Saturday, August 17, 2013

my mom called my uncle, who's in suchow with my grandpa right now.  he was silent as usual.  so my mom initiated talks as usual.  she heard from aunt pl yesterday that grandpa told uncle he will come to usa to live with him.  we even went to uncle's house to talk to aunt, who confirmed with us.  but my uncle replied, no, it's not confirmed yet.  then he fell silent.  my mom was relieved when hearing from aunt pl a little bit.  upon hearing the response from my uncle, she felt a twinge.  she then asked how he slept.  my uncle chuckled.  since my uncle had nothing to say, my mom asked if  grandpa was up.  he was, but he constipated again, he did not feel well at all. 

mom talked to grandpa.  but he was so unwell, he could not hear anything.  my mom kept telling him, how happy she was with his news of coming to usa.  but repeatedly he could not perceive it at all.  after a few times, my mom asked grandpa to give phone to uncle.  but still grandpa could not hear it.  eventually, mom told grandpa to hang up the phone numerous times.  grandpa apparently could not hear at all, finally hung up the phone. 

what it showed me, was horrifying.  because initially, i understand if grandpa came to usa, my mom will be the sacrificing lamb.  for grandpa will not and dare not scold uncle and aunt, he will then redirect aggression against my mom.  But now, I saw something else in this intricate play.  grandpa, under uncle's influence, will turn vicious with my mom.  This viciousness will morally hurt my mom.  grandpa is already bitter.  uncle will turn him into a colossus.  grandpa still care for my mom before now.  but that attitude will change when he's with uncle and aunt.  with my mom's attachment to her own parents, this will be proven fatal. 

uncle and aunt don't have the intention, but their emotional inclination toward my mom will likely be at work.  my mom's attitude will not help in the situation either. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013


I saw the magnificent seven today.  I think it's a good western.  It has more twist than seven samurai.  But I didn't like Yul Brynner that much.  I did not care too much about Steve Mcqueen here either.  I never planned to watch this movie if not for Charles Bronson.  And it's kind funny that if not for Frasier, I'd never watch this movie...  lol  Because Frasier's dad Martin love Charles Bronson.  I felt the movie as its own was pretty good, I liked the twist here.  But I just have too much seven samurai in my mind.

Anyway, I remembered a quote by Steve M's character, I think it's funny. Somebody asked how you doing?  Steve M's character answered with joke:

"A fella fell from a tall building, everyone on different floor heard the fella as he fell past their floor saying, "So far so good, so far so good." 

I forgot the exact wording, but that's about it... 


It's been two weeks, mascon haven't called back yet.  I need to call. 

I really wish to have a girl by my side.  But I really could not construct a future at all.  Do I lost my aggressive drive?  Would this related to my wanting to be correct and proper?  And any deviate from correctness and proper is unbearable to me personally.  I really really wish to have a girl I love by my side. 

If i settled in a new situation, it became stale.  But I won't find new ways to improve it. 

Sometimes i wonder if my desire to be able to satisfy a girl in bed is so fervent, would be because I could never make my mom happy.  And this disgusts me to my stomach.  As I dig deeper, I think it related to the aggressive drive, which somehow could not realized in any proper  channel.  For I watch over every possible channel.  I do not want to have any leak.  Of course, aggression escaped in most infuriating sense.  I tried even harder.  Until now, I meet angry with either flapper mouse, or masterbet, or drowsiness, or if I was lucky enough to get a hold myself, I do exercise.  But exercise was rare. 

That is not to say that I don't feel genuine love towards the opposite sex.  On the contrary, the intensity was and is unbearable.  My mom and sis and uncle always wonder why I did not go to animal shelter.  I could not go because, I was so attracted to female colleagues, I can't stay.  Some one can tell me that all men feel the same, but for me, they can be around girls.  I just felt out of control, jealous, self despise, embarrassment.  Excuses, excuses... 

and right now, confession did not make me feel relieved.  it is like reliving my nightmares.  just remember, if i could not construct a future, i can't have a girl.  no contact, no discussion, never compromise! 


昨天和鄰居的小孩玩籃球.  他們是五缺一.  我剛好頂上.  之前有看過他們打, 我不覺得怎麼樣.  可是打了幾場下來, 他們都滿會玩的.  有兄弟倆, 都很能投球, 哥哥的上籃也滿行.  兄弟倆的父親精壯剽悍, 技術實在.  我的鄰居是很強壯高大, 射球也有一定的準頭.  另外一位也是高大強壯, 準頭也有. 

跟他們打, 我就覺得自己沒眼光.  之前看的時候不覺得怎樣, 一打就知道滿不是自己看的那樣. 這讓我想到第一次看到史第夫王打球.  亨利黃說他很厲害, 好快.  我當時也覺得不怎麼樣.  打起來後才知道他橫向爆發力真的很不錯.  還好他運球普通, 不然就真的很可怕了. 

我的眼光真的很差.  回來後和媽媽說, 媽媽也同意.  他就用我昨天同一天的例子, 我可以在衣服店裡待兩三個小時, 一件衣服也買不到.  我說, 眼光不好, 遲疑猶豫就很正常了.  媽媽一想也對. 

另外一提, 打球時兄弟倆的父親比我年紀大至少十五六歲, 卻比我有精力, 又能跑又能跳.  我滿悲傷的.  想想上次和亨利黃, 飛, 史第夫王, roger 葉打球時, 我現在可能比那次好一點.  但和那位父親相比, 實在太差... 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


中華文化之一, 第一點就是反古. 尤其是拿古人的話來反古.  第一個笑孔丘的人就是孔丘的學生.  哈哈哈.

要說清楚某種文化長啥樣子是極端困難的.  中華文化和別種文化不同的地方是很難由中國人來說的.  我覺得只有從外國人口不經意之間可以得知.  我現在可以想到的是, 民初時,某外國訪問學者說, 中國的學生都積極從事政治活動, 美國的學生都對政治興趣缺缺. 

我覺得這是最有趣的觀察,可是我現在認為這是最能清楚描述中華文化的一句話之一.  印象中東漢士人和宦官, 一直到明朝太監和士林, 都不斷有這種衝突.  反而是從事農工虞商的人在我印象裡少從事政治活動, 除非是官商勾結, 或者是宋以前士族的活動.

The change of attitude

When I read gun powder, steel, and germs, I found it was interesting that the attitude of the author was different from other people, namely zinn howard.  After that I read some books about conservation.  It has a very different sentiment from conservation a hundred years ago. What was the difference?  How come I put two comparisons side by side?  Are they even related?  I don't know.  But it is interesting that when I read one, the other would pop up somewhere in my mind. 

The difference between the first two was that GsG did not apologize for the misery of European expansion.  It emphasized that when other people got the technology, the same people oppressed by European expansion, started to oppress other people too.  I remembered GsG used an example from some native islanders in new zealand. 

The difference between the conservationist now and the ones who started conservation a hundred years ago was the treatment of the big predators, especially the apex predators. 

Are these two category related?  I think yes, in some ways.  The so called apex predators controlled the ecology.  European expansion signified as most advanced technology, maybe even culture.  Such culture, was the apex predator in comparison.  However, it is a cynical comparison.  Because, when I read about how to save tigers, wolves, I felt warm feelings, even love.  But when I read the paragraph that whoever got highest technology will start to conquer, torture, destroy its neighbors, it was heart wrench, distant, and cold. 

I've always asked a question.  When you did something wrong, what would we do next?  We could say, other people would do so in my steed as well.  That's the feeling what GsG gave me.  But when it came to animal conservation, many books talked about the economic reason for killing predator animals a hundred years ago.  Many books would use many mythologies from native people. 

All those writings up there did not really summed clearly what I was going to say.  It is merely random notes on sporadic feelings toward something vague... 

Monday, August 12, 2013


I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend.  I want to have girlfriend.  I don't want to have a girl friend. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013


易中天先生寫了一套書, 還沒寫玩, 他先來個序.  他在排世界裡各文化的位置.  排的很好, 總共有三環, 所有文化都有機會.  第一環三名, 伊斯蘭, 歐洲, 中華.   第二環,印度, 日本...等等.  第三環, 朝鮮, 東南亞...等等.

文章說, 第一環的文化叫做世界文化.  然後他拿出一個盒子,上面寫著伊斯蘭, 盒蓋打開, 裡面是宗教信仰和博愛, 世界中期歷史之花.  他又拿出第二個盒子, 上面寫著歐洲,他把盒蓋打開,往裡面一瞧, 啊, 自由平等法治, 世界現代歷史之花.  最後, 他拿出第三個盒子, 上面寫著中華, 他小心翼翼的把盒蓋打開, 大家往裡一瞧, 咦, 東西呢?  他笑嘻嘻的說, 這就是中華文化, 你看, 你看, 你要信啥, 我都可以放在裡面.  這可是世界古代歷史之秀啊! 

Friday, August 09, 2013

an interesting quote from movie

Depression is the inability to construct a future.  -----Rollo May.  

I heard from movie, Side Effect. 

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

書鈔--on aggression

All from chapter of Ecce Homo

Aggressive behavior and killing inhibition represent only one special case among many in which phylogenetically adapted behavior mechanisms are thrown out of balance by the rapid change wrought in human ecology and sociology by culture development.  .......It is a widely held opinion, shared by some contemporary philosophers, that all human behavior patterns which served the welfare of the community, as opposed to that of the individual, are dictated by specifically human rational thought.  Not only is this opinion erroneous, but the very opposite is true.  If it were not for a rich endowment of social instincts, man could never have risen above the animal world.  All specifically human faculties, the power of speech, cultural tradition, moral responsiblity, could have evolved only in a being which, before the very dawn of conceptual thinking, lived in a well organized communities.  Our prehuman ancestor was indubitably as true a friend to his friend as a chimpanzee or even a dog, as tender and solicitous to the young of his community and as self-sacrificing in its defense, aeons before he developed conceptual thought and became aware of the consequences of his actions. 

According to the Immanuel  Kant's teachings on morality, it is human reason (Vernunft) alone which supplies the categorical imperative "thous halt" as an answer to responsible self-questioning concerning any possible consequences of a certain action.  However, it is doubtful whether "reason" is the correct translation of Kant's use of the word "Vernunft", which also implies connotation of common sense and of understanding and appreciation of another "reasonable" being.  For Kant it is self evident that one reasonable being cannot possibly want to hurt another.  This unconscious acceptance of what he considered evident, in other words common sense, represents the chink in the great philospher's shining armorof pure rationality, through which emotion,......



Even the first compensatory function of moral responsibility, preventing the Australopithecines from destroying themselves with their first pebble tools, could not have been achieved without an instinctive appreciation of life and death....


Quote stop.

Then the author started to describe the increase rate of social change, which our biological behavior adaptability have a hard time to catch on.  

Thursday, August 01, 2013


我已經追逐饅頭超過十幾個年頭了.  第一次是看到舅媽做饅頭.  我驚喜的說要跟著學.  我第一做滿成功的.  做了十來個, 帶到大學去.  那時候跟室友處不來, 常常一個人帶了饅頭到圖書館, 一邊看書一邊啃饅頭, 直到深夜才回宿舍.  走在冷風裡, 還挺得意的.  自己會做饅頭, 就像小時候吃到的一樣. 

但是, 好景不常, 第二次, 和之後幾年, 就不再成功.  有時候, 饅頭沒發, 蒸出來是石頭.  有時候, 蒸出來的是麵包, 軟軟的, 發的大大的, 裡面全是氣泡.  要再去找舅媽討教時, 舅媽卻偏愛麵包式的饅頭.  軟軟的, 鬆鬆的那一種.  可那不是我印象裡的饅頭.  總記得老爸說的, "你看, 饅頭裡面有洞, 就是偷工減料!"  這樣一來, 只要做饅頭, 就猛減酵母粉的量, 或者糖的量, 一心只要饅頭要緊實, 不能有洞.  有時候還大揉特揉, 希望揉個一個小時.  可是一次又一次, 饅頭越來越硬, 連放在湯裡都很難軟化.  有時候甚至白麵粉會做出黃石頭.  終於, 我決定不做了. 

去年某個機緣, 看到麵包的做法, 裡面介紹用麵種.  腦袋裡又浮現饅頭.  那白白的外皮, 豐滿的形狀, 熱熱騰騰的特殊香氣.  我在網上找了一陣子, 在好幾個網誌上看到有人提到孟老師用老麵做得山東饅頭.  順藤摸瓜, 我終於找到了完美饅頭的方法!  當我用老麵照著孟老師的方法做出了無鹽無糖的山東饅頭.  那份喜悅真是不用提了. 

上個月, 我到一家山東店, 很興奮的看到他們也賣饅頭.  一方面想看看自己做得像不像, 一方面也想看看自己做得可不可能比他們的好吃, 我點了一個饅頭.  老闆, 一臉驚訝的看著我說, "真的嗎?  裡面是沒有餡的哦..."   看他一臉驚訝, 我也有點吃驚, 說, "我知道."  回家後, 覺得真是有趣.  我想, 一定很少有人叫這玩意兒.  又想到, 我的妹夫吃到我最近做的饅頭, 他一開始很高興的吃著.  吃了一口, 覺得有點奇怪, 趕緊再咬一口, 臉上更是充滿了訝異.  他問我妹妹, 怎麼裡面無餡?!  我妹妹說, 饅頭就是無餡的啊.  他傻了眼, 看著又無鹽又無糖更無餡的麵食, 連說, what's the point?  what's the point? 






  哥 在初一離家,從此,我們就不曾再吵過嘴。在電話是奢侈品、交通又不方便的時代,台中、西螺遠如天涯。最近,哥曾聊起當時心境:「新生訓練只有半天,結束 後,我走兩公里到車站,看著公路局的車子,心想:搭上車就可以回家;又想:明天還要上課,回去又得馬上出門,繞來繞去,不知該怎麼辦?


  夜半驚醒,湧上的常是來不及奔喪的恐懼。阿嬤高齡九十三,臨終前,她已退化至認不得我;媽媽因糖尿病失明,每天打胰島素,吞二十幾顆藥,我害怕夜裡的電話, 我深知:至親,隨時可能離去。每週打一通電話,三天寫一封信,儘揀神奇事物談笑;接獲爸的來信,卻忍不住淚如泉湧,終至放聲痛哭。

難怪我們想陪他出國觀光,爸一笑:「我在電視上都看過,不必長途跋涉。」多邀幾次,他乾脆表明:「離開家,我就睡不著。」爸爸出門的興致越來越低,甚至連請 他到嘉義吃早餐,他都說:「改天吧!出一趟門,就覺得累。」我聽不出警訊,仍傻傻妄想:有一天,他會答應我一起到夏威夷曬太陽、喝咖啡。


離 家前,爸爸戀戀環視自己一花一草耕耘的庭園,道出心願:「四個月後,我會完全康復,就可以再整理這片花園。」車上,爸爸說:「我這一生沒有遺憾,也沒有罣 礙。如果問我:一生最大的成就是什麼?我要說:是和妳媽媽一起建立這個家。」我緊握爸爸的手,心想:這座堡壘該換我們來撐持。



失去父親三年,生命,難免顛簸難行,但是,我們彼此用心扶持,很快走出風雨,重見陽光。墳前,我們輪流撐傘,媽媽交代:要撐起傘,爸爸才能安心享用。我望著 爸盛年英挺的面容,低聲說:爸,吃飯了。」白花花陽光下,不見爸爸身影。不過,我相信:爸爸一定離家不遠,因為,不管身在何處,我們一直都離家不遠。

在報上看到這篇文章,我看得無法自已。利用深夜,坐在電腦前,一句一句看,一字一字打,縱然不再是初次閱讀,淚水,仍一次一次順著臉頰滑落,是某種情愫牽動 著吧,我想。故事很長,謝謝你很有耐心的看到最後,即使明知很長,我還是只想將故事打完;即使明知故事很長,你還是堅持著把它讀完朋友,此刻,我只想說: 謝謝你!!

據小站上風雨夜的查證, 這篇是台北衛理女中國文教師廖韵芳老師的作品, 據說是 2001 年票選最佳散文.