Wednesday, December 29, 2021


 I did a video 10 years ago.  But then it got removed from my channel for the copy right infringement.  I wasn't even aware of the removal at the time.  I was not happy about it, of course.  I had a lot of fun doing the video.  But then I don't know when, I found my video hosted by somebody else.  I felt humorous about the situation though I was happy that the video is still on the web.  

The video was totally inspired by one picture that shows up through out the video.  A kitty and a cub sitting side by side.  That picture immediately reminded of the old tales from my youth.  It's good that at the time, I had collected so many pictures from online which I used to make the video.  The convenience and variety of my collection really helped the process.  The whole video was rough of course.  But one of the most memorable aspects of making this video was that some of my cat's photos were used to make the video.  

My cats were gone now.  But his pictures were alive on web in a way.  I am really happy.  Because I could watch the video from anywhere. 

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Thoughts on Growing成長路uprecording

 I did a recording of a book I really liked when I was young.  這本書叫做, 成長路。  作者是一個烏森人。  我從小就很喜歡聽故事,小時候一套 HanShengTongHua was always on when I had lunch at home.  Now think back, I feel it's an important part of my education for the development of speech, thinking, and behavior as well.  From last year, when I first thought about how I loved audiobook and its role in my early development.  I thought there're so many good writings in Chinese that 應該要成為有聲書。  有聲書可以讓人一邊做菜,一邊聽。  這些文章裡的用詞也因為常常聽,發音和詞句的應用也可以自然而然的變成腦子的一部份。  

成長路這本書實在翻譯得很好。  我在這段錄音期間查了一下作者是誰,發現作者汪班(當時的筆名袁永),他目前好像在紐約從事崑曲教學。  我想他對於戲曲的研究和愛好,可以使他在翻譯時更傳神的表達原作者的語意。  

我一開始錄音的時候,還滿雄心壯志的。  一方面, 故事裡的作者出身非常基層,非常貧困。  我覺得他和我們一般認識的烏森人是不一樣的。  我們認識的外國人都是很有名的人,不是政治人物,科學家就是企業家,再不然就是藝術家。  當我想起這些人時,都是烏森最美好的畫面。  但是這本書的作者卻不是,因為他的出生是那麼貧困,他所看到的烏森也不是我們一般人在電影電視和各媒體所看到的。  他看到的社會其實才是真正的烏森大多數人所看到的。  有很多窮困,有暴力,有溫情,有閒言閒語,有瞧不起,也有努力工作。  這些都是小市民的生活。  我當時就很希望可以一邊撥放錄音, 一邊把一般烏森人日常照片幻燈片似的同時撥放。  應該還蠻有趣的,而且作者的文筆不諱不隱,而又帶著烏森舊時社會的幽默感。  但是,my goodness, it is not an easy task.  I tried on some videos, but the result wasn't very successful.  I did a similar video for a short story of HanShengTongHua 10 years ago.  I could put different images for different plot twists, that way I felt it would be more interesting to see the video for the images meanings.  But here, it seemed I could not duplicate the same thing.  Because plot twists and daily life pictures described in each chapter is not that easy to come by in one image.  It will take a lot of time and effort to search for a picture for these dual purposes.  So I forego the plan eventually.  Now I just hope my recording can  be understandable, I am not even sure that 懂國語的可以聽得懂,或者有興趣去聽。

我也不期望會有很多人來聽,一方面台灣好像對版權重視的不得了,象我做的第一個影片就被禁了。  另一方面,我的聲音實在很難聽,咬字不清楚,念的快慢不一,而且我自己一聽和我媽我妹說的一樣,就是不太自然。  但是我還是在做,一方面我媽很怕我又是半途而廢,一直問我做完了沒;雖說做得很爛,可是半途而廢更糟糕。  另一方面,我也很希望可以完成一樣東西。  雖說實在真的很不好。  


聽只是聽得懂,還要能用。  但是,你想,如果沒有一開始聽得懂,記得住,哪兒有後來的說和溝通呢?  聽只是一個開始,卻是一個重要的開始。  我自己和我妹妹比,我可以講話,溝通 利卻是差很遠。  我會不會講話是一回事,會不會溝通又是另一回事。  但是,稍微還可以聽得懂別人大致在說啥。  雖說我也愈來愈懷疑自己到底有無聽得懂。。。

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Judge Bao

 最近在 youtube 上發現可以看我小時候的連續劇,包青天。  真是高興,馬上就看了好幾個故事。  連媽媽都跟著一起看了,但是他發誓不看了。  

我覺得還真是不錯的影集。  一開始我有點害怕,因為有時候小時候的東西再回頭看時,沒有以前感覺得好。  這影集倒是沒有這個問題。  依然是很不錯。  我覺得寫這戲的劇組實在令我刮目相看。  詞語雖然帶著很重的文言,但是台詞在演員的口裡卻並不陳腐,反而好像把這些詞語表現得鮮活起來。  而且可以把故事和人物表現得很飽滿。  厲害。  更令我驚喜的是背景音樂,幾乎都是國劇的音樂,或是中國古典樂器。  我很希望他們可以出一個包青天背景音樂集。  

在看了幾個故事後,我覺得他們的手法滿像現在烏森國的警探故事。  難怪那時候那麼吸引我們。  但是,他也有一個可惜的問題,就是我感覺很多地方都在拖劇情。  很多沒有必要的橋段可以刪除。  真真可惜。  


 I watched greenKnight recently.   I wasn't sure what the movie was really about.  I find it long and boring.  But the ending was interesting.  

Some movies are easy to understand, those movie usually has conversations or monologues to guide audience by revealing characters' thoughts and feelings, or plot points.  There are other movies reveal very little through words, rather, they prefer to do it by invoking audience's imaginations or thoughts through images.  It required audiences to observe, and find out what is really going on in terms of plots, character development and feelings, and most importantly, movie creator's intent.  I feel greenKnight is such a  movie.  

I really like this movie's atmosphere and cinematography, absolutely awesome.  I almost feel like it's a ghost story.  I feel there's always a dark and melancholy mood, fogged around the whole set.  And yet, the image in the movie is not blurry.   I am listening to the soundtrack now, and thinking, the music complement the image as well, eerie and ominous.  It stirred my mind and made me unease.  Just for ears and eyes, it felt like a ghost story.  But why?  Is it director's intention to make it this way?  Or it's just my feeling?  They used a lot of images or ways to manipulate images, which to me does not have immediate realistic connection with the story.  I guess the intention is to invoke something inside.  I think the feelings caused by those imageries was very very hard for me to describe.  I just could not understand some of the images, but they still make me  feel uncomfortable.  

It truly is about a coming of age film.  I think I understand what the journey represents, the trials, to make Gawain to see what he really is inside.  The the flashing of his life as a coward towards the end really drove the director's intention home for me.  That make the last line of the movie meaningful.  

Do I like the movie?  I still think it's too long.  But it's a well crafted movie.  I think if I know more about the Arthurian tale, I'd enjoy more.  But for now, I feel it's only okay.  


Somehow the movie made me think of different cultures that has the same scorn for death.  The ending of the movie showed Gawain's growth by accepting the result of his own choices, even if it brought him death.  


I don't understand the intention of the green knight.  why the challenge?  and why does gawain's mother summoned him?  

Saturday, December 11, 2021


 我是不打電話給別人的。  並不是說我不想打電話給別人。  有時候也滿想的,可是總是感覺沒麼好講的。  如果只是因為突然想到了人,打個電話過去,不可能只是打招呼,就掛掉電話。  打過去總要有個目的。  如果我只打個招呼,也不掛電話,那對方可能覺得怪怪的,可能覺得等說些甚麼,如果有的說,或許還好。  但是這不是逼著人說話嗎?  那有這種奇怪的事情。  如果沒有話說,那也就掛了。  

昨晚我在走路,突然想打個電話給小瑋,於是我就撥了電話。  可實際上我哪有甚麼話題呢?  小瑋接了電話,我倆就寒暄幾句,然後我就不說話了。  之後的整個卅分鐘幾乎全是他找話題。  先說了說牙醫的重要性,看我沒啥反應,他就改說一個弟兄要找人領養他的柴犬。  我得感謝有這樣一個老妹!  

我現在越來越想通了,其實我一定是沒有話要說的。  不然我早說了。  你看,這一整個網誌,只是希望在我自己裡面找一找有沒有話要說。  真的沒有。  篇數是不少,但是,但是言之有物的極少。  如果看了甚麼書啊,電影啊,或經歷了甚麼事情啊,我也有所感。  可是當我要寫出來的時候,卻是一片荒涼,不著一物。  可能有感,卻不能說,這麼久了。  我覺得一定是沒有東西在我裡面。  

我妹妹就不是。  他以前也並不是這樣的。  他以前也很愛說,但是,現在是愈來愈有 「物」了。  這就是成長和歷練吧。