The more you learn, the further from truth you are.
I heard this before, or something similar. I read it in a 武俠小說。 That monk is one of the greatest martial artists and Buddhism scholars at the time. But in a instant, he lost all his martial ability. Then he got enlightened. This suddenly reminded me of a Zen story. One of the great Zen master always shows his index finger when people asking him, what is zen. One of his young disciples does the same when everyone asks him the same question. One day, the Zen master sees his young disciple showing his index finger to a faith seeker. He gets angry and pulled a knife, then cut off disciple's finger. The young boy is in tear and pain. But immediately, the Zen master asks the young disciple, "what is zen?" The boy turned and showed his master the index finger in a habit. Suddenly, the young disciples is enlightened!
The words, written or speaking, are like that index finger. It is visible. But it meaning hidden between the utterer and receiver of the words. We can mimic
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