Wednesday, January 26, 2022

你的,范谷 觀後感

 Just finished watching LovingVincent.  I borrowed from library years ago but did not get to it.  I went to a copycat of imaginevangogh at Dorchester and because of the show, my mom listened to 蔣勳的 VanGogh.  So I decided to borrow it again.  

I thought it was really good.  It's kind like a detective story, only the ending was ambivalent.  It is like a noir film, in which the ending was muddled.  It's true here as well.  The reason is being that in early 2000s there're 2 investigative writers, authored a new theory that Vincent's death was not suicide, but rather a homicide.  And this film used this point of view to create a mystery in the film.  It creates intrigue for me and helped me wanting to see what's next.  And I love the last letter in the final scene.  That sense of wonder, written in such down to earth tone.  The plot of the movie is very intriguing, but the writers of the film represents vincent vangogh's spirit really well.  They did not overshadow his personality with their plot twist.  This is really grand!  

The art in the movie is also worth the time.  I read a little bit after finishing the film.  The passion of that many artists working together, every stroke, every colors.  My!  What a cinema!  I wish I'd see it in the theater!  

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


 最近在錄製成長路第十四章時,看到喬路易和施墨林的故事。  我很好奇地查一查,看到現在如果提到這一場比賽時,一定會提到烏森 vs. 納粹德國,然後會說白人第一次支持黑人。  但是成長路提到這一段的時候,主要的敘述卻是黑白之間種族的對抗。  作者毫不保留的說當時他所處的環境裡,低收入的白人裡面,每個人都希望施墨林會贏。  這兩種截然不同的敘述是怎麼產生的呢?

貝若森當時在屬於南方的維吉尼亞州,這樣的描述或許可以更精準的說出了當時南方廣大的底層民眾的心聲。  而現在的描述就是把烏森作為一個單元,從歷史的大角度來看。  如此一來, 剩下的就只有政治正確,反而有點假,變相的為了愛國主義而犧牲了歷史的準確性。  我覺得我在看了一些黑人的描述裡,隨然他們也說當時白人支持喬路易。  但是,我卻覺得他們保留一些他們經歷的事沒有說出來。  而這些事卻被貝若森說出來了。  古代中國人有時候會形容一些人是那個時代的 「文」,他們都會發聲,大部分都是文字,為那一個時代留下一些痕跡。  貝若森這本書其實就是誠實平白的描述一個事實。  也確實為那一個時代留下了一些痕跡。  

Monday, January 24, 2022

Went to VanGoghImmersion atDorchester

 I went to VanGoho Immersion at Dorchester.  I think it's a disappointment.  The first place was mostly printed paintings on cloths.  A couple displays were alright but nothing special.  The hall was quite small, we were surprised by the amount of crowd.  Like my sis said, if any of us got covid, we'll know where we got it.  All of us were wearing kn95, but who knows.  

Then onto the next show, the real immersive experience.  But that was a long long line.  We waited at least 30 minutes before entering the display halls, in which the 4 walls were covered by cinema sized screens.  There were chairs lining along the 4 walls, with a podium in the middle, and floor matts scattered all over the floor.  There were projectors shooting synchronized pictures with music on the surrounding walls and floor.  It must be the meat of the show.  Although it was grand at first, but after a while, the meaningless chants of Vincen't quotes, and wantomly displayed images with no time to really observe, it's like an orange clockwork trying to heal the mental patients.  After 10 minutes, we were out of there.  

Maybe there's another display about Vincent's last moment, but we were done.  My mom was very tired, there's no place to sit besides the projection room.  And we stood and waited 30 minutes to get into it  while standing in a very narrow and long hall way.   The whole experience was chaotic, crowded, and a very unprofessional display, almost feel like a scam.  

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Some of my mom's recollection

  媽媽說,在他母親過世後, 他的王俊叔叔問過他,他們家喪事的費用是怎麼分攤的。  可能是王俊叔叔是家裡的老大也遇到這種事情。  媽媽只說買墓地的錢是舅舅八萬,母親和佩蘭阿姨各四萬。  可是媽媽沒有對他說,那只是買墓地的費用,其他喪事的各項其他花費都是媽媽出的。  外公從日本回來一毛錢都沒有帶來。  

外婆死後的奠儀,好像共是十五萬。  外公想要在文化大學用外婆的名義設一個獎學金。  當時向母親要了另一個廿五萬,湊個四十萬,去設這個獎學金。  當時說好要還的,沒有還。  媽媽提到這個事情也想到另一件事,那時剛好接近過年,大嫂來借錢,可是母親當時把帳上的錢都為了外公設獎學金的事提出來了。  無法借錢給他。  外公後來常常利用這個獎學金約獎學金得主出來喝茶,聽媽媽說後來一個女大學生還拒絕來喝茶。   

媽媽說他以前曾經帶外婆去看腸胃科, 一天三次, 早上一家(宏恩),中午另一家(台大),下午又一家(中心診所),不過都是看同樣一個醫生, 好像叫黃天賜。  


爸爸走的時候,我才十四,小瑋才十三歲不到。  有很多事情我們都不記得,甚至可以說是根本不知道。  今天我回來的時候,媽媽說他不知道為啥一整天都很想睡。  可是到晚上的時候,他才說他和佩蘭阿姨打電話的時候,佩蘭阿姨說他自己正在紀錄一些和他老闆娘的事情。  大概是上次給他兒子寫了篇自傳後,覺得有動力了。  但是這一次佩蘭阿姨說他在我爸爸過世的時候回來過。  那時還是跟他的老闆娘一起坐飛機回來的。  甚至還是老闆娘叫計程車把他載到我們家門口。  佩蘭阿姨說他的老闆娘當時給了我們奠儀美金四千塊。  佩蘭阿姨說當時媽媽拿了這筆錢就坐了計程車到大嫂(愛秋)家去了,佩蘭阿姨問媽媽是否常要借錢給大嫂。  接著他就問媽媽那筆錢後來怎麼樣了?  還叫媽媽去看禮簿。  媽媽就為了這事煩愁一整天。  可是我一聽,我說我怎麼沒印象佩蘭阿姨在那個期間來過呢?  後來我就叫媽媽打電話給小瑋問問。  小瑋也說沒印象。  媽媽說他的印象裡是和佩蘭阿姨的老闆娘通過電話,已有拿到奠儀。  可是多少錢不記得了,後來說四千美元實在是太多了。  不大可能吧?  到再晚點的時候,媽媽說,那個期間某一天他曾經流血不止,我們都在上學,不在家。  他到處找人幫忙,但不知怎地,都找不到人。  他甚至把尿布包起來,結果還一直換尿布,血不斷的流。  恰巧,吳娟瑜打電話來找他。  吳阿姨一聽媽媽的聲音怎麼那麼弱,趕快給他約了一個他認識的婦產科。  媽媽下樓,樓梯都差點走不動。  在金華街等計程車的時候,那時我們家對面正在施工做一個公園。  媽媽說施工的人看到媽媽說,你的臉色怎麼這麼遭?  媽媽說他正要去看醫生,那個人還問要不要找個人陪他去看醫生。  媽媽說不用了。  但是,媽媽說到了那個婦產科,人家就給他輸血。  他現在覺得現在會得丙型肝炎就是那次輸血得的。  他也覺得佩蘭阿姨那一次恐怕沒有回來。  不然,為啥沒有陪他去看醫生。  

媽媽在問小瑋記不記得佩蘭阿姨那一次有沒有回台的時候,小瑋提到爸爸的喪事拖了一個月,後來他到美國時參加美國人的喪禮,從死亡到下葬都只有一個星期。  他覺得中國人的喪禮太久了。  但是,媽媽說其實不完全是風俗的問題,拖了一陣子的原因是因為爸爸認識的人很多,喪禮的禮堂需要較大的場地,這場地不容易訂到,需要多點時間。  


Saturday, January 22, 2022

星期四謀殺俱樂部 讀後感

I finished a fiction last night, it's called Thethursday murder club.  I thought it was oaky.  A very easy read, interesting setups but not really that good.  

I thought the characters of retired elderly is very interesting.  If I only look at that aspect, I'd say the book is pretty good.  I think the description for the elderly well written, and the characters although elderly, emitted energy and life.  And the stories did not shy away from the impact of loss of loved ones, suicide, and many other conditions.  For that aspect, I thought it is not bad.  

It's a very read, each chapter was short, and pretty easy to follow.  But I thought the plot is manipulative.  I understand a fiction is a story crafted by the author.  But a good story will bring me into its world and forget about the manipulation.  This one however could not.  There are twists and turns of course, but I do not feel satisfied them.  A rather naïveté attempt to add so many layers, but those layers did not add depth.  

Don't get me started on the relationship between the police and the club.  Overall, it's just an okay past time.  Although I still like the description of the elderly quite a bit.   I feel it's a good setup and where a good story could bring surprise to audience.  But not this one.   

A couple quotes I liked from the book:

"In life you need to have learn to count the good days.  You have to tuck them in your pocket and carry them around with you."  (TheThursday Murder Club, P 85)

"...always acted quickly and decisively.  Which is a fine quality when you are right, but a liability when you are wrong.  It's great to be the fastest runner, but not when you are running in the wrong direction."  (TheThursday Murder Club, P. 125)

I feel the quotes are similar to something I read again and again, but it's worded nicely.  So here they are.  

Sunday, January 09, 2022


 I browsed through the LastDuel last night.  Browsed, because I fast forward a lot of places.  The movie was really well made, but the subject matter was hard to see.   And plus it's 2 and half hours, I was a bit scared to watch the film.  

After browsing through,  I thought it's a pretty good movie.  But the narrative structure was wasteful.  Because it tried to present 3 different points of views, yet, the differences between them could not create a big difference of opinions.  Before I saw the film, I kept hearing 羅生門,so I was expecting something like it.  But after I browsed through the movie, I felt the focus on the style of narrative was a waste of time.  It actually reduced the importance of other, more important aspect of the movie, the rape and the view of women as property in the Medieval.  Although JodieComer was really good in the movie, she cannot overcome the overdrawn narratives.  I was expecting the fight scene and the setting to be fantastic, since it's RidleyScott's movie.  There's no surprise.  The good thing about the movie was that it did not exploid the rp scene too much.  I was very scared of watching something so grotesque, it's still very ugly but a bit subtle than others.  

It flopped badly in the theater, and I don't think it will pick up post cinemas, like a cult movie.  I felt the movie was a bit educational, rather than pure entertainment.  

Saturday, January 08, 2022

普通人 觀後感

 I just saw a movie called Nobody.  It was a really fun action movie.  I find the arch of the story was a bit odd, because I thought most of action or comedy will dip in the middle of the story, then come back up with a bang.  This one was different.  It started from the bottom, then, slanged up all the way to the end.  

The action was really fun, especially the bus scene.  The fight is gritty and I could felt the weight of each strike.  The other action scenes were fantastic as well.   But weirdly, the beginning of the bus scene was hilarious.  A lot of scenes were funny, I kept scratching my head, do not understand the reason at all.  I am still thinking about that bus scene, I feel that the movie really made the character's feeling crystal clear.  So when the protagonist found a group of people he could pour his energy into, was funny.  But for other scenes, like he totally want to confess something, but his audience always died mid way through his speech.  It was ridiculous enough to be hilarious.  

I love how this movie was a bit like JohnWick but choose the cat as opposed of JohnWick's dog.  

I felt there're a lot of piece left unsaid between the protagonist's wife and everything else.  It's like they are creating another universe like JohnWick.  I am not sure I'd like it.  I rather it just be a stand alone movie.  

Wednesday, January 05, 2022

在細節裡, 觀後感

I watched a movie called the little things.  I thought it was a pure detective story at first.  But turns out, it's not.  Because the focus is not the crime, but mystery surrounds Denzel's character, Deacon.  It was quite interesting and grabbed my attention all they way.  Although I was hoping the move would focus on the crime more, I eventually turned around and think the ending was quite good.  

This movie reminded me a little bit of Seven for the dynamic of the old and young detective.  However, the characters here always has some weight around them.  I do not know why hence the mystery.  The presentation is more stylish by the way they used color and composition.  I felt Seven is more grounded, but it's been a while.    

I felt it's more of a mystery drama than a detective story.  The mystery started really early, Deke was the center of it.  The revelation at the end was very heart wrenching.  Because it was the old cop that drove the young to ruin, in a way.  My first thought after finishing the movie, was kind disgusted.  Of course, I understand the things they done.  It's survival.  But as a lawman, it's just very sad.  I really appreciated the movie after a while.  For some movies are to make you feel awesome, but some are not meant for that.  I think the movie is like a cold bucket of water pouring on to my head.  

The pride of the detective, or the group, could lead to something serious.  They wield a great weapon like the law, they themselves cannot abide to it.  When they were on the right side, their talk was strong, they expressed their opinion with conviction.  The next minute though when they flipped side, something changed.  Before they thought they were the things they wielded, but came to realization the law was the law, they were themselves.  Pride, yes, survival, more.   This is such a dangerous job.  

Monday, January 03, 2022

別往上看 觀後感

I watched this movie last night.  I knew the movie is about 2 scientists warning about a planet wide catastrophe and it's a political satire.  But besides that, I don't really know too much else.  Turns out, it's really well made, funny at places, very touching at the end.  It's really a satire at heart.  

There's not much to say about the movie, because the movie itself is a message.  If I am going to talk about how the movie was, I'll only say it's fun, finely acted, and skillfully directed.  It really is the message that gives me some thoughts.  Of course, the first thing I have to say is what is the message I saw in the movie.  

To me, the message is clear, trust science and act accordingly.  I read that the movie's message was intended for climateChange.  But as covid19 appeared, the message was even more apparent.   I have a few thoughts about the message.  First, I think trust science is necessary.  But most of the time, science is basically a due process.  It really takes time, and yet, for the covid19 vaccines, the due process is really hurried.  So, doubt is also proper, at least for a layman like me.  Second, due process is basically the foundation of Usan justice and political society.  It was never supposed to act like an army commander or a company boss, an order that will be executed flawlessly and timely.  To act according to science, like any other system for Usan society, it's long and slow.  The present situation of world is basically normal.  So, keep on fighting, and keep on voicing the message, and wait patiently with respect and hope.  

I am a pessimist though.   I don't think nothing will stops the climate change.  People are not going to stop consuming.  Business is not going to stop growing.  Technology and other wastes are not going to stop piling.   People are not going to stop growing.  I saw a BrianCox talk about how unlimited the outer space is.  But doesn't that belong to the Scifi world?  At least for a layman like me?  

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Recording, some thoughts

 現在常常想要錄音,但並不是每一次都存檔下來。  因為常常有錯誤的時候,我就跟自己說,算了,這只是隨便錄錄,下次再說吧。  這樣一來,很多花在錄音的時間都浪費了。  這實在划不來。  我覺得心態上,必須要把每一次的錄音當成是正式錄。  所以花的時間才不會浪費。  


Saturday, January 01, 2022

Some stories, or recollections

 我媽媽是民國四十七年到台灣的。  當時,剛到的一段時間,台灣警備屬(好像是)還經常找外婆去喝茶。 感覺上,母親家從大陸到台灣在生活品質上,是降了不知道幾級。  當時他們從基隆港登岸。  之後就住到台北的汐止。  當時他們從小學五年起開始讀,因為,當時要考初中的。  他們需要一點時間來準備。  媽媽的身體一直都不好,小時候曾經食物中毒,所以她同年級的人都要去課後補習。外公外婆雖然也有付錢給老師,但是媽媽說他都沒有去補習。  這種情形下,他和外婆在一起的時間就變得比佩蘭阿姨和舅舅大概多一些。

媽媽在大學的時候常參加各種活動。  這些活動有時要當眾表演唱歌,輪到媽媽的時候,他說他都跟別人說他唱印度歌, 其實是印 「肚」 歌,只在肚子裡唱歌,別人聽不到的。  他說他當時都不敢在別人面前唱,所以發明了印度歌。。。  別人都拿他沒辦法。  

媽媽一輩子也做過一些不同的工作。  但是他自己最喜歡的工作是在頭城當老師。  他常常說他自己很受學生的愛戴,他自己也很愛那些學生。  那時,他回到南昌街的時候,跟外婆談起這個事情,眉飛色舞。  可是外婆顯然不希望他到宜蘭頭城教書,媽說外婆很不適應媽媽不在身邊。  另外,佩蘭阿姨也向媽媽抱怨,因為之前媽媽在的時候,很多事情都不需要佩蘭阿姨動手。  媽媽在頭城的時候, 佩蘭阿姨這時就得幫外婆做些事情。  但是他很不習慣。  外婆也不習慣, 聽媽媽說外婆寫了信給外公,意思大概是沒有媽媽在,不行。  媽媽在家裡的外號是 「管家婆」。  於是外公就寫信和之前在台灣的上司,一位姓歐陽的先生替媽媽在一個聯營辦事處(*不確定)找了一個職位。  媽媽說那是他最不喜歡的工作。  根本沒有事情做,大家只是聊天。  媽媽說他不是那種會講話的人,因此也不受到歐陽先生的喜歡。  沒幾下,就被調到圖書館了。  媽媽說圖書館也是沒事幹, 他在那邊認識了一個叫蔡寶珍(*名字猜的)的女孩,很喜歡打扮化妝, 其他的館員也是一樣。  媽媽說自己沒事幹,就只是在旁邊健身走路。  這樣下去不是辦法,連外公都同意。  於是,據說是劉淵幫外公替媽媽在某一個日本的單位找到事。  於是媽媽就去日本了。  結果,事情沒弄好,不知道是位置沒有空缺還是連公司都沒有。  於是媽媽就從日本回家了。  沒有想到的是,一回家就收到通知單,說她兩三年前去考的立法院聽寫員,之前只是個候補。  但是,現在有空缺,要他去工作了!  那也是媽媽最驕傲的一個職位。   


I watched Freeguy last night  It was  a fun movie.  Lots of references to video games, it was hilarious.  It reminded me of Trumanshow at first, then ReadyPlayerOne.  TrumanShow because the main guy is being watched by the world.  RPO because it's about video game.  I still think it closer to TS more.  

RyanReynold fits the movie really nice.  I felt the story was basically created with him in mind.  The actress is really good.  Although she looks different between real world and video game, her personality does not change a bit.  I actually like that.  Because I think it made ending more believable.  She's always working towards a goal, thus did not see what's really surround her.  The ending was handled a bit heavy handed, for I don't think it's necessary to tell the audience reason again.  But because of her personality, it's good to tell her about who the real FreeGuy coming from.  The Keys guy was really a low key character, but it contrast well with Ryan's character,  I felt FreeGuy as a flip side of the Keys character once I found out it's him who created the world.  It's such a good contrast.  People who cannot express well but has the talent to create something, they sometimes created an ideal version of themselves.  

I think it's very good fun movie just to loose myself in there for 2 hours without feeling the time.  This movie may not seem too serious but it is really well made.  It's not easy to fuse two world together, they did a good job!