前幾天我總算看了民國五十七年的龍門客棧. 我還滿喜歡的. 但是, 我覺得其中缺點也不少.
我覺得此片前半段經營得實在很好, 尤其是東廠霸佔龍門客棧到蕭少茲被皮少棠請出客棧那一段, 很有興味. 東廠的霸道,和蕭少茲的神秘出現, 到後來皮外面擺出強硬的姿態, 卻屈下身段,說出一番令我回味無窮的話來, 實在是令我非常意外卻又佩服. 電影之後出現越來越多的角色, 即使如此, 初期也還好. 但是,愈接近尾聲, 我就愈覺得導演愈不知道怎麼拍.... 爲什麼會有這樣的感覺呢? 原因之一, 就是我愈來愈不確定導演知道要怎麼讓好人逃出去,而大壞人又不是真的很厲害(我喜歡這個演員, 導演選角選的好, 可是...問題出在劇情). 我感覺到 "拖". 最後解決問題的方法無法製造出整部電影的高潮, 終究可惜.
我看俠女還有大醉俠的時候也有這感覺. 我覺得劇組都可以造出一個很引人的開始, 但是, 到後來他們都不知道怎麼收尾. 龍門客棧和大醉俠相比, 我覺得其實是一個進步. 大醉俠的劇情是來了一個高手又一個高手, 基本上就是拖劇情,給我一種幼稚的感覺. 大醉俠本人應該是滑稽的角色, 如果根據我這種看法, 大醉俠這個角色是失敗的. 到了龍門客棧, 劇情上改不了拖的問題. 但無論是, 靈秀的朱小姐和粗魯不文的朱驥,蕭少茲的靈活義氣, 還是老氣橫秋的皮少棠和精明幹練的毛宗憲, 幾乎每個人都算是成功的描述. 即使是店裡的小二都很有看頭.
這部戲也說不得一定要和新龍門客棧相比. 而這裡, 我就感到整個電影界的成長. 因為新龍門客棧在很多方面是比原版好, 尤其是劇情方面. 新龍門客棧所創造出來的角色也比原版的來的更活. 在劇情方面, 新版沒有拖的現象. 從角色關係到角色將要面臨的難題, 大壞人的所帶來的影響也遠比原版的有決定性. 角色上, 多了亦正亦邪的角色, 並且把老闆變成女的, 大大增加整個劇情的靈活性. 而且, 在這裡, 每個角色更為鮮明. 唯一有點可惜的是, 新版是一個成熟的武俠奇幻片, 他的歷史性大大減低. 原版在許許多多的小地方讓我回味無窮, 讓我感覺有一種歷史性的粗重. 這在大醉俠, 俠女裡都有. 很可惜, 到了現在, 這些小地方都失落了. 或許塞翁失馬焉知非福, 但是, 對於我這個影迷來說, 很希望可以看到劇情的緊湊, 歷史性的考究, 和角色的完美闡釋.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
話到嘴邊, 總是少了一點力量
我, 沉默人也
可是心啊, 是一隻火爐
東西進去了, 通通化為灰燼
話到嘴邊, 總是少了一點力量
我, 沉默人也
可是心啊, 是一隻火爐
東西進去了, 通通化為灰燼
Thursday, October 18, 2012
mumbling from asylum
You know, there's a word that keep ringing in my mind. It's like an echo, the only difference is that this sound never fade. But when I tried to write it down, a train of many thoughts will push that sound away. It's like a butterfly that you'd never catch.
I love girls. When I was young, I noticed them quite early in my age. That was a wonderful feeling then. I would be so giddy going home to tell my mom, I like that girl, or that one, or the other one. It is weird I never told me dad. My mom and sister both felt funny about it. Yeah, I like different girls every two years, since we change class every two grades in elementary.
When I get older, that feeling did not recede at all. But now it mixed up with hormones. I had hard time to discern which is which. It was okay in the middle school, since I was busy playing with friends. When I came to USA, I think the situation was a bit more dire. It was high school, and US girls do not have dress code. In other words, they can make themselves even prettier. Their attitude were more lively. But I was in a more awkward position. I am short, cannot really speak smoothly, and I like them. It was painful.
I distracted myself with sports. That was till the best thing. I am not good at anything in high school really, nothing special about English, history, science, computer. There might be a slight edge in Math, but again, it's only because I was not good at anything else. I love basketball. That seemed to be the only thing I remember this days that I was okay. But since I was too short, I can't make the team.
The first day in school, I immediately met a girl. That's not mention her name. If there's anything I remembered that day, it was her smile. As big and shining as sun outside. To start to tell the story. I would start with that smile.
It's been a long while since I saw that smile. I was lonely and in a really bad place. I was so lonely. I would sit in a room and explode, and nobody would know. The only thing good that came out of that loneliness was that I had a lot of time to reminiscent. I did not need to care about right or wrong. I let fancy get hold of me. But the only thing that constantly came up was that big sunny smile. I missed it terribly. I wonder how come I did not talk to her more. I wonder why I did not advance. No, I don't wonder. I know. Whenever I liked a girl, I kept a distance. I was afraid. I was petrified. They always made my heart jump a bit faster. I reasoned, I had a weak heart. To be in close proximity with them was not good for my health. Yes, that's the reasoning. It's a lot easier to play basketball, and be with other people.
But a lonely time made me wonder deeper. And now, I had time to regress, which lead to regret. For a mathematician, my way of expression was through numbers. So I devised a huge and complicated equations. After so many X's, Y's, plus and minus, I suddenly had an idea. What if there's a machine, that I could extract my memory of that big shiny smile out of brain. Wouldn't that be wonderful? I was alone in this prison. I did not seem to have photogenic memory, this is the only way I could make my memory available to me in clear pictures with sounds as well. I could hear her voices, with her faces. Even it's just a very short fragrant pieces. Just to see her face, to hear her voices. I imagine I would be comforted. I would be rejoiced.
Did I love her? Love is such a big idea. I don't know. I don't think so. I did not really know that girl. But how much I wish I'd fall in love with her, then love her. But I love girls. How could I be sure that I would not love somebody else? It was and is confusing. But I believe if I saw that smile and voice laughing, it would be great. I don't need to be afraid that I would disappoint anyone. I love her, it is a sad phrase. I constantly had wet dreams about all these pretty girls I met in DVDs, TV shows, and Ads. I probably mixed feeling of like and hormones. But how could I be certain of that? I love her? Oh, well, let me love an illusion. Right? Better than not loved at all.
I love girls. When I was young, I noticed them quite early in my age. That was a wonderful feeling then. I would be so giddy going home to tell my mom, I like that girl, or that one, or the other one. It is weird I never told me dad. My mom and sister both felt funny about it. Yeah, I like different girls every two years, since we change class every two grades in elementary.
When I get older, that feeling did not recede at all. But now it mixed up with hormones. I had hard time to discern which is which. It was okay in the middle school, since I was busy playing with friends. When I came to USA, I think the situation was a bit more dire. It was high school, and US girls do not have dress code. In other words, they can make themselves even prettier. Their attitude were more lively. But I was in a more awkward position. I am short, cannot really speak smoothly, and I like them. It was painful.
I distracted myself with sports. That was till the best thing. I am not good at anything in high school really, nothing special about English, history, science, computer. There might be a slight edge in Math, but again, it's only because I was not good at anything else. I love basketball. That seemed to be the only thing I remember this days that I was okay. But since I was too short, I can't make the team.
The first day in school, I immediately met a girl. That's not mention her name. If there's anything I remembered that day, it was her smile. As big and shining as sun outside. To start to tell the story. I would start with that smile.
It's been a long while since I saw that smile. I was lonely and in a really bad place. I was so lonely. I would sit in a room and explode, and nobody would know. The only thing good that came out of that loneliness was that I had a lot of time to reminiscent. I did not need to care about right or wrong. I let fancy get hold of me. But the only thing that constantly came up was that big sunny smile. I missed it terribly. I wonder how come I did not talk to her more. I wonder why I did not advance. No, I don't wonder. I know. Whenever I liked a girl, I kept a distance. I was afraid. I was petrified. They always made my heart jump a bit faster. I reasoned, I had a weak heart. To be in close proximity with them was not good for my health. Yes, that's the reasoning. It's a lot easier to play basketball, and be with other people.
But a lonely time made me wonder deeper. And now, I had time to regress, which lead to regret. For a mathematician, my way of expression was through numbers. So I devised a huge and complicated equations. After so many X's, Y's, plus and minus, I suddenly had an idea. What if there's a machine, that I could extract my memory of that big shiny smile out of brain. Wouldn't that be wonderful? I was alone in this prison. I did not seem to have photogenic memory, this is the only way I could make my memory available to me in clear pictures with sounds as well. I could hear her voices, with her faces. Even it's just a very short fragrant pieces. Just to see her face, to hear her voices. I imagine I would be comforted. I would be rejoiced.
Did I love her? Love is such a big idea. I don't know. I don't think so. I did not really know that girl. But how much I wish I'd fall in love with her, then love her. But I love girls. How could I be sure that I would not love somebody else? It was and is confusing. But I believe if I saw that smile and voice laughing, it would be great. I don't need to be afraid that I would disappoint anyone. I love her, it is a sad phrase. I constantly had wet dreams about all these pretty girls I met in DVDs, TV shows, and Ads. I probably mixed feeling of like and hormones. But how could I be certain of that? I love her? Oh, well, let me love an illusion. Right? Better than not loved at all.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
puzzles and adventure
Most video games has a flow to them, if it has a story that is. Since the story is a huge part of Adventure games, it certainly has a flow of its own. But it has to face one of the most scary thing in gaming, Puzzles. It's a flow stoppers. Sometimes a puzzle was so impassible to a player, you might as well wait for Oedipus to solve it for you. And yet, Puzzle solving is one of the most personal experience you can ever get in an interactive media.
For most adventure games are a mix dose of puzzles and story. You cannot simply tell a player about he solution to a puzzle and still hoping he get the same kind of experience if he tackled the task alone. It is one of the reason that Adventure games have very little replay value. Because the most obvious gameplay mechanics is not a gameplay after all. I think this is one of the advantage of the Longest Journey series, since the strength of the series lies with the story, not the puzzles. An hard puzzle could literally stop the game to flow, which is very important to most gamers, I'd imagine, since I am one of hem. I understand the joy of solving a puzzle. I would also suffer greatly when there's no other action for me to do in the game, but to sit and stare at the screen and being puzzled. At that point of time, the game basically stopped. There's no more progression that I can make. It is like an unbeatable boss in an action game. The difference is that I blame myself for my hand eye coordination, and here, I am shameful for my intelligence.
For most adventure games are a mix dose of puzzles and story. You cannot simply tell a player about he solution to a puzzle and still hoping he get the same kind of experience if he tackled the task alone. It is one of the reason that Adventure games have very little replay value. Because the most obvious gameplay mechanics is not a gameplay after all. I think this is one of the advantage of the Longest Journey series, since the strength of the series lies with the story, not the puzzles. An hard puzzle could literally stop the game to flow, which is very important to most gamers, I'd imagine, since I am one of hem. I understand the joy of solving a puzzle. I would also suffer greatly when there's no other action for me to do in the game, but to sit and stare at the screen and being puzzled. At that point of time, the game basically stopped. There's no more progression that I can make. It is like an unbeatable boss in an action game. The difference is that I blame myself for my hand eye coordination, and here, I am shameful for my intelligence.
point and click
As the graphic improved, Adventure games added point and click to their identity. So there's text based adventure and point and click graphical adventure games. It is strange that when the 3D graphic comes, adventure game did not seem to add 3D graphic to it's arsenal. Instead, it holds text and point and click as its true identity. So, now, if you went to any hardcore adventure game sites,most of the game on it is point and click.
Here, I am just wondering why. The question of why is interesting is because, does direct action in 3D graphic change the nature of Adventure games? If so, why didn't point and click change the nature of adventure games. Eventually, what is adventure games?
A few days ago, I watched a video on youtube by gexup. It is in his opinion that an adventure games need 4 elements:
I played some point and click adventure games, like monkey island 3, syberia series, longest journey series, still life series(with post mortem), etc... But I only finished three of them, the longest journey series, and still life the game. The things that bothered me the most was that I cannot move through the game environment smoothly. That is my gripe with point and click. But I loved the longest journey series and still life the game. I am just wondering if these games decided to become a game where I could move seamlessly through out the game, will I enjoy more? Dreamfall provided me some clues.
As Gexup pointed out that average players wanted more traditional actions rather than reading and choosing dialogs. Most of the investment automatically flowed towards action games ,action RPG/Adventure hybrid. And for those games, dialog was not a main story propeller until recently. For games like Witchers series, Mass Effect series, the dialog started to have more impact on story. That alone, makes them more like adventure games. However, it seemed to me that the actions in the those game somehow keeps them from being a true adventure games.
Also for the financial reasons, most adventure game studio without a solid financial backing, they have to stay in Point and click fashion. I don't think it is solely their choice of game mechanics. However, it does have a very strange advantage when compared to a straight up 3D action game control. Point and click makes the game flow to a complete stop, in my opinion. That sounds horrible for action fans, but it is a strange blessing to those who love a good puzzle, and enjoy a crafty story.
Here, I am just wondering why. The question of why is interesting is because, does direct action in 3D graphic change the nature of Adventure games? If so, why didn't point and click change the nature of adventure games. Eventually, what is adventure games?
A few days ago, I watched a video on youtube by gexup. It is in his opinion that an adventure games need 4 elements:
- Puzzle-solving.
- gathering and collecting items.
- Story, setting , and characters.
- Dialog(imo the choice of dialog).
I played some point and click adventure games, like monkey island 3, syberia series, longest journey series, still life series(with post mortem), etc... But I only finished three of them, the longest journey series, and still life the game. The things that bothered me the most was that I cannot move through the game environment smoothly. That is my gripe with point and click. But I loved the longest journey series and still life the game. I am just wondering if these games decided to become a game where I could move seamlessly through out the game, will I enjoy more? Dreamfall provided me some clues.
As Gexup pointed out that average players wanted more traditional actions rather than reading and choosing dialogs. Most of the investment automatically flowed towards action games ,action RPG/Adventure hybrid. And for those games, dialog was not a main story propeller until recently. For games like Witchers series, Mass Effect series, the dialog started to have more impact on story. That alone, makes them more like adventure games. However, it seemed to me that the actions in the those game somehow keeps them from being a true adventure games.
Also for the financial reasons, most adventure game studio without a solid financial backing, they have to stay in Point and click fashion. I don't think it is solely their choice of game mechanics. However, it does have a very strange advantage when compared to a straight up 3D action game control. Point and click makes the game flow to a complete stop, in my opinion. That sounds horrible for action fans, but it is a strange blessing to those who love a good puzzle, and enjoy a crafty story.
"Please, stop complaining..."
"Yeah, he acted this way because he is this way. He can't change that, it's his nature. You complaining won't change him."
"Who said about changing him?"
"Then why do you keeping complaining?"
"Because it is also my nature. I can't change this. How come you want to change me? You two faced evil brat!"
"Yeah, he acted this way because he is this way. He can't change that, it's his nature. You complaining won't change him."
"Who said about changing him?"
"Then why do you keeping complaining?"
"Because it is also my nature. I can't change this. How come you want to change me? You two faced evil brat!"
Saturday, October 13, 2012
我剛剛看完 expendable 2. 還可以. 但是, 沒有第一部好, 因為它變成了一部史特龍的電影. 第一集, 每個角色都有他們令人回味的時候. 但是, 這一次全部的人都很平淡. 雖然大部分的時間都史特龍一個人在表演, 但是, 就算是他也很乏味. 動作的部分還是不錯, 但是, 電影, 最重要的還是劇情和令人印象深刻的角色, 他們這一次很失敗.
另外, 很有趣的地方是, 我覺得只要是這種男性電影, 愛情變的很淺薄, 很笨拙 或者總是被沖的很淡, 再不然, 被男性愛的女角可能不專一, 例如 Lee Christmas 的女朋友. 這種現象, 在水滸傳裡面也有類似的表現. 很奇怪. 史特龍在第一集裡, 似乎有愛情的表現, 但是, 很淺薄, 很笨拙, 最後呢, 被沖的很淡到好像沒有. 水滸傳裡那些被男人熱愛的女性, 都是水性楊花, 最後不得好死(例: 潘金蓮, 石秀的嫂子). 史特龍之前的電影, 沒有一部的愛情不是很淺薄, 很笨拙 或者總是被沖的很淡, 除了洛基一, 和第一滴血二. Jason Statham 的電影也是. 其他人的也類似.
另外, 很有趣的地方是, 我覺得只要是這種男性電影, 愛情變的很淺薄, 很笨拙 或者總是被沖的很淡, 再不然, 被男性愛的女角可能不專一, 例如 Lee Christmas 的女朋友. 這種現象, 在水滸傳裡面也有類似的表現. 很奇怪. 史特龍在第一集裡, 似乎有愛情的表現, 但是, 很淺薄, 很笨拙, 最後呢, 被沖的很淡到好像沒有. 水滸傳裡那些被男人熱愛的女性, 都是水性楊花, 最後不得好死(例: 潘金蓮, 石秀的嫂子). 史特龍之前的電影, 沒有一部的愛情不是很淺薄, 很笨拙 或者總是被沖的很淡, 除了洛基一, 和第一滴血二. Jason Statham 的電影也是. 其他人的也類似.
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
movie afterthoughts
wind chill:
The first time I watched this movie was probably two years ago. I watched again about a week ago. I still like it quite a bit. It's about two college students going home before Christmas and was haunted by ghost on the road. The interaction between the two students, one boy, another girl, somehow really intrigued me. It was endearing to me very much. The ghost story part did not carry much weight as a whole, but it served its purpose in my opinion. That purpose was to put these two college students strained on the road deep in the blizzard.
I used to watch Alien and Aliens a lot. But since I read the movie info from Wiki, I decided against watching the movies. For I was ghasted by their concept. I did agree though, it's one of the best scary movies. However, I still want to see Prometheus, it's Ridley's prequel of Alien. I think the movie itself was wonderful. Ridley's brought some very interesting visuals on the screen. The concept was quite interesting itself as well. But there're just so many similarities between Alien and Prometheus. And I think there were more plot holes and murky spots in the story line. This is a bit of let down. But two and half actors in the movie were really quite wonderful, Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, and half of Charlize Theron. I think there were more actors, so Noomi's character could not be on display fully. But when the situation called, Noomi shined. Mr. Fassbender's character was probably the most complete in the movie. He utilized it well, executed in cool and controlled manner, which really gave me a chill. And yet, it's still hard to point evil at him whole heartedly. Half of Charlize Theron, because her plot in the movie was best a Vase. But she's such a commanding actress, I thought her action in the movie was inconsequential, and yet, I can feel her presence.
The first time I watched this movie was probably two years ago. I watched again about a week ago. I still like it quite a bit. It's about two college students going home before Christmas and was haunted by ghost on the road. The interaction between the two students, one boy, another girl, somehow really intrigued me. It was endearing to me very much. The ghost story part did not carry much weight as a whole, but it served its purpose in my opinion. That purpose was to put these two college students strained on the road deep in the blizzard.
I used to watch Alien and Aliens a lot. But since I read the movie info from Wiki, I decided against watching the movies. For I was ghasted by their concept. I did agree though, it's one of the best scary movies. However, I still want to see Prometheus, it's Ridley's prequel of Alien. I think the movie itself was wonderful. Ridley's brought some very interesting visuals on the screen. The concept was quite interesting itself as well. But there're just so many similarities between Alien and Prometheus. And I think there were more plot holes and murky spots in the story line. This is a bit of let down. But two and half actors in the movie were really quite wonderful, Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, and half of Charlize Theron. I think there were more actors, so Noomi's character could not be on display fully. But when the situation called, Noomi shined. Mr. Fassbender's character was probably the most complete in the movie. He utilized it well, executed in cool and controlled manner, which really gave me a chill. And yet, it's still hard to point evil at him whole heartedly. Half of Charlize Theron, because her plot in the movie was best a Vase. But she's such a commanding actress, I thought her action in the movie was inconsequential, and yet, I can feel her presence.
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