I spent the only summer dollar on this movie. I passed black P, Avenger IW, even incredibles 2. I really don't know why. I read and watched reviews, but it did not stop me. Something here was really intriguing.
I think it's an okay movie. I really liked Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. But they did not showed up too much. Most of the stuff I remembered from the movie were evil corporations, betrayal, clone girl, and dinosaur. At the end, I agree with some critiques, that this movie was served as a intermediate piece, for the dinosaurs to get on American soil.
I think clone girl is rational sequence for the Jurassic movie. But it also pushed the whole series into a direction, which I don't like. Because think about it, the core theme for Jurassic series is not about dinosaurs. It's about gene technology we, human, attempted, trying, and eventually might really master it. What makes Jurassic park so intriguing though is not the technology itself though. I think it's the fear for the uncontrollable nature. This nature, has no thoughts, there's no justice, it is sort of chaos. Although Fallen Kingdom still has dinosaurs, but they became manageable. They are not the center of the movie, humans are! And while the nature has no thoughts, no intentions, no justice, humans have them. This has happened with Alien series and Jaw series as well.
Many of the great movies should not be a series. Because, they become predicable, and when they become rational, that we, human can truly understand, then, the whole intrigue is brought down from the sky and unto the earth. I call marvel's movies as soap opera, because, they are littered with human intentions.
My prediction, is that US government, and other human government will now have to deal with the problem. This can go either way, one is planet of Dinosaurs, or instead of evil corporations, governments will be the ones to weaponize the dinosaurs. Either way, the clone girl will probably like the girl in Godzilla... She is connected to them in some way...
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