Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thoughts about song and music

 I heard a song couple days ago, I really liked it.  But for some reason, I said to myself, it's not a song though there's singing and lyrics.  This is a piece of music even the singing is it's back ground music, almost the same as guitar, drum or other instrument.  

I keep listening to the song these days, and keep thinking about that thought.  My reasoning is that if you turned off the singing, I'd be happy with just the instrument part.  I think lyrics does helped emphasizing certain point of the music, but not necessary.  That's why I think the singing became secondary.  And plus I thought if you pull the instrument, can they still sing?  Maybe they can, but I think it will create a huge hole.  

Of course, an artist will make it  work though.   This thought does not really define the song.  But shows what I know about music which is not a lot.  lol  

Saturday, June 15, 2024


 今天突然有個感覺, 我上網的時候都是看別人過日子。  最近是 NBA 季後賽, 我看了不少評論。  但是,很少有評論值得看。  我只是在看那些評論員過日子,當他們回首看到這些影片時, 他們的感覺應該是很真實的。  但是我呢? 我想幾乎沒有啥感覺?  我相信也會勾起些許回憶, 但是那恐怕遠遠不能和我花下去的時間成正比。  

那看電影, 瀏覽圖片,閱讀小說或散文呢?  我覺得也是在看別人過日子。  我的第一份全時工作是在馬斯康。  那時我上班的感覺就是別人在下班後都在過著他們自己的生活。  我看到最多的就是 Vic, 他是我倉庫同工,後來是上司, 雖說那時倉庫也只有兩個人。  他以前是一個黑手。  下班回家後, 就修改自己的車子。  我在馬斯康工作的時期,他車子的顏色就變了三四次。  我滿佩服的。  其他人也是, 從家裡來上班, 有時候也說說自己做了甚麼。  我都有點忌妒了。  當我回到家的時候, 我甚麼也沒有做。  直到現在, 就更少了。  

似乎我也想做甚麼。  但是, 總是沒有一個確切的形象出現在腦子裡。  但有時有形象的時候, 我常常忽略他們,沒有記下來, 一會兒就忘了。  不過很顯然, 在潛意識裡會造成不少的壓力。  其實說白了就是拖。  拖的時候, 或者是忘的期間, 怎麼過這個日子呢?  那就是看別人過日子。  

我在想, 如果我不看他人過日子, 我就只坐在窗前聽鳥叫。  這算不算是我也在過日子?  至少, 我過我自己的日子。  就好像貓咪一樣, 他們有時候蒲伏在在窗前,看著窗外來往的事物。  

這也是我為什麼昨晚在接到毛的短訊後, 就花了四十分鐘的車程, 跑到 Watertown 想去幫他們刷點油漆。  其實我心裡知道, 我只能做一個小時, 畢竟他們晚上八點十五分才開始, 我這個人睡覺習慣早的,我只能幫一個小時。  我也知道他們的朋友會來幫忙,結果有六七八的人過來幫忙。  還真不錯。  

我本來滿猶豫要不要去的。  上星期天我和舅舅舅媽還有胡熒阿姨去端午幫忙 GBCCA  ,舅媽見到我就問,最近有了什麼 Exciting 的事啊?  我哪有哩?   所以這是促使我昨晚去油漆的一個原因。  

Thursday, June 13, 2024

When was the last time I did...

 When was the last time I cooked from a recipe that I want to eat...?

I can't remember...  The last time I really did cook from a recipe that I want to cook, was a recipe for my cat 寶寶.  I cooked chicken liver paste.  He was very sick at his twilight.  My mind flashed another recipe for cheddar cheese jalapeno Cornbread.  But I think that was 2019 after my cousin came back from retreat center training.  So yeah, the last time I really cooked anything meaningful was for my cat.  After that, I don't remember much.  Oh, after talking to my mom about this question, there's a lamb recipe came to mind.  Sadly, I don't remember the recipe...

When was the last time I went to theater to watch a movie alone?

The last time I went to a theater was to watch Godzilla minus one.  But that was with my sister and brother in law.  The second recollection was John Wick 3 or 4.  Not a very good film, I watched with with George and another guy from Mascon.  I was going to  watch Alien 1979 a month ago but decided against it.    However it is not like I go to theater a lot.   

When was the last time I talk to somebody, while I do most of the talking?  

I don't remember.  Maybe sometimes I talked to my mom about history, books I read, movies I saw.  

Monday, June 03, 2024


 I keep losing in TableTennis recently.  There are of course technical side of it.  But I really think a lot have to do with mental and physical deterioration.  I played 3 rounds today.  By the third round, my service errors caused 5 points.   I feel I was out of breath and a bit light headed too.  My opponent was a 65+ old gentleman.  For the mental part, I feel like I rushed in many places.  Felt in hurry and a bit winded.  I know I still enjoy the game, but there are places in my heart that I just wish the ball won't come back no more...  Which is a sad thought really.  Because only when the ball came back, the game will continue.  

I view tabletennis a game to outsmart the opponents.  But when the other side is slightly better in skill, tougher in mental, and stronger physically.  Then there's out smart to say.  Now there's only out last.  I think my opponents started to use chop as a safety net.  It is very effective, with a mixed of forehand attack.  The best way now really is to expect the ball always going to come back, always prepare for the next movements.  This is more mental I think.  For if I consider outsmarting an opponent is to put the ball in a location he can not reach.  But he actually returned most of my returns.  Then I will get upset.  One thing I fell FZD's problem is a lot of time, he just did not expect the ball to return.  

For physical side of things, I feel my cardio hits a wall, and for some reason, I lacked a snappy movements.  I played very little tennis, and it's the same problem with the swing.  I feel like I need to accelerate only right before I hit the ball, or serve the ball.  But for some reason, I lacked that explosiveness.  But it's been missing for a while now.  


Sunday, June 02, 2024


 當我在想, 明天要幹甚麼。  我想到明天要上班, 但是 Chandara 請假不在。  所以我想一大早起就先做掉 TF 的訂單。  如果有一兩個簡單的, 或許也可以先做。  我可不想很晚回家。  回來後, 我想做的就是先把我想念的文章先錄了, 然後晚上製作好放到 YT 上。  

這兩天我的手痛,所以我也沒有做運動。  希望休息這兩天,明天繼續。  

賽爾客人和小牛隊要爭奪 NBA 冠軍。  我覺得真不可預測。  我覺得小牛隊的贏面大。  但是我是滿希望賽爾克會贏。  我不怎麼喜歡賽爾克的打法。  尤其是進攻的時刻, 非常單調。  雖然賽爾克的防守很好, 但是,路咖實在很強。  實際就要看德瑞克懷特,主蒿了得和其他球員的表現了。  

Saw a comment today and really liked it.  

Was listening to MaxRichter's SheWentAway.  There's a comment below:

She was my book, but I was only her chapter.  

Man...  I love the phrase!