Saturday, January 18, 2025

clouds pass through the mind

 我最近看了 GodzillaMinusOne and Furiosa:AMadMaxSaga.  And I love them both very much.  GMO is the second viewing.  FAMMS is the first, but then, I watched a second time in one week.  2.5 hour does not feel long at all!  很後悔沒有去電影院看!  還好 GMO 是在電影院看的。  

I watched AlienRomulus as well.  我覺得還不錯, 夠噁心,尤其是結局出現的怪物。  這一次很多的布置真的向第一集致敬了!  另外,做兄弟的機器人這個角色令人害怕, 他給我一種很不確定的感覺。  不過, 我想我不會再追異形這個系列了。  讓它保持在第一和第二集就行了。  

在Flow還沒拿獎的時候我就想去電影院看了。  但是,吝嗇小氣沒去。  到現在我還是等光碟吧。  

I read SavingEmma, by AllenEskens.  I still remembered I had fun reading his novels, so I went and get the book in library.  It was not a disappointment.  The author has a way to make you care for the character.  But most importantly, the thrilling scenes were written like a movie scene, very visual, very tense.  I still don't think the mystery part is anything special.  But the description and connection of people and thrilling scenes were so good.  

I used chatgpt to write a code for one of my sheet.  油管上有一個影片正好是和我想要做的很類似, 我就邊看邊照著他的問題去問 Chatgpt。  還滿成功的。  後來一度還用了點 gemini.  但是後來又回去用 Chatgpt.  也許我也可以用 Chatgpt 來修改我的 Daily pick .  不過我最想用的是把 receiving record, Backorder record, 還有 daily shipping record 給連起來。  

Mom was going through hell right now.  She is not sure if she's going to do the treatment or not.  I am waiting for my sis to tell her that she should not go through the treatment.  For I think she can explain better.  This brain Atrophy of leqembi really should get poeple's attention.  Otherwise it makes us feel like we are a little lab rat!  Mom's not sleep well this week.  Maybe I should tell her.  

I borrowed 3 books, 1 on my cellphone, I read none so far.  I came home from work, and I am so tired.  Not from doing a lot of things, but rather just busywork and very disconnected.  It feels like  I am stuck in a rut.  

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