I was following season 2 from the get go. But I was underwhelmed until the last 2 episodes. Most of the episodes while fun but I felt they were too short. I think it's due to the producers trying to cater to the fans. I am not a big StWr fan, I could not even finish the cartoon clone war. After finish each episode, I'd feel underwhelmed, I will search Youtube for elaborations. I saw overwhelming positive fan reaction almost every episodes.
I think it's best for me to wait until the whole season was shown. I was underwhelmed, because I do not know those characters, who fans were galvanizing. And each episode was so short, not even 40 minutes. I totally understand those fans' reaction. Because if you knew the universe well, each distinctive characters that showed up would bring forth a strong feeling and memory back from the pool of knowledge. But for me, the significance was lost on me.
I do enjoy the actions though. From the first episode to the last, every action was done with satisfying impact. The monster swallow, the spiders chase, bokatan and the company, bobafet and company, etc, the pacing, the visual was masterfully done!
And the last 2 episodes, wow. The conversation between a general and ex-trooper, that scene was awesome! And when Din took his helmet off, that was awesome too. That made the message to MG even more impactful. The dark trooper fight, the MG fight, the last fight, and the departure. All of these are not StWr specific, but it does take 2 seasons to make it work!
I am just wondering what's the intrigue for the next season? Anyway, even there's next season, I will wait until everything came out.
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