What I really need to bring everyday is only keys, wallets, and cells. I only started to use cell phone since 2016, before that, I only have keys and wallets. I start to laugh at myself. I only need to pockets, not bags. I start to look at those videos with questions, especially with somebody who claimed to bring his EDC bag everywhere. And some of them showed so many items in the bag. I wonder why.
I started to work last year, and I started to carry a brief case, which contained a laptop and water bottles. I filled my pocket with a box cutter and pen for work. I put keys and wallets in jacket's pocket. Oh, and a bento box. I did see some people bring their backpack. I think that's sensible. But I doubt those people would bring their work bag everywhere.
I once asked a bag company, can I put a basketball and a yoga mat in their 21L bag. I got no response. I guess I cannot. I mean, if I am paying a bag for $200 dollars, I want to be able to bring to work and then go to the gym. By that scenario, what do I need to bring?
- laptop
- bento
- exchange clothes
- dry bags
- towel
- basketball
- yoga mat
- water bottle
- exchange shoes
That's not including cables, pens, wallets, box cutters...etc, small items. I highly doubt I could put those in a 30L bag. Of course, I am stretching it, because, it's unrealistic to put a yoga mat in a backpack, at best, there's place to latch it on. Dry bags can be reduced to only a plastic bag. Basketball usually is hand carried. But for me, personally, EDC is a stupid thing to watch. I really don't bring that much, even at work...
But when I started to obsessed over something, I can hardly get off it. I've been watching that evergoods video almost every night. I wonder what's really attractive to me? Their selling point made me laugh, "it's so simple, you just throw everything in there, and you go." My gosh... What else can't they make into a selling point? I guess all the rave about great clothes, zipper, and design really sounds awesome??
Why can't I just let it go...? LOL