I started to plan and record exercise I did in December. But the effort frizzled out around 4th week. I was just checking my desk and fount it out. I had a bit injury at the end of that period. So I took it easy for a while, hoping I could get back on track. But I never did. I kept reminding myself that when I was younger, it was my mom who pushed us to swim almost everyday. I hope that by reminding myself this, I would push myself hard. It did not pan out that way.
I am going to try it out again. Let's be clear, I want to plan with easy exercise that I could count in easy terms like repetition, duration, and sets. But it has to be easy. The activity designated cannot be vague. The plan should be easy to follow, complicated ones always fail. Ambition is good, put it to work for persistence, preservation, rather than difficult and hard activities.
When I first started I only planned 100 pushups a day, doesn't matter it's done in one sitting or it's done is 100 sittings. Right at this moment, I'd say the same thing.
Either 10 downdogs a day, or 100 pushups a day. If I could not get 100 push ups, I do 10 downdogs. If I want extra, of course, but for this week utnil Friday, this is the only plan I want to follow.
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