Tuesday, July 30, 2013

我看 xporting raymond

everybody loves raymond 來說, 在看exporting raymond 時,有一個問題不斷被提出來, 那就是, raymond 的製作人在不斷面對俄國劇組的問題和不願意合作, 他說, 難道, 俄國人就沒有婆媳間的矛盾?  就沒有親家之間的摩擦?  因為 everybody loves raymond 基本上就是根據這個核心問題來推展出來的幽默短劇.  但是, 俄國劇組常常有人感覺, 俄國家庭不是象美國家庭那樣的. 

製作人了解到這個情形, 他也同意, 在某些方面會有所不同. 但是基本上的矛盾和摩擦仍然存在. 也因為如此, 最後劇組和製作人才能成功的推出俄國版的 everybody loves raymond. 

禮儀用語 鈔的


I meant to say...

I played tennis with Michelle twice recently.   It was fun.  Her comment on the difference between my tennis and hers was interesting.  I was saying that my power was weak, for she had to step forward to receive my return.  She said that when I return a ball, some of my balls spun quite a bit.  Hers on the other hand, was quite flat.  But it was powerful, I thought.  If she has the power to make the ball to reach the end of the other side, it must be easier for her to practice spin as well...  And I wonder why my ball spun?  This was certainly not intentional.  But the way I exert my power must have something to do with this effect...  I hope if I continue to do kettle bell, it would help me to develop some power.  And I'd like to know how I spin a return...

當我說中國近代史不需要改, 但是需要更多中國人來寫, 我的意思是台灣香港的人, 甚至韓國日本高麗蒙古越南泰國等....  他們比較沒有受到共產黨的教育.  大陸人在說改寫的時候, 實在和我想的很不一樣...  或許他們的改寫會比較接近台灣和香港的寫法, 至少在會脫離一點那種共黨用詞吧...   雖說我覺得那和英國的用詞滿象的... 

I have a cousin, D.  He is an Usan.  My aunt who's a twin with my Mother would tell my mom that my cousin D complained everything that is wrong with him to his mother.  Then he would add it's all my aunt and uncle's fault.  My aunt must be very stressed out over this, she's not one that complain too much about her life, especially about her in laws.  My Mother told me this.  And I would be annoyed.  How could he say that in front of his mother.  Very disrespectful. 

However, recently my thoughts was sipped in by the similar thought.  This is sad.  Very very sad.  If by hearing other people saying it would annoy me, just imagine how mad I would be to produce that same thought on my own? 

I do think I have some identity issues.  I don't understand though is why I am so repressive right now?  About a month ago, my other uncle and aunt came to our house for lunch, for their kitchen was remodeling.  As usually they talked about the situation of my grandpa.  Then my uncle said:  "我相信久病無孝子."  I wonder how he felt about what he said right after he said it.  I know how I would feel.  Terrible.  If you want me to guess how he felt right after, he probably felt down a little as well. 

But we can't control how we feel...  Feeling is like weather.  How could I accuse one feeling to be evil, and others to be angel?  What we can decide, according to many of my readings, is that we can decide which feeling we want to sit on.  But that makes me feel cold, cruel, and impersonal.  Detachment is a better word. 

What sipped into my mind was that I felt I was like my Mother and Father.  But my sister got a better part of both of them, I got the opposite of what she got.  I felt very much stressed by the thought and feeling.  Because I can see, as clearly as I can right now, how much was put into developing me.  There's no need to mention about materials.  Just the time, and the energy. 

Eventually, I know it's the cowardice in me.  Not my Mother or Father.  But it would so easy to blame other people.  I cannot simply dwell on words, or thoughts, or feelings.  I have to use my senses, my eyes, noses, ears, touches, to sharpen my perception, in the hope to get out of myself and get in touch with the outside world. 

wobbly tubbly doobbly

I felt strangely alienated.  IT is not a good feeling.

饅頭, 一種很容易做的食物.  我花了至少七八年, 終於做的像樣一點.  第一次看到舅媽做, 那可有多興奮.  那是在大學吧.  我自己做了一大堆帶到學校去.  那時是大二, 受不了室友, 很少回自己的寢室.  有時候就帶著一個饅頭到圖書館.  還記得走在冰冷的晚風裡, 有時候坐在湖邊的石頭上餵餵加拿大雁, 當然, 大多數還是自己吃掉了.  那之後, 我做饅頭就很少成功.  滿奇怪的.  自己似乎很不會照方抓草藥.  當然, 可能也是不想照著舅媽的方子做, 他做的很像麵包, 只是外國的麵包是烤的, 他的是蒸的.

最近照著孟老師老麵的方法做出的饅頭都很成功.  可是無論是給誰, 舅舅, 胡熒阿姨, 林再榮阿姨, 或者是小瑋, 他們的反應都沒有很強.  這就使我想起來大概半年前, 去東海園時叫了一個饅頭, 老闆有點訝異的說, 你知道, 饅頭裡面什麼都無喲...  我想到這事就好笑.  一定很少人要饅頭, 這東西就象我妹夫說的, 又無鹽, 又無糖, 裡面也無餡, what's the point?  哈哈哈哈!

我今天早上在吃饅頭, 就在想這個問題.  我想這是否和我老爸有關係?  我爸也算榮民, 沒有老兵不吃饅頭吧?  我們住在台北金華街的時候, 金山南路上有家很有名饅頭店.  我們也不算天天吃, 但總是會吃到幾次.  在其他地方, 像是南門市場, 東門市場, 都有賣饅頭. 印象中的老爸也滿喜歡吃饅頭的, 單吃, 加鹽加油煎了吃, 沾豆腐乳吃, 夾滷牛肉...  不知道這是否有影響?  我想總是有的.

媽媽在去蘇州之前也提到外公以前也會吃饅頭配花生.  前幾天媽媽又提到了他以前在蘇州的時候沒吃過沒剝皮的花生.  他吃的花生都是去皮, 看起來白白黃黃的花生.  到了台灣後, 他 很吃驚看到台灣人都吃帶皮的花生, 他覺得他們很土.  可是現在都流行起吃皮來了, 所有的營養都在皮上.  媽媽覺得很有趣.  故記之.

I find it interesting that if i started to read my article while I was in the process of writing it, it usually means that I could not find anything to write anymore.  Even though I feel I still got many  things to write about.  Would it be because that I want to correct myself?  But who said that, "I don't worry too much about my errors. "  It was from an interview with Steve Jobs in 1994, or 1996, I am not sure.  If it was true, then maybe I should read it before I finished everything?  Although most of the time, the reason I started to read my article was because I don't know how to continue the article...  Such an irony?

It should not be the history facts that related us into a nation.  It should be the current news!  History should be a way to study one's self.  But current news makes every citizen under one national banner.  After studying history, one should learn about one's self.  Tao then contradict itself.  Because every thing a person learned from any subject, including History, his or her action is the current news!

spread your wings and takes to the sky...

I like kettle bell. 


看到拙貼了一篇文章有關近代史.  拙認為從寫近代史有助於中國民族主義的土壤.

文章開頭引出兩位外國學者對中國近代史的看法, 他們認為應該要重修.  之後文章由同意這個觀點來反對革命.  但最後一段說:


我覺得很可惜, 即使兩位外國學者是學術上的發言, 這篇文章卻是黨爭意識形態.  是為了共產黨目前的政治標語, "和諧"  兩字的註腳.

我查了查, 是有這兩個外國學者的發言.  但是, 都沒有提到重寫中國近代史.  這篇文章的黨爭意義在我眼裡更濃.

不過, 我覺得我是可以了解拙的本意. 只因為他提到民族主義.  我想他對上次的反日和不斷加強的愛國情緒很有印象. 這基本上和我對大姨說的一樣, 大陸需要提出一個或一組超脫國家之上, 脫升功利的全人類嚮往的最高標準.  不然, 出現的將是國家主義的強烈湧現.  現在的共黨不如以前, 是因為以前有這樣的一個最高標準, 他可以整合中國所有民族.  而現在,這恰恰是他所缺少的. 

另外, 有關歷史的部分.我實在不能茍同所有教科書上的歷史.  我自從看過章太炎在九一八之後對於歷史的說法, 我就覺得有點心冷.  是的, 所有學校, 無論是地球上的哪個國度, 無有一個不是這樣教歷史的.  拿美國為例, 高中時, 或許比較少填塞, 可是在那之前, 早已填塞過了.  填塞的東西也和章太炎的目標是一致的.  就是由歷史的灌輸, 來達成國家印象的堅固.  這是很可惜的.  但是, 我也可以想像這是有其必然性的.

這種必然性和拙想脫離的悲情有點關係.  這種必然性我不確定我能說出來.  但是, 這種悲情, 我卻可以稍微在意義上擴展  文章裡以南京條約作為近代史的開端, 我想這或許是吧.  無論這事情的結果是否中國現代化, 這個過程, 將永遠是悲情.  即使他只是一個童話的破滅, 他都會帶來淡淡的哀愁.  我們不能因為這個事件最後的演變結果是完美的, 即使最後中國真的富強了, 我們就完全平靜的來看這個事件.  如果真是這樣, 就讓我想到在 Chinatown 最後的那句台詞, "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."  我們怎能忘記如此悲情?  這一百多年來, 不斷追求的鞭策我們的就是這悲情.  一旦有人慢下來, 不求新求變, 就會有人用這種悲情來儆醒.  文章裡說的革命, 實際上是這悲情.  而非革命, 尤其是共產黨口下的革命... 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

centergy sequence

centergy sequence:

warm up
back core muscle
front core muscle

Wednesday, July 24, 2013



"想要 '認識自己' 的毛蟲永遠也變不了蝴蝶."

讓日子就這樣順其自然地過下去吧, 卸下我的盔甲, 所謂 "得失", 哪裡是可以從計較中得來或失去的呢? 


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

beets recipe

I got this recipe from simply recipe site.  It was so good, especially with orange zest(peel in small pieces, could be flaky, or thin strips).  After putting everything together, it need to put aside to let every smells, taste, flavor or whatnot to come together. 

  • 2 pounds red beets, medium sized, scrubbed clean, green tops removed 
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon grated orange zest
  • Freshly ground black pepper


1 Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a roasting pan with aluminum foil. Place the beets in the pan. Rub olive oil over the beets, and sprinkle with salt. Cover the beets with another sheet of aluminum foil. Roast for 1 to 2 hours, depending on the size of the beets and how old they are. After 1 hour, test every fifteen minutes by poking a beet with the tines of a fork. Once the fork tines go in easily, the beets are tender and cooked. Remove from the oven.
2 While the beets are cooling, prepare the balsamic glaze. In a small, shallow sauté pan, add the balsamic vinegar and sugar. Heat on high until the vinegar has reduced to a syrup consistency. Remove from heat.
3 After the beets have cooled for several minutes, but are still warm to the touch, peel off the outer skins and discard. Cut the beets into quarters or more, bite-sized pieces.
4 Place beets in a serving bowl. Pour balsamic glaze over the beets. Stir in grated orange zest, and add salt and pepper to taste.
Garnish with a little orange zest to serve.

* Notes to self:  I did not use olive oil before or after.  I did not use salt before roasting.  I did put very little in the 4th step.    My temperature was not 400 F, but 375.  I did not use the quantity of beets, vinegar, sugar, or orange zest given above.  And as I said, it need to be put aside for at least 15 minutes.  I put them in refrigerator for about 20-30 minutes.  The roasting time cannot be too too long, if beets were to mushy, it won't be good.   

Monday, July 22, 2013

movies recently

Get the Gringo was really good.  I am so glad to see Melgibson in a fun movie. 

Snitch, I think it's probably the best dwaynejohnson movie I've seen.  It's not really an action movie.  The main character doesn't need to be acted by DJ.  But I think with DJ in place and intentionally made him vulnerable like a common people, it adds something to the movie and showcased DJ's ability to act.  I love it.  It also is a political movie, it showed us one unfair law. 

Silverlining Playbook, was a very fun movie.  I could not it as a movie for people with those disorders though.  As a romantic comedy I think it was really awesome, it should be ranked with BJ's diary, Sleepless in Seattle...etc. 

Guilt trip, with sethrogen and barbrastreisand.  I took a risk on this one.  I could predict the ending even the process.  But the movie did not disguise itself.  When it's angry, it's angry.  When it's funny, it's funny.  I liked it.  I watched with my mom, she liked it a little as well. 

Sunday random event

I went to uncle's house to mow his lawn yesterday.  There was no need to do that yet.  Mao and Michelle came to the street to practice their staffs sequence and saw me.  Michelle invited me to their lunch at Dumpling house in Boston Chinatown.  I hesitated but said yes.  Michelle said, "you know you want the food, Jack..."  I wonder how did she know...  lol  But by inviting me, they need a bigger car, so Michelle went to borrow her mom's mini van. Alex came first, shoot a few videos with Mao and Michelle's staffs sequence.  Mao shot a sequence of Alex's as well.  Later, Alex's mom, Inga and brother, Nick came.  Then we were off to Boston.

I was surprised to see Caroline at the Dumpling house.  After we went in the restaurant, I was more surprised to find out that she's engaged, or married to Will, who's a senior or junior when I went to High School.  The restaurant was packed as usual.  Caroline's dad owned the restaurant, and he already ordered tons of food for us.  We, about 8 people, occupied two of the biggest table in the restaurant.  It was past 2pm, but there's still a line outside.   In the mid process of consuming our lunch, 4 other people, a dad brought his three sons, 5, 3, 2 yrs old, joined us.  Even with the new comers, it was a fat chance for us to finish all those food.  Eventually, we packed about 60-70% food to go.  Caroline paid the bill, she said it's a send off for Michelle. 

Though as full as we were, to the pastry shop we went next.  After that we said goodby to Caroline and her hubby.  Unbelievably, we went to the smoothy store next.  Then silky way, then some turtles on the street.  We went to Boston Common at the end.  Those three kids seemed to have a good time.  Alex, me, and Allen (three kids' dad), were playing a ball I packed in my bag.  Alex and Allen did some martial art spar too.  Mao and Michelle relaxed on the side with Nick and Inga.  We left at about 6, with a dark, thick cloud over us.  Then came the shower.  After a week of toasty weather, it was really a joy to have such a good weather, and ended with a blessed shower. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

some thoughts for today

I watched kundun.  It's a movie about Dalai lama.  It kept reminded me of many images and memories of the last emperor.  I guess they really have something in common.  They were both started in very early age.  They were both brought up by men of unique professions.  They were both separated from their family,  although there's different level of separation.  They both faced extra ordinary time in the history of Zhong Guo.  The custom, the clothes, the many other everyday life things had many resemblance in the movies as well. There are differences between them, of course.  The most stark one, I think is that I can see difference between Tibetan and Han, but not much from Manchu and Han.

I don't like the movie as much as the last emperor.  I felt the last emperor presented a man with better clarity while kundun had many muddy spots.  I don't think Dalai could separate himself from the secular life, mainly political, economical, aspect of tibetan government.  But the truth was that this little boy could not really touch the sensitive topic of political and economical aspect of tibetan daily life.  What I want to say is that the political structure of tibetan was murky at best while the movie focused on Dalai.  And yet, a boy who has no power over political and economical daily life, the destiny was rested upon solely on his shoulders.  When there was big decision to make, and Dalai wondered what his subjects thought, he could only get an answer like, "what do I know, I am nothing but a bug."

I am no Buddhist, but I don't think it is fair to put such decision on such a boy, only a teenager, no matter how smart, how spiritual he was.  And I wonder how much was Dalai's decision made affected by the political core around him.  Although his subjects would humbly saying they were bugs, but Dalai was raised by them, surrounded by them, and they are his only source for outside world... 

It does not need to say much about how horrible communist party was.  And yet, here we had a feminine Mao Ze Dong...  It seemed weird.  And I think just by doing this, the movie fell short.

The movie was still grand in terms of many ways.  But murky political situation render the portrait of a man incomplete.  I also would like to point out that the story seemed one sided.  But if audience realized the one sided story, I think it's a valuable movie. 


My heart is unstable.  Unrest and yet numb.  I am scared, very much so.  Very very much so.  I have lost will to live, I feel there's nothing to hold me in this life, not even my mother, my sister, Bao Bao, or No No.  I don't want to play video game, I play basketball alone.  I can't interact with people.  I felt a bubble around me when I am with them.  I don't enjoy eating, or drinking, nor do sleeping and pooping.  Reading seemed obsolete, movies lost its weight.  Totally silent in my mind, dead would be a more proper word.  I am a coward.  A Coward.  A dog with its tail between its legs.  How much am I left?


Thursday, July 04, 2013


我從蘇州回美國的那一天早上十點, 外公帶媽媽和我去吃最後一次陸振興.  像往常一樣, 外公看我吃完了, 就教阿姨帶我去隔壁街的市場逛一逛.  這是我第二次去這條很窄很窄的街, 很傳統很傳統的市場.  小販和攤店沿著小巷,大塊大塊的肉放在桌上, 草編的淺籃子裡賣著菜葉, 豆子, 和莖塊, , 塑膠盒裡灌著水養著鰻魚, 和其他水族, 也有賣各式糕點.  巷子裡是真正的摩肩擦踵, 人頭湧動.  潮濕的道路上滿是菜葉, 和不平的路面.  乾貨的店面看起來還好, 但是, 賣水族和肉類的店裡都又陰又潮. 

走著走著,開始有點噁心.  看看左邊盆裡的鱉,右邊塑膠袋裡擠滿滿的蛙, 鉆板上血淋淋魚, 和紅色的肉.  顧客和店家似乎無視於這一切, 正在大聲的討論貨物和價錢.  就在這時, 我經過一個店面, 我已經忘記那是啥的店面了.  只記得, 一個大概十六七歲的男孩, 抱著他的貓坐在他要賣的貨物後面. 他似乎忘記他在市場裡, 他懷裡的貓安安祥祥的任他抱著.  旁邊的嘈雜, 人群的忙碌, 和這個小男孩很不搭調.  好像他其實只是兩個店面中間的一堵牆, 牆上畫了一個抱貓的小男孩. 

感覺很奇怪, 可是卻也很有同感.  經過了三個星期的旅行, 我很想我的貓.  很想抱抱我的寶寶. 

Monday, July 01, 2013


I fear to be like my dad, my uncle, and now my grandpa.  I saw many flaws in them.  I saw those flaws in me.  Although I know they all have their own merits.  I can't find those merits in me.  I saw flaws in people, I distrust them for this, it seems.  Yet, I saw merits in them as well.  I do not have those merits.  I gross myself out. 

I have keen sense of being involved in other people's feeling ,thoughts, and actions.  And yet, I could not find my own thoughts, feelings, and actions when I am with them.  I distrust myself first for I cannot forge for what I want?  Or, I just turned my face away from what I know.  If my faced turned, is it because of my fear?  Or, otherwise.