the goal, then eventually, meet its maker in peace. 

the protagonist was from the third son, who went to usa to study at college.  he brought his wife with him, but left his son to his father, the grandpa.  the grandpa lived in a mountain worked in a orchard.  The first son and second son came visit quite often.  and there, the protagonist heard all kinds of stories about wugong, chinese martial arts.  the first son told the protagonist to ask the grandpa for the permission to learn the art one day.  But the grandpa flat out refused.  he said, "the world is changing.  i do not believe the next generation would be suitable to learn the art.  there's way too many distractions, and idiotic teachings."  the protagonist never thought himself lived among those mythic wugong gaoshuo.  he showed the disbelief on his face, like sun in the blue sky.  the grandpa was not pleased, "those are not stories! "  and he berated his first son and second son for telling his grandson stories!  "this is the world, telling facts like stories, telling stories like facts!" 

This is just the beginning.  I am not going to write the whole thing here.  I do not think I  could make it work.  I will stop here. 

Proceedures in warehouse

(三年前為了  mascon 寫的 )

Shipping, Receiving, Stock maintenance, Warehouse maintenance:


1. Enidine weekly:
  • Picking tickets put in alphabetic order
  • Separated into Vic's and Jack's pile
  • Get Laptop, put Enidine weekly spreadsheet, start to pick
  • Put the paperwork in the box, put the paperwork stick on the box; mark the box, if shipping qty different from the labels
  • Input shipping and on shelf QTY in the spreadsheet
  • After picking, Vic and Jack check each others' parts by looking at outside boxes, QTY, P/N, and necessary stickers
  • Gather everything on the pallet(s), calculating weight at the same time
  • Check against Anne's list with P/N and QTY
  • Put together the packing list, and email Anne
  • Go to to schedule the Freight, print out BOL and shipping Label(s)
  • Wrap the Pallet(s), put the Label and packing list on the Pallet(s)
 2.  Sigcom:
  • Picking Tickets from Anne
  • Gather information on P/N, Boxes, Pallet qty and total weight, and give to Anne
  • Anne gives us the BOL who will call ABF
  • Put white picking tickets and address labels on pallets

3.  Material:
  • Pack the boxes without wood.  
  • Gather Weight and dimension of the Pallets, or boxes.  
  •  Email CJ, who will contact Horizon to ship to Speedmark
  • CJ will give us Packing list, WHS will make the Bill of Lading, and Address Label(s)
4. Enidine Coating:
  • Jean usually, sometimes CJ gives WHS invoice(?), and shipping instruction.  
  • If it's shipped by Fedex, Proceed as Fedex/ UPS proceedure. 
  • If it's shipped by Freight, Proceed as Average Freight Procedure
5. DHL international:
  • Usually from Engineers, sometimes, Grace, occasionally, accounting, seldom, other people
  • Need packing list and 3 copies of Commercial invoice, plus Shipping Instruction from Sender
  • If not packed, Pack the shipment
  • Get the weight and dimension of the Box(s)
  • Go to, prepare to enter Value from the Shipping instruction, and input other data according to paperwork
  • Shipping option is worldwide service
  • If the paperwork is complete, skip commercial invoice by clicking the bottom "next"
  • Print shipping labels, and put with 3 copies of commercial invoice in pouch.
  • Put pouch on the box, but don't seal it


"你們這些生在今日的人, 你們這些青年, 現在要輪到你們了!  踏在我們的身體上面向前吧!  但願你們比我們更偉大, 更幸福.  我自己也和我過去的靈魂告別了; 我把它當作空殼似的丟掉了.  生命是連續不斷的死亡與復活.  克利斯朵夫, 咱們一齊死去, 預備再生吧!"

(羅曼 羅蘭語, 傅雷譯)

第一次知道這本書是在小站上.  當時看的出來, 大陸人似乎人人都知道傅雷和傅聰是誰, 這本書就這樣在我腦袋裡留下一點印象.  但也僅止於, 傅雷嚴格的教育, 可能還近乎暴力...

去年十月去台灣, 和元元華華約在中山站吃飯, 我早到, 就在捷運地下街逛誠品, 看到了這本書.  還滿好奇的, 就買下來了.  我回美國後斷斷續續的到前幾天才看完.

我印象最深的一句話是他給傅聰的一句話, [ 第一做人, 第二做藝術家,第三做音樂家,最後才是鋼琴家。]  兩年前去世的外公, 嘴邊最常講的兩個字就是做人.  但是, 我的印象裡, 家裡所有人都在笑他說做人這事 !  前天我和媽媽說這事, 媽說做人是他也認為沒有錯的事.  人本來就要做人。 我記得有一次,舅媽在講毛, 居然講到最後也是說毛不大會做人。  很可惜,,我沒有問過外公做人到底是啥意思?

傅雷在死前留下的交代,可以跟蘇格拉底, 甚至華盛頓比較。。。 他們第一件事也是要還債, 一分一毫交代的清清楚楚 ! 

這本書是 2018 年精選版, 還收錄了當年 1981 年初版所沒有的收錄的傅聰之回信.  我看他們父子倆談論藝術時的情況, 滿精彩的.  我一開始覺得傅雷要求傅聰寫信的言詞太過嚴厲。 但是當傅聰回了幾次信之後,我衷心佩服傅雷。 因為傅聰是一個浸潤在音樂裡的人,他自己的感受如果不加催生,就不能形諸文字,不能形諸文字,我們這些人就看不到他內心的感受 !  傅聰一旦開始寫,往往也能滔滔不絕。  這不僅僅是因為他的感受本就十分強烈,他也知道他在寫給另一個可以了解甚至體會這些文字的讀者(他爸爸) ! 

編這本書的人是傅雷的小兒子。  在後記裡, 記錄了給傅聰的信和給傅敏(小兒子)的,數量是一百比一。  不過小兒子人在大陸也是原因之一吧。

Friday, May 01, 2020

two incidents

I had 2 incidents with my mom recently.  I constantly having a feeling of her looking down upon me.  I told myself, if those words were spoken by other people, I won't feel as strongly. 

I was wrong.  Remember when I was at Charm?  I remember vividly.  There were instances in other people's words, a glance, or a gesture, I felt threatened or belittled.  And I was restless. 

So I know, it is I who look down upon myself.  Like old Chinese saying: "人必自侮, 而後人侮之."  I must've disrespect myself in ways that's beyond my realization. 

Coco afterthrought

I re-watched Coco for the third time.  I can never forget the last scene of the movie. 

This time I watched it twice in succession.  I enjoyed a lot more and suddenly realized the song, "Remember me" was sung from the beginning to the end!  It is a wonderful discovery!  I am trying to think other movies with such clever way of portraying same song in different ways.  Sound of music came to mind, but it's a bit different level.  Here in Coco, a lullaby was transformed into a Pop music in a grandiose sense.  But later, when it was sung for its original purpose.  The song was suddenly brought to life, in a way that's soft and hearty with a caressing touch.  I really wish I could sing the song.  I tried a few times.  I can still manage to feel its original spirit first few tries.  But if I tried too hard, the pop version would come out.  It was hilarious. But also proves that for art to be real, practicing too hard, might not get the right results, because the spontaneous would be lost, robotic repetition would set in. 

And while I was watching the movie, I can't stop smiling.  Because Jose showed Vic and I a stand up comedy on youtube about South American grandma.  The movie's abuela really reminded me of that comedy in someway. 

The transformation of protagonist was amazing to watch too.  The art in the movie was gorgeous!  The movie itself shows strong vitality and its filial value with a triumph. 


Sadly, I can only watch this movie by myself.  My family cannot watch it with me.