Sunday, December 12, 2010

simple words have looming profiles on the wall

My cousin, Wendy, loves to read all kinds of things. She loves to explore and she has the ability and capacity to do so. She posted an interesting audio track introducing Federalist Papers from a CD, which is a college material for social science. I emailed to other people. One of them asked who's the professor for that track. So I emailed my cousin with the question. She kindly sent me the material. I did not know that it is college material at first. When I saw the attachment she sent me, I was a bit surprised. So I emailed her again expressing my surprise by saying, you must be preparing for your daughters, if not, I do not have words for you... Here is her reply:

"It is a college course. I am inspiring myself because I didn't have the chance to choose the major of my interest. ;-)

I borrowed whole course (cd) from library, and it is very helpful."

Simple words. But it is powerful, I think.

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