Monday, July 09, 2018

Notes for lynda programming

7/9/2018  12.42pm

Chapt. 1:

Programming languages are categorized into families.

Plain text for programming, not rich text.  (Plain text editor)

"Hello, world!"

Programmer's text editors

IDE, Integrated Development Environment

Compiled and Interpreted languages, how a machine run the code

Compiled language: computer1 change the the source code into machine code and gives computer2 the machine code, computer2 never sees the source code, but can execute the machine code no problemo.

Interpreted language:  Transfer the source code instead machine code.  The receiving computer will then interpreted the source code.  There's separated file during the transfer. 

IL: Intermediate language, a compromise between Compiled and Integrated

JavaScript: webpage program language, scripting language: embedded in another program(web browsers); C based, interpreted, case sensitive. 

html: hyper text mocked up language

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