Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I saw CJ's picture.  she went back to TW.  The first picture I saw, it saddened me.  I know, I know, she looked happy, dressing in a night gawn, incredible beautiful, with her boyfriend, in a back drop of grand hotel.  She's beautiful, with a her killer smile.  I am not sure if it's jealous, or sadness.  I kept reminding myself to be happy for her.  I try very hard. 

I saw her second picture, she's having a meal with her parents in a restaurant.  She looked relaxed and happy.  She's beautiful.  It's always funny that she's always looked like a little girl when her parents are around.  I like that.  She loves her family very much.  I like that very much. I wish I would be like that with my mom.  But at the same time, won't worry her too much. 

CJ is a woman, mature with her own intention and thoughts.  I want to be happy for her.  I am happy for her. 

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