I heard somewhere that our two brains acted very differently. One is a chatter box, the other is a silent hill. The left brain uses words and sounds to express itself. But the right one uses pictures and shapes. One of the earliest experiments was to severe the connection between left and right brain. The result helped many who suffered epilepsy. The researcher found out later that the two sides grew separately. But what is the major difference between those who severed the connection between right and left, and those who did not?
When I see something, I do not always use words to describe them. In fact, I merely just stare at it. But what happened when I started to use words to describe them? What about vice versa? That is I closed my eyes and start to say something randomly. But at the same time, I waited after I uttered each word to form a picture in my brain. What I am saying is that instead of separating the two sides, what if we find a way to strengthen the connection between the two. What would this do to human being?
Reading a book is like the second act I described above. When we read a book with vivid description, avid readers would also have the description in pictures. Or at least, even if the readers have not seen the described, they could still summon up similar stuff in the past. The picture formed would that be in the right brain? If so, would reading strengthen the connection between the left and right? Would watching a TV program has the same effect. But the difference between TV and book is that TV are pictures, books are words, except graphic novels, 漫畫...etc When watching a TV, pictures are well described with good scripts. Thus, it eliminates the need for left brain to proactively moving. It just receiving words in a reacted manner. However, I can not be certain that my explanation would be accurate. Since I know if reading a book really have readers creating pictures in their heads. For me, sometimes it does, sometimes it does not. The reason being that I will need to be super active while reading a book to do that. Although for most of the reading, my brain are just on the mellow mode. I do however turn back pages many times to reread one paragraph or two to catch some important phrases.
And my premises of left brain mere words may not be accurate at all. Although I am certain that right brain do process pictures, but it is not that simple either... I am just wondering, that is all...
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