Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 早晨,還在睡夢裡, 竟感覺好像抱著一隻很種很重的灰貓,胖胖的,全身懶洋洋的塌在我的懷裡,身體好大好大。  睡醒後回憶,似乎是 Ashby。  真是奇怪。  我上星期不高興之後的晚上,我夢到寶寶。  我實在很想我的貓,也很想 Ashby。  我上上星期和 Derby 玩,玩之際,突有一種悵惘的感覺。  本來我挺相信貓和狗就像康樂勞倫斯說的,這隻貓和下一隻我遇見的貓是有所不同,但是相似度還是很多。  可是那時的感覺,卻是 Derby 和寶寶是那麼不同。  和 Ashby 是那麼不同。  我的寶呦,我的東呦。  


昨天小瑋說想去 Newport, RI 玩。  我們今天就去了。  到 NP 時已經一點。  小瑋很會計劃,他早就選了餐廳  「CRU cafe」,評價相當高,物美價廉,  人潮不斷,而且全天的早餐中餐晚餐!  我們選了外賣,找了一個公園,食物真的不錯。  就是媽媽的義大利三明治有點鹹。  吃完後,我們的目標明顯,就是 Cliff Walk。  小瑋夫妻兩個已經走過兩次,全程七英哩,從沒走完過。  今天想再試試。  其實他叫我們今天來也是因為這幾天熱浪襲來,我們今天預定要到華氏一百度。  但是 Newport, RI 只有八十度。  這個 Cliff Walk 是在當地很有名的豪華大宅的後面。  就在大海和岩岸旁,走道的另一邊則是這些大宅的花園。  很是壯觀。  媽媽走得很高興,他說之前從沒來過,舅舅沒有帶我們來過。  他的印象都是大宅裡面的樣子。  他不是很感興趣。  我好像走過這個 Cliff Walk,可是實在不記得和誰,多半是舅舅他們,和他們的朋友或親戚。  太多的事沒記下來就忘了。  

今天的天氣是好,海邊幾乎沒有遮陰的地方,可是海風呼呼的吹著,倒也還可以。  今天星期二,不知怎的,怎麼這麼多遊客?!  我呢,在這個地方就猛照相。  似乎是希望把記憶多留下一點。  走過一個地方,平坦的路經然沒有了,都是海岸的岩石堆成的走道,到處都是縫隙,石頭也是凹凸不平。  我們讓了好幾群人過去後,我們還是牽著媽媽的手走過去了。  

不過我們帶著媽媽走是走不完這條路的。  而且時間也不允許,因為媽媽晚上還要聚會。  我們回去的路上還走了一段新路,離開大海邊,走在那大街小巷裡,這個區裡到處都是大房子,樹木也都高大成蔭。  穿梭其中,又有海風的加持,比在海邊更舒服。  我說可以在這裡騎個腳踏車。  可惜的是這裡真的離我們家太遠了。  除非在這裡待的時間可以相比路上的時間,會有點划不來的感覺。  

我們趕回小瑋住的地方已近七點。  媽媽一上車就把手機拿出來聚會,現在的科技真是厲害!  而媽媽對聚會如此的認真也令我敬佩!  我們回到家,進屋,他都不停地看著聽著手機的聚會、討論。  他是完全投入這個團體的。  


Monday, June 28, 2021


 I went to Cannon mountain with a friend yesterday.  I've been wanting to to there since 3 years ago after me and others friends went Mt. Lafayette.  I still remember that day, after a toiling effort, walking the loop of Mt. Lafayette, we finally reached parking lot.  It was twilight already, the sun shone bright on the rocky face of Cannon Mountain.  Didn't know what attracted me to it.  But attraction it was.   

We got to the mountain parking lot around 1230 pm.  It's a place for ski in the winter.  And there's a tram station to bring people up to the summit.  It's nice to have a clean bathroom.  And there's no entrance fee either.  We were surprised to see an old ranger guiding us to the trailhead.  I guess it's kind confusing for people to find their ways here.  Or maybe that youtube video prompts the management to it.  There's a youtube video showed a family climbing Cannon Mountain, it's very helpful all the way through, even told us the trailhead for kingsmen ridge trail has a distance from the ski center.  Anyway, a guide to the trailhead is a welcome gesture.  

We were not climbing from the rocky side I saw 3 three years ago, but from the back.  I am not sure I ever walked pass that rocky side.  The climb was steep right from the start.  The dirt road was filled with loose stones, really slippery.  the the woods were thick, sun light had difficulty penetrating, so more than half the road was wet.  And most of the path were rocky.  Wet rocky surface was perfect condition for sliding.  And the road was so rocky, I had to really watch my footing.  Even then, I stepped on the edges of rocks more often than I want to.  We rested quite often.  The bugs did not help at all.   I thought we already pass the season, so I forgot to prepare deet this time.  Though my mom remembered and put by my packs.  She even prepared my water with wlemon wedges.  I truly appreciated after I got on the trail.  Beat plain water 40%!  

I felt this was the least hikers I've seen since I started hiking Mt. Monadnock 20+ years ago.  Mt. Lafayette was filled with people.  There were vistas spots on the way up.  The view was quite amazing.  The weather was sun with clouds.  And as you climb up, you can start to appreciate Mt. Lafayette even more.  It was beyond the tree lines!  There was a spot just under the summit where it took you to a grand view of the valley under.  The 93 was zigzagging underneath, and it stretched far beyond.  My friend and I took turns to take picture on the spot.  And if you too a wide shot or a panorama, squeeze Mt. Lafayette and 93 into a frame, it is beautiful.  The all the other white mountains were in different shade of blue.  It was quite a few.  

We started to eat the sandwich we made ourselves early into the trail.  Because we both had breakfast quite early.  I even prepared 海苔 as a finger food.  I made sandwich with egg avocado spread, bacon and 海苔,smashed between two pieces of sandwich bread.  It was lovely.  If I say so myself.  My friend made tuna salad with some nuts and a sausage from whole food beef jerky section.  I have to say that sausage is pale in comparison Greenridge farm beef sticks.  We had our lunch at about 3 pm.  Because it's a ski area.  There is a lift and tram station and indoor sitting with food and beverage right below the summit.  I was expecting to see a 4 lb brownie.  But it's not being sold today.  There's a watch tower on the summit with 360 views.  Very windy.  Quite a few people there, a lot more than on the trail.  Somebody was joking that she will try coming up from trail next time.   Some people were serious though, they had 40 lb backpacks with camping gears and everything.  There're extension of trails around CM, I guess those people were doing a multi-days hiking.  Some people are doing one way hiking.  For example, we met a woman and a child, who claimed to be from Maryland, but the woman was from Russia.  We were looking for a path to the summit, they asked us if we were from the parking lot.  I was a bit confused at first, they explained they came up from the tram and wanted to go down hiking.  We told them the condition of the trail and some other pointers.  As we headed down, we met another couple, an older pair, they saw us and was joking, we met again, this time we are going up.  We met them on the way up, they were trying to climbed down then.  But must've found it difficult, so came backup for the tram.  

We were discussing briefly ourselves, should we use the tram to go down.  But just very briefly.  I know if I went down the tram, I'd kick myself.  But there were moments I said to myself, why on earth would I find this much trouble for myself!?  It was a lot harder on the knees on the way down.  And because of wet rocks, we need to slide with our feet and butt in some places, I was scared for my knees.  And this time, I was surprised to actually find people coming up!?  Maybe they are doing a multi-day hiking?  Don't know...  Anyway, we skid, squat, walked, ran, sliding, falling, until we finally reach the parking lot.  It's so weird that I can feel the parking lot just by the temperature!  It was hot yesterday!  But when I was in the mountain, I did not notice anything.  We spent 1 hr 45 min down climbing down.  Compared the the 3 hr climbing up.  

On the way back, we tried China Buffet, I haven't been there for 1 year and some months.  There were still quite some people there.  Food was alright, but the variety was cut.  It was a regret to China Buffet, because mom prepared much better food, 杏仁豆腐 和肉醬麵。。。  

I have to say, I really appreciate the challenge.  I wish to go do another one this year, after I recover a little.  

On a side note: I saw so many dead animals by the high way, including 2 deers and 1 black bears, which sat by the high way slumping like he's resting.  But I'm pretty sure, he's dead...  It's very sad that we created high way for our convenience but cut other animals out.  At this modern time, we really need to think a way to lessen the impact of high way around animals' habitat.  I read somewhere that people are building path under or over highways to so animals can safely cross them.  

Pei Lan 阿姨給他兒子的信


佩蘭阿姨的兒子在三年前就在問這個問題。  他似乎很想知道有關他母親的事情。  這個月佩蘭阿姨就寫了封信告訴她兒子,自己四十歲以前的歷程。  佩蘭阿姨娓娓道來,平舖直述,相信會給他兒子多一些瞭解。  


The 1st 40 years of my life


Dwight asked me to tell him about the 1st 40 years of my life, because he was born when I was 40 and he said he would like to know my life before he was born. 

40 years can not be briefly described in a few words, but I will write some what I think was important events, and hopefully these events can give Dwight some enlightenment.


Whenever I thought about my childhood, a picture will show up that all of us kids were asleep, but my mother was writing letter under a very dim light to my dad far away. 

My dad was a crewman for a national shipping company and left China for oversees just before the communist occupied the whole China and closed the door of the whole country. He can never return. At the time my oldest sister was 6, me and my twin sister was 3 and my younger brother was yet to be born.

I remembered my grandfather was always secretly listening to the radio trying to hear news from the other world to see if he can hear anything about his son. Almost everyday at lunch time there were local government officials come to visit and chatting with the adults, I think they were trying to find out  my dad’s where about.

At my family my older sister knows how to please my mother and also to share feelings with her, so my mother was emotionally very close to her.

My mother was raised in a pretty rich family. Her father owned several clothing store. After emancipation, the store was closed, but my mother’s suitcase was filled with clothing material.  At that time, people only wear black or gray, those colorful material was probably confiscated during cultural revolution.

During those years my grandparents were still young about 50+/- years. But my grandfather’s business had been failed and he has no income, when there is no information about my dad, we lost the income source. We can only pawn some house items and my mother worked on bookkeeping and knitting sweater to make money. I remembered that we had a very big table in the living room, on there laid many layers of bed sheets, and those bed sheets was cut into many shoe soles, everyone in the family sewed the shoe soles together for sale. My uncle often times contributes for our living expenses too. We later got connected with my dad through friends in Hong Kong, the happiest time comes when we received his letter and money.

While we were in the elementary school in China, we were told to pick up any kind of iron material in the streets, collected by school and turned to government to make iron tools. They also taught us to grow vegetables, and we had a practice garden. We also were trained to walk. I remembered the whole school slept in a big hall and get up real early to walk to a mountain nearby. Our school seems to emphasize the development of our physical and academic and practical learning. I was able to walking a lot since very young age. 

It was early 1958, mother, me and my twin sister and my brother are leaving Suzhow to meet my dad! I think the reason my sister left behind was that it was the government policy to leave one behind, my sister was in the junior high and through education she believed in communism, so she was willing to stay. My mother said “when we are settled down, I will come back to take you.” however my mother and my sister was apart forever, after China opened door to the world, my sister brought her two daughters to Japan only to see my mother’s picture at my dad’s house in Japan! It was 1981. My mother was passed in 1980. My sister broke into cry very loudly. 

When we left SuChou in 1958, it was Chinese New Year, our relatives and friends gave us a lot of candy and snacks for us to enjoy on the road. At that time everything has quota, my mother has to go to the market at dawn with her quota tickets in a big line to get every day needs. Only during Chinese New Year we have some extra, yet they gave their extra to us, what an unforgettable friendship. When we left China I remembered clearly that the boarder custom confiscated both mine and my twin sister’s gold ring on our fingers.

We left Suchow to Shanghai via train, we visited our uncle in Shanghai and continue to Guangzhou by train that was a three days and two night’s riding. Guangzhou looked very desolate at the time but we can see the other side of the river there are houses with bright lights, which was Kowloon or Hong Kong. Which gave me a deep impression.

We went to Macao via Steamship, I saw gentleman wearing suit and tie and they looked surprisingly handsome to me, in China, people wearing the gown or robe in same style and same color.

When we arrived Macao, we were received by Taiwan Salvation Association and treated as refugees. We lived in a Chinese family. My mother went to meet with association member often,(they need to make sure we are not spy) and we kids went to a refugee school.`That is indeed a refugee school, every classroom taught 2 grades, 1st & 2nd grades in one class, so was 3rd and 4th grades, and I was in the 5th & 6th grades classroom. 

And between classrooms, there is no wall, just separated by iron wires, so I can hear the teacher speak at 3rd & 4th grade. We were provided some cookies every morning, but I do not remember what I had learned. Only remember they teach Abacus and English, but I didn’t remember the 26 letters of English when we left that school. However my brother, my twin sister and I all enjoyed it’s playground at the school.

Macao is a very quite little city, belonged to Portugal, there I have many “1st time” life experiences. For example, I saw a black man ( I think was from Congo) his eyes is super bright and his teeth was super white.  I can still see him when I close my eyes. I was chasing by a dog; My grandmother raised cat but I have never seen a dog in China, once I saw a dog on the street, I was afraid and started to run and he was chasing, I was still trembling after I entered my house. I was afraid of dogs since then until I saw Clayton’s family, they all raise dogs and I learned to fond of dogs now. In Macao, there are lots of Papaya trees I have never seen before and the fruits of which tasted very strange to me to begin with, but I got to like papaya more and more, when we arrived Taiwan we are happy to find that papaya is abundant in Taiwan.

From Macao we passed by Hong Kong and arrived Keelung Port in Taiwan via steamboat, we met our dad. That was still 1958. I think my mother has to be the most emotional. I did not remember how I felt then, I believed when my dad saw his son at 9 years old the 1st time, he must felt overwhelmed!

After we arrived Taiwan, we learned that in Taiwan, the entrance examination is highly competitive, we started in the 5th grade, and study became our 1st priority. We finished elementary, middle school and high school and graduated from college. At the same time, at China, the other side of Taiwan Straits, people had lived through the 3-year famine, several political movement and most terribly The Cultural Revolution,  when my mother heard that my sister has to stop schooling a the age of 16, she felt really hurt, even affected her health. 

Our life in Taiwan was also under a tight budget, my dad at first was a manager of General Affairs on the steamship and back home every 6 month, later on he started to work in the office at Taipei, and then he was transferred to work in Tokyo Japan. My mother went to join him when my brother graduated from college and went to army training.

After I graduated from National Taiwan University, I worked as assistant for a professor for two years, then became demographic analyst in a project with United Nation in the Ministry of the Interior, when Taiwan withdrew from UN, I passed Taiwan High Examination and was appointed to work at highway department in the Ministry of the Interior. At that time, it was a trend for college graduates to study abroad, I followed the trend to pursuit a master’s degree in Agricultural Economics at University of Arizona actually to please my mother.  That was 1974, I was 28 years old.

University of Arizona was located at Tucson Arizona.   There the climate is like desert, it is very hot during the day and is very cold at night. I jointed Tuscon Chinese Bible Study Group and accepted Jesus into my life, it was there, the love and concern of brothers and sisters accompany me for the first two years of my studying in the foreign land.  It had also improved my shy and reticent personality.

When I first considering to go abroad, I had decided that I have to preserve the one year tuition and living expense into two years, I can not save tuition, so I was in a strict budget for my living expenses. Luckily, I tutored Chinese language to the America Born Chinese children, and was paid $28.00 per month. That was my monthly living expense besides dorm rental. I remember at times I felt hungry in the afternoon and went to the student center, looking around and see people drinking coffee and eating dessert, I just filled a cup of water and pull in 3 little package of sugar and drink it. That is free. After I passed my theses presentation, I finally went to student center ordered a piece of pie. That summer, I was lucky to spent 3 months with a professor to do research and when I left Tucson I found my bank account has more then $5000.00 which was more then the $4400.00 in which $3600 I brought from Taiwan and my dad gave me $800 in Japan.  I was very proud of myself.

I went to Lubbock to pursue PhD in Economics. I had Teaching assistant salary and so I was never worried about money thereafter. We had a round-table class in which our professor Dr. Taylor demand that every student participate in discussion and make comments in class, but I was too timid to join the discussion. An American student sitting beside the Professor told me after the class ” Polly, your round-table in class discussion grades are all zero” I finally realized that my personality is not suitable to become an Economist! I quickly changed my degree program and graduated as a master in economics. 

However as a foreign student, if I want to stay in the US, I must find

 a job and within 18 month I must get work permit and wait for green card (legal resident status). I found an accounting clerk job at a garage door shop,  that is not a professional position and so it is hard to apply as H1 status. My employer said they will help me. At that time, I also joined Houston Chinese Church and their young people group. 

In 1979 my mother came to visit my brother in Boston and me in Houston and back to TAIWAN to see my twin sister she just gave birth to her 1st son Jack. During that time, my mother had a fall and eventually had coma and passed away after a month stay in the hospital. She was only 60 years old. I quit my job before she passed and decided to go home to say bye to her. At the time I have no reluctant to give up my job, but according to the rule of green card application, I have to go back to the old job if I get my green card status. I called my attorney, he said he will transfer my application to American Institute in Taiwan.

I went back to Taiwan in 1980, after mother’s funeral I went to Tokyo to accompany with my dad and to organize my mother’s belongs. During the two months, I was feeling sad, but also very relaxed. Before leaving Taiwan I was referred to work for an economic research center by my professor in Taiwan University. My dad took me to see a lot of Japan’s attractions. After returned to Taipei, my work made me feel that I did not waste my degrees and as dignified as a professional now. However after more then a year, I received a letter from American Institute in Taiwan stating that I can interview for green card. But they said I must prove that I was not deported, I can turn in my airplane ticket as proof. But I did not keep my airplane ticket. I was not eager to return to the US, but I have to solve this problem. So first I called my former employer, they told me that I was welcome to go back to work at any time. The second, I called my attorney to tell him that I have to prove to the AIT  that I was not deported, surprisingly he  remembered my case, and I received a letter from him with a little note from US immigration in just two weeks! In the letter, he said “I went to immigration office and waited 3 hours to receive this little note, if it is useful to you and you come back to US, you can pay me the balance of $250, if you can not come back to US, you do not have to pay me.” I did own $250 from the total charge of $750 at the time. When I applied for the immigration status, the normal rate was $1800, he only charged 750, it was the lowest charge among all immigration attorneys. How lucky was I, I found the most responsible attorney. I passed the interview, by considering various reasons, I decided to return to the States.

I returned to my old job in 1982, and also returned to the Houston Chinese Church. I hoped to do some advanced accounting work, but I did not feel like to pursue another degree. I realized that I can just take 24 credits of accounting to sit in CPA exam. So I started to go to night classes to study accounting at University of Houston. At that time I was very busy working and studing. I met Clayton again in the Chinese Church, and we got married in 1984 and gave birth to Dwight in 1986. I was preparing exam while I was pregnant. I had a little bleeding, and required 3 days of bed resting, after 3 days, my employer asked me not to go back to work, I was laid off. When I am recollecting these memories, I felt the lay-off seems grief at the time but it was actually God’s blessing to me. I was laid off so that I have time to prepare for the exam, and finally I became a Certified Public Account in 1989. This certificate did not bring me wealth or fame, but afterwords, my employment was much smoother.


Dwight, my life was not always smooth, I hope your life is better than mine, I want to remind you that if you believe in God, He will always be your help!


Sunday, June 20, 2021


我昨天和我媽說我會有這種大吵大鬧的火實在是因為我實在不知道要說甚麼好?  該怎麼說,說甚麼,什麼時候說;我一直想這些問題,就是找不到答案。  在同一時間裡,我很清楚我自己在朝著不高興的地方走,我不斷想到王叔叔說的:「和你老媽還那麼認真嗎?」  所以我一直和自己說 why be so serious.  這樣想一點幫助都沒有。 最後是完全炸開了。  

講話是一種直覺,如果有甚麼疙瘩,我就不知道要怎麼講下去。  我小學時聽老師說話到口邊要想一想再講。  可是當時我的反應是,想了就不講了。  我好像是自己的 omen。  另一方面,我要盡可能避免爭吵,就拼命想怎麼講。  我現在想我是絕不可能知道怎麼講的。  

這個大吵大鬧的問題實在令我恐懼了這三年。  在馬斯康的最後一年實際上發生了兩次。  第二次,我走人。  之後,我實在非常恐懼。  所有的工作場所,我是極度收斂。  盡量不跟其他人做任何多餘的來往。  可是還是有類似的情況, 兩次是 Charm,但是在 C 的第二次是我感覺被威脅。  在做郵差的時候,我知道我有好幾次開車的時候有非常激烈異常的情緒,還好是 Middleton,不然的話,那樣開車是很糟糕的。  

我真的很想和別人聊天講話,可是為什麼這麼困難。  不僅僅是說笑,而是可以講話。  為什麼這麼困難。  這直接影響我工作的情況,和家人的相處。  我媽昨天一整天沒和我說話,直到我去找他。  他說我這樣突然的爆炸,對他的健康極為損壞。  他寧可天天對著聖經也不要和我在一起一下下。  他說,我明明可以好好講話,即使是說要爬上椅子前不是應該要判斷椅子穩不穩,也行。  但是我就是大發脾氣,坐在地上要死要活的。  好像我就是覺得只要是我說的,就是對的。  沒有另外的可能。  可這正是我覺得他是這樣想的。  

我實在很怕他會生氣,結果我自己因為聽的不舒服,而愈加暴怒,最後怒上加怒,遏止不住,就破堤而出。  即使是現在,我知道兩天前的餘緒依然存在。  而且仍令我內心震動。 

我依然不知道怎麼辦。  寫了也沒有令我自己舒服。  

Saturday, June 19, 2021


 I wish I would keep this to myself.  That cursed mouth.  That cursed tongue.  

Mom and I were walking at wakefield lake.  That's a long walk for her.  It's been a long time now that she has trouble walking because she broke her knee once.  She was doing something, possibly laundry, and one of the light went off.  So she took a chair we kept in the basement.  She climbed on it, but the chair was designed kind wobbly, she lost her balance and fell.  From then on, she has trouble walking.  

Those chairs were remnants from my uncle.  When we hurried out of my uncle's house after constant commotion during our first 6 months at state side, uncle gave us some of his old furniture.  During our 1 year stint with a rental property, he told me those chairs were wobbly and told me to warn my mom not to stand on it.  It's wobbly, everybody can see that.  My mom should not stand on it.  In my mind, I was laughing at the idea that my mom would even attempt to climb those chairs.  

My mom constantly bring the incident up because the injury never really go away.  In the beginning, she say it was all because of uncle for he gave us these wobbly chairs.  Once my uncle heard about the fall, the first thing he said was he already told me to warn her.  My mom was surprised to hear it.  Because in her recollection, I had never told her.  The problem for me now is I was the cause of the fall.  I cannot remember I told her either.  After being asked by uncle and my mom, I kept asking that question.  At first I admitted I did not tell her.  She said if I had had told her,  she would've thrown those chairs out a long time ago.  But now through so many year, I guess I wish to find a way to relieve myself of the quilt, I started to feel that in some occasion, I must've told her.  But of course, I am not sure at all.  

Yesterday we were walking at wakefield lake.  She told me the same story again.  I am extremely upset every time I hear it.  And this time too.  Seeing me being this upset, she said when she said something if I had something to say I should say it too.  I just could not hold my tongue, I told her that hearing the story again was just unbearable, it's like a murderer being confronted with a reality: what can he do in the face of what he has done.  And I also said I could not believe you really get up on the chair.  Did she not see how wobbly it was??  Nothing went right from that point on.  

When I heard the story, I kept telling myself, don't be so serious.  When she first started to notice my upset, she kept telling me, it's the truth, it's a fact.  I guess the truth set her free.  But I cannot face the reality.  

You know what would eric or roger do?  they would've thrown out those chairs upon seeing them.  I just cannot face hearing the story without agitation.  She said she cannot tell even aunt PL about uncle, and I do wish that she could at least say it to me.  How come I cannot hold my tongue.  

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Thoughts from yesterday

 I watched an Italian movie last night.  It was really good.  The  script is clever, the actors are splendid.  It's called Perfetti Sconosciuti, "Perfect Strangers".  But I did not understand the ending so I had to look it up.  I used to think I understand most of stuff I saw, now I can see something I don't know.  

The movie is about a group of old friends getting together at dinner.  They played a dare game of sharing all the calls, messages, and pictures that night.  The setting is only in that apartment, but the director mixed both tension and comedy through out.  It grabbed my attention all the way through.  I do feel a bit contrived about most of their issues.  But the excellent acting and direction kind diminished it a little.  


"To a curious child's reasonable question 'What are owls for?' the easiest answer is that they are something like cats that  can fly, which enables them to share the cat's work at night"

(from the Book: The owl who liked sitting on Caesar by Martin Windrow)


Tuesday, June 08, 2021

黑人與小貓 -- 琦君



    在紐約的地下車站裡,我迷失了方向。 天色已漸漸暗下來。 星期天乘客少,車次也減少一半,車站裡冷冷清清的。 紐約可不像台灣,天黑以後,單身女子最好不要在地下車站裡打轉,因為歹徒實在太多,尤其是黑人。 如果你運氣不好,遇上個醉鬼,很可能會把你推下電車軌道去。 如果遇到帶刺刀的,錢給少了,他會問你願意刺在手膀上還是大腿上。 想到這些,我不由得不寒而慄。 正徬徨中, 一個高頭大馬的黑人已走了過來。 他一手提著個紙盒子,嘴裡輕吹著口哨,看樣子倒不是個醉鬼。 可是側面望過去,他比我高一倍。 只要輕輕撥我一下,就會被撥下軌道,永不得超生了。 我只好默默祈求菩薩保佑,保佑他不是個壞人。 

    記得有個朋友曾對我說過,如果在某種情況下,你有點害怕面對的那個人,就索性和他搭訕著說話,他即使有什麼意圖,也會礙於 「面子」 ,不好下手了。 這種心裏是很微妙的。 於是我壯壯膽子,清清喉嚨,禮貌地向他動問:「這位先生,請問到皇后區應當搭哪一號車?」 他馬上說:「 啊,相當複雜,得換三次車呢,我有一段和你同路,我帶你走。」 

    在這種情況之下,我能不硬著頭皮跟他走嗎? 車來了,我跟他一起上了車,面對面坐下來。 一節車廂就只我和他兩個人。 過了一站, 上來一個,又是黑人。 我的天,運氣真壞,心裏馬上想起中學時英文老師給我講的猜謎故事:

    三個黑人和三個白人要一同渡過一條河,小小的渡船每次只能容兩個人。 但留在岸上的黑人人數不能超過白人,否則的話,白人就會被黑人吃掉。 問: 六個人要怎樣的方式,才能安全渡到對岸。 記得當時是答出來了。 可是現在我的境況是二對一,自己雖不是白人,到底也不是黑人,是不是有被吃掉的危險呢? 擡頭看看,那個緊急鈴距離我頭頂非常遠 ( 每一節車廂都有個緊急鈴以防萬一 ) 。 我又不能再移坐到緊急鈴的下邊去。 心理狂跳著,卻只好做出若無其事的神情,掏出一本書來看,再下一站,另外一個黑人下車了,上來好幾個白人,這下我心理上才解除警報。 同時決定,當他叫我下車時,我就謝謝他,說自己改變主意不去皇后區了。 等他下車後,我再請教另一位乘客,這回得找個白人。 可是車一停他就說:「 我們該在這裏下。」 我實在無法拒絕,他看來十分誠懇熱心的引導,又身不由己地跟他下了車。 站在月台上等車時,忽然聽見他提的盒子裏發出 「咪嗚咪嗚」 的叫聲,他拍拍盒子,柔聲地說:「 Baby darling, don't cry.」 我不由得向他微微笑了一下,他連忙對我說:「一隻小貓咪,我要把他送給姨娘的。」 

    「哦,一定很可愛吧?」 我的心放下來了,一個愛小動物的人,一定心腸慈悲,一定不會做壞事的。 我又不由得問: 


    「兩個月。 很可愛啊! 他們三兄弟姐妹,這隻最機靈,我特地選了送給姨娘。 她坐在輪椅裏好多年了,膝頭上不能沒有一隻貓陪伴她。 上個月,她心愛的老貓死了,她好傷心。」 從他的眼神裏,看出他對長輩親人的關愛,我不但斷定他是個好人,而且對他興起崇敬之心。 話也滔滔地來了。 我告訴他,在臺灣我也有一隻可愛的貓,對我忠心耿耿,可惜我出國後,他竟不肯吃飯而活活餓死了。 

    他連連搖頭說好可憐。 我問他貓和狗,比較喜歡哪一樣? 他說:「 都一樣,人們往往認為狗比貓忠實,其實是人類的判斷錯誤。 我認為公平的愛,就會獲得公平的回報。」 他的語調漸趨低沉,眼中流露出一片至誠。 我正面望著他, 內心非常感動。  細細體味他的話,實在是意義深長。 美國人黑白間的歧視,是不是由於人類判斷的錯誤呢? 

    車來了,我們再上了車,這回我毫不猶豫地 --- 在他旁邊的位置坐下來。 我想知道他的生活情形,兜圈子問他:


    「我是救火員。」 他說:「 沒有星期天,但並不每天值班。 有時志願地替代朋友去當班。」

    「 救火工作好緊張,得有很大的犧牲精神啊。」

    他點點頭說:「 做任何工作都得付出一份心力啊!」 

    他的語氣事非常肯定的。 我想起電視上每天都有縱火的社會新聞報導,那些事,不一定全是黑人幹的吧,正如奮勇的救火員,也不一定全是白人吧。 黑白之間,如果彼此在心理上都能平等的看待的話,所得的回報,也必然是公平的了。 

    紙盒裏的小貓咪唔咪唔地叫起來,他輕輕拍著盒子,低聲歌唱, 我仔細地聽著,覺得很耳熟,原來正是我在電視裏聽到過的一隻關於小貓的歌。

Just for once, I'm alone

Just we two, nobody else

But you and me

You are the only one with me, 

But you and me

    歌聲於低沉中帶點寂寞。 黑人的歌喉總是特別好,隨便哼哼都有一份感情。 我忽然想起那年初次訪美時,在拉幸被接待聽一個黑人歌唱家庭合唱的一隻歌:「不要以膚色判斷我」 ( Don't Judge me by skin ) 。 兩鬢蒼白的父親幾乎聲淚俱下,那悲愴的歌聲使我久久難忘。 眼前的這位黑人,他謙卑滿足地以貓為友,是否也有一份被人間冷落的孤寂感呢?


    我一路回家,心中充滿溫馨,也充滿複雜難言的感觸。 想像那位和藹友善的黑人,把小貓雙手捧到他姨媽懷中時,他們二人臉上浮起的,將是多欣慰的笑容。 唯有彼此關愛的人在一起才不會寂寞,才是真正快樂的。 


(我錄自 【我愛動物】 琦君的選集,集子裏錄自【燈景舊情壞】)

那首英文歌好像是 Mr. Rogers 的歌 Just for once.  

Monday, June 07, 2021

Beautiful day in the neighborhood movie afterthought

 I watched half of the news of the world a few weeks back.  It was a heart warming movie.   I think it pushed me to watch Beautiful day in the neighborhood.   Maybe I was caught by the heart warming part.  

The movie was quite engaging.  It was late, my plan was to watch it half way then finish it the next day.  But I finished it in one sitting.  

I think the casting has done an excellent job.  If any actor was less capable, the movie would immediately sink into a conventional generic goody goody nice bio-picture.  But no, Tom Hanks was excellent in the role, and the others as well.  In a way, many had outburst in the movie, but in a constrained manner.  There's an undertone among them.  

The way the director mingled the reality and imaginary was quite exquisite.  It reminds me of another movie, the secret life of walter mitty.  But the tone is totally different.  Walter used imagination to escape, the imaginary images used in this film somehow gave me a feeling of ultra-reality instead!  

The story was a personal one, but not about Mr. Rogers.  I guess it's befitting, I think the feeling I gathered about this Mr. Rogers, he would put kids as a protagonist in his own story.  Let them take center stage, he will be just a guiding force.