I used kettlebell yesterday. It was a very basic swing, basically, I squatted with back straight, both arms holding kettlebell straight, swing towards behind my butt naturally and effortlessly. Then with a thrust in the hip, stand up and swing the kettlebell up with momentum of the hip thrust. Arms are only for guiding and should be too forceful. My goodness, my butt and inside of thighs can feel the power of this movement!
I need to buy card and print some photos to mail to Su Zhou...
I felt a twinge of sadness when I saw kettlebell... Because they were using the same thing in China dates back 600s.... I went to utoob, there are bunches of video of stonelock players... And yet, people knew kettlebell and not stonelock. I find it funny and sad...
I feel I have many things to do. But I feel scared.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
看完一代宗師了. 我覺得是一部道具華麗的電影. 道具華麗指的是從服裝設計, 到背景, 到特效都精心講究. 華麗之級.
對白基本上是霧煞煞. 整部電影的對話都是廢物. 台詞如果都單獨來看, 我覺得, 有些還滿有意思的. 但是,變成人們的對白時, 感覺是形式重於內容.
武打上, 我覺得沒有太多飛來飛去. 但是, 跳舞的現象更重. 越想細膩呈現 "武術", 越把武術帶入假的境界.
劇情上, 有一個部分我很喜歡. 那就是葉問在抗戰時期的那一個過場. 雖然不到兩分鐘的過場, 卻有一種匹夫無力可回天的感覺. 和甄子丹那一部相比, 可以看出劇組和導演的著力點不同. 這是一種進步. 但是, 亂添角色, 像張震, 完全不知道爲啥要拍他... 浪費...
演員在我感覺大多派不上用場. 幾乎每個人都只是導演的棋子. 章子怡或許例外. 李安說章的臉有一種迷濛之美. 在這部電影裡, 我才看出來.
這是一部太過華麗空虛的片子. 我覺得導演和劇組力求不落俗套, 很值得讚賞. 可是, 這電影給我的感覺是建立在空虛的外太空. 想要把握武功, 結果變成道可道非常道. 想要描繪人物, 卻因為人物混雜, 變成拾貝殼的小孩. 對白上, 絞盡腦汁, 卻落的個空頭支票.
對白基本上是霧煞煞. 整部電影的對話都是廢物. 台詞如果都單獨來看, 我覺得, 有些還滿有意思的. 但是,變成人們的對白時, 感覺是形式重於內容.
武打上, 我覺得沒有太多飛來飛去. 但是, 跳舞的現象更重. 越想細膩呈現 "武術", 越把武術帶入假的境界.
劇情上, 有一個部分我很喜歡. 那就是葉問在抗戰時期的那一個過場. 雖然不到兩分鐘的過場, 卻有一種匹夫無力可回天的感覺. 和甄子丹那一部相比, 可以看出劇組和導演的著力點不同. 這是一種進步. 但是, 亂添角色, 像張震, 完全不知道爲啥要拍他... 浪費...
演員在我感覺大多派不上用場. 幾乎每個人都只是導演的棋子. 章子怡或許例外. 李安說章的臉有一種迷濛之美. 在這部電影裡, 我才看出來.
這是一部太過華麗空虛的片子. 我覺得導演和劇組力求不落俗套, 很值得讚賞. 可是, 這電影給我的感覺是建立在空虛的外太空. 想要把握武功, 結果變成道可道非常道. 想要描繪人物, 卻因為人物混雜, 變成拾貝殼的小孩. 對白上, 絞盡腦汁, 卻落的個空頭支票.
Monday, June 24, 2013
媽媽總是說, 我這次去蘇州是我最幸運的事. 這是真的. 這次佩蘭阿姨去, 和之前媽媽兩次蘇州行的經驗. 我是唯一從中獲得巨大利益的人. 不知怎麼的. 我卻是滿肚子煩愁.
我們一到外公家就是火藥味. 外公從不諱言, 他和大姨在作戰. 大姨總是說, 外公有老年癡呆症. 但是, 他在外公面前講話, 是很少退讓的. 媽媽在那邊的三週遇到他倆大聲的時候, 總是表現的非常緊張. 到了最後第二還是第三天, 我們快走的時候, 大姨終於忍不住把夜陪的事當面和外公攤出來. 那是我見過他倆最僵的時候. 外公用手拍桌子, 大吼起來. 小燕子阿姨和媽媽都在旁趕緊勸解. 我是受不了了, 就說我出去走走. 出門的時候, 很用力的把門甩到關. 到桂花公園一個長凳上待了一個小時半. 回去的時候, 小燕子阿姨的弟弟來拜訪外公.
我這次去之前, 就沒打算玩太多東西. 大家都說, 要好好計畫哪兒玩. 我只把蘇州古城地圖看一看. 我知道媽媽這次去也是只能跟著外公待在屋裡. 我想, 我有大姨帶著, 跑跑一兩個園林, 看看他的博物館也就差不多了. 那裡想的到, 我幾乎天天泡在外面. 幾條大街也都用兩條腿走過了. 園林也看的所剩無幾. 甚至東山, 周莊, 靈巖山, 瓊隆山這種坐車要一個兩個小時的地方也跑了. 還差點要跑杭州和上海. 我真的是幸運的不能再幸運了. 但是, 跑那麼多地方, 卻不是我認為最棒的地方. 最棒的事情是和大姨聊天.
去蘇州之前,見過大姨幾次. 不過都沒有啥深談. 我的確是一個很不善於言詞的人. 如果旁邊有人, 我一定讓別人講, 我聽. 就這樣, 我錯失之前的機會. 這次, 大姨帶我到處走,我覺得我好像講話講的不少. 但是, 我很清楚我自己, 我如果有說話, 真正及於己身的必定很少. 我總是說一點話, 然後從大姨嘴裡得到我很想聽的故事. 一個會講故事的人必須具備什麼條件? 口齒清晰, 腦袋靈活, 記憶清楚, 興致高昂. 大姨就具備這四樣. 我們在網師園, 他就講講何家的珍寶, 蘇州博物館的小氣. 走往平江路的時候, 他就講講文莉小時候跳舞的故事. 在獅子林, 他提到文莉的作文, 文莉在這裡躲貓貓的故事, Dwight 摔跤和樂樂的身影. 在某個文化宮(書和多媒體的店)裡, 他談到好親婆的故事. 在公車上他也指給我看他祖父最後住的地方. 他講的眉飛色舞, 但是也有他覺得可惜的事情. 例如他在平江路上就說他浪費了文莉的才華. 在滄浪亭, 他對蓓莉的東北愛情經歷也表示可惜.
他講最多的, 尤其是後來, 還是外公. 有趣的是, 媽媽陪著外公, 聽到最多的也是大姨. 媽媽回來後說外公的聲音依然在耳邊回繞. 我說, 我也是, 但是, 是大姨的聲音.
我們一到外公家就是火藥味. 外公從不諱言, 他和大姨在作戰. 大姨總是說, 外公有老年癡呆症. 但是, 他在外公面前講話, 是很少退讓的. 媽媽在那邊的三週遇到他倆大聲的時候, 總是表現的非常緊張. 到了最後第二還是第三天, 我們快走的時候, 大姨終於忍不住把夜陪的事當面和外公攤出來. 那是我見過他倆最僵的時候. 外公用手拍桌子, 大吼起來. 小燕子阿姨和媽媽都在旁趕緊勸解. 我是受不了了, 就說我出去走走. 出門的時候, 很用力的把門甩到關. 到桂花公園一個長凳上待了一個小時半. 回去的時候, 小燕子阿姨的弟弟來拜訪外公.
我這次去之前, 就沒打算玩太多東西. 大家都說, 要好好計畫哪兒玩. 我只把蘇州古城地圖看一看. 我知道媽媽這次去也是只能跟著外公待在屋裡. 我想, 我有大姨帶著, 跑跑一兩個園林, 看看他的博物館也就差不多了. 那裡想的到, 我幾乎天天泡在外面. 幾條大街也都用兩條腿走過了. 園林也看的所剩無幾. 甚至東山, 周莊, 靈巖山, 瓊隆山這種坐車要一個兩個小時的地方也跑了. 還差點要跑杭州和上海. 我真的是幸運的不能再幸運了. 但是, 跑那麼多地方, 卻不是我認為最棒的地方. 最棒的事情是和大姨聊天.
去蘇州之前,見過大姨幾次. 不過都沒有啥深談. 我的確是一個很不善於言詞的人. 如果旁邊有人, 我一定讓別人講, 我聽. 就這樣, 我錯失之前的機會. 這次, 大姨帶我到處走,我覺得我好像講話講的不少. 但是, 我很清楚我自己, 我如果有說話, 真正及於己身的必定很少. 我總是說一點話, 然後從大姨嘴裡得到我很想聽的故事. 一個會講故事的人必須具備什麼條件? 口齒清晰, 腦袋靈活, 記憶清楚, 興致高昂. 大姨就具備這四樣. 我們在網師園, 他就講講何家的珍寶, 蘇州博物館的小氣. 走往平江路的時候, 他就講講文莉小時候跳舞的故事. 在獅子林, 他提到文莉的作文, 文莉在這裡躲貓貓的故事, Dwight 摔跤和樂樂的身影. 在某個文化宮(書和多媒體的店)裡, 他談到好親婆的故事. 在公車上他也指給我看他祖父最後住的地方. 他講的眉飛色舞, 但是也有他覺得可惜的事情. 例如他在平江路上就說他浪費了文莉的才華. 在滄浪亭, 他對蓓莉的東北愛情經歷也表示可惜.
他講最多的, 尤其是後來, 還是外公. 有趣的是, 媽媽陪著外公, 聽到最多的也是大姨. 媽媽回來後說外公的聲音依然在耳邊回繞. 我說, 我也是, 但是, 是大姨的聲音.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
我最近都無法寫什麼. 文章寫到一半, 就發現其中思想貧乏,言語乏味. 想寫那本老虎的心得, 寫不出來. 想要寫電影的評論, 寫不出來. 可是並不是沒有東西, 那種情緒瀰漫, 而又無處宣洩的苦楚, 令人發狂.
一定是中文退步了. 英文又不達不上可以拿來描述自己的情境的標準. 很可能也有其他原因. 既然不能當面講, 就要可以寫. 每次寫就像在一個圓形迷宮裡, 不斷的走, 沿著圓環繞啊, 繞啊繞. 憤怒不足以說明.
一定是中文退步了. 英文又不達不上可以拿來描述自己的情境的標準. 很可能也有其他原因. 既然不能當面講, 就要可以寫. 每次寫就像在一個圓形迷宮裡, 不斷的走, 沿著圓環繞啊, 繞啊繞. 憤怒不足以說明.
Another quote
“A nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its
warriors will have its laws made by cowards and its wars fought by
---Thucydides, The history of the Peloponnesian War
I read it from a book called What it is like to go to war.
---Thucydides, The history of the Peloponnesian War
I read it from a book called What it is like to go to war.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
這是一部很通俗, 但是又有美麗的電影. 在故事上, 他處理一個男人和兩個女人的關係上, 讓我覺得不會陳腔濫調, 也不會過分. 在人物處理上, 每個角色忠奸鮮明, 但是, 往往忠裡還有其他的個性. 奸, 也有程度上的區分. 手法上, 不斷跳躍在不同的時代裡, 但是, 每一個過場都不浪費, 也不顯累贅. 更重要的是, 沒有混亂, 可以看出導演的老練.
我也特別喜歡導演安插歌曲的選擇. 一開始我覺得有點突兀, 似乎和當時的情景不完全搭調. 可是也不知道爲啥, 蘋果和橘子在導演的安排下, 不由得觀眾不跟著導演的鏡頭一幕一幕的走下去. 在高爆炸後的背景裡, 觀眾早已進入角色的心裡, 外在的環境只當成是內部的反應.
這也是我期待已久的周潤發. 之前的幾部都完全無法看到我所喜歡的周潤發. 另外, 黃曉明和袁泉也非常的關鍵. 不能不提的這部戲裡的大壞人也是非常的成功. 沒有壞角的發揮, 整部戲就塌了. 基本上, 每個演員都有很棒的演出.
最後, 我還是要說, 整部片子, 歷史的背景都是點到為止. 點到國民政府的地方通通不是大奸, 就是貪婪. 基本上, 把他們拍的跟軍閥一樣. 以前的港片, 是不提國民政府, 不然的話就是模糊這個題目. 現在則是明說很爛... 這是很令人悲傷的事...
這是一部很通俗, 但是又有美麗的電影. 在故事上, 他處理一個男人和兩個女人的關係上, 讓我覺得不會陳腔濫調, 也不會過分. 在人物處理上, 每個角色忠奸鮮明, 但是, 往往忠裡還有其他的個性. 奸, 也有程度上的區分. 手法上, 不斷跳躍在不同的時代裡, 但是, 每一個過場都不浪費, 也不顯累贅. 更重要的是, 沒有混亂, 可以看出導演的老練.
我也特別喜歡導演安插歌曲的選擇. 一開始我覺得有點突兀, 似乎和當時的情景不完全搭調. 可是也不知道爲啥, 蘋果和橘子在導演的安排下, 不由得觀眾不跟著導演的鏡頭一幕一幕的走下去. 在高爆炸後的背景裡, 觀眾早已進入角色的心裡, 外在的環境只當成是內部的反應.
這也是我期待已久的周潤發. 之前的幾部都完全無法看到我所喜歡的周潤發. 另外, 黃曉明和袁泉也非常的關鍵. 不能不提的這部戲裡的大壞人也是非常的成功. 沒有壞角的發揮, 整部戲就塌了. 基本上, 每個演員都有很棒的演出.
最後, 我還是要說, 整部片子, 歷史的背景都是點到為止. 點到國民政府的地方通通不是大奸, 就是貪婪. 基本上, 把他們拍的跟軍閥一樣. 以前的港片, 是不提國民政府, 不然的話就是模糊這個題目. 現在則是明說很爛... 這是很令人悲傷的事...
fun quote
You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.
I saw it on a wall at tufts new england medical center, kids hospital.
*Funny how a quote becomes a quote.... I looked up on wikiquote, this quote has many variants:
Watch a man at play for an hour and you can learn more about him than in talking to him for a year.
There's only one sure way to tell the weeds from the vegetable. If you see anything growing, pull it up. If it grows again, it was a weed.
------Corey Ford, "Advice to the Home Gardener," Look, September 2, 1954
I read it from a book called, The $64 Tomatoes.
*Funny how a quote becomes a quote.... I looked up on wikiquote, this quote has many variants:
Watch a man at play for an hour and you can learn more about him than in talking to him for a year.
- Attributed to Plato in Confidence : How to Succeed at Being Yourself (1987) by Alan Loy McGinnis, this is probably a paraphrase of a statement which occurs in Letter of Advice to a Young Gentleman Leaving the University Concerning His Behaviour and Conversation in the World (1907) by Richard Lindgard: "Take heed of playing often or deep at Dice and Games of Chance, for that is more chargeable than the seven deadly sins; yet you may allow yourself a certain easie Sum to spend at Play, to gratifie Friends, and pass over the Winter Nights, and that will make you indifferent for the Event. If you would read a man’s Disposition, see him Game; you will then learn more of him in one hour, than in seven Years Conversation, and little Wagers will try him as soon as great Stakes, for then he is off his Guard."
- Variants:
- You can learn more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.
- Attributed to Plato in Food Is the Frosting-Company Is the Cake (2007) by Maggie Marshall
There's only one sure way to tell the weeds from the vegetable. If you see anything growing, pull it up. If it grows again, it was a weed.
------Corey Ford, "Advice to the Home Gardener," Look, September 2, 1954
I read it from a book called, The $64 Tomatoes.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
someone else's quote
"Everyman gets narrower and narrower field of knowledge in which he must be an expert in order to compete with other people. The specialist knows more and more about less and less and finally knows everything about nothing."
--------Konrad Lorenz
--------Konrad Lorenz
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Random thoughts
First, I want to say that I don't like the my first writing about he book, the Tiger: a true story of vengeance and survival. It was dry, and it was clearly forced. I should finished it with the second paragraph.
I kept thinking about the question of why I love the book so much and yet, I could not really write much about it. I should ask myself, did I really like the book? If I did not, then I should stop worrying about it. But if I did, then what's wrong with me? I like the book! There's no doubt about it. Then why did I just described the things that I read in the book, but I could not express how it interested me. Every time I think of such question, something was gnawing me. I felt very uneasy right this moment... lol
A good story always pull me into their world. This book did just that. And yet, it's not a fantasy story, it was based in reality. A tiger was deviated from its normal behavior, and devoured two people in a deviated way. The story of catching it was another incredible encounter. And yet, here again, I am describing fact, rather than how and what I felt. What did the story give me? The feeling is so close at hand, yet it is not.
I read another book, called what it is like to go to war. I saw the author was talking about video media's violence, how it would affect kids, and how parents are responsible to guide kids through violence on tv, video games, or movies...etc.
The book left quite an impression on me. I cannot use one word to describe the book, but machoism does jump out of my head right at this moment. However, it is not a fair words for the book. I think I use the word because I agree with him on that, as society advance in culture, it has a need to tone down the aggression. And yet, aggression would never be able to disappear, or even tone down truly. By attempting to tone the aggression, we rather make people passive. But passive is aggression's sleep, and during sleep, we as human, could not really learn to deal with aggression. When aggression woke up, it is a volcano in the rising, and there's no stopping it. Either that, or I would even say, aggression will disguise itself in another form, some of the cruelist culture practice might be viewed as aggression in disguise? This is just my guess. I think I will need to read that book by konrad lorenz, on aggression.
I like the book a lot, because it does not disguise itself. And I felt the arthur was struggling through his post war years to find meaning of his vietnam experience. It is very interesting to find him coming to term with himself, and realized he will go to war for the love of his folks at home. He did not abandon aggresion, but tempting to use rationality and training to curb it, to channel it. Although I think that his attempt is going to fail. But I like his conviction, I felt it is a very universal value to all humanity. It would encourage bravery, and honesty, and love.
I kept thinking about the question of why I love the book so much and yet, I could not really write much about it. I should ask myself, did I really like the book? If I did not, then I should stop worrying about it. But if I did, then what's wrong with me? I like the book! There's no doubt about it. Then why did I just described the things that I read in the book, but I could not express how it interested me. Every time I think of such question, something was gnawing me. I felt very uneasy right this moment... lol
A good story always pull me into their world. This book did just that. And yet, it's not a fantasy story, it was based in reality. A tiger was deviated from its normal behavior, and devoured two people in a deviated way. The story of catching it was another incredible encounter. And yet, here again, I am describing fact, rather than how and what I felt. What did the story give me? The feeling is so close at hand, yet it is not.
I read another book, called what it is like to go to war. I saw the author was talking about video media's violence, how it would affect kids, and how parents are responsible to guide kids through violence on tv, video games, or movies...etc.
The book left quite an impression on me. I cannot use one word to describe the book, but machoism does jump out of my head right at this moment. However, it is not a fair words for the book. I think I use the word because I agree with him on that, as society advance in culture, it has a need to tone down the aggression. And yet, aggression would never be able to disappear, or even tone down truly. By attempting to tone the aggression, we rather make people passive. But passive is aggression's sleep, and during sleep, we as human, could not really learn to deal with aggression. When aggression woke up, it is a volcano in the rising, and there's no stopping it. Either that, or I would even say, aggression will disguise itself in another form, some of the cruelist culture practice might be viewed as aggression in disguise? This is just my guess. I think I will need to read that book by konrad lorenz, on aggression.
I like the book a lot, because it does not disguise itself. And I felt the arthur was struggling through his post war years to find meaning of his vietnam experience. It is very interesting to find him coming to term with himself, and realized he will go to war for the love of his folks at home. He did not abandon aggresion, but tempting to use rationality and training to curb it, to channel it. Although I think that his attempt is going to fail. But I like his conviction, I felt it is a very universal value to all humanity. It would encourage bravery, and honesty, and love.
Friday, June 07, 2013
if i didn't care
Songwriters: LAWRENCE, JACK,
Origin performer: Ink Spots
(Performed by Amy Adams, Lee Pace from Movie, Miss Pettigrew lives for a day)
Origin performer: Ink Spots
(Performed by Amy Adams, Lee Pace from Movie, Miss Pettigrew lives for a day)
If I didn't care
More than words can say
If I didn't care
Would I feel this way?
If this isn't love, then why do I thrill?
And what makes my head
Go 'round and 'round
While my heart stands still?
If I didn't care
Would it be the same?
Would my every prayer
Begin and end with just your name?
And would I be sure that this is love
Beyond compare?
Would all this be true
If I didn't care for you?
("If I didn't care, honey child
More than words can say
If I didn't care, baby
Would I feel this way?
Darlin', if this isn't love
Then why do I thrill so much?
What is it that makes my head
Go 'round and 'round
While my heart just stands still so much?")
(not in the movie)
If I didn't care
Would it be the same?
Would my every prayer
Begin and end with just your name?
And would I be sure that this
Is love beyond compare?
Would all this be true
If I didn't care for you?
More than words can say
If I didn't care
Would I feel this way?
If this isn't love, then why do I thrill?
And what makes my head
Go 'round and 'round
While my heart stands still?
If I didn't care
Would it be the same?
Would my every prayer
Begin and end with just your name?
And would I be sure that this is love
Beyond compare?
Would all this be true
If I didn't care for you?
("If I didn't care, honey child
More than words can say
If I didn't care, baby
Would I feel this way?
Darlin', if this isn't love
Then why do I thrill so much?
What is it that makes my head
Go 'round and 'round
While my heart just stands still so much?")
(not in the movie)
If I didn't care
Would it be the same?
Would my every prayer
Begin and end with just your name?
And would I be sure that this
Is love beyond compare?
Would all this be true
If I didn't care for you?
Monday, June 03, 2013
It is a book I am reading now. The book is called, what it is like to go to war by Karl Marlantes. I saw the author on Kotaku, it was talking about how video game and other medias could desensitize kids. And how parents are responsible to guide kids how feel about violence.
I came across an interesting excerpt about how to motivate people to go to war. The author was talking about guilt and how to lessen it. He related a story from Indian Epic, Mahabharata, in which an Arjuna, a human warrior, and Krishna, a god who has taken the human form of Arjuna's charioteer. The writing was written in the form of poetic dialogue called the Bhagavad Gita. It's a very good example about people are willing to fight for what they think is righteous. But author also warned that although it might help alleviate guilt and doubt, but it would lead people to believe themselves be righteous.
Arjuna cast his eyes on the grand spectacle. He saw the heroes ready for battle, and he saw there all those who were dear to him. They were grandfathers, teachers, uncles, brothers, sons, dear friends, comrades. he was overcome with compassion for all of them. His voice shook with grief and he said, "Krishna, I feel an awful weakness stealing over me...Krishna, my head is reeling and I feel faint. My limbs refuse to bear me up...I look at all these who are my kinsmen and I feel that I cannot fight with them...I do not want to win this war...For the passion pleasure of ruling this world why should I kill the sons of Dhritarashtra? They have been greedy, evil, avaricious, covetous. I grant all that. But the fact remains that they are my cousins and it is a sin to kill one's own kinsmen. I would rather turn away from the war. It will even be better if I am killed by Duryodhana. I do not want to fight." Arjuna collapsed on the seat of his chariot. He had thrown away his bow and arrows and was overcome by grief.
At first Krishna tries to buck up Arjuna by appealing to his reason, explaining how critical the situation is. This fails. Then he appeals to pride, chiding Arjuna fro letting his feelings get the better of him. This fails too. Finally, Krishna taunts Arjuna about his manhood...Arjuna is not swayed.
"How can I aim my arrows at Bhishma and Drona?" Arjuna asks Krishna. "I cannot do it. Krishna, you know that I am not a coward. This is not weakness. It is compassion for the enemy." Arjuna sat silent, refusing to fight. ...Krishna presses forward, this time appealing to religion...the same effect on Arjuna...none. Krishna finally...appeals to the fact that we humans are caught in existence and we must make choices. That is, when we are confronted by the very real existence of forces for good or for evil, we must choose sides. Krishna states in the Mahabharata, "It is not right to stand by and watch injustice being done. There are times when active interference is necessary."* ...Krishna tells Arjuna that there are two paths to realization, the path of knowledge by meditation and the path of work for men of action. These same two paths are identical to those portrayed in our Western mythology, for example the story of the knight of Parzival, which is part of the Grail legend.
Krishna says to Arjuna: "Remember, no man can be still, even for a moment. He has to do work. It is a law of nature that man should work...By not working you cannot live. Even the bodily functions need work to sustain them.
"How then can one escape the bondage of work? By performing a sacrifice for the general good. That is the secret of work well done. Work should be done so that others may benefit by it and not you. Dedicate al lthe work to me, and fight."
Mythology tells truth by disguising the complexion.
I came across an interesting excerpt about how to motivate people to go to war. The author was talking about guilt and how to lessen it. He related a story from Indian Epic, Mahabharata, in which an Arjuna, a human warrior, and Krishna, a god who has taken the human form of Arjuna's charioteer. The writing was written in the form of poetic dialogue called the Bhagavad Gita. It's a very good example about people are willing to fight for what they think is righteous. But author also warned that although it might help alleviate guilt and doubt, but it would lead people to believe themselves be righteous.
Arjuna cast his eyes on the grand spectacle. He saw the heroes ready for battle, and he saw there all those who were dear to him. They were grandfathers, teachers, uncles, brothers, sons, dear friends, comrades. he was overcome with compassion for all of them. His voice shook with grief and he said, "Krishna, I feel an awful weakness stealing over me...Krishna, my head is reeling and I feel faint. My limbs refuse to bear me up...I look at all these who are my kinsmen and I feel that I cannot fight with them...I do not want to win this war...For the passion pleasure of ruling this world why should I kill the sons of Dhritarashtra? They have been greedy, evil, avaricious, covetous. I grant all that. But the fact remains that they are my cousins and it is a sin to kill one's own kinsmen. I would rather turn away from the war. It will even be better if I am killed by Duryodhana. I do not want to fight." Arjuna collapsed on the seat of his chariot. He had thrown away his bow and arrows and was overcome by grief.
At first Krishna tries to buck up Arjuna by appealing to his reason, explaining how critical the situation is. This fails. Then he appeals to pride, chiding Arjuna fro letting his feelings get the better of him. This fails too. Finally, Krishna taunts Arjuna about his manhood...Arjuna is not swayed.
"How can I aim my arrows at Bhishma and Drona?" Arjuna asks Krishna. "I cannot do it. Krishna, you know that I am not a coward. This is not weakness. It is compassion for the enemy." Arjuna sat silent, refusing to fight. ...Krishna presses forward, this time appealing to religion...the same effect on Arjuna...none. Krishna finally...appeals to the fact that we humans are caught in existence and we must make choices. That is, when we are confronted by the very real existence of forces for good or for evil, we must choose sides. Krishna states in the Mahabharata, "It is not right to stand by and watch injustice being done. There are times when active interference is necessary."* ...Krishna tells Arjuna that there are two paths to realization, the path of knowledge by meditation and the path of work for men of action. These same two paths are identical to those portrayed in our Western mythology, for example the story of the knight of Parzival, which is part of the Grail legend.
Krishna says to Arjuna: "Remember, no man can be still, even for a moment. He has to do work. It is a law of nature that man should work...By not working you cannot live. Even the bodily functions need work to sustain them.
"How then can one escape the bondage of work? By performing a sacrifice for the general good. That is the secret of work well done. Work should be done so that others may benefit by it and not you. Dedicate al lthe work to me, and fight."
Mythology tells truth by disguising the complexion.
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