Monday, September 10, 2012

Afterthought on CP

I watched Nuovo Cinema Paradiso the second time last night.  I did not like it the first time.  I love it this time though.  I wonder why. 

It is a coming of age movie.  A boy from small town, grew to become successful, and came back visiting the town.  It has nostalgia feeling with the old cinema memory.  I've watched a few movie with the same theme, for example:  Hugo(most recently). 

It is most curious that when I first watched this, I did not like the romantic part.  I wonder why that is.  I felt it was fake, or not possible.  But the seoncd time, I felt I accept the possibility of such romance.  Then everything came together. 

How come I felt it was fake then?  I must had felt that if you cannot take care of the girl you love, there's no way you should take a girl as a girlfriend.  This time, while I was watching, puppy love went up in my brain all the time.  Yes, the thought of puppy love made me accept the storyline. 

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