Monday, May 31, 2010


音樂, 要感受一個時代, 有啥比音樂更好更直接的東西?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

martial art

i will use wrestling as a way to train the overall strength training. any kind of wrestling.
i will use tao lu to train hand eye coordinations and develop certain rhythm.
i will use yoga and chi gong to raise body awareness.
i will have everybody learn everything about their bodies from modern and ancient knowledge.
i will have everybody playing team sports to promote team spirits, or a music band.

my thoughts on my dream game

i think my dream game would be a game with a sophisticated fighting mechanics like a fighting game. it will have a great platforming mechanics that required skill and thus can be a competitive components for the game. it's not arcady like god of war, devil's may cry, or ninja gaiden, or something similar.

i would prefer to design the game like PoP sands of time, or psychonauts. it will not be a open world game, or at least not at first. it will start out like a PoP, or Psychonauts. i want to introduce the game mechanics to the audience the way i see fit. that will require a good level design, good story, and not an open world. it would be very hard to control the pace of the game in an open world game.

the game will definitely have online fighting. but the other important part of the game is online competitive platforming. finally, the online components should attract a lot of modders to create their own storyline, their own level, even find a way to tweak gameplay.

the game will need to find a way to introduce three kinds of control modes. one like Sacrifice, one like Oni with a very good soft lock on system, the last one would a hard lock on system. the one like Sacrifice is good for if you are playing a wizard type character, and it's good for exploration. Oni-style of control is good for people who like simpler fighting control and able to run around freely. finally, the hard lock on system is for those who love hardcore fighting games. all three modes will and shall be included for all the playable characters. eventually, it comes to player's own choice. Sacrifice style could be good for hurling objects at enemies and exploration. Oni style is good for platforming. hard lock on system is good for fighting boss and enjoy epic battles.

the game difficulty adjusted not on enemy AI, but also on conditions of the game. like One shot kill, or should i say one slash kill. that means that when you are in the ultimate hard difficulty, you have a great chance of being killed in on perfectly placed slash. as the difficulty goes down, you can either turn off the one shot kill feature, or enemies cannot do one shot kill to you.

the fighting mechanics includes hand to hand, weapon to hand, weapon to weapon. weapon will kill instantly, if you are skilled. hand to hand are mostly knocked out, but with skill, you can kill as well. i am thinking to use four buttons, left mouse button is punch, right mouse button is kick. there will be a reaction button, which is for counterattack, or defense. the final button will be USE key. the difference between use key and reaction buttons will be reaction button is a conditional function, which meant that if player timed it extremely correctly, it can be a counterattack, like a take down. but if players did not timed it extremely correctly, it will be a defense. the defense will be calculated to see how successful it is. use key is used to be more sophisticated moves. there'll be visual cue for player to do something like floor fightings, or hold people up as a shield, or use other people's leg to throw them off balance in a way players see fits. the dodge button will be designed with the combination of directional buttons and kneel.

characters will react differently with different opponents with different situations when pressing the dodge button. because the game character should be able to recognize the difference between an opponent with a weapon or without it. the game characters will also recognize and notify that if the jumping distance is within the character's range. players can still force the jump, but it is a way to avoid wrong distance perception in the game.

different characters will have different platofrmer ability. this creates an interesting level design situations for game designers. they could create one solution for each characters, or multiple of them. thus creating a vast different game experience. for example, an agile guy could just wall jump out of the blockade, but the strong man could actually break the blockade. this will reflected on the fighting as well. strong man might need to confront and fight the enemies. but the agile guy could just ambush and kill. or he could actually stalk and find no need to fight at all.

Monday, May 24, 2010


人道好, 我亦道好
人道壞, 我亦道壞
人讚我好, 我高興
人說我爛, 我悲傷
作不得主, 若有若無.
(或許是鈔的, 或許是自己想到的, 實在不記得了)


Danny Boy 李敖 譯

哦,Danny Boy,







哦,Danny Boy,我如此愛你,等你徘徊。







李敖翻譯的詞, 不知道可不可以唱...

Danny boy

Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.
But come ye back when summer's in the meadow
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow
'Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.

And if you come, when all the flowers are dying
And I am dead, as dead I well may be
You'll come and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.

And I shall hear, tho' soft you tread above me
And all my dreams will warm and sweeter be
If you'll not fail to tell me that you love me
I'll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.

I'll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.


Sunday, May 23, 2010


可是, 被風吹走了
可是, 被海沖走了
後來, 我把你的名字寫在都市裡的每一個角落
結果, 我被警察捉走了...


Saturday, May 22, 2010



媽媽的翻譯是: 討好.

我覺得在某一種程度上仍然有點距離. 但是大致上很貼切! 而且, 大大超越字典上的解釋. 好太多了!


在看 everybody loves raymond 的時候, 有人用這個詞, 媽媽問我, 我說是: 開不起玩笑. 媽媽察了一下字典後, 覺得這是不錯的解釋.

我覺得在某些場合可以如此解釋, 但是某些不行. 譬如說, 某些人很不願意聽情色的東西, 也會被人稱作是 uptight. 這時候, 似乎就和開不起玩笑沒啥關係. 這時候或許可以譯作, 保守或拘謹.




月滿, 花滿, 酒滿,

水遠, 天遠, 人遠.

這首詞是我國小六年級導師, 崔學範老師寫在黑板上給全班講解的. 好像國小畢業的那一天. 因為我還有照片為證. 我很喜歡這個老師. 很年輕, 才剛出師範學院. 我三四年級的賴郁芳導師拼了命要我把字寫端正也無奈我何. 倒是在五六年級 崔老師的指導下, 很用力的試著把字寫好. 雖說, 試了半天還是很差... 畢業之後也失去動力. 但是我很感謝這兩個老師.

國小畢業兩三年後, 突然聽到崔老師竟然出家作和尚, 有一天竟然在騎摩托車的途中被撞死了! 那時候, 嚇一大跳. 現在回想起來, 也是感慨萬分. 人事如此無常, 天道如此難測. 這詞中或有闊達之意, 我卻是哽咽之想.

Friday, May 21, 2010


黑夜給了我黑色的眼睛, 我卻用它尋找光明. (顧城 <一代人>)

把鳥翼繫上了黃金, 那麼這鳥便永久不能再在天上翱翔了.
(泰戈爾 <飛鳥集>)

吃的太飽不想動, 吃的太少不好過...

我是那麼膽小, 以至於別人都認為我勇敢.


問我樂不思蜀嗎? 不, 我思蜀而不樂.

人逢喜事精神爽, 悶向心來瞌睡多.

路上掠過美女不凡, 對我既無言, 也無眼神, 我仍陶醉伊的漠然...

Monday, May 17, 2010

quotes from video games

There are many good quotes from video games as well. I don't really remember a lot though.

The Longest Journey:

flying girl telling April: "This is my tale, the tale of stars, and i tell it to you in my own words, as it was told to me by my teacher, in her own words."

Prince of Persia Sands of Time:

Finding my way to the baths from here should be easy. I'll just ask the next sand creature that I come across - 'Excuse me, could you direct me to the baths please? Thank You!' 'Don't mention it! I used to be a bath attendant back when I was alive!'. *imitating Farah* 'I'll meet you at the baths!' She orders me around as if I was a servant! It's my own fault. With women, you have to show them you're in charge right from the start, or they'll walk all over you! I've been too indulgent. Probably because I felt sorry for her. Well, it stops now! From now on, she'll have to tow the line. (pause) That is, assuming I can find her.

I could marry her! After all, she is a Maharajah's daughter. A conquered one, but still, her blood is royal. . . . All right, I've decided. I will marry her. I'll tell her the first chance I get.

(when you die) No no no, that's not the way it happened. Shall I start again?


Eldred asked Abraxus: How can you simply acquiesce?!

Shogun Total War Warlord Edition:

you have much to learn about the way of the samurai.


where is the milkman?


it's a gamsav.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

very tired

i am very tired. all through the last month. because i could make up my mind to do something. and it's very sad, stupid, and immature. i should quit that job already. i am sad, stupid, and immature. HA. like that's something new.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


colors are lights. lights are colors. the more colors you have, you more lights you have. the more colors you have, the more shinier you are.

most living things are attracted to lights. human is no exception. that's why all the rich or noble classes in most of the cultures wear more colorful clothes. they used more colorful things. they lived more colorful buildings. it's a sign of power and rich, and noble. and all the parade or religious or any other kind of gathering, they are almost always colorful. it attracted people to come and join them.

colors are lights and it draws human towards it.

Sunday, May 09, 2010


一個多月前, 我有事到小瑋家去. 他做了一個拌麵給我吃. 裡面是麻油, 醬油, 不少蔥花, 還有一丁點黑醋. 他說這是在台灣一家很有名的連鎖麵店壓店麵. 他說, 應該要用豬油的, 但是他沒有, 所以他就用麻油. 我吃了吃, 還挺好吃的. 回家幾天後, 我剛好有豬油, 就也試了一次. 我的天, 豬油拌的麵比用麻油好吃的多了! 真是奇怪!

這個拌麵之簡單實在令人驚訝. 煮好了麵, 撈出來擺在碗裏, 把白白的豬油放下去, 淋上醬油, 一兩滴黑醋, 在灑上一些蔥花, 一拌, 他咑! 完成! 哈! 連放到鑊裡稍微炒一炒都不需要! 蔥好像可以用紅蔥頭代替或混在一起也行.

記得我第一次吃到豬油拌麵是和葉峰谷還有他爸爸在永康街一家四五十年的老店裡吃到的. 那是我國中的時候. 我吃到就再也無法忘懷! 但是不知道是啥原因我再無回去吃過那家老店了. 從美國回去後, 那老店也早就歇業了. 不過現在既然有這個食譜, 也可以稍微慰藉一下肚皮. 算是一種補償吧. 得要感謝老妹呀!