Saturday, January 23, 2016


When Marnie was there(思い出のマーニー)

I did not expect too much of the movie.  The first I noticed the movie was through its theme song.  It's haunting, even now.  I loved the movie very much!  There were two mysteries in the story.  The protagonist was one, and her experience throughout the story arc was the second one. To me personally, I felt I could identify with the protagonist's feeling.  The guilt, the self pitying, and the revulsion of realizing some of the thoughts inside, and all of the above created a emotionless surface.   She however, met a girl about her age.  They became fast friends.  Both girls radiant mystery.  

The drawing and music was amazing.  Let me just get these two out.  Absolutely gorgeous!  The sound effect was such that it pounded my heart even when I don't really have a surround sound.  The two girls were such different characters.  The other characters like the couple were endearing as well.  

But what should I say about the movie.  What was I feeling?  It made me tossing and turning last night.  I had a hard time getting into sleep.  I felt kind awkward about the two girls kept hugging each other.  Don't know why I felt it's  a bit lesbian tendency.  Even now when I thought back, I still felt awkward.  I guess that complete openness between two characters are kind weird.  Until the end when the secret was out that Marnie was the girl's grandmother, I seemed to relieve.  I was surprised to find myself writing the above thoughts.  The surprise was not that I felt weird about two girls hugging, but the surprise that I wrote it down.  lol  

It did made me tossing and turning for at least 2 hours last night.  I felt sad.  Maybe I am jealous.  That closeness to a person so completely, no matter how happy, how sad, or how guilty I felt, nothing could separate between the two.  But it came with an effort, no?  The girl has to forgive first?  Yes.  

I loved the couple Anna(the protagonist) moved in with.  They provide a sense of stability, loyalty, and openness.  

At the end of the movie, Anna gained her family back, Marnie stayed, her mother stayed, and most importantly, even when Anna is alone,  I felt that there were people living in that heart of hers, and it's love.  


Mr. Holmes.  

I saw this one about 12 at noon today.  It was a really good movie.  The characters were all filled with complexity.  The movie was about Mr. Holmes at age of 93 trying to figure out why he quit the detective practice 30 years ago.  The way to do this was trying to recall the last case he took.  However, his memory was failing him.  I saw a movie critique called this movie "still Sherlocke".  What a clever remark!  But to me it's a lot better than Still Alice, way better.  

 Let me say this first, the cinematography was fantastic.  I just saw 思い出のマーニー, and I could not stop comparing the two.  It may be weird to compare a real life movie to an anime.  But it was a compliment, I think.  The actors here really brought the characters to life!  

Now, what was my feeling on the movie?  When the ending was rolling, a phrase, "practice being kind, rather than being right." showed up in my head.  It's a line from the movie, "the silver lining play book".  

Ian Mckellen was an amazing Sherlocke Holmes.  His performance switched between a 70 years old man and 90 years old man was astounding.  Such contrast was amazing to me, it's so endearing to me since my 90 year grandpa moved back in the state.  It was endearing performance, also a reminder as well.  The mother and the kid were acted out perfectly.  They provide great dimension to the story.  

It's weird.  I thought I would have more to say.  But right now I searched nothing.  The only thing I still want to say is that it's a very good movie.  lol  

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