Saturday, April 11, 2020

Watched Mando

I watched The Mandalorian a few nights ago. 

I felt the series is in a good direction.  There are plenty of memorable characters.  But I consider the length of the series is its finest strength.  Basically, I am saying it's short and sweet.  But  at best, it will be like Firefly with longer TV life.  The concept is pretty much like the samurai story, Lone wolf and cub.  But for episodic style to work, it needs humor and great characters which is what made Firefly so good. 

Jedi is already a mystery in the Star War.  And is there any characters more curious than Yoda? 

What is the Hero's choice?  Why did he go back to save the baby?  Aren't there other  times he'd  break guild's rule? 

What kind of friends will he gather along the way?  Is he going to meet Luke Skywalker? 

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