I finished Life of Pi. It's a pretty good book. The first portion of the book was hilarious. The main story was very interesting, filled with tense moments and fascinating description. The ending was really a great conclusion of the book, it brought back the whole story and also added flavor for an afterthought.
My favorite moment of the book was when Pi missed a major chance of being rescued, while beaten by huge disappointment, his tiger's reaction made him feel much better. I love that chapter! In fact, I loved it so much, I kind want to do an excerpt... :p
The ending made me wonder. It's not so bad. But I like the process better. I don't like to feeling of wondering.... :p
Friday, November 23, 2012
看到拙的文章, 在討論電影, Lincoln, 爲啥美國現在要拍這部片子. 他想說的是, 林肯所做的決定在當時並不受歡迎. 但是他在逆流中, 奮力實現這個決定. 不知道爲啥, 這讓我想到出師有名.
如果林肯只為了南方分裂而戰, 或者這場戰爭也爲了解放黑奴而戰, 前面一個其實是為了名, 他自己的名譽; 後面一個則有道德上的立足點. 這大概就是我說的出師有名吧... 這個名不是名譽, 而是在道德上有個立足點.
這個觀點似乎很有 利益的角度. 或許可以看出我是怎樣的一個人吧...
如果林肯只為了南方分裂而戰, 或者這場戰爭也爲了解放黑奴而戰, 前面一個其實是為了名, 他自己的名譽; 後面一個則有道德上的立足點. 這大概就是我說的出師有名吧... 這個名不是名譽, 而是在道德上有個立足點.
這個觀點似乎很有 利益的角度. 或許可以看出我是怎樣的一個人吧...
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
some game thoughts
about beyond good and evil sequel.
this game was raved by a lot of people. To be honest, when i played it, I did not feel very special about it. but after reading some of the things about it, i have to say that the protagonist and her sidekick were indeed memorable. the gameplay however, was lacking. The only thing that I remembered about the game play mechanics was hovercraft. It was a lot of fun.
I feel this game could be further developed into something special solely because of its characters. the reporting aspect of the game was unique. the whole game play should developed around that aspect. Yes, the reporter stuff and characters were the strength of the game. I don't particularly enjoy the background of the story, I felt it's cheesy.
When I see the new trailers, i felt that it's pretty good. But I prefer to keep the graphic in cartoon style, maybe not like the first one, but further refined, or redrawn in unique cartoon style.
The combat in the beyond good and evil was lacking. The platforming part of the game was lacking. the customization of the hovercraft was lacking. Basically, i think the game was only for very little kids... Compare to the game ubisoft developed and published at the same time, aka., prince of persia sands of time, I think beyond good and evil did not have enough focus on gameplays. Pop SoT sold the game based solely on its platforming, that's why bgae is lacking. BGAE actually need a better world to flush out the potential of the variety of the game plays mechanics it showed. it has cameras, combat, platforming, hovercraft shooting and racing, customization, games in game, stealth, puzzle solving.
I wish to see the game without quicktime event, flushed out world, great story, combat integrated into platforming, stealth, journalist craft gameplay, and hovercraft.
this game was raved by a lot of people. To be honest, when i played it, I did not feel very special about it. but after reading some of the things about it, i have to say that the protagonist and her sidekick were indeed memorable. the gameplay however, was lacking. The only thing that I remembered about the game play mechanics was hovercraft. It was a lot of fun.
I feel this game could be further developed into something special solely because of its characters. the reporting aspect of the game was unique. the whole game play should developed around that aspect. Yes, the reporter stuff and characters were the strength of the game. I don't particularly enjoy the background of the story, I felt it's cheesy.
When I see the new trailers, i felt that it's pretty good. But I prefer to keep the graphic in cartoon style, maybe not like the first one, but further refined, or redrawn in unique cartoon style.
The combat in the beyond good and evil was lacking. The platforming part of the game was lacking. the customization of the hovercraft was lacking. Basically, i think the game was only for very little kids... Compare to the game ubisoft developed and published at the same time, aka., prince of persia sands of time, I think beyond good and evil did not have enough focus on gameplays. Pop SoT sold the game based solely on its platforming, that's why bgae is lacking. BGAE actually need a better world to flush out the potential of the variety of the game plays mechanics it showed. it has cameras, combat, platforming, hovercraft shooting and racing, customization, games in game, stealth, puzzle solving.
I wish to see the game without quicktime event, flushed out world, great story, combat integrated into platforming, stealth, journalist craft gameplay, and hovercraft.
Monday, November 19, 2012
現代流行的名詞裡, 我覺得有兩個讓我覺得中國古代似乎沒有提過. 一個是類似羅馬的元老院, 這在希臘和羅馬好像都有. 在現代的政治理念這個觀念很重要, 因為對於現代歐洲和中世紀歐洲的分界點就在對議會的重視. 在中國古代的朝廷裡, 卻似乎沒有這個東西存在... 還是說有, 但是, 不被重視? 我唯一可以知道的只有遼國在耶律阿保幾統一整個契丹之前, 有類似的制度; 另外, 其實, 中國古代的家(宗)族會議, 在我的認為也有類似的機制. 而且, 實際上非常的深入. 而這種現象我相信, 城裡比較少, 鄉村比較多這種家(宗)族會議... 但是, 這只是直覺的認為, 而不是有啥研究...
另外一個名詞是自由, 而不是民主... 在我看, 民主比自由更難琢磨. 但是, 民主的精神, 就象很多老派的人喜歡提的 "天聽自我民聽, 天視自我民視"... 等等. 是有的, 在加上一般從鄉村裡出來的人就算沒機會參加家(宗)族會議, 有聽過看過, 就算要把民主解釋成會議和投票, 也可以成立. 其中的精神,鐵定有差別. 但是, 既然機制在, 就可以不斷演化. 而且, 最近想的是, 自由.
我想到的是自由. 自由, 剛剛來到中國的時候, 是翻譯成 自繇的... 很有趣. 這是我在大學的時候, 去圖書館翻五四前後的人寫的書看到的. 翻看的時候, 還不會唸這個字, 但是, 文章看完了我確定他一定是在說自 "由"... 我最近在亂想, 就想到無為是最接近自由的字眼了... 這種感想實在是因為身在美國, 猛聽民主黨和共和黨的宣傳所來的. 尤其是共和黨, 這群人主要的政宣就是小政府(small government). 政府對於人民沒啥用處. 他們自稱或被稱作 liberalism. 說一句實在話, 這和無為太象了.
我想既然我這樣想, 鐵定也有人這樣想啊. 我上網査了査. 沒有看到太多值得看的... 只有一個讓我覺得有趣的, 就是有人說歐洲的經濟學說, 所謂看不見的手, 其實來自於老子的無為. 雖然看著有趣, 但是, 這似乎和我的想的有點距離. 我想的是, 這兩個詞如果並排著比較, 有無啥不同? 我的感覺是, 無為, 是誰無為? 聖人無為. 自由是誰自由, 百姓自由. 這兩句話並排一看, 馬上看到極大的不同之處. 主詞不一樣! 來自古老中國的名詞, 要求的是掌權者. 來自現代的名詞, 對象是老百姓!
這個主詞的不同, 造成很大的不同.
現代流行的名詞裡, 我覺得有兩個讓我覺得中國古代似乎沒有提過. 一個是類似羅馬的元老院, 這在希臘和羅馬好像都有. 在現代的政治理念這個觀念很重要, 因為對於現代歐洲和中世紀歐洲的分界點就在對議會的重視. 在中國古代的朝廷裡, 卻似乎沒有這個東西存在... 還是說有, 但是, 不被重視? 我唯一可以知道的只有遼國在耶律阿保幾統一整個契丹之前, 有類似的制度; 另外, 其實, 中國古代的家(宗)族會議, 在我的認為也有類似的機制. 而且, 實際上非常的深入. 而這種現象我相信, 城裡比較少, 鄉村比較多這種家(宗)族會議... 但是, 這只是直覺的認為, 而不是有啥研究...
另外一個名詞是自由, 而不是民主... 在我看, 民主比自由更難琢磨. 但是, 民主的精神, 就象很多老派的人喜歡提的 "天聽自我民聽, 天視自我民視"... 等等. 是有的, 在加上一般從鄉村裡出來的人就算沒機會參加家(宗)族會議, 有聽過看過, 就算要把民主解釋成會議和投票, 也可以成立. 其中的精神,鐵定有差別. 但是, 既然機制在, 就可以不斷演化. 而且, 最近想的是, 自由.
我想到的是自由. 自由, 剛剛來到中國的時候, 是翻譯成 自繇的... 很有趣. 這是我在大學的時候, 去圖書館翻五四前後的人寫的書看到的. 翻看的時候, 還不會唸這個字, 但是, 文章看完了我確定他一定是在說自 "由"... 我最近在亂想, 就想到無為是最接近自由的字眼了... 這種感想實在是因為身在美國, 猛聽民主黨和共和黨的宣傳所來的. 尤其是共和黨, 這群人主要的政宣就是小政府(small government). 政府對於人民沒啥用處. 他們自稱或被稱作 liberalism. 說一句實在話, 這和無為太象了.
我想既然我這樣想, 鐵定也有人這樣想啊. 我上網査了査. 沒有看到太多值得看的... 只有一個讓我覺得有趣的, 就是有人說歐洲的經濟學說, 所謂看不見的手, 其實來自於老子的無為. 雖然看著有趣, 但是, 這似乎和我的想的有點距離. 我想的是, 這兩個詞如果並排著比較, 有無啥不同? 我的感覺是, 無為, 是誰無為? 聖人無為. 自由是誰自由, 百姓自由. 這兩句話並排一看, 馬上看到極大的不同之處. 主詞不一樣! 來自古老中國的名詞, 要求的是掌權者. 來自現代的名詞, 對象是老百姓!
這個主詞的不同, 造成很大的不同.
Thursday, November 08, 2012
獨夜無伴守燈下 清風對面吹
十七八未出嫁 見著少年家
果然標緻面肉白 誰家人子弟
想欲問他驚呆勢 心內彈琵琶
思欲郎君作尪婿 意愛在心內
等何時 君來採 青春花當開
忽聽外頭有人來 開門該看覓
月老笑阮怣大獃 被風騙不知
- 驚歹勢:害怕不好意思
獨夜無伴守燈下 清風對面吹
十七八未出嫁 見著少年家
果然標緻面肉白 誰家人子弟
想欲問他驚呆勢 心內彈琵琶
思欲郎君作尪婿 意愛在心內
等何時 君來採 青春花當開
忽聽外頭有人來 開門該看覓
月老笑阮怣大獃 被風騙不知
曹交問曰: 「人皆可以為堯舜, 有諸?
孟子曰: 「然.
曰:「奚有於是?亦為之而已矣。有人於此,力不能勝一匹雛,則為無力人矣;今曰舉百鈞,則為有力人矣。然則舉烏獲之任,是亦為烏獲而已矣。夫人豈以不勝為 患哉?弗為耳。徐行後長者謂之弟(悌),疾行先長者謂之不弟(悌)。夫徐行者,豈人所不能哉?所不為也。堯舜之道,孝弟而已矣。子服堯之服,誦堯之言,行堯之行,是堯 而已矣;子服桀之服,誦桀之言,行桀之行,是桀而已矣。」
這裡兩段話, 讓我有疑惑.
「由仁義行, 非行仁義.」
可是孟子和曹交說的, 「...徐行後長者謂之弟(悌),疾行先長者謂之不弟(悌)。夫徐行者,豈人所不能哉?所不為也。...」
我怎麼覺得他這裡說的是行仁義, 而不是由仁義行... 當然他或許只是舉例... 但是, 我卻覺得他並不只是舉例. 他應該是真的認為只要慢慢走在長者後面就是悌的表現之一.
我不能否認, 和長者一起走路時, 慢慢的跟在他身後是一個有禮貌的表現. 但是, 我也認為有時候這也得看情況... 長者不一定永遠希望年輕的人總是走在他後面... 好像年輕人是他柺杖... 或著他可能會認為他拖住了年輕人. 而且, 當年輕人快樂又輕快的走在他面前, 或許也帶給他美好的回憶... 另外, 如果就實際情況來說, 有些情況也會需要年輕人走在長者的前面. 例如, 長者怕狗, 而眼前不遠處來了一個溜大狗的人, 年輕人這時候, 應該走在前面. 還有, 長者和年輕人邊走路邊講話, 年輕人其實可以走在前面. 原 因是, 如果要長者常常回頭跟年輕人講話, 實際上很不方便. 如果年輕人可以走在前面一歨, 長者就不需要一直回顧...
好像有點奇怪,居然在這種地方大作文章... 但是, 要知道一件事情. 孟子的由仁義行, 而非行仁義, 實際上是非常重要的觀念. 這種觀念就是孟子一輩子在為了性善性惡辯論的原因! 孟子相信性善, 而且堯舜之所以為堯舜就是因為他們把他們的人性發揮到了很高的程度. 其他人, 因為外界的影響, 無法完全發揮他們的人性. 所以似乎堯舜和其他人有很大的不同.但是, 不是的. 並沒有那麼多不同. 恰恰相反. 只要我照著堯的做法去做, 我就是堯...
我卻在這裡有很大的疑問. 因為既然不是行仁義, 而是由仁義行那麼這裡提出來的這悌的行為, 我只要行了, 我就悌了? 那我這到底是行仁義還是由仁義行? 我或許也可以提出我的解釋. 其實, 在孟子裡也有另一段對話, 就是有關功的談話. (滕文公下)
功者, 有結果者. 如今, 在這裡, 孟子說, 悌就是
所以只要能做到此, 也可以稱做悌了. 但是, 這裡我又想到老子說的
大道廢, 有仁義; 智慧出, 有大偽.
這似乎也和荀子所說的 "偽", 有點像. 這也讓我想到, 孟子不斷的和別人辯論義內義外. 他所謂的由仁義行, 就是義內; 而別人說的義外, 似乎就是行仁義. 老子說的有大偽,就讓我想到, 譬如, 我看了一個人行了一個好事, 我也想要照方抓草藥, 依樣畫葫蘆. 但是, 這就是大偽嗎? 我想也不一定吧. 如果我照著做了, 我感覺良好,以後也就這樣做下去. 這不能算大偽吧? 但是, 如果我做了, 感覺卻很惡劣, 我依然做下去, 祇為了搏取別人的好感, 這樣應該是大偽吧. 問題是, 我要怎麼確定我的感覺是對的呢? 由仁義行. 恐怕也不能憑感覺吧? 感覺有好壞, 遲鈍... 而且就像我在討論徐行後於長者的條件. 同樣一個動作, 我做的不照著我所處的懷境, 依我的能力, 做我能力所及的, 恐怕也是有問題.
曹交問曰: 「人皆可以為堯舜, 有諸?
孟子曰: 「然.
曰:「奚有於是?亦為之而已矣。有人於此,力不能勝一匹雛,則為無力人矣;今曰舉百鈞,則為有力人矣。然則舉烏獲之任,是亦為烏獲而已矣。夫人豈以不勝為 患哉?弗為耳。徐行後長者謂之弟(悌),疾行先長者謂之不弟(悌)。夫徐行者,豈人所不能哉?所不為也。堯舜之道,孝弟而已矣。子服堯之服,誦堯之言,行堯之行,是堯 而已矣;子服桀之服,誦桀之言,行桀之行,是桀而已矣。」
這裡兩段話, 讓我有疑惑.
「由仁義行, 非行仁義.」
可是孟子和曹交說的, 「...徐行後長者謂之弟(悌),疾行先長者謂之不弟(悌)。夫徐行者,豈人所不能哉?所不為也。...」
我怎麼覺得他這裡說的是行仁義, 而不是由仁義行... 當然他或許只是舉例... 但是, 我卻覺得他並不只是舉例. 他應該是真的認為只要慢慢走在長者後面就是悌的表現之一.
我不能否認, 和長者一起走路時, 慢慢的跟在他身後是一個有禮貌的表現. 但是, 我也認為有時候這也得看情況... 長者不一定永遠希望年輕的人總是走在他後面... 好像年輕人是他柺杖... 或著他可能會認為他拖住了年輕人. 而且, 當年輕人快樂又輕快的走在他面前, 或許也帶給他美好的回憶... 另外, 如果就實際情況來說, 有些情況也會需要年輕人走在長者的前面. 例如, 長者怕狗, 而眼前不遠處來了一個溜大狗的人, 年輕人這時候, 應該走在前面. 還有, 長者和年輕人邊走路邊講話, 年輕人其實可以走在前面. 原 因是, 如果要長者常常回頭跟年輕人講話, 實際上很不方便. 如果年輕人可以走在前面一歨, 長者就不需要一直回顧...
好像有點奇怪,居然在這種地方大作文章... 但是, 要知道一件事情. 孟子的由仁義行, 而非行仁義, 實際上是非常重要的觀念. 這種觀念就是孟子一輩子在為了性善性惡辯論的原因! 孟子相信性善, 而且堯舜之所以為堯舜就是因為他們把他們的人性發揮到了很高的程度. 其他人, 因為外界的影響, 無法完全發揮他們的人性. 所以似乎堯舜和其他人有很大的不同.但是, 不是的. 並沒有那麼多不同. 恰恰相反. 只要我照著堯的做法去做, 我就是堯...
我卻在這裡有很大的疑問. 因為既然不是行仁義, 而是由仁義行那麼這裡提出來的這悌的行為, 我只要行了, 我就悌了? 那我這到底是行仁義還是由仁義行? 我或許也可以提出我的解釋. 其實, 在孟子裡也有另一段對話, 就是有關功的談話. (滕文公下)
功者, 有結果者. 如今, 在這裡, 孟子說, 悌就是
所以只要能做到此, 也可以稱做悌了. 但是, 這裡我又想到老子說的
大道廢, 有仁義; 智慧出, 有大偽.
這似乎也和荀子所說的 "偽", 有點像. 這也讓我想到, 孟子不斷的和別人辯論義內義外. 他所謂的由仁義行, 就是義內; 而別人說的義外, 似乎就是行仁義. 老子說的有大偽,就讓我想到, 譬如, 我看了一個人行了一個好事, 我也想要照方抓草藥, 依樣畫葫蘆. 但是, 這就是大偽嗎? 我想也不一定吧. 如果我照著做了, 我感覺良好,以後也就這樣做下去. 這不能算大偽吧? 但是, 如果我做了, 感覺卻很惡劣, 我依然做下去, 祇為了搏取別人的好感, 這樣應該是大偽吧. 問題是, 我要怎麼確定我的感覺是對的呢? 由仁義行. 恐怕也不能憑感覺吧? 感覺有好壞, 遲鈍... 而且就像我在討論徐行後於長者的條件. 同樣一個動作, 我做的不照著我所處的懷境, 依我的能力, 做我能力所及的, 恐怕也是有問題.
Sunday, November 04, 2012
story from asylum: a man dancing with a stick
when i was a boy, I wanted to learn to do ball room dancing. There's a couple, who were friends of my uncle, they knew how to dance. I asked them to teach me. So they gladly and graciously allowed it. But there's a problem, I did not have a partner. I was a shy boy then, just as a shy as I am now. I was standing in their kitchen, I turned around and found a broom next to the refrigerator. I said, with a murmur, can I use this broom? It was weird. But weird was I always. They kindly accept the offer. Every Tuesday night, 7-8, I went to their house, standing upright in the mid of their basement. They would turn on the appropriate music, they dance with each other, me the broom. It was extremely awkward. But not without innovations of our own. They tried to use two brooms to teach me first. One broom was horizontal, it was used to correct and maintain my posture. You need to stand upright! You need to stand facing your partners, not looking down at you toes. The other broom post as my partner. But first, my partner and I were not a duo. It's just a broom and I, vertically impossible. Hold out your arm, put another one at the pretended waist. Now, position your feet, maintain your posture. I remembered those words. Those words were Bible to me, but nauseating to me feet. Hush! Slow down! Do not Rush! Let the music went through you! Be one with Rhythm. As time washed by the music. I learned my lesson, I possessed the craft of upright back, and nimble feet on the floor. I was happy. I think the broom would agree with me.
I still did not have partner. Awkward as I was in high school, it's painful. When the music sounded in the great room, I stood there watching people perform. I was aching to try, too shy to try. I went to the side room. There's a broom, the cleaning crew were waiting at the end of the dance night. My eyes opened wide, My partner in crime! I picked up and slowly, we waltzed, with an upright posture and nimble feet on the floor. What are you doing?! A girl saw everything! I threw the broom down and looked. A girl from a foreign land. I know her. I tutored her English in school library. I...I...nothing...Bye! Run away I go. Shyness is not a crime, but I was wearing it and riddled with bullet holes. The day came, the night was gone. I fear to see that foreigner on school property. oh, no, I was a reasonable man, I could tolerate my youthful day of embarrassment.
She said nothing at first. As time went by, I was relieved. Also a bit of disappointment. Then she said, you can dance. Why did not you come out and dance. You were good. I was...I was a bit relieved, also a bit embarrassed. I looked at floor, and said, Nah... I can only dance with a boom stick. I never danced with a live human before. But how could that be? you look like a professional! Oh, foreigners, what do they know? a question mark in the heart, but it let a big grin escaped. Nah... really? my damn ears. they were red as a dead steaming lobster! Would you like to teach me sometimes? my eyes were fixed on the library carpet. Cleaning lady needed to do a better job! But a broom was not there. I later found that beautiful foreigner as my partner. I needed to be cautious. I melted like cheese on the pizza crust, there's no resistance at all. Oh, my heart flied, I let fancy rule the day. I warned myself. I will rue the day. Three months were all I need. She was upright in the back, and nimble on the floor. I would look over my shoulder, broom seemed slim down a little. But the day will come. high school was eventually a dream hub. future was not here. and yet, that was all I wanted to be. we danced our last dance, kissed our last kiss, the foreign girl and I parted way.
But it hurt me. My future was broken. I tried to lead, but my partner did not follow. I let it go, for I did not want to be seen as a needy, unrealistic fool. Yes, as realistic as I could ever imagined, I pick up a broom and never looked back once again. You see, I dance with a broom stick. As long as I stick with it, it will stick with me. my beloved broom stick, let the moonlight shine, shine on my upright back, and on the floor, a shadow of me and broom, waltz through.
I still did not have partner. Awkward as I was in high school, it's painful. When the music sounded in the great room, I stood there watching people perform. I was aching to try, too shy to try. I went to the side room. There's a broom, the cleaning crew were waiting at the end of the dance night. My eyes opened wide, My partner in crime! I picked up and slowly, we waltzed, with an upright posture and nimble feet on the floor. What are you doing?! A girl saw everything! I threw the broom down and looked. A girl from a foreign land. I know her. I tutored her English in school library. I...I...nothing...Bye! Run away I go. Shyness is not a crime, but I was wearing it and riddled with bullet holes. The day came, the night was gone. I fear to see that foreigner on school property. oh, no, I was a reasonable man, I could tolerate my youthful day of embarrassment.
She said nothing at first. As time went by, I was relieved. Also a bit of disappointment. Then she said, you can dance. Why did not you come out and dance. You were good. I was...I was a bit relieved, also a bit embarrassed. I looked at floor, and said, Nah... I can only dance with a boom stick. I never danced with a live human before. But how could that be? you look like a professional! Oh, foreigners, what do they know? a question mark in the heart, but it let a big grin escaped. Nah... really? my damn ears. they were red as a dead steaming lobster! Would you like to teach me sometimes? my eyes were fixed on the library carpet. Cleaning lady needed to do a better job! But a broom was not there. I later found that beautiful foreigner as my partner. I needed to be cautious. I melted like cheese on the pizza crust, there's no resistance at all. Oh, my heart flied, I let fancy rule the day. I warned myself. I will rue the day. Three months were all I need. She was upright in the back, and nimble on the floor. I would look over my shoulder, broom seemed slim down a little. But the day will come. high school was eventually a dream hub. future was not here. and yet, that was all I wanted to be. we danced our last dance, kissed our last kiss, the foreign girl and I parted way.
But it hurt me. My future was broken. I tried to lead, but my partner did not follow. I let it go, for I did not want to be seen as a needy, unrealistic fool. Yes, as realistic as I could ever imagined, I pick up a broom and never looked back once again. You see, I dance with a broom stick. As long as I stick with it, it will stick with me. my beloved broom stick, let the moonlight shine, shine on my upright back, and on the floor, a shadow of me and broom, waltz through.
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