Friday, December 09, 2011

I met a Eurasier

I am working as a UPS helper again this year. I was delivering packages to a house one day. The garden in front of the house was half lawn, half pebbles and stones. While I was waiting for someone to come and sign my packages, I admired the scenery. A graceful frail old lady came to open the door, then I was scrambling to scan the packages. I forgot to scan the packages while looking at the garden. As the mess assumed, a dog stepped outside. The dog looked like a chow chow. My hands kept on playing my diad as I asked the frail lady about the dog. She said: oh, don't worry, the dog was mild. he won't bite...

It's probably because she saw me trying turn my behind away from the dog. Yeah, dogs always like to try to smell the behind... It's an experience learned from this line of work.

I asked, is this a chow chow?

No, the lady said, it's a Eurasier.

She must see the confusion on my face. She then explained further, it is a breed from spitz, chow chow, and samoyed.

That was very interesting, I thought. And the dog was very gentle and friendly indeed. He smelled my hands, I petted him on the head, and his body snuggled against my legs. Wow, it really looked like a chow chow. I got signature from the lady then I walked back to the truck through that long drive way. As I looked back, the lady already got inside, but she let the dog out. The dog found a spot in front of the door and sat down calmly with four legs on the ground. I really liked the dog.

Two days later, when I went to the same house again, I did not see the dog. I wanted to see the dog very much. But the package did not need to be signed this time. I could not just go and knock on the door. As I was trying to reach my truck at the end of the street, which was a cul de sac. My eyes suddenly shone upon the dog! He was walking in a leisure kind of way toward me from the other side of street. I was so happy to see him, I bend my knees and lowered my head to welcome him. It was incredible that the dog's eyes seemed to spark and ran to me! I petted him, who also snuggled back. The time was so short though, for I need to go to the next street quickly. I moved on to the truck, as I looked back he moved on the lawn and looked back right at me.

The driver, Nick, was calm. He started the engine and began to drove away. Then he said, for a moment I was scared. I thought the dog was going to attack. Don't pet the dog next time... Dogs are still unpredictable.

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