I felt strangely alienated. IT is not a good feeling.
饅頭, 一種很容易做的食物. 我花了至少七八年, 終於做的像樣一點. 第一次看到舅媽做, 那可有多興奮. 那是在大學吧. 我自己做了一大堆帶到學校去. 那時是大二, 受不了室友, 很少回自己的寢室. 有時候就帶著一個饅頭到圖書館. 還記得走在冰冷的晚風裡, 有時候坐在湖邊的石頭上餵餵加拿大雁, 當然, 大多數還是自己吃掉了. 那之後, 我做饅頭就很少成功. 滿奇怪的. 自己似乎很不會照方抓草藥. 當然, 可能也是不想照著舅媽的方子做, 他做的很像麵包, 只是外國的麵包是烤的, 他的是蒸的.
最近照著孟老師老麵的方法做出的饅頭都很成功. 可是無論是給誰, 舅舅, 胡熒阿姨, 林再榮阿姨, 或者是小瑋, 他們的反應都沒有很強. 這就使我想起來大概半年前, 去東海園時叫了一個饅頭, 老闆有點訝異的說, 你知道, 饅頭裡面什麼都無喲... 我想到這事就好笑. 一定很少人要饅頭, 這東西就象我妹夫說的, 又無鹽, 又無糖, 裡面也無餡, what's the point? 哈哈哈哈!
我今天早上在吃饅頭, 就在想這個問題. 我想這是否和我老爸有關係? 我爸也算榮民, 沒有老兵不吃饅頭吧? 我們住在台北金華街的時候, 金山南路上有家很有名饅頭店. 我們也不算天天吃, 但總是會吃到幾次. 在其他地方, 像是南門市場, 東門市場, 都有賣饅頭. 印象中的老爸也滿喜歡吃饅頭的, 單吃, 加鹽加油煎了吃, 沾豆腐乳吃, 夾滷牛肉... 不知道這是否有影響? 我想總是有的.
媽媽在去蘇州之前也提到外公以前也會吃饅頭配花生. 前幾天媽媽又提到了他以前在蘇州的時候沒吃過沒剝皮的花生. 他吃的花生都是去皮, 看起來白白黃黃的花生. 到了台灣後, 他 很吃驚看到台灣人都吃帶皮的花生, 他覺得他們很土. 可是現在都流行起吃皮來了, 所有的營養都在皮上. 媽媽覺得很有趣. 故記之.
I find it interesting that if i started to read my article while I was in the process of writing it, it usually means that I could not find anything to write anymore. Even though I feel I still got many things to write about. Would it be because that I want to correct myself? But who said that, "I don't worry too much about my errors. " It was from an interview with Steve Jobs in 1994, or 1996, I am not sure. If it was true, then maybe I should read it before I finished everything? Although most of the time, the reason I started to read my article was because I don't know how to continue the article... Such an irony?
It should not be the history facts that related us into a nation. It should be the current news! History should be a way to study one's self. But current news makes every citizen under one national banner. After studying history, one should learn about one's self. Tao then contradict itself. Because every thing a person learned from any subject, including History, his or her action is the current news!
spread your wings and takes to the sky...
I like kettle bell.
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