Saturday, January 21, 2012

quote from movie

Godfather II:

Sonny: What do you think, the nerve of them Japs, them slanty-eyed bastards? Dropping bombs on our own backyard. On Pop's birthday, you know?

Fredo: They didn't know it was Pop's birthday.

Tom: Well, we should've expected it after the oil embargo.

Sonny: What do you mean, expected it? They got no right dropping bombs. What are you, a Jap lover? You on their side?

Tessio: I understand 30,000 men enlisted this morning.

Sonny: Bunch of saps.

Michael: Why are they saps?

Connie: Come on, do we even have to talk about the war?

Sonny: You talk to Carlo, all right?

Sonny: They're saps because they risk their lives for strangers.

Michael: That's Pop talking.

Sonny: You're goddamn right that's Pop's talking.

Michael: They risk their lives for their country .

Sonny: Country ain't your blood. You remember that.

Michael: I don't feel that way.

Sonny: "I don't feel that way."

Sonny: If you don't feel that, quit college and join the army.

Michael: I did. I enlisted in the marines.

Tom: Mike, why didn't you come to us?

Michael: What do you mean?

Tom: Pop had to pull a lot of strings to get you a deferment.

Michael: I didn't ask for it. I didn't ask for a deferment. I didn't want it.

Tom: Come on, knock it off! Come on!

Sonny: Punk.

Tessio: Sit down.

Sonny: Go on.

Sonny's kid: Mommy, Daddy's fighting again!

Sonny: Go show Carlo the tree.

Sonny: Nice. Nice. Break your father's heart on his birthday.

Fredo: That's swell. Congratulations.

Sonny: That's right, encourage him.

Sonny: Go on, get me a drink. (to Fredo) Go on.

Tom: I don't understand. Your father has plans for you. Many times, he and I have talked about your future.

Michael: You talked to my father about my future?

Michael: My future?

Tom: Michael, he has high hopes for you.

Michael: I have my own plans for my future.

Sonny: Did you go to college to get stupid? You're really stupid.

*Godfather's birthday.*

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