Tuesday, February 04, 2025

can't sellp

 for some reason I cannot sleep.  I know iK now, I just watched too much youtube before sleep again.  

What am i thinking.  I am thinking I am going to leave my current work.  but not sure where can I go.

I looked at jobs every time I am depressed.  that i cannot do, this i am not qualified to do.  Not sure where to go.  Probably going to stay here until I got fired.  

don't feel like reading, do'nt like watching movies, don't feel like recording.  I just felt in a rut, in a rut

uncle brough 4 zongzi today.  


Sunday, February 02, 2025

D77 and David

 Just finished watching a press conf. with Jkidd (Coach) and NicoH (PM).  

I, like most people, feel it's a very bad move.  It's  basically really a "PM does not like the player scenario"...  The PM keeps talking about "culture", and the journalists were baiting him to talk about what Luka brings to the "culture".  A comment below saying that Mavericks hired a Laker fan, is hilarious.  One video compared the scenario to the ZionWilliamson,  but it's hardly anything like it!?  Zion failed to be an impact, but Maverick has in deep post season run every season since Luka.  It's not just demoralizing to the fans, also to the whole team!  I wonder what Klay is thinking right now.  

Some videos showed a very short clip of the PM took away Luka's beer last year in a post season celebration of a win.  This sentiment must have gone on for quite sometimes.  I think bar from a serious injury, this move is good for Luka.  I really hope this inspired him to make to the top though I felt laker is not bad, thought not great either.  But if LBJ could work with Luka, I think it can work wonder.  

As for the Mavericks, they have a long list of injuries, including the two new players from lakers.  And I feel that Kyrie would be their main offense focus.  Though they increased their inside presence in theory, which really is like the Wolfes last year, their imaginary focus is really Danvers.  I kind doubt their scoring ability.  Don't forget Kyrie is also injury prone.  The usage rate of KI will increase after Luka left.  Laker without the rock solid LBJ, their ranking won't be that high with only AD.  

I would like to feel that PM is an old timer, so it's like it's either my way or highway.  If it's the truth, then I can understand, win or lose.  But if it's really like some conspiracy theorists out there saying it's NBA's under table dealing to raise viewing rate.  This would be so sickening.  



What's on my mind

 What's on my mind?  

  • Once I started to type, my mind went blank.
  • Mom
  • Today is really  cold, 6F...  
  • my sister
  • I am going to stop correcting my typing.  I am afraid it will block my thoughts
  • i just corrected twice on the last two sentences.  
  • i felt very lonely at work.  
  • this is strange situation where I felt everybody is talking to Emily, not me.  but of course I always put myself in bad situation.  my communicative ability is my downfall.
  • of course, Emily handling most of the email and and communicative with the support and accounting.  
  • i really don't want to talk about work.  
  • I asked ChandaaB to be my reference, trying to apply to other work.  
  • I know though my disappointment for the work must be myself, not the work itself or its environment.  If I go to other places, it's still be disappointment.  But just so  that I could switch to a different thing and environment is good.  
  • Not going to get that work though.  
  • still talking about work.  pathetic
  • Emily is going to Florida
  • Sophia, her mom is going too...  
  • what's the point?
  • it's 7:24 am 1/25/2025.  Mom is still in bed.  That's a good thing! 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

clouds pass through the mind

 我最近看了 GodzillaMinusOne and Furiosa:AMadMaxSaga.  And I love them both very much.  GMO is the second viewing.  FAMMS is the first, but then, I watched a second time in one week.  2.5 hour does not feel long at all!  很後悔沒有去電影院看!  還好 GMO 是在電影院看的。  

I watched AlienRomulus as well.  我覺得還不錯, 夠噁心,尤其是結局出現的怪物。  這一次很多的布置真的向第一集致敬了!  另外,做兄弟的機器人這個角色令人害怕, 他給我一種很不確定的感覺。  不過, 我想我不會再追異形這個系列了。  讓它保持在第一和第二集就行了。  

在Flow還沒拿獎的時候我就想去電影院看了。  但是,吝嗇小氣沒去。  到現在我還是等光碟吧。  

I read SavingEmma, by AllenEskens.  I still remembered I had fun reading his novels, so I went and get the book in library.  It was not a disappointment.  The author has a way to make you care for the character.  But most importantly, the thrilling scenes were written like a movie scene, very visual, very tense.  I still don't think the mystery part is anything special.  But the description and connection of people and thrilling scenes were so good.  

I used chatgpt to write a code for one of my sheet.  油管上有一個影片正好是和我想要做的很類似, 我就邊看邊照著他的問題去問 Chatgpt。  還滿成功的。  後來一度還用了點 gemini.  但是後來又回去用 Chatgpt.  也許我也可以用 Chatgpt 來修改我的 Daily pick .  不過我最想用的是把 receiving record, Backorder record, 還有 daily shipping record 給連起來。  

Mom was going through hell right now.  She is not sure if she's going to do the treatment or not.  I am waiting for my sis to tell her that she should not go through the treatment.  For I think she can explain better.  This brain Atrophy of leqembi really should get poeple's attention.  Otherwise it makes us feel like we are a little lab rat!  Mom's not sleep well this week.  Maybe I should tell her.  

I borrowed 3 books, 1 on my cellphone, I read none so far.  I came home from work, and I am so tired.  Not from doing a lot of things, but rather just busywork and very disconnected.  It feels like  I am stuck in a rut.  

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Quote of the day

 “Today as always, men fall into two groups: slaves and free men. Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself, is a slave, whatever he may be: a statesman, a businessman, an official, or a scholar.

― Friedrich Nietzsche