Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Afterthought about Che part 2

This one was very depressing from the beginning to the end. Everything was against Che, but most importantly he lacked the local support. I would hate to quote Mao, but one of his famous saying is incredibly suitable here!

"People are like water, and army a fish. The way army needs people is like the way fish needs water."

Che was claimed the great man behind Cuban revolution. He was also a theorist for guerrilla warfare. He had to know how important local support was. Sometimes, there are forces unseen. Che might have overestimated local support, and he underestimated USA's determination to not let second Cuba appeared in its own backyard.

To me, the movie was really detailed in recounting the events led to Che's death. Kind heart wrenching as seeing an idealist fall. That is the primary element for a good movie.

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