Saturday, December 26, 2020


 我在 IG 看到一首詩的節錄。  我很喜歡,於是我把整首搜出來,錄在這裡。  作者是 Mary Oliver。 詩裡的主角 Percy 是作者的一隻狗, Emerson 是美國十九世紀 Transcendentalism 的啟蒙。 這是一系列的詩,詩裡的主角大概都是 Percy。  我錄的這一首是第九首。 這一系列的詩好像是收集在作者的詩集,Dog Songs。

Percy (nine)

Your friend is coming I say
To Percy, and name a name

And he runs to the door, his
Wide mouth in its laugh-shapes,

And waves, since he has one, his tail.
Emerson, I am trying to live,

As you said we must, the examined life.
But there are days I wish

There are less in my head to examine,
Not to speak of the busy heart.  How

Would it be to be Percy, I wonder, not
Thinking, not weighing, just running forward.  

--Mary Oliver

我喜歡這首詩,用詞是那麼平易,但是我想我更喜歡那一種對解脫的嚮往。  在了解這首詩是在描述一隻狗後,我有更深刻的體驗。  寵物的可貴處在於,他的自由來自於主人的愛和寵物自己的滿足。  我非常喜歡作者在這一瞬的體驗,是那麼直覺,那麼可貴。  

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