Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Do contents reveal anything?

油管 is really a time sink.  You can probably find infinite categories of stuff there.  But when I checked my history, I  could see that I only watched limited range of stuff.  I already realize this fact.  But I wonder if I just listed the category of videos I think I watched, and  compared to the ones actually listed in the history.  Would there be any difference?  

My guess:

camera videos
Star war videos
NBA videos
Bag videos
Animal videos
Sitcom videos
News videos
News show videos
Campers videos

My history:

camera videos
Star war videos
NBA videos
Bag videos
Animal videos
Sitcom videos
News videos
News show videos
Campers videos
Ping Pong video
video game video(rare)
Music videos
Car videos
yoga videos(rare)
lord of ring video(rare)
backpacking gear  videos
crime story videos
EDC videos
Gift ideas videos
ukelele teaching videos
Tennis videos
Tech reviews videos
Norton Grahm videos
shoes videos
PBS science short videos
Movie clips videos
Pet accessory videos

I really watched a lot of camera videos because I want to get a new camera for a few years now.  Every year this time around, I'd watch a lot of videos for things I want to buy, like camera's one of these, it's just never realized.  

I was watching Manda so it did trigger some desire to follow the back stories.  I was following Obiwangkenobi's line last night.  I have to say I liked him quite a bit, a bit sarcastic but moderate.  I am not a die hard star wars fan though.  I am binging on the videos right now, just a filler I guess.  

Sitcom videos is a constant filler, unlike Manda.  Although it rotates from frenids to biigbbangs or something else.  My mom is very annoyed by it.  For it is a constant chatter, when I came back from work.  I don't know, it makes happy.  They are funny, it seemed that I constantly need funny???  I have hard time to endure silent times.  They say there's a constant chatter inside you.  But I know that sometimes it's just dead silent in there.  And it scares me a lot.  A lot.  

I watched quite a bit of backpacking related videos, which include backpacking, campers, EDC...etc.  I wonder if I put together a list of products I watched, what would I look alike?  
Trail runners
campers vans
Ukelele, maybe?  

It looks like a traveling man.  This image has been in my mind for a while.  I even wanted to setup a tent in my backyard.  I looked at bugout videos as well.  I shuddered at this image.  Because I feel this image showed me that I want to get away from my current situation.  

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