Sunday, February 24, 2019

It's been a year

It's been a year after leaving Mascon.  I did not grow taller, but fatter, much fatter.  I did 3 different jobs after Mascon last year, moving books at Philips Academy's library, US Postal Service, and Service Master data entry for Columbia Gas Explosion project.  I had at least 3 episodes of anger.  And I know I don't like any of the jobs I did in the past year.  CJ moving back to TW.  My sister started to do Keto diet.  Mao graduated from Yang's Retreat center.  Mr. Wang moved back to China.  Grandpa's funeral with Mom's family getting together in Boston. 

I am still waiting.  Waiting is my game...  I hate this game.  The car I bought was Honda element.  I really liked it.  I need to buy a new computer as well... 

I registered for Northeast Community college, but did not go through with it.  Feeling I need to find a job first...  I was also planning to go to Texas living in my Element.  Never went through. 

I am still waiting for my mom to approve.  Waiting is my game.  I hate this game. 

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