Monday, July 18, 2011

Rear Window experience

I watched Hitchcock's Rear Window with my mom this evening. The result was very surprising. I did not mean the movie, but the reaction from my mom. As the tension build up, my mom literally yelled out for her mother! She even rose from her seat and came over to sit with me, almost want to clinch on me! I did not invest in the movie too much, for my mom grabbed my attention. It almost felt she was like a little girl watching a very scary movie. It was simply astonishing.

I've already watched a remake. The intense scenes in the remake almost kicked my heart out of my mouth. So I could totally understand her tension. I kept as little reaction on the outside, even though I did not share the movie with another person.

My mother did not really like the film. She kept saying that she did not like Hitchcock. Guess I will have to watch Hitchcock by myself next time.

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