Monday, June 08, 2020


Mom wanted to make a traditional Chinese pumpkin braided rolls.  She already had a video prepared for quite a while now.  I think if she slept well on Saturday night, she would be doing this yesterday.  But I accidentally put Sound of Music on at 9:30 pm.  She could not stop watching it until the movie finished.  She did not sleep all night after the movie.  I guess there're certain point at night that she has to go to bed, otherwise, she does not have time to get enough rest.  

She's not well today though better than yesterday.  I helped her doing the rolls by providing muscles while she was doing chili.  The first thing was to cut the pumpkin to small pieces, seeded it, and steamed it until tender.  Then we meshed the steamed pumpkins without skins.  We mixed the meshed pumpkin with flour and yeast.  The flour and pumpkin ratio probably around 2:1.2, in weight?   We made 南瓜饅頭 before, but the color was disappointing, it's off white, virtually no yellow at all.  This time, we made sure no extra water were added, mixing with just flours using moist from steamed and meshed pumpkin.  I knead the doll for almost 2 hours because I'm not sure how much flour did I need.  The above ratio was only a guideline, so that when I want to do it next time, I could have a baseline of flour, rather than adding 1 cup, mix, adding another cup, see if the dole was ready.  

I used the whole pumpkin, but at the beginning, I only planned to use half.  I used all, because the recipe video mom used did not give us a quantity of the pumpkin used.  It only mentioned how many yeast, and how much flour, which was 800 g.  Anyway, I end up using whole pumpkins with 800+ g.  

Those 2 hours of kneading was quite frustrating.  the dough was shaggy for a long time, I tried to knead and wait for 15 minutes a couple times.  But it stays very shaggy, I even pull out a little piece and tried window pane test.  After almost 2 hours, I gave up, the dough was forming and improving.  But when I pulled a little piece from it, the edge was still shaggy.  The dough did start to spring back to shape.  Mom checked the dough and said it's ok now.  But she must observe my frustration.   

We wrapped and oiled the dough and wait  for about an hour and half.  The dough grew in size nicely, the color was pure gold.  and the result was pretty good as well.  It's soft and slightly sweet, without sugar!  Hope we could recreate the process next time.  

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