I want to make an wedding card for michelle. I think that would be an interesting project. But my gosh, there are so many videos on youtube. They were all amazing. They all need a lot of props.
At first, I was only thinking of drawing on it. But by looking at this, I'd say that drawing would be hard. I am thinking cutting some papers and paste on each other would be easier. But I will need to find out.
i am going for a jog. Just to see how's my condition in terms of ankle and waist. I know it's strengthened through 7 - 8 years of centergy. But can I sustain prolonged, repeated action? I know I need some cardio and strength training. We'll see.
I have a rapid weight loss. I guess sleep less, and eat less has it's toll. But most importantly, where did my heart go? I know the answer but I can't tell anyone. Nobody want to listen to a problem, for which, I did not intend to solve it.
I went to skyline trail in medford yesterday afternoon. I got lost in there. It was quite big, the sign was no as clear as I wished for. I was sort in a hurry, since my sister and her husband was coming to my house for dinner. I, of course, got out safe.
They brought chili, dumplings, we stir fried eggs and leek, ma po tofu. It was a pretty good meal.
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