Friday, March 08, 2019

A star is born afterthought

The movie was really good.  I think I can see why music became a great choice for the 3 remakes(2,3,4).  Because it is more readily connected with audience.   I don't agree with male protagnist's choice though.  Suicide is never a solution.  But like I said before, romance ended in tragic is the easiest form to catch people's eyes.

 Gaga was quite surprising!

The music style Gaga played in the movie started to shift which I didn't like.  I wished they gave some explanation for the shift.  Maybe it's the manager's doing.  But it's kind sad...  I like the music in the beginning more.  I admit, it's a bit simpler in terms of complexity, maybe?

I have to give to Bradley for the the whole thing.  Gaga's character could easily chose to walk out on the relationship, especially it's set in modern time.  I felt if Gaga's character did not walk out, it would be Gaga's character who's dead, like WH, or back to black's singer.  But Cooper's character actually is trying hard to reform.  It made him more acceptable to audience so that when Gaga's character choose to give up her career for Cooper's character, it made a bit more sense...?  

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