Wednesday, April 15, 2020

two movies last night

i watched 2 movies last night.  

Rambo the last blood:

It's a near total waste of time.  The only reason it's not a "total" waste of time, is because watching Mr. Stallone execute the last move was really quite jaw dropping.  


It's incredibly weird to transform from Rambo to this animation.  LOL, it might be a sign that I am really numb with the violence...  A dangerous sign.  

The movie was really good!  I loved it!  I hesitate to watch it  because I felt the character design and story does not sound that interesting to me.  But Pixar movie has this effect to relate simple relationships and make it friendly and fun in a heart warming way.  It showed in small details but became very memorable.  I love it.  

Quote from the movie:

"I hope there's still a little magic left in you."  

Such simple phrase, but it touches my heart in some way.  :)  

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